HomeMy WebLinkAboutArea 6 Sanitary Sewers 03/02/2007 13:32 8122180976 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 02 b~. . o II!!!!II HAGERTY ~ENGINE.ERING 431 LocuSl SIroot Jeffersonville. India~ 47130 Tel (612) ~B4-3942 Fax (812) 21e-0916 ~mail: haQli!rtyenglneering@Sbeglobal.ncl August 16. 2006 Jacobi Toombs and Lan.z 120 Bell Avenue Clarks"Hle, Indiana 47129 ,<J el.e.t~ 4 ..:rs~ . 3(610'7 Attention: Mr. Greg Houck SUBSURFACE 1tXPLORATION PROPOSAL Area 6 Sanitary Sewen Jeffersonville, Indiana HEI Proposal No. 6G-08/16a Dear Greg: We are pleased to present this proposal for the subsurface explorations at the referenced site in Jeffersonville, Indiana. This proposal includes our understanding of the project information, the proposed scope of services, a fee estimate, and a projected schedule. PRO.JECT INFORMATION f'\ '. Project infonnati.on. was provided by you in a 1ransmittal dated August 9, 2006. You indicated that the city of Jeffersonville intended to install sewers along Candy Lane and Sellers Court in northeastern Jeffersonville. Your inf~a:tion included a sanitary sewer plan and profile. You requested a proposal to advance rock soundings and soil borings along the existing roadways to evaluate soil support conditions and depths to rock. Rock soundings were to be located at 100- foot intervals, and five soil test boring locations, with depths, were provided by you. SCOPE OF WORK It is our. intent to conduct a subsurface explomtion in order to obtain information about subgrade support conditions and depth to rock along Candy Lan.e and Sellers Court in Jeffersonville. Indiana. This exploration is not designed to produce information concerning contamination or . other environmental conditions. Boring and sounding locations were designated by your engineers and will be located in the field using standard taping procedures and available fixed structures. No surveying equipment will be utilized in this exploration. It is assumed that Jeffersonville representatives have agreed to borings located in the roads, and appropriate representatives will be present to locate sewer and water connections after the borings ate located. r' At the time of the explonluon, a truck-mounted drill rig will be mobilized to the project site. (Weather conditions m.ay delay mobilization during periods of prolonged precipitation). The ~ Geohchnical Enginurllll Con's:truCllon Tuting Environmental Services . 03/02/2007 13: 32 8122180976 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 03 r\i ANti 6 ~e.rs Ji!'ffusOllvllle, In(/;tma August 16~ 2006 drill rig apparatus will be used to advance a total of five borings and twenty six rock soundings along the roadway. Five borings and 26 rock soundings 'Will be advanced to 2 feet below the design invert elevations or refusal, whichever is less. In the borings, standard penetration testing will. be performed at d~ptbs of 1.5 feet, 4.0 feet, 6.5 fee~ 9.0 feet, and 13.5 feet, where refusal is not shallower. Splitspoon samples will be obtained at each test interval. 1k samples will be classified in the field. by an engineer from ow:- finn and wUl be placed in sealed jars and returned to the laboratory for testing. Groundwater levels will be recorded atborlng termination in all of the borings. Due to safety considerations, twenty-four hour groundWater readings will not be taken, and all borings will be backfilled after the borings are completed. and capped with. asphalt patch. If, at any time during field activities~ unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design or construction difficulties are encountered, you, will be notified. r.1 After fi.eld testing is complete, the subsurface inf'Onnation wHI be reviewed and evaluated: and a 'Mitten report of our findings will be issued. The report will include: . -a description of the exploratory methods used . asphaltic concrete pavement thicknesses in the borings . aggregate base layer thicknesses in the borings . -descriptions of subsurface conditions encountered in the borings . a list of refusal depths in tbe soundings . ~a summary of published geologic information . -a Boring/Sounding Location Plan . -Boring Logs If~ at any time during the project, un~ted or unusual conditions.or information are identified, the scope of work will be reviewed to OODfinn that it is still appropriate and adequate. If additional exploration and/or testing are necessary, you will be notified, and the added tasks will be submitted for your approva1. SCHEDULE r\ Based on our current workload~ the subsurface exploration can be started Vlithin five to six days of authorization, weather pennitting. It is anticipated that exploratory activities can be completed in three working days. As was previously noted, if, at any tim,e during field activities, unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design oX' construction difficulties are enco~ you will be notified. A verbal report can be submitted within two working days of the completion of field activities. A "",ritienteport of the work can be submitted. within seven wor.king days of the completion of field activities. If significant project delays are experienced, you will be contacted to discuss the revi~ schedule. FEE ESTIMATE EI ~~~~l~~ lfX 03/02/2007 13:32 8122180976 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 04 Area ts Sewem Jeffersonville, In4lona August U;,20fJ6 The ~cope of work provided in this proposal can be perfunned for the lump sum fee of $5,500.00 (five th,ou..c;and five hun,dted dollars). Our fee is based on one drill rig mobilization and a total of 53 feet of soil test drilling and 342 :feet of rock soundings. This fee also is ba.sed on the 8Jsnmption the site will be aa:essible to troek-mounted drilled equipment at the time of the subsurface exploration. AU-terrain vehicles andJothea.vy equipment needed to lDove the driU rig on the site can be ntained for an extra' charge. If additional ex,ploration or 1testing activities are deemed necessary, a revised fee schedule will be provided for your approVSll. No additional fees will be incurred without' your prior approval. If. at the client's request, at any time after the start of this project and prior to the completion of this project" tb~ project is terminated, a prorated fee win be calculated based upon the work completed up to the point that the project is terminated. AUTHORIZATION , r\ You may authorize our work on this project by your, signature on this page. You may wish to issue a purchase otder; however, this proposal and. the contract mnnber must be referenced on the purchase orde..... Please note that your signature implies acceptance of the attached Contract TeIIIlS. We must have a signed copy oftlUs entire document in order to proceed with the project. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with geotechnical services. If we can answer any question,s, please call. Peggy President C~\he\1UOp\GAmlI6..C'lr.wers r\ SIGNATURE: TITLE DATE: PRINTED N PrQ,iect: Location: Client: Proposal Date: Proposal No.: D~W}~~~~lr~1 ('. r 03/02/2007 13:32 . 8122180976 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 05 Area 6 Sewm Jeffer$oIWUJe, IndimiD August .16. 2(J()6 (Please note that your signfJtu.re implies acceptance 01 the attached Contf'tJ.ct Terms and the luQ HEl ProposQI No. 66-08/160. docllmf!nt). EI fk}~~ lf~ JI;.' . (\ ,-.;/.' r\ 03/02/2007 13:32 8122180976 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 06 Cootmlt Terms 1. PARTIES AND. SC()ll1t 011 WORK: Hagerty Engineering. Int. (hereinafter rcliernJd to M flHl!I") .shall include said company peUOllTling lIie work. "Work" mean.<: the specifi~ ~ni~l. ~tytic<<l. ~ng or other service w be llCt'tbn'ned by HEr 19 !let ford! in HErs ~. the cl!ents: accep~ce thereof and theoo Contract Term!;_ .Clietrt", l'Cf'et$ tD tIl11 pason or b'lIsiness entity ordering the work to be done by HlEI. If the client IS onlering tbe work. on be1taJf of another, the client recnescnts and wammts 1bat the client is the duly authorized agent of said party for the putpl;)SC of ordering and ditecting said work. T.Jn1e!;S ~ !lt8taI in writing. the: client assumes sole respGtISI"biJity for determining wbetber the quanti1y 8Ild tbe fI8lm'e of the work ordered by the client: l!; adequate and sufficient t'or the clkmts' ~ed purpc:llJe. Clicm: shall coml1UlJ\ieafA: tbae.Con1Jaet Tenns lD each and every tilird party Ctl wham the client 1:l'ansmit$ any part of'HET's 'M:lTk. HEr shall ~c "0 dlJty 0\' Qbligation t1J any third party greater than that s!;t fortb in HEr'sproposal, clieAt's acc:eptanCltl dtereof and these Contraet Terms. The ordering of work ftom HEY Mall t(l'ft!ltitttte aeceptancc of.thc Wttl\l of' .HErs ~1 p these Cootract Terms. 2. TF..$'l'S AND T.NSl'ECTIONS= Client shall eausc all tesls. and inspeetions of the site, materials IIJId work per:lbrmed by HEr or odliers to be timely and pl'Upetly petfmmed in lIIXll)rdarn:c'With the pllDl$, ~cation50 ","d ~ dOCWlrmb. ami HtlrSl1:lXll1lmmdlliions. No ~laim:;; for. loss, damage or injury Mall be brought spinsl BET by client (II' any tllird pmty wiest a111t:St!l 8lld inspection!l hl!\le been SO per10rmed and unless 1Ms R:COOIJ1Iendatioos hIM: been followed. Client agn:es to indemnif.Y, dd'end ud hold 1m(. iU ottiom. employees arid agen1s hmnlcss nom my and an olaims, suits, losses,. C1JStS and expease5. inoluding. but not limiwd to. court <XlSls and NIISOIlabte l'ttomey's :lWs Tn the event that an such 1l:Sts and inspections 8R Dot 50 perimncd or HErs RCOmIJIeIIdaticms 8nloot so fuTIowed ex~ ro the ellWnt that such faill.lJl;\ is thll result of a negligeTlce, willful or wanton act or omission m HBI. its otIiQQ'S, agalts or employees. 3. scnE~TLJNG OJ! WORK; The ~~ set fortb in fmts p~ iDKl clicnt>slll'lccptanex: will be lIllil:I.mt.'Jlished in a timely, workmanlike and ~ manner by HEl penomte11lt the .,nce& quoted. lfHEl is required to delay commencement of1he work Of i(. upon embarking upon its work, HE is required to stop or interrupt the progress Gf its work as 8 RlSUlt of obaop in thl:: SOlJ'IIC of'thc: work ~ by die client, to fulfill tlK; rr;q\1il'\lRl~ CIf 1;hird ~. i~ in t11c'I pm~ of L'lOMtn.Ictioft, or other ClIUses beyond the dir= !9SOJI1Ible control of HE!, additionol cluJrges will be applicable and pay8b1e by client. 4, ACCESS 1:'0 sm: Client w:ill ~gc and provide such :access to !he site lIS is necessary fur HEr lD pmorm the 'WOI"k. HE! shall take mlsonable m.casurc:s aud ~ b.'J ~ damqe to the site aDd lIIIY improvements 1008Ied thCll:Oll. as l:be ~t of il$ work (IT dte UlIC of' it; equipment; howtmir. REI.. not included in iu: fee tl1e cost of restoration of c1amage which may OCQII'. R.estontiorJ of or replll'8tion tor dlllt\l'Ige to et(If)$ on agriClJllIII'lI1 Iud is fIOt included in the fee scud in 1his JI'OPOIllIl. Closing of' opc:n $ml1latin8 holes cra1ed by HErs l'ICtIvitiC$ is includlld in the Ite :stl*d in this proposal. If cl~ desires or n:quiml. HET ~ restore the site t(l * former COIIditian, IJ1lOII written ~ HRt will flertMm !loch lIdditiorlll wmk IllS. is nec:maryfo. dO 90 ilOO c.lient ~ t(l pay m JmI fhe CO!It dIereof. 5. DAMAGE TO EXJS'I1N'C MAN-JI;IADE OBJECTS: UftIs 1-lE[ haS assumc4 m writing thl; lapOJlSibility (lrloClltil\8 subsurfilc:e or l8tent conditicm$, clicm agree!I Ul illdemniiY and SIVe HBlllannless from all ~h-ims.. $'Oil$, 1~ MAts and expenses. including msooablc llitamey's fees as a feSJJlt ofJlel'SOllal injury. death Of property diltl\8&'C l'IllCUfting with respect to HErs per.fonnIuce ofiu work lUJd Ilrising 1i'om slllbsurfaee or latent: conditions or -. to ~ L'II' IlItent objects.. stnJctUl'lls, line or condl.1its where !he actual or potential pI':SCfItlC and loclltil)l:l thcreof'MlS not reyctlc:d to HE by cliellt. 6.. r A YMtN"r: Client !lh8l1 he invoiced at the completion of the work ~bed In this JIIOPOS8I. Client lIgI'IlC$ to pay the invoice witllin t11irly (30)d~Qfits.~. 7. nRl~ONA 1l0N: This agreement may be tenninated by either l'llI'll' upon seven day's prior written Jl(ltice. In the event of tennillemlJf1, HET sball be C(1l't\pcnaamd by client fur all services ~cd up to and illeluding the termination .. including reimblmabkll:ll:pCll!les. llIIId fur the C(IWI'PI~ of such ser\lices and records . arc nece!lmy lD place HErs fik:8 in order 8ndI1'lt protect its professional ~(ltl. 8. w ^R~NTV: HErs !leI'Vic:es win be per.fuml;;(!. ~ finding obtained aDd its reports pn:pared in acc:ord8nGe with its propo!ltll, client's acceptance thereof, these Contmlt 'r(lflll~ and with ~y aeceptcd principlll11 mid practices. In perftmning iI!l profeuiOllal senric:es. HBt will use that degree of ~ BI'1d ~kiU ordinarily exercised UDder llinn1ar cll'CtJmSblllCeS by mcmbl.m; of it$ ~on. This wammty i:;; in Ilea of a1] other warranties l)T represenb!lions, eidlcr express or lmplied. St!IlemenlS Imlde m $'I repatb lII'e opinions bised PpOn cengiMerlngjudgement lIrKi are not l.O be constJUcd as represl:\l,tati(lns tJfflltt. Slmuld 'HEI or any of in prokssiOllal cmpItJyees be found to bave been negligent in die performi"'g of ~tessional services or wmk Of to ha.ve made and ~ed any expres~ 01' implied W81T8ftty, rcprcsclllt:r4iOn or concract, client, all pames e1aiminS through client and all ~ claimmg to h:!lve in any way relied upon HBr.$ services OJ' work ll3fCC th$t1hc mllXimum ~ ~ of the liability of H61. its tAJicrlIs, mpl~ !ltId agentS shan be limited tl;> $1,000,000 or die kltltt mIlount of the file paid to am ibt ilti wort 1)erform~ whit mspect.lo the pro.jeet wbie~ amount is per. HEI is insured with t1le f'oI1Qwing policy limits;General T.iBbility, $l,OOO.OOOIO(WITCtIc::c, S2,OOO.OOOI~~; AJ1t.omoblle Ullbillly, $1,000,000; Profasionlil Liability, $1,000.000; WC)I'k'ers COtl.'IpeIIsation, $100.000lmdeo.l 9.' JNDEl\IMT\': Elcc:ept to tbl; GKWIlt specifically ~ in ~ 8, cl~ ~ tQ indemnifY. defend ,lDtd ~1d HEI, its ,of!iCCts. emplQyees, ~ts, and indepem1ent IlO1\tI'IClDrs bamiless iToM MlY and aU claims., S\I~ 10lles., costs and ~, inc:Iuding b\Jt ,,01 l1m~ed to QOUrt fX!sts IlIId rascmable &.ttooIey~ fee!! arising or alleging ttI have 8risen out of'the -petformrmce of lil3fs wotIc... In tM event that I:hent or client's principAl shall bring: lIIly mil caWle or~. cl~ or OOUntefCrai.m against HEr tc the ext\int ~ HE[ shall prevail in !Iue1'1 miit, cause of action, eh_im. or counterclaim the prly ifiitlating such ael:ion $hall pay to liBI 1hc c:(Itml and e:q:I~ ml;'\Jtted by HE[ to answer and/or defend such suit, CIu.'le of action. claim. or connterdBim. incll.lding reasonable atlOllJey'$ fees, court costs. witned ~ 8114 odIcr mlattd expenses. REI Proposal No. 6G-OSlt 6a - AIt$ 6 Sewers - J~vt'1le, JndilUlll ~ lHI.A(GrE1RllrV ~ENGINEERIN(;