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Kellems & Coe Tool Corp.
~er~. By: 'CTTYOF,J. EFFERSONVTLLE j 812 285 6468; Mar-Il-99 12:18P~1; Page 4/7 Kellems & Coe Tool-Corp. ' '. 1636 Production Road, Jeffersonvill'~:; Carolyn Coo, Secretary : .(812) 253-4435 !. ~ ot clesignalln~ ~ ] fl e.s~'~Doa nun~ Jeffersonvil lo.. City COuncil 97-R-~ ~ m ~' . , .. ~ · ..,.~ ~. T~ ~. N~=th Port Business..Center ....... ~ . Clef~ Jeff plastic injection molds, mold rep~zr~ 49 42'2..55 ..: ..... ~ 1,605,'472.; 5 208,000 . I ;~,~-eL~/,;~,~,,},' that g'm ~'~-'¢'~_.~ns in ~Js Sl~tement m-e vue. I 4/ /~' /97 Ser'~ By:'C'rTYOFJEFFERSONYTLLE ; 812 285 6468; Mar*-11-99 1:43PM; Page 2/3 1987, iS ttm~eO to $ ~ · .... en ama.desig~t~ a~er Se~em~r 1, 1~88 is llma~ to D, ~e a~unt of ~edu~on ~pl~le lo reOevelopment or mfl~d~n mn ~t wit~ an ~MS~ value ot$ F. The dedu~ion for ~ew ~n~actur[ng equipment installed a~ first claimed eligibte to~ d~on after July 1, 1991~ allowed ~am ~ 10 yearn ~ 5 ~ -- '~ .... '-n --n~ifled i~ t~e statement of ~ene~Ks and ~ifid t~at t~e e~imates ~ ex~ons ara reason- ......... [i;m n~ th~ t~ t~ali~ of ~e~s ts suff~m~ to juSfl~ ~h· ~d ~ ~ 10% 5%