HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-OR-18STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFRESONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO 2008-OR-~ AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN TRACTS OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 709 and 725 EWING LANE, JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130 FROM Rl: LIGHT RESIDENTIAL TO IS: INSTITUTIONAL Whereas, Sacred Heart Church has filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached exhibits from R2: Residential to IS: Institutional; and Whereas, on February 26, 2008, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed change to the CiTy's zoning map; and Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regulaz meeting after certification of [he proposed change of the zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of LC. 36-7-4-608(£)(1); and Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for March 4, 2008 ;and Whereas, all interested persons have been given an opportuniTy to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THERREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council for the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached exhibits is hereby changed from R2: Residential to IS: Institutional; and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption SO ORDAINED this ~-~ day of March, 2008. COMMON COUNCIL THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, IND] ~A t IK ^y Presiding O is r ATTEST Qe.~ ~ Clerk- e urer I~sented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this I ~ day of Marcb, 2008. Pegg Ider Clerk-Treasurer This Ordinance approved and signed by me [his aQ day of March, 2008. l- " ~ „ Thomas R. Galligan Mayor, City of Jeffersonville STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Whereas .~rtel <L{~ol~C{w,A filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning designation of the property described in attached Exhibit A (the "Property"), from _g~ to S3 ;and Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the petition on F 6. 26, a W F' ;and Whereas, at the conclusion of the hearing the Jeffersonville Plan Commission voted by a majority vote of its entire membership to favorably recommend the proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to the Jeffersonville Common Council. IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED that on ~e5.2C , doOP~ ,the Jeffersonville Plan Commission favorably recommended that the Jeffersonville Common Council enact by ordinance the proposed zoning designation change of the property from _~, to S3 as requested in the petition of Sa~~l /~ ~ Clu,c j. So certified this day of 8. Ha overt Chaimtan, Jeffersonville Plan Commission ~. .o.: 020-46-0500 ~ Send Tax Statements To: lf7yo £ R?" sT. TG aJ/ lId 1'/ Y7i30 WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, [hat Fletcher B. Clayton, having an address of 725 Ewing Lane, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, in Clazk County, Indiana ("Grantor," whether one or more), for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis Properties, Inc., an Indiana non-profit corporation, having an address of 1400 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, in Marion County, Indiana ("Grantee," whether one of more), the following described real estate in Clazk County, Indiana: A part of Lot Nos. 3 and 4 of the Catherine M. Hopkins Subdivision in Survey No. 3 of the Illinois Grant, City of Jeffersonville, Clazk County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe in the center line of Ewing Lane where said center line intersects the line dividing Lot Nos. 4 and 5 of the Catherine M. Hopkins Subdivision. Thence South 50° 00' 00" West, a distance of 30.00 feet to an 1" iron pipe found in the Southwestern right of way line of Ewing Lane, Thence North 40° 00' 00" West, along the Southwestern right of way line of Ewing Lane, a distance of 63.50 feet to a 5/8" rebaz set, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINMNG, Thence North 40° 00' 00" West, a distance of 63.50 feet to a 6/8" rebaz set, Thence South 50° 00' 00" West, a distance of 270.00 fee[ to a 5/8" rebaz sei, Thence South 40° 00' 00" East, a distance of 63.50 feet to a 5/8" rebaz set, Thence North 50° 00' 00" East, a distance of 270.00 fee[ to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.394 acres. This conveyance is made subject to all applicable easements, rights-of--way, restrictions, and agreements of record. -t3a - -'~'_ 'ana ~.3~ A '3@ 3=~^-"tea _ -- _ = 3oc "3 . \µ 3p o~030 -' u k n ~3'~ \ ~~ - ~ i3n3~ 03 ^ Y a ° ~ 6N 13~=_ 9om qyt~ O 01 dd~d d~OH yb ^' ~ o~5d'S,oNyd~ 09 0 ~~ 3~o ON ~~ ~O D'/ 3`' ~. fi49 t9 o`~ ~ ~ qo ~s 9P P 9 O~ ~(t PPO _ d ~ 9 ° ~ 4 2 9 v 2 c Oy C ,P ~ ~s ~s x 5. g \ ~9 jF $. ~ $° / m j ~S.~m= b~~l `~y\\ / ~' cA \~ ~ / y \ Om~ ~/i \ ZON a~' ~~a u~K Z~\f ~ \~o n~ .~ yy ~q B~ SCEpED BY P_. _b`~G`, - •AV~ c 1 ~ S ~1 ~ oo oppo ~ \ \ mF£ N~o \ \ m ~ o \ uC ~~ m >'~/ ~ o ~ 3NN m m d H ~J Sry' o .. o o \ mom $ v a F _ ~ ~\ s ~ $^ ~~ -5 - 5 a Q , W om- _ OEO - ~E'F o \ S_ n mn ~z m o 0 -- o 0 a ~ y i 20 / :~~., N / ~ ~o ~i ~ ~~ k ,~ ~~ ~ b c~i ~ s ° x / / Ba _ ~ igm_ s : ~ BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR: BOB fSCRf & G SACRED HEART SCHOOL ~ ?SSOG/ATES 725 EWING LANE. JEFFERSONVILLE, IN v h cww Key No.: 020-05-0520 WARRANTY DEED Send Tax Statements To: Q.O. Sox (`F 10 ~Yir THIS INDENTURE WIINESSETH, that Thomas E. Clegg, of Clark County, Indiana ("Grantor," whether one or more), for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollaz ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS unto Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis Properties, Inc., an Indiana Non-Profit Domestic Corporation of Marion County, Indiana ("Grantee," whether one or more), the following described real estate in Clazk County, Indiana, to-wit: Being a part of Lot Nos. 5 and 6 in Catherine M. Hopkins' Subdivision as shown in Plat Book 3, page 71 of the Clark County, Indiana Records and being further descnbed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Middle Road with the center line of Ewing Lane; thence South 40 deg. East along The center line of said Ewing Lane, 499.4 feet; thence South 50 deg. West, 30 fee[ to a steel pin on the northeast right-of--way line of said Ewing Lane, the true place of beginning, conmining 9801 square feet. This conveyance is made subject to al] applicable easements, rights-of--way, restrictions and agreements of record. Real estate taxes having been apportioned between the Grantor and Grantee herein, the Grantee hereby assumes and agrees to pay the spring installment of real estate taxes for the year 2006, payable in 2007, and al] subsequent real estate [axes. IN WTtNESS WHEREOF, Grantor hereby executes this deed on this the 31st day of May, 2006. .<~~_ Thomas E. Clegg ~- SIIRY£TOR LOCA-ON REPDRi Thls report Iz dealgnetl for uze by < ll<le Maur<nca c°mp°ny wiN reaidmti<I loon pollcl°a. N< c° markers w set <na !ne 1<c°tion tloto Ferein i¢ bored <n Ilmlf°d ° r°<y me°aurement¢. Therefore, n< liobilily will ba <¢¢umea for <nyause <t lnia tl<1< l<r c<mbuctian <( new impr°vemenla m fen<ea. ' PPDPERtt AODRE55: J09 EW1NG LANE JEFFERSONNLLE IN 4]130 DEED NO.: 2DDJ21]D9 KEV x0.: 20-43-52 TGWNSwP: JEFFERSONVILLE COUxTI: CLARK PRDPERtt DESCRIPnox: PART OF LOTS N0. 5 AND B IN CATHERINE M. HOPKINS' SUBDINSON. PLAT BOOK J PAGE Jt I F°ve peraw°Ily reviawea Rrm Mop Nw 180 -0 eotea OJ-18-90 ona IM1Ia wile la 1°cptea M < Zane C Svbdinaim Raebictims k Praledlm C°ven°nla Recorded in Miae Dr°wer ,Ipalrumanl Na wTERSecnoN GF GRAPHIC SCALE T1E CENTERLINE DF MIDDLE ROAD w 14 f ANO EVNN4G, LANE ~q~ / ( W PEEP ) ~r ~ y ~$ 9~P$a]. 2/OIiTlI ROMAN CAlHOl1C ~ SCALE' 1'~SO' ARCHD89CESE ~ ~ ~ PART OF LOT N0. 5 OE Z~ }0' ~ ~y eody, MR Op.P \ aNA~~ q CP.(, ~ S \ TtT~W Q+ 6 105 / ~aO. 9 ~ P2p 5~~gLQdl~ oa dap F \ ~,p a ~ ~ o G.cPC~9 } CLECC ~ 9c~t'r'F ~° 200J21]OB ~ 9 ~, ~01~Pj. `Q'4 "~ . 'L~ } 'PO 4,a / Op m '~ $QJ B\ ~ 6 ~ ROMAN CATHOLIC ~ ~O~ ARCHDIOCESE ROMAN CAIHOIJC ~ f A 28-540] ARCHDIOCESE tea ` N'O PART OF LOT N0. 6 31-23]]e PART OF LOT N0. 5 I n.sr <e.nrr e° u• P<nM.. m e ba<w u°! u. .ea ..mf. ae.mbw n . m.Peelea ~ mr e~pema°.. a °.a a fn. b..f or mr m.al.a9• ml. r•P°H < wlu u.u,.q"n..m.~,o <°.mm.a n e s Inc t-tz°Iw e s <.. R^p °< °CO.<r <.eWneaa n.:°,: e:o%m. ei .no.. . mla r.pa,l u .°bMl m ~v .core <n<.rmlmy / ..e °nr n., <MCmlam la.an . x n . fn f ..< a m. mop. `\U\\\1111111IIII//S„ ,q yEE y eU1£R: SACRED HE T JESUSSACRED HE T JESUS CATH~~U HH < er a la x199 ~"~~•~./plaT}q^e ~~ ~Q aO%+ •.~~' __ sEll£R/oxxER: THOMAS ETHOMAS E. C~GG MAY 15 = (No. 50385 e = Date 3 (STATE OP j = nne ALPN APPLEGATE D605-M-04 ' t'Oxp 14r; +0~\\\¢ ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE ,lob xo. ~~i~0 S~g'.Ip ~ poRieac[ co.: DEPOSIT AND LOAN rj~/////IpIIII111001`\\ Hob Isgrigg & Associates - 51B E Court Avenue, Jeflersanville, IN 4']130 PHONE (912) 285-3011 FAX (812) 295-1012 http://www.InXylsnd5urvey.com Sacred Heart Church 709 & 725 Ewing Lane PC-07-29 Legend Jeffersonvilleyublic_streets y ~ r, Clark County Parcels O Jeffersonvilleyreliminary_Delivery Final_Jeff_Boundary O C7: Small to Medium Scale General Comme ® C2: Medium to Large Scale General Comms DC: Downtown Commercial - HC: Highway Commercial O 11: Business ParklLight Industrial - 12: Industrial Park/Heavy IndusMal - IR: INAAP Redevelopment IS: Institutional Uses O M1: Limited Multifamily Residential M2: General Multifamily Residential MP: Mobile Home Park - NC: Neighborhood Commercial ® NI: Neighborhood Industrial ® OC: Office Commercial - PR: Pades and Recreation O R1: Low Density Residential R2: Medium Density Residental - R3: Old City Residential