HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDEM PERMIT - NOI LETTERIDEM INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT We Protect Hoosiers and Our Environment. Mirchel[E. Daniels /r. 100 NOrth Senate Avenue ( ~~ Governor Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 (317)232-8603 Thomas W Eas[erly Toll Free (800) 451-6027 Commissioner www.idem.IN.gov October 30, 2008 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL: 7002 0510 0002 7965 6297 Mayor Thomas Galligan MS4 Operator City of Jeffersonville 500 Quartermaster Court Jeffersonville IN 47130 Dear Mayor Galligan: Re: NOTICE OF SUFFICIENCY (NOS) Rule 13 Permit Renewal INR040117 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Clark County The Renewal Notice of Intent (NOI) letter and Part A of the Storm Water Quality Management Plan submitted to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) are sufficient to comply with the Renewal NOI letter requirements of the NPDES general permit rule for storm water discharges associated with a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), 327 IAC 15-13 (Rule 13). All requirements in the general permit rule must continue to be implemented on schedule. Coverage under the renewal NOI letter will begin on the date of expiration from the previous five (5) year permit term. Your original NOI letter was received on 11/05/2003. Your renewal coverage begins on 11105/2008. IDEM appreciates your efforts to date to move forward to address water quality impacts from storm water runoff in your community. If you have any questions regartling this letter or require clarification on any issue, please contact Reggie Korthals at 317-234-1601 or by a-mail at rkorthal@idem.IN.gov. erely, Marylou Renshaw, Chief Watershed Planning Branch Office of Water Quality RECEIVEC~ cc: Project File Reggie Korthals, MPA, IDEM Rule 13 Coordinator NOV 0 3 2008 THOMAS R. GALLIGAN e CITY OFJEFFERSONVILLE Ruyded Popu ® MEqual OpOOnonity Employer Please Rxyc% ~~