HomeMy WebLinkAbout8th Street Sidewalk , . t Fe,", No. 96 (Revised 1967) BID OF ex (L~ t:: XC~A.---'l1 tJ l-r, (Contractor) _p A1 . gv~ t;4E) (Address) ~ffEl'S{J~lLLE ~ 4-,{38 , . I FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS OF Filed f 19 Action taken B-102 .' '.. " . .' PfncrbId by SUtI BoanI cI AcicOufllI A.E. Bore- CD.. -. ....... IN .24Q.A Farm No lilRhIHG ..fJ CONTRACTORS BID FOR PUBLIC WORKS PART I (To be completed for all bids) (Please type or print) Date: r l , (J,01i<fL'7? l\ C ~ LM tL-- e:- ;<. ~ C::-'"""L P. t) , f2-,'O't.- c-+ B City/State: ::st:; ~~S () N \ LLC:> ~ I 4. Telephone Number: g (2- - ?-4~" - 0 . ~<;; 7 5. Agent of Bidder (if applicable): 1M' IL~ ~L -1;}J jJ Pursuant to notices given, the undersigned offers to fumish labor and.&Lmaterial necessary to complete the public works project of ~ l~l'l F ~..,t5o J..~(Me~~~al ~nW in accordance with plans f='\S::~. ~\VE. ""'0 4,.. Q Sl&.aT ~"l'IQQ.1!!O ~,..~ FoVEr .~" ~...o- and specifications df said unit for the sum of ~.............. The under- signed further agrees to furnish a bond or certified check with this bid for an amount specified in the notice of the letting. If alternative bids apply, submit a proposal for each in accordance with the nolice. I! additional units of material included in the contract are needed, the cost of units must be the same as that shown in the original contract. If the bid is to be awarded on a unit basis, the itemization of units shall be shown on a separate attachment. The Contractor and his subcontractors, if any, shall not discriminate against or intimidate any employee, or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this contract, with respect to any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material breach of the contract. 1. Governmental Unit 2. 3. Pi{ fSL i L County: Bidder (Firm): Address: r , CERTIFICATION OF USE oF: Ut:JITED STATES STEEL PRODUCTS (I! applicable) t, the undersigned bidder or agent as a contractor on a public works project, understand my statutory obliga- tion to use steel products made in the United States. I.C. 5-16-8-2. I hereby certify that I and all subcontractors employed by me for this project will use U.S. steel products on this project if awarded. I understand that violations hereunder may result in forfeiture of contractual payments. ";... r'~} ....... , ! r . NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The undersigned bidder or agent, being duly sworn on oath, says that he has not, nor has any other member, representative, or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him, entered inlo any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price 10 be bid by anyone at such letting nor to prevent any person from bidding nor to induce anyone to refrain from bidding, and that this bid is made without reference 10 any other bid and without any agreement, understanding or combination with any other person in reference to such bidding. He further says that no person or persons, firms, or corporation has, have or will receive directly or indirect- ly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission or thing of value on account of such sale. OATH AND AFFIRMATION I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing facts and information are true and correct 10 the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated at "5"\to 0"",-, -So ~"Q~ 0.9 this r~ "T day of F"liq. E1c.Eh. ~'>A"'''Yt'''b \,.,c. (Name of Organization) By L.d~. ~- 7\;zo\ M~ -ux>5 ,'1-9- . (Tille 01 Person Signing) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF h.)Ch.~,," COUNTY OF c.~llU-- M.\\"E ~1.>ot~N being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is '?~) Mbtl of the above e...,e" e:..~,0-31:> It.)c, and that the (Title) (Name ot Organization) statements contained in the foregoing bid, certiiication and affidavit are true and correct. -z.oog Subscribed and sworn to before me this' l"; t'~ day of t:"€'t!.. , *- . U~~..H~ ~~ NOlary ublic ss: . My Comission Expires: County of Residence: 4-9 - ILt c \ (\ r \. ( B-103 Z;1o,€61.40 .~ ) r , '"""",; .-- ,...- ~;'\ J I t. :j i ': The above bid is accepted this following conditions: ACCEPTANCE " ~ ~ _. z.oi>S pO day of ~~ ,1'!_, subject to the - ,JONe ~ ~~ (Complete sections l,n,lII, and IV for all state and local public works projects as required by statutes.) Governmental Unit: Bidder (Firm): Date: ~ (ILl . (}..f- ~D&) ; LlE e-'\CI~ M" ohJ!rt->t-J L"1 ;;.. 13/0~ . These statements to be submitted under oath by each bidder with and as a part of his bid. Attach additional pages for each section as needed. SECTION.' EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What public works projects has your organization completed? Contract Amount Class of Work When Complefed Name and Address 01 Owner Le.-~ Lf It- A 2. What public works projects has your organization now in process of construction? Contract Amounl Class 01 Work When 10 be Completed Name and Address of Owner f}'6 ~ kLBkN"-' 3. Have you ever failed \0 complete any work awarded to you? N e If SO, where and why? 4. List references from private firms for which you have performed work. :(:LO }0 P ~ f Vi!----'rf ~ l-1 \ C. iL-- {fu ~ -..::; R L D C:.1<;' . ~ f!->kt--~ LMi't'(.~ ~ .J..)sT. B-I04 :,".'," .- ~:" ~. 1:, ,. J 1. 2. SECTION II PLAN AND EQUIPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Explain your plan or layout lor performing proposed work. fbLi..()C.,u f? I D {) tJe u ~~L~ i PLvt-1\J'S 3. 4. If you intend to sublet any portion of the work, state the name and address' of each subcontractor, equip- ment to be used by the subcontractor, and whether you expect to require a bond. tJ / A What equipment do you intend to use lor the proposed project? e, AeA< ~; Lc 140 e1Z- S / I Have you made contracts or received offers for all materials within prices used in preparing your proposal? 702--t4Ct::' 5 f:--:i'C tIES .... SECTION III CONTRACTOR'S FINANCIAL STATEMENT Attachment of bidder's financial statement is mandatory. Any bid submitted without said financial state- ment as required by statute shall thereby be rendered invalid. The financial statement provided hereunder to the governing body awarding the contract must be specific enough in detail so that said governing body can make - a proper determination of the bidder's capability for completing the project if awarded. SECTION IV OATH AND AFFIRMATION I hereby affirm under the penalties of perjury that the facts and information contained in the foregoing bid lor public works are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 5'\\0 UT1~C;.~ 12Q Dated at By l~ T';!: day of t=e6 Gk.e\.. E" y.cA"~7.....l.o> I~ (Name 01 Organization) ~1~e.~M <-t~ ?l2c) w\-e (Title of Person Signing) ~ ,t9-_ this r-.~-'T:.;. , .i .J .. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF :r6uD I ~ COUNTY OF e_l_~l:-- M\~ h...tNN ?~ 1Il\.b2.. (Tille) ss: being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is oflhe above €"'"c.6L E"'/.C.Av~TI'" to \~t.. and thatthe (Name 01 Orgonlzelion) answers to the questions in the foregoing questionnaires and all statements therein contained are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~'?1 T':!: day of ~e ~ . . ~ 'ZCJ~~ o ~ ~ - . - ~,..) " .y. ^ . trj, . ,-..J...) ~{ ......./'l..^-. - . Notary Public ~ My Commission EXPires:~ County of Residence: C' -q-lY \ n I \( r B-I05 };. , ~ ,~, I' - ""---'-....r r-~ r:' }, ...";":~ /~~-",'.~ - ; t .,,-- 1 I EIGHTH STREET SIDEWALK INSTALLATION, JOB NO. 0710 ITEM NO. APp~:a}{lMA TE QUANTITY DESCRIPTION WITH UNIT PRICE WRITTEN IN UNIT PRICE IN TOTAL AMOUNT WORDS NUMBERS FOR BID ITEM 1 Clearing and Grubbing 1LS I. forO~..:::t1IY:.b.A~.... fat h"tjl;;-:~..1g-'1.... SI"'1kf ...~.\lGrDollars per Lump Sum Linear Grading 1 LS ~ ~~~.....~~J?.... ~"o \~'9 .........~.....Dollars Per Lump Sum 2 $ \ ,4e,~Jt$ $;2, J()1. ~ $ .-- ,,0 \ 4-~'>'- J '1 ;JOt ~ t7'1 Type 'a' Compacted Aggregate Base, Size No. A $ 31.,0 136 TONS 53 .. , for...~~...~~.. '7(9/ uO I ...............Dollars Per Ton 3 jJ-l} 41 $ -4/~~ 5\'2-1.2.0 ~ ~1 ~13. ~ u,"Pit..oO 4 4" Thick Concrete Sidewalk 575 SYS ...,1.1 (~~~.~n-,f......f:.\.~.C. $ '/ ................. Dollars Per Square Yard q6.~ $ 6" Thick Concrete Sidewalk . for..~J.&l~t.....t!.I.~....... $ ill ~ '"30/.J.9..2............. Dollars Per Square Yard Sodding for......:n.-+.~;SC'~............ $ '3. l2b .~.~l.tt?gDollars Per C;;nu<lrp V<lrd ~~~~~~.~.~:./J.~.~........... .., ................. Dollars Per Square Yard 5 40 SYS 6 700 SYS 7 1500 SYS $ ,St $ $ 190 ). I "1/)..":;--- ~ ~cF1-~ :Z1\~.OC (/', . $ -7~ 00 ---r-..~ 8 1LS Thermoplastic White Pavement Markings, Crosswalks Stopbars, "Stop", etc. for.::tttt.~.....tM:~. (J10e:....~~JI.~...Dollars Per Lump Sum Concrete Curb Ramp, Red fo r.. ~.P..'fr"'" ~J.t!:!':-. P. f!:<::.1? t::1b-..~I...~~/..!.lft)ollarS Per Square Yard ~V1\...~ 9 29 SYS "'t\JF.'L~""( 10 Detectable Warning Strip )hcotU~;~ for.........................::...~...... 17 SYS \J6"" \cz.-l (~ . ~I _ P ......... .......... Dollars Per --rl.-\f~1 \ \ Square Yard ~o $ 3J..1. :- $ $l1-B.~ $ 3d!. ~ "'3 ~ ?-Yh ~ $~1;3- $ ~~. ~ A-20S s:\sydney\WPDOCS\07\0710\SecA Grid.xls ~ ,hS.OO ~~ 3131.72 Jt\\t ?~06.G ~\ ~ t , r , 1 , , EIGHTH STREET SIDEWALK INSTAllATION, JOB NO. 0710 11 171 LFT 6" Stand-Up Crub, Concrete for,..~~."..~.~~...... "l.;~.~~~..... Dollars Per Linear Foot 2tO 2"> $ 0, - $ JNil -4/ f') '2,"" .~ ~/ ~ "'tS,D,7S 12 1LS ~(~ Maintenance of Traffic, Signs, Barricades, Complete "$ .;~ For.::nt:~~..~~~J). 3 o~. :-- (:.A.1Jf: "~i u...J " i . ........ ..1.......... Dollars Per Lump Sum S'2 S. v$"S, --- I SUMMATIONS OF ITEMS 1 THROUGH 12 = TOTAL BID PRICE= ~ Qf-c-&9- -S-5'.::>. ~"" '--';). ~ Dollars I S:\Sydney\WPOOCS\07\0710\SecA Grid.xls .A~~t- Olb (F.S5'7- y~ A-20G r- r ~ I > [ I.... ,......... ... .., SECTION A-3 - METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT FOR BID ITEMS 1.0 UNITS 1.1 'fh~ lIDit shown for each iteIIl on the bid form shall be used for payment purposes. These . prices shall be installed unit prices. 1.2 Where no quantity is shown for a particular bid item, a unit price shall be supplied, but will only be used where unanticipated extra or deleted work is called for by job conditions and authorized by change order. These unit prices and items shall not be included in the total price shown on the bid form. 1.3 A bid not containing unit prices on all items will be rejected by the OWNER as improper. 2.0 MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT 2.1 The lump sum price for clearing and grubbing shall include removal of all trees, bushes, relocation of signs, mailboxes, and any other item that may interfere with the construction of the sidewalk. 2.2 The lump sum price for linear grading shall include all cut, fill, ditch regrading, removal of existing bituminous and/or concrete driveway pavement, compaction, proof-rolling" and any other items necessary to complete this work. 2.3 The amount of concrete sidewalk, seeding, and sodding, will be paid for on a square yard basis and measured for payment in the field. 2.4 The lump sum price for Thermoplastic pavement markings shall include all crosswalks, stop bars, and any other marking shown on the plans. 2.5 The lump sum price for Traffic Control shall include all signs, drums, barricades, flagmen, and any other items necessary to safely maintain traffic around the construction operations. 3.0 INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENSES 3.1 All incidental construction expenses and items not mentioned or shown necessary for the project shall be distributed in the appropriate unit prices. S:ISYDNEYlWPDOCSI07\0710\SECA3.DOCX A-3D 1 .~ ...- ~. r DMSION B - CONTRACT FORMS SECTION B-1 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 It is understood that the signature and seal of the CONTRACTOR on a properly completed and executed State Board, of Accounts Form 96 (pages B-102 through B-10S) indicates the CONTRACTOR's acceptance of all terms as set out in these specifications and documents and his willingness to complete the project as stated herein and shown on the drawings. 1.2 It is further understood that by the acceptance of, and the proper affixing of the signatures of the OWNER to the Form 96, that a binding contract exists between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR. 1.3 After the OWNER signs the Form 96, and notifies the CONTRACTOR of his acceptance, the CONTRACTOR shall proceed to complete the project with the best workmanship possible conforming to all specifications set out herein and to all details, drawings and notes shown on the plans for this project. C,\Sydney\wpdoe.\miocellaneous\masU:r\cIivB.wpd B-101