HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemorandum of Understanding comes sow tln t]ty of JeHasonvWa me Iei7aaoaville Sewer Hood and the Riva Ridge Authority, and m6 sdd partta cost htto the fallowing Meowrandum of tJndrrstmdiog: 1. That the City of Jetfaraonvilk hn datermmed then ie a Deed m const+o<t a new sews collecliw and trealaaeat facility m proP~Y cad w,tsdmtiy aervioe 1ville's newly-annexed mriary IocNed ~ and east of tls (5ty's prks' city limits. 2. Tlmt ~ River Ridgy Aatlmaity owns sd operaas ttttaia rest estate that is dsd fm indosaial and oovmncial vac, and said real estate k Jowted adjeant a me newly-eonwead tevitory whio6 reds m be serviced by the IXry of JeffeasonviRe. " }. That a aid the mxpayers and cifvans of Jeffae~vi0e, the River Ridge Authority agaxs a ttandv a minimum of twenty (20) .see a the city of Jeffvaonvi0e fbr ihn wnsavcdoa of a sews rnlleetion a~ tmatmart faa'lity at vo cm6 Dear a the City of JdJaawviRe: and fiuthclead regoeasd by leffaaonvilk w~l be purchased a<tbe appraised price u wbkh the load k offered a me puWk. 4. That ma amexge a be ttanafared a the City MJdtenom3He dull be located adjacent m the etda6ag sewer tmemreot facility tacssd at the soom end of the River Ridge property. 5. That JdTirsonville's said vew sawn treatment facHity shall aM save say cuurrwmt or false amtomea lased a the bo®daries of the River Ridge Authority until such trmt es it k aIlowabk uadei the applicable ]aw and undo River Ridge's wntmcmal obligations is e[fect at mat t®e. G Aa considrration fonhe evaveyeace at to weh coat. JeHasonvilk will i~iasly except owoetsWp of all roads cooetnnted from time m time n Rive Ridgc which as: s Consaocted a ataodsda alRiicabk a sad reryuirod by JeH"artsonviRe for ha owv rods andeuxb, and b. Lkrtgtasd by River Ridgeupubli~ roads. 7. That this Idemorarh3t~ of Utdastandag is oontiagem aeon the Rivet Ridge Authority's determioetion that 7eflgmhville'e proposed ~ne~w...constn+ctien does lIDL Vlfdete 8ny imBae Or dher Cnnaaemal egmCIDeata Cancetfatllg the real estate operated by River Ride Aumority. g. That this Mmmtandum of Understanding is contiogeat upon satiafxsory surveys and prdimiua'y enginetaing studies. Page t of 2 9. 'lbat tWs 1.lemoroudum of Uadnaimdiug is °~8mt upon full eppoval by aQ feffusoaville and tLe RS~vc Ridgut6aity ~ ~ ~ ~~ of cauneeL pearve legal EBB.CUT$D BY tYe pavlka a® fhedat Ldow their caypaclive . page 2 of 2 ~~. ll .~.d'nFl