HomeMy WebLinkAboutDover Resources, Inc.STATEt~iENT OF BENEFITS state For~ Form se. 1 is prescnbed by the State Boara of Tax Commissioners. 1989 SB -1 INSTRUCTIONS: 1..~.~`~*~^"~`~°u~`~`~`~b~d~des~onain~theec~n~micreviti~iza~i~n~reap~rt~thepub~icheadngifthedesignatingb~dyrequtre~inf~r~ m"gt~o~r~o'~t'~e"~p~p~li~c~an~t ig'~n'~b~n~it's'~decisiZon abgut wh~ther to designate an E?nomtc Revitalizatlbn A/ea. OthellO,. this ~tatement must be subm,tted to the designating body BEFORE a person installs t~e new manufaqtunng equipment and ( or [~segmh. and development equipment, Or BSFORE the redevelopment or rehabilitation of real prope~y for which the person w~shes to claim a deductton. Prelects planned or commilted to aRer July ~, 1987 anc areas designated a~er July 1, 1987 reauire a STATEMENT OF BENEFITS. (lC 6-1. ~-12.~) 2. Approval of the designating body (City Council, Town Board, County Council, etc.) must be obtained prior to ini~ation qf the redevelopment or rehabilitation, or pfior to installation of the new manufacturing equipment and/or~sea~h and development equipment, BEFORE a deduction may be approved. To o~tain a deducbbn, Form 322 ERA, Rea/Estate Imp~vements a~ / or Form 322 ERA/PPME and / or 322 E~ / PPR & DE, mu~ be filed ~th the coun~ assessment is ~ceived f~ the township assessoc FO~ 322 E~ / PPME and / or 322 E~ PPR & DE must be d arch t end May 15 of ~e assessment year in which new manufacturing equipment and lot research an~ development equipment becomes ascessable~ unles~ e firing extension has been obtained. A person who obtains a filing extension must file the fo~ be~een.Ma~ I and June 14 of that year. . 4. Prope~ owne~ whose Statement of Benefits was approved aRer June 3~ ~99~ must submit Form CF- I annually to show compliance with the Statement of Benefits. (lC 6-1.~-12.1-5.6) 5 The schedules established under lC 6-1.~-12.1-4(d) and lC 6-I.~-f2.1-4.5 (e; effective Jury 1, 2000 apply to any statement of benefits Fried on or after July ? 2000. The schedule~ effective prior to'Jdly 1, 2000 shall continue to apply re ~hose statement of benefits filed before July 1, 2000 Name of taxpayer ' · ' ' . - Dover Resources, Inc. d/b/a Cook Airtomic :. Address of taxp_ayer (street and number, city, ata~e and ZIP ccde) . 2540 .Centennial Bl~d. JeffersonVille, IN 47130 ' · . : / , , ~, ,.' : ' Name of contact person Telephone number . . Lisa· Pickerill . , ~ . , , , ( 812 ) 218~9~19 . . Name of designating body Resolution number Cotm-~o~ Council of the CiLw of JeffersorccZlle " 2000-[~23 ' Location of property North Port County Taxing district 4501 Middle Road Jeffersonville Clark Utica Township Description of real property improvements and / or new manufactu~ng equipment and / or I ESTIMATED research and dove opment eqQ pment (use additional ahbets ifnecesea/7) ,. , . ·., : -,- , · , - ' Start Date' .Comp[etiohDate 40,000 sq./ft, marmifa~turing 'facilityT~ith appro~r~ !'-~Est~ta...'" June, 2000 lan. 2001 ' 7,000 Sq./ft. of attached office space, manufac~.. N~wMfgEquipment J~I1. 2001 J~n. ·2001 turing equipment and office equipment to support sales volume of $26,000,000. R&DE Current ~u. mber Salaries ~umber retained Salaries Number additional Salaries · - - ~0- -0- -0- 151 $5,400,000 NOTE: Pursuant to lC 6-1.1-t2.1-5.1 (d) (2) the Real Estate Improvements. Machtne~ ResearChEquipmentand Development COST of the proper[7 is confidential. Cost ~,ssessed Valu. e Cost : Assessed Value Cost ~,ssessed Vatue Current values -O- Plus estimated values of proposed project. 2,600,000 2, ~-6,300 3,699,505 1,770,056 100,495 '! 50 ~ 006 Less values of any propeffy being replaced Net estimatad vaiues upon cempletion of project 2 600,000 2;646 300 ~r699~505 l~7701,056 100~495. 50,006 Estimated solid waste converted (pounds) ' Estimated hazardous w~ste converted ~o~nds) Otherbeaefits: The facilit~ to be bQilt will be headquarters for Cook Airtomic. Cook Airt°mic is well known in the Aerospace Industry as providing highly engineered and precision manufactured product. Airtomic products are sold %°rid wide to world ·class clients. Cook Airtomic is ISO 9001 certified and has a excellent employ0ient record. · '//'~. /) ~,7 I hereby certify that the representations'in this statement are true. ' .. Sigeatu re of authorized re p/ffes~t~,~/~ . Title -- . Data signed (month, day, year) We have reviewed our prior actions relating to the designation of.this economic revitalization area and find that the ~'~i meeis th: general standards adopted in the resolut on previously approved by this body Said resolut on, Passed under lC 6 1 1 e vides for the following limitations as authorized under lC 6 I I 12 1 2 ' - , -12.%2.5. pro- A. The designated area has been limited to a period of t me not to exceed de§ignation expires is B. The type of deduction thal is altowed in the designated area is limited to: 1. Redevelopment or rehabilitation of re~l estate improvemems: r-lYes El.No 2. Installation of new manufacturing equipment; [] Yes, I'q N 0 3. nstallation of new research and development equipment; [] Yes [] No 4. R~sidentiatly distressed areas ~] Yes [] N o C. The amount of deduction applicable for reoeveloement of rehabilitation is limited to ~;._. value of $ _ ' _ calendar years· *:.(see below). :'(he date Ibis cost with an assessed, cost with an assessed D .The amount of deduction applicable to new manufacturing equipment is limited to $ value of $ , - E '~:rcMe ';~o~Jni 6f de'ducti~n a~pli~;~ibl~ to new research and de'~elopment equipment is limited [o $ an assessed value of $ _ _ ~0$t'with F. Other limitations or conditions (specify), Aisc we have reviewed the information contained in the statement of benefits and tTnd that the estimates and expectations are reason- ab e and have determined that the totalky of benefits, is sufficient to justify the deduction described aoove. ,. :,,~ ~,mber '- ~aY,'yead '..,- ~,ttested by: -- ~~ ' ~ * If the designating body limits the time period during which an' area is an economic revitiliz,;tion are~, it does hbt limit the length of time a taxpayer is entitled to receive a dedu~ion to a number o¢ years designated under lC 6-'1.1-12.1..4 or 4;5