HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-1996I 1UI'AY 911. 1~q,6 COIYNCIL PROCEED~GS OF THE CONIMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA MAY 20, 1996 ~ Co~t~c~ Cotrtcil o£lhe City o£J¢ff~rsonvillc met in r~galar session in the Multi-Purpose Meetin~ Room in the CRy-County Buildin~ Jeffarsonville, Indisna ~t 5:30 P.M. on the 20th day of' M~ 1996. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas IL G-alligan, with Cl~rk and Treasurer C. Richard Spencar Jr., at the de~k. Mayor C~lligan welcomed all in ~endence, asldng all those present to stand as Councilperson Ron Ellis gave the invocation. He then asked all those present to join him inthe pledge of allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and those present w~re Councilpersons John Perkins, Ron Ellis, Peggy Kuisht Wilder, Bsrbsra Wilson, Audr~w Williams HI, ~md Vicky Conlbx Absent: Councilperson DommM. Frun~ Mayer C~ presented the minutes of the meeting of May 6, 1996 for consideration by the Council. Coancilporson Wilder made the motion to table approval of the minutes until the next m~efing, ~°,ond~d by Cotmcilperson Wilson and carried ~x~imo~!y. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer presented the claim list with two additional claims for consideration by the Council. Followiv~ all discussion, Councilpersun Wilder made the motion to ~pprove the claims as presented as well as the additional, seconded by Council President Willisms, Councilperson Wilder ~o~ced 3~e I, 1996, is S~d For ~1~ D~, ~ ~ c~mo~ held ~ W~ D.C. ~e CI~ Co~ Yo~ Co~ition ~11 hon~ &e ~ loc~ly, M~ i~o~on m~ bo ebbed ~ou~ ~e Y.M.C.~ Co~cilp~on Wild~ ~m ~ ~e M~o~ ~ocl~i~ Ms. J~if~ Me~ ~sis~ D~r of ~e D~e~ of Ro~elo~ ~ese~d Resol~on No. 96-R-26, A Resol~on A~o~ A Co~m~ Fo~s ~d PI~ ~ ~h~m ~ssion ~d ~c~ M~ch C~i~ ~lnining a p~lic he~ w~ h~ld md no n~g~ive co~e~ were recei~& Co~cilpe~on Wild~ ~ed M~or ~li~ fer ~n$ initi~ve on ~is. She met ~ Mayor ~li~ ~d ~e~ Mill~ to~ to r~ some ~'s ~1~ ~d e~l~ed wo~ is needo& M~er ~1~ s~d ~e is aprobl~ ~d it just keeps ~ wo~e ~d wo~e. Co~cilp~on Wild~ e~l~ned ~ co~ ~ problems will help some n~i~or ~oblo~. Follo~ ~1 ~s~sion Resol~on No. 96-R-26 p~sed on ~e follo~ mil c~l vo~: Ayes: Co~cilpo~o~ P~, Ellis, Wilder, Wilso~ Willi~, ~d Co~im A~ctor Me~ ~o~ced Resol~onNo. 96-R-25, A Resol~on Ro~ ~~ Ci~ Ro~ ~ono~c Devel~m~ ~ M~or ~li~ ~oke ~ ~od ~~o~ e~l~ ~e ~ ~is will be ~ ~i6o~ $850,000 co~ to ~e ~ojea ~ch will be a ~e-l~e ro~ Co~cilp~ P~ is hesi~ ~ ~e ~ojea ~ is not cle~. ~~ is ~cemed ~ ifdevelo~e~ does not ~p~ ~ will be ~ ~difio~ 1o~ m~e ~. ~om~ 3e~ck ~l~ned no &~h~ oc~ed ~s ~e ~ ~e ~ojea is ~11 in~ design etag~ Councilperson Ellis is concerned that once this area is included the Council is out of the decisions. Attorney Sedwick said this would depend onthe type eff~ndin~ Councilperann Perkins asked is there will be a new T.I.F. Board? Attorney Sedwick answered e T.I.F. Boerd will natbeu~d in this case. Mayor Gulligun said he will try to give the Council options before anything is done. He further stated the effort is bei~ made to manage the assets and make them work for the City. Councilperson Perkins does not necessarily believe "if yon build it they will come." Mayor Galligan is expecting some State lundin& Assistant Mead explained amore conservative approach basbeen taken. Councilperson Perkins would like to know if there will be a need for abond in the T.~-F. District. He feels this not a"crnp shoot," but a"lenp offaittt" Steps will need to be taken to c~,=,,;~toborrowmoney. He does have more faith now then he had eight years ngo and is in support of the project. At the conclusion of all discussion, Councilperson Perkins made the motion to pass Resolution No. 96-I~-23, secon&d by Council President Williams, passing on a vote of ~-1, with Councilperson Ellis voting in the negative. Ma S~mdy Lewis, Attorney representing Dr. Knight, appeared before the Council requesting pass~a of Resol~on No. 96-1~-23, A l~.esolution Approving Statement Of Benefits For Ptu~oses Of Property Tax Abatement, which had been tabled at the last meeting. Councilperson Wilson, stating flSshadbeen discussed at the workshop made the motion to pass l~.esolationNo. 96-1~-23, seconded by Com~ President Williams asking the Council to be aware of the options available on the number efye~s. He asks the Cotmcil look atthe impact as he does have a concern for a lO-year abatement Attorney Lewis reviewed the numbers concerning this saying she hoped it would meet the requirements for 10 years. Dr. Kulsht stated it has been interesting to see the Council grapple with ihe~efye~a mdrequirements for abatement. Couacilperson Wilson is in favor of going ahead wi~ 10 years. Council President Williams does not disagree with allowing the abatement, however he is not of favor o£ 10 years. Councilperson Ellis feels the need to abstain fi.om the vote as Dr. Knight is his personal doctor. Council President Will~nm~ then withdrew his second and Councilperson Wilson withdrew his motion. Councilp~u'son Perkins then made the motion to pass Resolution 96-R-23, allowing for a 6-year abatement, seconded by Council President Williams, passing on avote of 5-0-1, with Councilperson Ellis abstaining. Mr. Phil Ellis appeared before the Council explaining the Family Support and Drng-Free Weekend which will take place June 7, 8, and 9, and presenting each Councilperson with a report. Mr. Ellis is requesting approval of a donation of $1,000- Council President Williams coam,ends Mr. Ellis for the program which is in it's fifth year. He is very supportive of this citywide conmmnity event. He also appreciates that Mr. Ellis put together the statement of:finances. Following all discussion Council Presideut Williams made the motion to approve the donation which is in the budget, seconded by Councilperson Perkins, passing unanimously. Mr. JhnUrban, Ptansing Director requests the Council repeal the current Subdivision Control Ordinance and pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-2g. Approval was granted by the Plan Commission on April 30. Director Urban explained the changes. Councilperson Wilder said this is an excellent document and then made the motion to suspend tho rules for Ordinance No. 96-OR-28, seconded by Councilperson Ellis, passing unanimously. Councilperson Wilder then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-28 on all three readings, and with this Ordinance effectively repeal existin~ provisions 155.01 through 155.39, seconded by Councilperson Ellis, passing tmnnimously. Mr. Babbyl~sd~ nppearedbefere the Council to request passage of Ordinance No. 96-OR-22, An Ordinance Vacntlng Alleyways. Councilperson Perkins feels this alley, in reality, has been vaceled. Mr. Mank stated this is the seventh time he has eppeered on this matter and he was told he should have had an attorney and he does aSree. He had been told if he owned all the surroundin8 property he could do whst he wanted. There are no utility problems. Following all discussion, Comcilp~son Wilder made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 96-OR-22, seconded by Comcilperson Conlin passin~ uo~nimonsly. Councilperson Wilder then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-22 on all lhree readings, seconded by Councilperson Wilson and carried un imously. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer presented Ordinance No. 96-OR- 29, An Ordimmce Amending Certain Portions Of Section 1 Of Ordinance No. 95-OR-25, explaining this is a rifle change only. Coumilperson Wilder made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 96-OR-29, seconded by Council President Williams, passing uo~nimously. Coancilperson Wilder then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-29 on all ii, res roadinSs, seconded by Council President Willi~ns~ passing on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilpersons Perkins, Ellis, Wilder, Wilson, Williams, and Coulim Nays: None. Clerk mdTreasurer Spencer presented Ordinance No. 96-OR-30, An Ordinance Authorizing The City Of Jeffersonville General Fund To Borrow Funds From The City Of Jeff~rsonville Sewage Fund stating he hopes there will be no need for this. He informed the Council the City tax ra~ has been received and is $4.29 wiih an approximate gain of $30,000,000 in assessed value. He also advisedihe Comcil to loc~ for an additional appropriation request for M°t°r Vehicle' Councilperson Conlin made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 96-OR-30, seconded by Council President Williams, passing unanimously. Councilpersun Conlin then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-30 on all three readinge, eeconded by Coon¢il President Willinm,, passing tmsrnimou~ly. Attorney Sedwick presented Ordin~ce No. 96-OR-31, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Fmd~ Wilhin Sane Department (City ARomey) explaining the tramffer is necessary in order to obtain Federal st~fntes and regulations. All are welcome to use these. Following all discussion, Councilperson Conlin made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 96-OR-31, seconded by Council President Williams, passing unanimously- Councilperson Conlin then made the motion to pass C~ dhi~me No. 96-OR-31 on all three readings, seconded by Council President Will~,un,, passing on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilpersons Conlin, Williams, Wilson, Wilder, Ellis, and Perkins. Nays: None. Councilperson Perkins presented and read aloud Ordinance No. 96-OR-32, An Ordinance Permitting Firefighters To Keep Cmain Personal Items explaining ~s is in keeping with current policy. Councilperson l~eddns made tho motion to suspend the rules for OrdiannceNo. 96-OR-32, seconded by Cota~cilperson Ellis, passing unu~i-mously- Couacilperson l'erldas then made the motion ~opam O,1;,,~aceNo. 96-OR-32 on all throe readings, seconded by Council President Williams, and carried tmsmimously. Comcilpea~nBed6ns ~ read aproposed Ordinance, Aa Ordinance Amending The Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of~reffersonville explaining this must be referred by the Council to the l'lan ~oa far apublic hearing and a recommend, not recommend, or don't c~'e vote. It would then come back for the Council for final approval. Councilperson Perkins also explained the proposed gradualed ~h~ schedule. Councilperson Perkins then made the motion to send the proposed Ordinance, An Ordi, l~,~e ~The 7,m~"~ ordinance Of The City Of Seffersonville to the Plan Commission, seconded by Councilperson Co-lin. ~Perkins then read the following ~h~ement. "A~er consulting with counsel, we renlized that ceftin modific~ons needed to be made to proposed Ordinance 96-OR-24. We have ahigher respmm'bility to the public titan just to control any one or two entities and this has never been our intent. This Ordinance, -long with some proposed changes to the fine schedule in our Zoning O~rll.m,ce, will allow us to provide safeguards which will more effectively protect the public heaith, safety ~md welfare fi.om many o£the dangers associated with environmental releases and cleanups." Refen~to ordinmceNo~ 96-OP,-33 Councilporson Perkins quoted Pranldin by s~ng"Compromise is when no one gets what they want." He does feel this Ordinance will do what the intent is. He appreciates ail lhe support fi.om ~he public and the Cooncil. Councilperson Perkins then made the n~ionto suspend ~he rules for Ordinance No. 96-OR-33, seconded by Council President Will,hms, passinguasnimously. Councilperson Perkins then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-33 an all three readings, seconded ananimously and carried ananimouslY. Coancilperson Wilder asked whenthenwouldbe in effect. Attorney Sedwick explained as there ere no fines or penaities involved it would be effective immediately. Mr. Brad Dillon, Attorney for Louisville Barrel said he had submitted comments on tile draft and will see that is it complied with. Councilperson Conlin introduced Ordinance No. 96-OR-34, An Ordinance Of Additional Appmlxinfiat Mayor G-allisen explained the requested $500,000 includes $375,000 in grant money. Councilperson Co-lin reviewed the bids that were received saying she would like to discuss the ~ at aworkshop. Assistant Chief Davis said this is ~t grant/loan and they ~e in the process of getting the loan portion forgiven. This should be known in two weeks. Coancilperson Wilder ~.~.~led~ Couaoil ~ Couneil Pre~iden~ Willi~ h~. be~ ~ to dedie~ ~ve ~evelo~ P~ for ~e ~ ~ Co~ilp~on Wils~ ~ s~d ~e is not ~ ~c~. She ~ be ~ ~ o~e ~ ~d ~e wo~d like to ~ ~o~ ~e o~ ~o bu~ ~. ~si~ D~s ~d ~e p~p~ ~e n~ed~ Co,oil ~sid~ Willi~ f~ls is a need ~d ~e ~on is ~e ~ to go ~o~ do~ it. He ~11 wo~ wi~ CI~ ~d Tre~ ~c~ ~d Co~oilp~ Co~ to p~ to~ ~e ~b~. M~or ~li~ s~d he is ~ to ~~ ~ ~e. ~e~ons ~e be~ done ~ ~ is aneed to s~e ~e co~ ~. He ~ to look ~ ~e ~o~ ~ ~is is a lot ofm~ey. He is op~ to i~ ~ h~ ~ no ~fion to '~ ~e b~" He is ~cip~ go~ ~ fi~ re~ond~ md ~e e~pme~ will be needed to ~ ~s. ~s is a ~od ~ve~ ~ ~e concision of~l &s~sion Co~oilp~on Conlin m~e ~ mofi~ to ~d ~e ~es for ~oe No. 96-OR-34, seconded ~ Co~cil ~eside~ Willi~, p~s~ ~imo~ly. Co~oilp~on Conlin ~en ~ ~ motion to p~s ~ No. 96-OR-34 on ~1 ~e ~, seconded ~ Co~il ~sid~ Willies p~s~ on ~e follo~ roll ~1 vot~: Ayos: Co~oilpo~o~ Po~, Ellis, Wild,r, Wilso~ Co~ ~ Willi~. N~s: None. Co~oilp~on Co~ ~ ~1 ~o~ ~o h~ holp~d h~ ~ ~s ~ &e Ci~ h~ a good t~ of~. ~. Bob ~ r~s~ JeffBo~ ~e~d befo~ &e Comcil s~i~ he ~ met wi& M~ ~li~ re~ ~e p~ over ~ proble~ ~s is a p~bl~ ~ $e w~ JoffBo~ w~ buil~ ~ ~ 1oo~ i~ a ~o~r si~l~ to te~ h~ for ~l~es. ~ e~l~od ~e ~a ~d ~e possibilities ~ well ~ ~e problem. R is hoped ~ will ~e a design in six weeks. They are also looking at a new paint thai dries quickly they hope to test in 30 da~ Conucilperson Ellis asked ii'there would be a water pollution problent Mr. Green explained fl~ conlmy is monit~ for this. When asked how many cars have had to be painted Mr. Green said that he would have to get those figures. Councilperson Perkins explained there is a long history of Cot~l~ints and he is getting calls from as far away as Park Plsce. The company does have a claims ck~pariment. Until the company does have som~hing in place, they will watoh the wind sock before paintinE, The company does have a concern for the commanity. Mr. Hntt explained he has lived across from Soft Boat for eight years and he has heard ideas and he continues to get more and more paint. He feels they are buying time. Mayor Galligan thanked Mr. Green. Mr. Green explained he is sony and he will call by the end of next week with dates. May~ Culligan said that the Tuesday following Memorial Day the process will be~in to take downthe 9th Sireet Overpass. l~ will take about three days to take out the 10th Streat brid~ and the ramps willbe closed for those days. He hopes this will result in abetter look and a nice enir~ce to ~ City. He is tlinglo attack the drainage problems. He had gone ont with Engineer Miller and saw alot efproblems and overall it is going well. He appreciates the Couacil's effort on the Ordinance as he realizes a lot of hours haw gone into it Coumi~Peddm appreciates the packet of Parks Depm Iment information and questioned the extension of the least of Preservation Station. Park Superintendent Elliott hopes to have that information by the next meeting. Councilperson Perkins questioned the fence by the old Rose Hill School alley between Maple and Playsquare Park He is concerned that/ire tracks can't ~ in from the c/her end. He asks for code enforcement. Attorney Sedwick, Building Commissioner Gavin and ~ Commissioner Trembly have looked into this and have found this is not a dedicated alley. An essementv~sgnmted last yem.. Councilperson Perkins ssks all code enforcement officers to inspect ~]~lis hss been msde swore of a problem of trees bloc~in$ vision nt Sprh~ sad Fskviewby Ms. Nellie Nolsa. He would also like to h~ve a desi~n~ed crossv, mlk for children rout Slow, C~lckeu Crossing si~us looked into ss there is s need to look out for the s~r['ety of om' children. Co~Wgsaa h~s received v, lot ofdr~ problem calls fi.om E~st~nte sad Rollin~ Fields. Councilperson Wilson said the Concert In The Pm'k lsst week was excellent with a good crowd. Councilperson Conlin feels good about her first six mont~ on the Cmmcil. She feels the ~ havebeen very valuable end she appreciates the 8uidence from the others. They all don't always ~ree, but they do work it out. She ~ives thsaks for them m~kin~ it essy. Councilperson Willis~ns compliments ChiefP~ey sad his orgsaiz~en on the ~ trefl~c problem ss ~y ~ doin~ a good job. He h~d en oppo~mi~y to w~tch the operation sad he hopes this will be on~oin~. He apprecintes the kind of pressure the Police m.e pt~fin~ on. Cotmcil President WJllJ~as eaepl~ined avery dem' regulm' member of the endience hss psssed sway. Mr. Keys will be missecL P~k Superintendent Elliutt explained a pro, ram thst was put together by Beverly Couts. Sprin~ Hill School will be used this summer. No money wss b~d~eted this yem'. He does not sdJcip~ ~kin~ for sa ~uiditional ~ppropris6on this yem' ss he will be going b~ck to the Pm.k Bored s~d try to fired ~s much ss possible. He would like to look nt tirade £or next yem' ~t budget tbne. Superintendent Elliot~ connuends Ms. Couts £or her work on the pro,mm. Msyor C~li~n thsaked 5~erimendent Elliott ssyin~ all ~re tryin~ to do thin~s to help ldds. 11 1~'A¥ 90. Comeilperson Colin has been working with Councilpersons Ellis, and Willimns and Mayor Gallisan and Reverend Bob B~ley on a youth hockey league. This would involve a $3,000 investment in equipment Mayor Clalligan has been 8oin8 to schools enco~-aging students to visit. He does have one regular visitor. Kids do remember and they like being treated like adults. Kids need a chance to be someoflo. The~ beingno ~ business to com~ b~foro th~ Council, Council President Williams mad~ the motion to adjourn at ?:50 P.M. secon~d~d b~ancilp/e~/son ~sing unanimously. MAYOR THOMA~ R. GALLIGAN ATrEST: CLEKK AND TKEASURER C. KICHAKD SPENCER IR.