HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-1996COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COM3/ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONV~ J,F., INDIANA JIJNE4,1996 The C~um~ Comc{l o£~he City o£Jeffersonville met ~ ~ session ~ ~e M~-P~ose M~ h~ ~Co~ B~I&~ Jeff~on~lle, ~ ~ 7:~0 P.M. on ~e 4~ ~ of J~e 1996. ~ me~ ~ efll~d ~ or~ by M~or ~om~ ~ ~li~ ~lli~ ~ ~ d~ M~or ~li~ w~leom~d ti ~ ~dan~o, ~ R~v~d D~d Willi~ ~ ~ ~oe~om H~ ~ ~k~d ti ~o~ pl~dso offll~me~ to ~ fl~ ~ ~11 w~ efll~d md ~o~e ~ w~ Comeilp~on~ io~ P~, Ron Ellis, Do~ M. F~ P~ ~ Wild~r, B~ Wil~on, ~w WillJ~a ~ md Vie~ Conl~ AbaS: Non~. ~ ~ p~d ~ ~ of~ m~ of M~ 6, 1996 for eo~id~ion by C~eil. Comeilp~on Wild~ ~ ~ motion to ~w ~ m~ Comeilp~ Wilson md e~d m~o~ly. Dep~ Hollia ~m~d ~ el~ li~ ~ on~ ~fio~ el~ for eo~id~on Comeil. M~or ~li~ ~ome~d h~ ~ ~ ~e e~ ofJ~ff~ll~ ~ School Colo~ to d~. ~ ~ ~e~ ~k~d ~ M~or ~l~m a~d ~ ~ w~ll deae~d ~e ~m~. Fo~ ti ~aio~ Comeilp~on P~ ~ ~ motion ~ ~ro~ ~ w~ll ~ ~e ~fio~, a~eon~d ~ Comeilp~on Ellia, p~a~ ~o~ly PAGE 2 June 4, 1996 May~ C-alligun introduced Clark County Civil Defense Director Harold pi,mama. Director Plummor previously presented a packet of information to the Council regarding three advanaoe vnaaing emergency sken systems. He gave a brief review of each system explainin$ Jeffersonville would likely be served best with five. He has presented this information to the Board of Comm/ssioners, and will be meeting with the Clarksville Town Board, There is a definite need in Clark Countyth' a system. Mayor (~allignn has talked with Commisioner Ralph Cluthrie and they are both it~a el/mi in asystem. They will be meeting ngain on fids matter. Councilperson Wilson said the Com~ has discussed this at a workshop and all agree there is aneed, Couneilperson Perkins feels the City taxpayers pay County tax and fids is where the funding should come ii'om. Councilperson Ellis explained his concern for the residents of mobile homes during storms. He has talked with Reverend Williams of Walnut Ridg~ Baptist Clmrch and he has offered the Church basement. R~v~clW'dli-,,- saidlho Church is abrick building with abasement and he has had members doing this for years. He makes the offer to any in need of shelter. Mayor C-allignn said this should be co~d~ated with the Police D~p~a h~ent Mayor C-allignn, with Couneilporsous Wilson, F,~a~z, and Williams will meet with the Commissioners regarding the sirea syst~nn. Mit MaryFcadrisi, Attorney representing Df. Stephen Miller rsviewing the plans and request for declaration of an economic revitalization area and tax abatement Councilp~rsonPeddnsmade ~motion to pass Resolution No. 96-R-27, A Resolution Confirming The Designation OrA Certain Area Of The City Of Jeffersonville, Indian, As An "Economic Revitalization Are~', seeoaded by Council Preaident William.n passing an~imously. CouneilpersonPerkias, thenmade the mofionto pass Resoltuion No. 96-R-2g, A Resoltuion Approving $1-.,~,,,ent Of Benefits For Proposes Of Pr~nnty Tax Abatement, allowing for a six (6) y~ar abatemant, seconded by Councilp~rson Coulin, Jua~ 4, 1996 pagsing unmaimougly. Mr. J~ U~ Ci~ PI~, ~o~d b~o~ ~ Co.oil ~]aiaiag ~s ~ to ~ ~e~on Wild~ ~ ~e motion to ~nd ~ ~eg for ~e No. 96-OR-35, ~ T~ C~n ~& W~min 5~e D~ ~1~ ~d ~ins), s~conded Comcilp~on Wils~ p~s~ ~mo~ly. Co~cilp~on Wild~ ~ msde ~e motion to ~ce No. 96-OR-35 ~ ~1 ~e ~, seconded ~ Comcilp~on Wils~ p~s~ on follo~ roll c~l vo~: Ayes: Co~cilpe~o~ P~, Ellis, F~ Wilder, Wilson, Willies, ~d Co~ N~: None. ~P~ e~l~ed he ~ ~hed by ~. Jo~ S~ ~o e~ssed ~~r ~e help he ~ceived ~om Am Urbm ~d To~ ~od on ~s ~sit to ~e fo~ floor of~e Ci~-Co~ B~ld~ Mayor ~li~ p~se~d Or&n~e No. 96-OR-36, ~ ~ce ~en~ C~ Po~o~ ~Se~on I ~ceNo. 95-0R-25 (S~er). M~or ~li~ ~dhe is ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~ for Ci~ ~e~ Bob Mill~. ~neer Mill~ h~ been ~ven ~e ~ ~o~ ~e wo~ depm ~ He o~ees ~1 co~on md does a lot ~ove ~d b~on& ~ ~ ~o~ ~eer Miller he wo~d be in a lot off. lo. He helps ~t done in ~e co~. Co.clip.on P~ e~l~ned he does not look ~ ~s ~ a ~se ~fio~ ~omibilites ~d he is ~ to~ ~o~ M~or ~li~ s~d ~e money will come of~e ~ ~m ~e $111,000 sa~ on ~e E.M.C. co~ Co. clip.on P~ ~e ~ ~d ~e ~es for ~oe No. 96-OR-36, seceded ~ Comcilp~on Co~, p~s~ ~imomly. Comcilp~on Pe~ ~ m~e ~e motion to p~s ~ce No. 96-OR-29 on PP~GE 4 fm~ secood, mdlbird readinss, seconded by Councilperson Conlin passin8 on the followin8 roll call vote: Ayes: Councilp~rson Conlin, Willi~tm~ Wilson, Wilder, Frantz, Ellis, and Nays: None. Deputy Hollis explained tho transfer r~quest represented in Ordiunnco No. 96-OR-37, An Ordinance Transfen'ing Certain Fund~ Within Same D~ar~n~at (Fire Department). Councilperson Conlin made the motion to suspend the tales for Ordinance No. 96-OR-37, seconded by Council President Willis,ns, passing unaaimotmly. Councilporson Conlin th~n made tho motion to pass Otdinan~No. 96-OR-37 on all thr~e r~adings, seconded by Council President Williams, passing on tho following roll call vet,: Ayes: Councillaorsons Perkins, Ellis, Franiz, Wilder, Wilson, Williams, and Conill- Nays: None. Co~n Porldns wrifir~d that tho Plan Commission acted favorably on Ordinance No. 96-OR-33, An ordinance Amending Tho Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of Jefforsonville. Councilperson Perkins believ*s it would follow procedor~ for the Council to pass this agal~ Councilperson Ellis, in light of wanner weather approaching, is coacomed for odors and wonders who will be asked to enforce this Ordinance. Mayor Gndlia~a explained this would be Kendall Coleman. Counoilporson Ellis fools this should be someone independent of tho situation suggesting the Fir, D~parlm~t. Councilp~rson P~nkins said this would bo tho call of tho Mayor and/or Board of Works. Councilp~rson Ellis is concerned for the situation if it is tho City sewer ~ stinks. Director Coleman said this has boon discussed and wonders whoso problem it is when a company emits into the s~v~r system. $owral of tho r~corfing problems in tho City weco discuasoct Director PAGE~(5 June 4, 1996 Coleman said he tries to be reactive and his go~ are doing a good job. Mayor Galligon reviewvd some of the problem areas in the City saying the ~'pockets" are not bad now ag we have had a lot of rain and ~'y are allw~hed out. When flaere is a dry period there will be buildup and they will stinlc ~ is an inherant problem. If there wag a rain once a week ther~ would be no problem. There ar~ limes whan~e ~ is ~h~ problem of the City but these are very few. Coancilperson Perkins believes lhe eatBfceme~ slmuld be leR up to the Mayor's Office. Coancilperson Perkins then made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 96-OR-33, seconded by Councilperson Ellis, passing ,mnimously. Coancilpereon Peddns then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-33 on the first, second, and fidrd reading, seconded by Coancilperson Ellis, passing unanimously. MzFar Galligan ~d Ms. Judy O'Bannon, on behalf of the Main Sheet Program, visited Jetremxp~lle. She is an excelent speaker and it was super to have her her. There will be a workshop socnreg~the agcond ten years of the Main Street Progran~ Mayor Gailigan proudly anuoanced lbo 10& Street overpass is gone. E.M.C. will be landscaping the liR station and I.W.R. will also be landscaping. This should make for a more pleasing entrance to the City. The 9th Sheet overpass is almo~gme. Mayor G-alligan mmounced the City is being inundated with people wanling Re come to Jet~'eisanville. They are interested in the Riverfront, the PoN and so on. He feels we will be seeing a lot of economic development in the area. He hopes to keep it coming, He trunks all D~perlment He~_a,. calling them by nmne, as they do an excellendjob. The progress is due to them. Councilperson Perldns referring to PreaiderR Clinton's trip to New Orleans regarding the cm~w ordinance, sald he will be revisiting the local curfew ordinance and requesting a copy of the New Orleans ordinance. He would like to discuss fids in the next workshop. ~Ellis thanks Reverend Williams for opening his Church to ail ag an emergency PAGE 6 June 4, 1996 cet~r. H~ i~ alw~ ~ncernod for the elderly and ~ ~e ~ ~ mobile hom~s ~ ~s ~ ~n Ci~ c~ wo~ ~ o~ o~i~o~, e~oci~ly c~ches, it is ~ ab~t Co~cilp~on F~ h~ ~ed ~e ~o~fion ~ JeffBo~ ~d ~ to ~es. She ~ ~ bfi~ be~ ~ o~ ~d ~ ~ Mill~ f~ ~s help. Co~cilp~on F~ ~ ~ ~om J~es ~s re~ ~inn~ ~obl~. She p~d ~e M~or co~le ofho~ ~ he ~ ~s develo~t h~ be c~c~d on a ~ dewlpor. ~e~ ~ been ~ of a ~on b~ ~d ~ is concerned for ~e s~ of c~l~ ~ is a need to find ~ ~r to ~s ~obl~ Co~cilp~on Wild~ o~l~od ~ o~ed by Si~r ~c~'s ~ch ~ch ~d to develop lo do~ by ~e Ci~. ~ey ~en dee~d ~e ~op~ to ~e Ci~. ~ Ci~ ~en sold dowlop~. Co~cilp~on F~a ~ ~ good ~ perforate bun& · no~ is done. ~Wd~es to do some~ ~o~ ~ ~ Elk Po~ M~or ~li~ e~l~ed p~ of~e pmbl~ is ~ pipes comi~ o~ ~ bi~r ~ ~e pipes ~ ~ ~o. R is hoped to c~ch ~m~ como ~ PI~ ~d ~ ~ ~e ~. Co~cilp~on F~ ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ wi~ ~ d~l~ to ~ch ho ~d ho ~. Co.clip.on c~led ~fion to Lo~lle M~ne's ~li~ing of le~on~lle ~d ~e ~ ~ ~ ~m~ ~1 o~ ofto~ ~ her c~ld ~o~ ov~. She wo~d 1~ to ~o~ a ~o~ co~lox ~ ~s would b~ to~ ~ ~effe~lle. Co.clip.on Wild~ would l~e ~ soo ~e si~ Ordin~ce e~o~e& She is concerned for '%~ b~oon ~i%~' on ~p ofb~ld~. ~ese ~ not ~cl~ed ~ ~e need ~ be done. PI~ U~ will look ~ ~s. C~cilp~on Wilson ~tes ~1 to ~e Conc~ ~ ~e P~ ~e ~ow& ~e ~ bi~ PAGE 7 $,,ne 4, 1996 each week Comcilpet~n Frantz said she will miss Mr. Cl~ence Keys ~o p~sed ~ ~c~y. ~. K~ ~e~ · lot of~e ~ Co~c~l moo~ ~ ~ a lot of ~ ~cil P~sid~t Willi~ h~ met wi~ ~g Fi~off~d B~ P~ re~d~ ~e ne~ B~iness, ~, ~d ~v~ ~ch~. ~e n~ Comcil wo~ ~11 be ~, Jme 13, 1996 ~ 5:00 P.M. ~. C~les ~ ~te is concerned ~e p~lic comme~ p~od is ~ ~e close of~e mee~ ~ ~ ~ M~or ~li?n s~d it is ~e i~ not to b~ ~ ~e &b~ ~ ~es to keep ~e meeting bom ~ ~. ~te wo~d l~e to be ~le to ~e comme~ ~r ~e Co~cil dis~sion, ~ b~o~ ~e vo~. Comcilp~on ~ ~d ~ere is ~ ~din~ce ~ reg~d to ~s. M~or ~lig~ feels frS0 people ~ to comme~ ~e ~je~ will be fo~ befo~ ~e vote. ~ ~ ~ ~ b~iness to come befo~ ~e Comcil, Comcil ~sid~ Willi~ ~ ~e motion to ~jo~ ~ 8:40 P.M. secon~d ~ Comcilp~on Ellis, p~s~ ~o~ly. ~YOR ~OM~ ~ '~!.1 J~~ ATTEST: C. RICHARD SPENCER JR., CLERK AND TREASURER