HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-OR-38 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2007-0R-38 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS BEING PART OF SURVEYS NOS. 11 AND 21 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, JEFFERSONVILLE TOWNSHIP, CLARK COUNTY, JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA LOCATED AT 422 THOMPSON LANE Whereas, Premier Homes of Southern Indiana, Inc. has filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" from M2: Multifamily Residential to R2: Medium Density Residential; and Whereas, on June 26, 2007 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified to the Council a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed change to the City's zoning map; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions ofLC. 36-7-4-608(t)(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for July 16,2007 at 7:30 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation ofthe real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby changed from M2: Multifamily Residential to R2: Medium Density Residential; and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this \ l.p day of ~ 2007. OF RSONVILLE, I / ... By: I I Robert If Waiz, Jr. Presiding Officer ATTEST: Q ~ . .. ~~0 J-.c0---- Peggy W e - Clerk- Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this ~ day of , 2007. (~, Ill' lJ2<l'\ ~ ~--- Peggy Wn Clerk- Treasurer This Ordinance approved and signed by me tl;rls DATE PASSED 1 2 YEA NEA PERKINS 1./ ~ ZASTAWNYJ_ FETZ L_ SELLERS / -- WILSON -.::.._ GROOMS -L_ +i. .'~:,:.. ,f / ....--.-- ':::>>-('^~Lt..__.._____i . '.' ..:: " :'. ~"";'''. : ", '. : :: <'. ,,) .'. ,'. , \ ' :,..... I ,'. . .: i, ,.' ..'. , ' " " " ",: ',' " ~--.... " \ /. ~./ /,\ I ( ,,\y I , . ~/ '-0 o o 01 ~ o "'- LD o (i) Li ) \..,~~d ~ G 4.'777 /' :' / WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, G , L !a~t~~K~hip, an Indiana partnership, of Perry County, State of Indiana, for and in consideration of one dollar end other valuable coneiderati.m, receipt of which is acknowledged, do herelly'..:().llv.ey and w~E.X:~!::.,..t:.9 'r ~~:~~er~hj2' an Indiana Limited Partnerahip with offices at 712 ..Tefferson street, Tell City, Il1diana, under the terms of a Partnership Agreement. dated March I, 1994, the following described real estate located in Clark County, Indiana, to-wit: /' Part of 5ti;,;veys NOe. 11 and 21 of the Illi.noi.s Grant in Jeffersonville Township of Clark County, Indiana, being a part of the same 49.1721 acre tract conveyed to the Trustees of Baird and Warner Mortgage and Realty Investors at Deed Drawer 10, In"trnment No. 12224 and bounded as follows, Commencing at a stone in the southeasterly line of Survey No. 21 which 3tone is 1089 feet northeast of 1~h" West Corner of Survey No. 11 of th.. Illinois Grant, l.,henc.. the following courses: ) ( \ South 37 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds Ea.st, 160.55 feet crossing the right-at-way of the CSY. Ra.i.l.r.oBd (B and 0) to the most northerly corner of Northaven Subdivision, Un':'t SA which is the true place of beginning. Thence the following coursee of the boundary: North 21 degrees 16 minutes 23 seconds Ea~t, 1205.50 feet with the easterly line 0.1: said railroad right-ot-way to the L"nd of James M. Bottorff (D"",cl Drawer. 2, In"trument No. 32591i South 36 deqrees 4.9 minutes 07 seconds East, 1778.24 feet with said Bottorff's line; South 53 deg:cees 10 minutes 53 seconds West, 1013.75 feet leaving Bottorff's line to a point in the northeast line of North"veo, Unit 88; North 37 del,jrees 18 minutes 00 seconds West, 1141.10 teet with the line of NorthaV'en 88 and Northaven 8A to the true place of beginning and containi.ng 34.165 Br:res _':::':...~':':r:<!.._., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantorn have executed this Warranty deed this 1st day of Mar~h, 1994. G & L _ Pi.trtnership /( \.):;((') ,b~--4bl"tn.vv"<..!. t'.v~ ~Nei~amsey, General Partn~ I'" ~7!;:;' if'; Z -..(-'- '"r LaVerne T. Ramsey, Partner "eI, STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY 01" PERRY ss: Before me, a Notary PUblic in and fOr said County and State, p~rson.!\lly app~ared the granto_r~ of thp- g'='l'l@ral J?a.rtner:.:; in the aforementioned Warranty Deed and acknowlrodged th", "'xE>cution thereof BLRNKENBEKER & SON FRX NO. Jun. 08 2007 01:10PM P3 FROM as the free and voluntary act and deed of such Gr.antot'8. \'''' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and Ilotarial seal a,9 of the <<',\ date :~~;t: forth above as the date at the execution of. said WIlt'ranty . \'" . 'lOt ';, D@ed;', ,I,*, -':;"t. ,",'.) ~k ~,. . !'~. I' i ,c-", .r;. . ~;~~';->-~; :~~\;~'. ~~afuwJsSion Expires: Sept:E\ffiber, ;'4, 1994 '~:{ ~. \b Mail Tax Bills to: '1' & N Partnership, 712 .Jefferson Street, P. o. Sox 97, Tell City, IN 47586 (" '. , ": '" "(, ~",)-,~. t, '\\\"!,,,\\, Paul H. SChulte, Notary Public Residing in Spencer County, Indlana '-!) o o 01 "'- <<l< o "'- t.D o t:l1.1"r:\,!El) \"~\)"-('\nn.O 1= (\" P ',- '.., '" , , ,j ~ \ ";l.' \1 ,) PI', '~;,\ ~?R 1\ ~J.&~.,.~ ;Ice'" 4.7'77 LHS\~;., i " "", i'\"~i':~;- "_CQ"," c. ' This instrument prepared by Mark R. Ramsey, Attorney at Law, 712 Jefferson Street, P. O. Box 365, Tell City, Indiana 47586 ,. " ... .' . . " . '.. . .. ,~ . :':"'" ", . ;'" '; ...'.,~. "... :..'.:,:;, '>' :"~:'''''':'' ;"~~ /~!-' ~~' I Key No. WARRANTY DEED ~, ') '( . ,,' 1(')0'/' ""'(l, ..;1""" '/" .'~,oI') / C/"4:~,o: ,*,/k../;/ . ,V;......r r ~ ""(;..,-. I .1/' ;1__ , '.J~H., I I. ril', CO~" CORP., formerly known as Trustees of Baird and Warner Mortgage THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That BAYSWATER REALTY & CAPITAL and Realty Investors, a Delaware Corporation, with oEl ces at 1370 Avenue of the Americas, Broadway, New York, New York, for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00, and or-her good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS unto CHRISTOPHER A. RAMSEY and KAREN L. RAMSEY, Husband and wi fe, of Perry County, Indiana, the following described real estate situate in the County of Clark and State of Indiana, to-wit: \ ) / I i ,I I , .1 \ ~ A part of Survey 1\,10. 11 of the Illinois Grant. in Jeffersonville Township of Clark County, Indiana, being a part of the same 49.1721 acre tract conveyed to the Trustees of Baird and ~arner Mortgage and Realty Investors at Deed Drawer 10, Instrument No. 12224 and bounded as follows: Commencing at a stone in the southeasterly line of Survey No. 21 which stone is 1089 feet northwest of the West corner of Survey No. 11 of the Illinois Grant, thence the following courses: South 37 deg. 18 min. 00 sec. East, 1310.65 feet crossing the right-of-way of the CSX Railroad (B and 0) and running with the northeast line of Northhaven Subdivision Units 8A and 8B to the true place of beginning. Thence the following courses of the boundaLY: North 53 deg. 10 min. 53 sec. East, 1013.75 feet leaving the line of Northhaven to a point in the line of James M. Bottorff (Deed Drawer 2, Instrument No. 3259): South 36 deg. 49 min. 07 sec. East, 232.0 feet with said Bottorff's line; South 50 deg. 31 min. 55 sec. West, 319.58 feet leaving said Bottorff's line; South 39 deg. 28 min. 05 sec. East, 1113.81 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 62: South 24 deg. 38 min. 22 sec. West, 266.47 feet with last said right-Of-way; North 37 deg. 08 min. 06 sec. West, 926.38 feet leaving last said right-Of-way with the line of Louis and Norma Hutt, (Deed Drawer 4, Instrument No. 9263) to Hutt's north corner; South 54 deg. 16 min. 19 sec. West, 502.26 feet to Hutt's west corner in the line of land of Charles J. and Tina Ruck, Deed Drawer 168, page 290: '. , ... ....\'} 0 ' ~, . -' , '. '" , " , f ., '~ . . ~ :p. o ) j L North 37 deg. 18 min. 00 sec. West, 550.81 feet with the line of said Ruck and Northhaven Subdivision Unit 8M to the true place of beginning and containing 15.007 acres of land. The Grantees assume and agree to pay the taxes on said real estate for the year 1986, due and p&yable in the year 1987 and all subsequent taxes. WITNESS the hand and seal of the Grantor by its corporate officers empowered to execute said deed according to its by-laws, and done pursuant to authority granted to them by its Board of Directors, this \~~ day of May, 1987. BAYSWATER REALTY & CAPITAL CORP. /2 / l! """hlt/tK<-.,) f I I I ~ / I ~1..;!"I;}\.:~.~'i(~'::f.r'!;l :~;:';~v....~)t j. I Before me, the undersigned,! a Notary Pucbll-icci~',an'd'-'for'T1'ie I _'"1.{""" Oltl,i:",y ~ o n th-;~"'-j~9""-"'" -cta'y'" ot-l'ray-;~.t<lit9.."._1 /< . .1g~J~_;, Ddl~nR CrO?B Jrl('~::'2 T~_x ~n t,> J Se.lo of He2.l Estate, /'1, ~ ./ ." p;,,~o 't')' ( Y>P- L/[Jh~ :nk 7 Secretary I .,If:~-::uu..~:,l!~:f~e-0!pd,fi.~~1L l rh'" P.or>, (1.).?/lU".~r:.'.~._, r 1,,;;"1 (jZ()~ff... '...._ BY: ATTEST: STATE OF NEW YORK 55: COUNTY OF NEW YORK County and State aforesaid, persona 11 yappeared John P. Saldarell i ,as Vi ce Pres i dent , and _JllirJ,Q,fl.1-.,-_ Gor9..l!.n_____.____, as secretary, who, for and on behalf of Bayswater Realty and Cap i ta 1 Corp.. ack no,,"' 1 edged the execu t ion of the foregoi ng Wa r- ranty Deed. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal. ......., C \l\ ~ _' ;~~._(~C'~~ , Notary PubllC A Resident of .G:V\cF\.~C, County EDWARD E, MATTNER NOTARY PUBLIC, qATE OF NEW YORK No. 41-4tit85J1 ",ueefls, r;ounty Term up".' ~arch 30. liHl My Commission Expires, fIr: I' l I V E [) Foi~ 'R't: cUnD \'\n1 Z7 \.2 .28r~ 'B1 ")..t.e., jJ !\[(;(j"k :^-t'1r=A , . C'"':J I IN:, 1 h I.. -VoL;, (~^', (; II. '( h.~.'~ ,,~_,", ~-'I\.i~.'~r.~ ',(re::'ll1' " ,'1 '" ..H ,,0, This Instrument Was Prepared By: Carroll E. Hess Attorney at Law 605 Watt Street Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 , (, \ ' , ' , , , "\ ~, ' ~,' , ' \ ' . ", , , JUL 11 2007 11:37 FR KOVERT HRWKINS 8122829171 TO 2856468 P.02/03 STATB OF INDIANA BRrORE THE)EFFERSONVIILE 'l'LAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPUCA.TION O~ 'PREMIER HOMES OF SOUTHERN INDIANA, lNC, 10 KEZONEA CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY DESeRTS.ED .AS A PAR'r OF SURVEY NOS, 11 AND 21 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, IN THE ]EFFBRSONVlT.:r...E TO\XNSlirP, CtARK COUNTY, JEFFr~RSONVlr.LE. INPlANA. LOCATEO AT 422 TJ-iOMPSON LAN5:BE REZONED FROM M2: MUL'TIFAMIL Y RESID,F~::-JrIA.L 'TO R2: MEDIUM DENSIrr R.ESIDr~NrI.'\L, CElITI:EICATIP'.N 0]11 F~YQ!lAB..\..E; RECOMMENQULON QF ~B.OPO~ ORDJNANC~ Whe~eas, Pt<:;lni(!:~ Homes of Southern Indiana, Inc. fJlcd a petit:lon bdore the Jcffr!!Sonvilk Plan Co:tnmis~jon to ch;tnge the 7.onmg de:sjg:nation of the property descl~bed in Mrachcr;l Exhibit "A" (th~ <~Propetty"), ftol1'l M2: !\{ultifarnily Residential to R2: Mediwn Den,~ity. Residential, and~ Whercal\j ~fte.t proper notic:e by publication, the ) dfers0 nville PIan Commission held ll. public hegrmg on the petition 011 June 26l 2007; and, Wherl:as, ~t me: condusion of t1:lr~ hearing the Jcfferson'l.-iJ!e Plan Commission voted by::t majority votli: of its entire mClnbersbip to fi'l.\I"orably r.econ:un<md the p1'opn~ed change of 10ning des.ign<l.tion of the Property to the Jeffc,~onville Common Council. IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED that on Juue 2G, 2007, the J df,zl:sonville Pla.n Commission f"vorably T,ecommended that the Jefferson.ville Common Cound enact by o.din:tnce the proposod zoning designation ehange of the property from M2: Multifa.mily Resident.ial ~o R2: Medium Density Residential. as .requested in the pmtition of Pr~.mier Homes of Southern Indi:ana, Inc, So certified this 26'~ day of June 2007. Tl II ... ~ ....,~~.., ., ~. ~~ ?f:1"'~~~i=l PAG~.03 / / ~\ /~\ ) :','.'.::', ;, ...';.,., , ".,,::::\',,) :",',~:;~~-:,':,:',:, ":".,,., ..', .,',,',' ".: ;,:;' ~' '-0 o o 01 " qt o " LD o -- 1 /('1 Li / 1'1 . \,,~~ ~ G 4.'77'7 WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. that the Grantor, G , L Pa~tn~K~hip, an Indiana partnership, of Perry County, Stat(~ oE Indiana, EOl: and in consideration of one dollar end other va1.Clable consider,,-ti'lO, receipt of which is acknowledged, do hereby..:".l1vey and w~E,r~!c_..t:.9 '1' ~~:~~er~hj2' an Indiana Limited Partnerahip with offices at 712 Jefferson Stree't, Tell City, Iadiana, under the tern", of a ?artnerahip Agreement dated March I, 1994, the following described real estate located in Clark County, Indiana, tn-wit: "part of Surveys Nos. 11 and 21 of tohe Illi.noi.s Grant in Jeffersonville Township of Clark County, Indiana, being a part of t11.. same 49.1721 acre tracto conveyed to the Trust",as of Baird and Warner Mortgage and Realty Investors at Deed Drawer 10, Instrument No. 12224 dnd bounded aB follows, Commencing at a stone in the 9outhe'-lsterly line of Survey No. 21 which "tone is 1089 feet northeast of lohe West corner of Survey No. 11 of the Illinois Grant. l',hance the following cour.ses: / I South 37 degrees 18 minutes 00 geconds East, 160.55 feet crossing the right-ot-way of the CSY. Rail.r.r)ad (El and D) to the !nost northerly corner of Northav-en Subdivision, [In';'t 8A which is the tru~ place of beginning. ) ( \ Thence the following courses of the boundary: North 21 degrees 16 minute$ 23 seconds Ba3t, 1205.50 reet with the easterly lin.. 0,1: said railroad right-cf-way to the L:'",d of James M. Bottorft (De",d Drawer. 2, Instrument No. 3259); South 36 degrees 49 minutes 07 seconds 8ast, 1778.24 feet with said Bottor~f'a line~ South S3 degr'ee.. 10 minutes S3 seconds .'lest, 1013.75 feet leaving Bottorff's line to a point in the northeast line of Northaven, Unit 88; North 37 de"lrees 18 minutes 00 seconds West, l141.10 feet with the line of Northaven 88 and Northaven 8A to the true place of begillning and containing 34 .165 a~res of 1 a,:'!: _, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Grantor" have executgd this warranty deed this 1st day of March. 1994. G & L;Partn@rship t ~''')' / "'). /j ~J ' ./ , ,./ ~-4k{J \". \Jo-;..;"Vc<.,.J. C'V::' ~Nei1,01-Elmsey, General partne,f' j" ,f'>-1.1'/(/~~';_, 7"' /-~~~r-<oa.j LaVerne T. Ram3ey, Gen ,Y al Partner STATE OF INDIANA ss: COUNTY OF' PERRY Before me, a Notary PUblic in and Eor said County and State, pp.r~onally app03ared the grantor3 at thp.. gt;n@ra.l pa.rtner:.:; iu the aforementioned Warranty Deed and acknowl"dged th" ""..cut ion i:her00f "'ROM BLri~iKE.NBE:<ER & SO~i FriX .NO, 812 282 4197 Jun, 08 2007 01:10PM P3 , " .'.. \ ~ . - q . ,/ :-, : :""" ,..'..' .' '. ~,:, '.,', " .'. ;,';' ,:' : :" " .' '. :', ,'" ' ': ,.,"..'." ,': , . , ",' :,,' J a$ the free and voluntary act and deed cf Stich Gnultors, "",-,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Bet my hand and nota,['ial "eo'll d,g of the ~, " data ;}$t forth above as the dat,. oJ; the execution of. said War'ranty \., . \t "'- Deed "\, -...., I,,) j t; ", ;ill /~: ,,,. ..""~~~~~. "'. l~}~afum.ission Expiree: Sep't~mber "4, 1994 "t~:,;., Mail Tax Billg to: T & N Partnership, Sox 97, Tell City, IN 47586 -L~~~~________ Paul R. SChulte, Notary Public Residing in Spencer County, Ind3ana 712 Jefferson Street, p, O. '-0 o o C''l "-.. ~ o "-.. LD o \......,-. ',Vr.-O F ,,:. 'i, ''':'',_';'', ,n. P D - r\.'\ 1'(. .. \.. .\ r ,j ,. ''';l: 11 ,J 0" 'l" ~PR ,\ ~[~,j\0 47.77- "',:'co. '.l~\,'" ~HS\~;. RE.C0 This instrument prepared by Mark R. Ramsey, Attorney at taw, 712 Jefferson Street, P. O. Box 365, Tell City, tndiana 47586 " .' , .' . , " . ", ,.' . " . ......... ;. ", ....,.. ,',",:" :,:., ,>:,;. ~~- / / \, ) I I i I ! i \ \~ Key No. ~ f ')'1 " 1Gffj WARRANTY DEED ,A--'-) I~, I'~'>' '.' .- i /t,.;::-:"- ...,.'Jr",./;/ " ."'....",. f iJ(."'~ / .'/ t.ll..jl~., ,-... I '''''t COHo THIS INDENTUR8 WITNESSETH, That BAYSWATER REALTY & CAPITAL CORP.. formerly known as Trustees of Baird and Warnec Mortgage and Realty Investors, a Delaware Corporation, with OEl ces at 1370 Avenue of the Americas, Broadway, New York, New York, for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00, andor.her: good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby aCknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS unto CHRISTOPHER A. RAMSEY and KAREN L. RAMSEY, Yusband and Wi fe, o f Per r y C 0 u n t y, I n d i a n a, the f 0 1 low i n 9 des c t- i bed rea 1 est ate situate in the County ot Clark and State of Indiana, to-wit: (' A part of Survey r-,ln. 11 of the Illinois Gr.ant in Jeffersonville Township of Clark County, Indiana, being a part of the same 49.1721 acre tract conveyed to the Trustees of Baird and ~arner Mortgage and Realty Investors at Deed Drawer 10, Instrument No. 12224 and bounded as follows: Commencing at a stone in the southeasterly line of Survey No. 21 which stone is 1039 feet northwest of the West Corner of Survey No. 11 of the Illinois Grant, thence the following courses: South 37 deg. 18 min. 00 sec. East, 1310.65 feet crossing the right-of-way of the CSX Railroad (8 and 0) and running with the northeast line of Northhaven Subdivision Units 8A and 8B to the true place of beginning. Thence the following courses of the bounda~y: North 53 deg. 10 min. 53 sec. East, 1013.75 feet leaving the line of Northhaven to a point in the line of James M. Bottorff (Deed Drawer 2, Instrument No. 3259): South 36 deg. 49 min. 07 sec. East, 232.0 feet with said Bottorff's line~ South 50 deg. 31 min. 55 sec. West, 319.58 feet leaving said Bottorff's line~ South 39 deg. 28 min. 05 sec. East, 1113.81 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 62~ South 24 deg. 38 min. 22 sec. West, 266.47 feet with last said right-of-way: North 37 deg. 08 min. 06 sec. West, 926.38 feet leaving last said right-oE-way with the line of Louis and Norma Hutt, (Deed Drawer 4, Instrument No. 92G3) to Hutt's north corner~ South 54 deg. 16 min. 19 sec. West, 502.26 feet to Hutt's we s t cor n e r i nth e 1 i n e 0 f 1. and 0 f C h a r 1. e s ,1. and Tin a Ruck, Deed Drawer 168, page 290~ " , , or " , , , " ,.)' l' .. ,", ", , ' '" < " -.' , ',' ',' " o /. \ / North:n deg. 18 min. 00 sec. West, 550.81 feet with the line of said Ruck and Northhaven Subdivisicn Unit 88 to the true place of beginning and containing 15.007 acres of land. ) L The Grantees assume and agree to pay the taxes on said real estate foe the year 1986, due and ['.':.yable in the year 1987 and all subsequent taxes, officers empoweeed to execute said deed according to its by-laws, WITNESS the hand and seal of the Grantor by its co~porate and done pursuant to authority granted to them by its Board of Directors, this \~"\'\\. day of May, 1987. BA~SWATER REALTY & CAPITAL CORP. ATTEST: BY: J(J. '.,-".j::!...~..- /1 / ,J ^=-/.tU(;;r:~v /< ndJ:".:1.'1_ ST'0-;;,S J,'),."'I::',,., ,,, ,~ '~'n (/ " Salo of RCt,l Fs~a~~;' (/7P-~V(;h~,~d t')' ..L. Secretary i .&'fJ-::-.Jd~~~ I r ]'),.' ! I I L;;,.i 5S: j/.,;. ~ 4.#-;.,I. /J ~ f(" . '=:["?J.v...'d.-pd,".;'.....!:..:~ ..~..~ "; , .:2) /'l ~; ,,:~. i1 / . ."...._. . ti7a, if "-"'-',,, --., I I I J I ~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNT~ OF NEW ~ORK ! i ~':.:t}~~,::'il~~.~_.i.~.~.1 ;'::"'v:~)i: #. J Before me, the undeesigned,; a Notai:'Y Pucb,l,icci~'a'ii"(r'(or'T11"e- I ....$-_T Oll..,:..'y , on' ~~i-~"'-l':i=== -era'y" ot'M'i'fY'~~"j'<,..It'1,.;._1 County and State aforesaid, persona 11 yappeaeed John P. Saldarel'[ i ,a" Vice Presi(~~ --_, and -...fu!rJQTl....t:.'-_Gors.1..o...n__________, as secretary, who, for and on behalf of Bayswatet' Realty and Capital COi:'p., ackno~lledged the execution of the foregcHng Wat'- i:'anty Deed. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal. ........\ C' I ~ _ ~.-:~--(\C'~~ , Notary PubllC A Resident of ,G;vh"-\.~c, Cou'nty EDWARD E, MAnNER NOTARY PUBLIC, ';fATE OF NEW YORK No. 111-116185J i "ueens. r;ounly 181m Up"., March 30, l~ My Commission Expires' 1\ t I,; E; V:::' U F 0 I~ fll: CUi< D l'h 27 ,1\ . R[CI;';'l; IN ~~,1 h r~ :;AR(:: h ',{f c:: I~ ilt" I; I j \2 28 f~ 'B1 Zl~ t '~l'1il ,&'2,: ",-"',"W,,KY ",HK r.o, This tnsti:'ument Was Prepared By: Cari:'oll E. Hess Attoi:'ney at Law 605 Watt Street Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 (. " ' . ' -, I ' , , . , ~ " " " ' ' , ' , , , NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on July 16, 2007 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers, First Floor, Jeffersonville City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, intends to consider an ordinance, which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designation of the following described property from M2: Multifamily Residential to R2: Medium Density Residential. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE PROPERTY ADDRESS: A part of Survey Nos. 11 and 21 of the Illinois Grant, Jeffersonville Township, Clark County, Jeffersonville, Indiana located at 422 Thompson Lane. The Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the adoption of an ordinance enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on June 26, 2007. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter. This Jeffersonville Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time as found necessary. The Jeffersonville Common Council may take official action at the conclusion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted this 10th day of July 2007. Peggy Wilder Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer Prepared by: Leslie D, Merkley City Attorney Sharon King Legal Assistant Premier Homes of Southern Indiana, Inc. 422 Thompson Lane PC-07-18 -- Jeffersonville_public_streets D Clark_Co_Parcels_version_2 D Jeffersonville_preliminary_Delivery D Final_Jeff_Boundary D C1: Small to Medium Scale General Commerc _ C2: Medium to Large Scale General Commerc D DC: Downtown Commercial _ HC: Highway Commercial D 11: Business Park/Light Industrial _ 12: Industrial Park/Heavy Industrial _ IR: INAAP Redevelopment D IS: Institutional Uses D M1: Limited Multifamily Residential General Multifamily Residential Mobile Home Park Neighborhood Commercial NI: Neighborhood Industrial _ OC: Office Commercial _ PR: Parks and Recreation D R 1: Low Density Residential D R2: Medium Density Residential _ R3: Old City Residential