HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-OR-87Ordinance No. 2008-OR- ~~ An Ordinance Amendin Ordinance No. 2008-OR-4 ~-- Creating The Jeffersonville City Hall Building Authorit WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville City Council is vested with the duty and obligation to oversee the property and finances of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana; WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville City Hall is a parcel of real estate the is owned by the taxpayers of the City of Jeffersonville and is operated and maintained with tax revenue derived by from the taxpayers of Jeffersonville; WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville City Council is desirous of insuring that government is operated in an efficient, effective manner; WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville City Council reasonably believes that the efficient and effective operation, maintenance and preservation of the Jeffersonville City Hall would be enhanced by the advise and assistance of a Jeffersonville City Hall Building Authority Board (hereinafter "Building Authority Board.") WHEREAS, the purpose of the Building Authority Board shall be to meet on a regular basis, and review the operations and maintenance of the Jeffersonville City Hall and its appurtenances and provide advice based upon the memberships personal and professional experience as to what steps may be taken by the City of Jeffersonville to operate and maintain the building in an efficient and effective manner such that said asset shall remain a viable historic site in the community; WHEREAS, the Building Authority Board shall have no power or authority to enter into any c©ntra ion of the Jeffersonv le Board of PublctWo ks e.consent.of and/or the.overt act ....................................... WHEREAS, the Building Authority Board meetings shall be chaired by the City Building Commissioner. The Building Authority shall adopt rules for the conduct of said meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA THAT: Section One: The Jeffersonville City Hall Building Authority Board is hereby created; Section Two: The membership of said Building Authority Board shall be as follows: Page 1 of 3 A. The duly elected Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana; B. The Mayor shall appoint one (1) member of the Board. The, Mayor's.appointment.shall be.his.duly appointed. Building, Commissioner. ............................. C. The Jeffersonville City Council shall appoint three (3) citizens of the City of Jeffersonville to serve upon said Building Authority Board. The term of said appointment shall be two (2) years beginning January 1St of the year subsequent to the passage of this ordinance. Each appointee shall serve at the will of the appointing authority; D. There.shall. be no.prohibition against appointing.elected, officials and/or employees_of the City.of Jeffersonville;, .................................... ...... E. The Building Authority Board shall establish its meeting schedule, but at all times the Board must adhere to all of those tenants of the Indiana Open Door Law as it applies at the time of the existence of said Board; Section Three: The Building Authority,..Board.shall have.the following_authority;, A. The Building Authority. Board shall.deyelop.a_budget for the purpose, of the operation.of the City,Hall „The Building Authority ....... .... Board shall submit said budget.to,the.Jeffersonville.City ............................................ .... .... Council.for.approval..pursuant to the.dictates.of.lndiana laws ..................... B. The Building;Authority Board .shall evaluate the.operation.of.the. building.and,it shall submit its recommendations to the Board .......... ........ .................. ........... Of Public Works.for.adoption and action thereon. The Building .............................. ................................. Authority Board shall. oversee. the maintenance,. construction, expansion.development~.protocol~ safety,.staffing,. office locations,. exterior issues such as landscaping,.parking~.land. .............. ............................................... . use,.land_acquisition,.and.any.and.all other.matters which, ............... directly.impact and,effect,the operation,.maintenance and ............. conservation.of.the,Jeffersonvi/le City, Hall. and its annexes .......................... ........................ and appurtenances.thereto. The, Board's.authority.shall.only ........... ....................... ........... . extend. to those offices located within. the confines,of.the . .... . .. ... ... . ... . Jeffersonville.City.Hall and shall not extend to any other ........................... ........ ...................... building.or structure, Section Four: Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason, or should any portion of this ordinance be preempted by state or federal law or regulation, such decision or preemption shall not Page 2 of 3 affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Voted Against: Passed this ;~,~-=day of 200Q. Ili~an Attest: ~ .,c.l Peg ` ilder, Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me, Peggy Wilder, as the Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville, Indiana on this (, ~~' day of ' ~.,,~~ , 200$. _ (~ n Peg ilder, Clerk-Treasurer This ordinance approved and signed by Thomas Galligan, Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana on this day of , 2008. Page 3 of 3 Voted For: