HomeMy WebLinkAboutGalvstar L. P.DEC 11 '9? 12:20PM WSC FIMAMCE
P. E/£
27167 (RS 11',-95} ;
% headn f he designating body
' ' ~on area dar to the publ~ g - ' atemen~ mu~
badv BEFORE a ~on {ns~ ~;~,L% . armed or ~mmtffed ~ a,~. ..,~ -, ....
val of the des~g~at~n9 ~ Y{ ~ .......... merit BEFO~E a deduc ~
~t ~or to ~ns~a~la~on of ~h Im fovemems and / or Fo¢~ 3 , aRer a ~o~¢ of mcmase ~ , P g
deduction, Fo~ 322 E~ ReeI ~ ~ ~e later ot' (I} May 1 O, or (2~ ~ (~)~. 1~ of the assessment year m.~h]~
Nsmeoft.ax~ayer GALVST. A~-L.~., a Delaware ;L~L~ited ?B=~nership to 5a fo~e& 5et~een a wholly .
Three 'Springs Drive, Weirton, ~ ~6062 and
Carp Bo~ 10000~ 1970 CA IJmuide~, The Netherlands
Hoogovens S~aal BV, P.O. Telephone
n number
re~l property improvements and / ar new ~ equipment
reheats If neces~ry)
300,000 Con per year hot-dipped galvanized facility
Star~ Date
ReaJ Estate 1 / 98 1 / 99
New Ufg E~uipmem 1/9B, 3/99
COST of the property is confidential
Current values
~mated vAlu e:':'--'""-'--"---~
Assessed V
imated solid waste converted (pounds) _
Estimated hazardous waste conver~ed (~our~fs) ~
lO,her benefits:
I hereb~v certif th~~~ ned (month, day, year)
general standards adopted in the resolution previously a roved b ' .
rides for the following limitations as authorized under I~ ~P-lP. 1-12.1.~.th~s body Said resolution, passed under lC 6-1.1-12.1-2.5, pro-
A. The designated area has been limited to a period of time not to exceed
designation expires is calendar years ' (see be/ow). The date this
B. The type of deduction that is aIlowed in the designated area is limited to:
1. Redevelopment or rehabilitation of real estate improvements; r-] Yes [] N o
2. Instarlatiori ~f new manufacturing equipment; [] Yes [] No
3. Residentially distressed areas
[]Yes []No
.The amount of deduction applicable for new manufacturing equipment is limited to $
value o1 $ cost with an assessed
D.The amount 'bf d~d~cti0n ap~ii~able to redevelopment or rehabilitation is limited to $
value of $ __. cost with an assessed
E. Other limitations or conditions (specify')_
The deduction for new manufacturing equipment installed and first claimed eligible for deduction after July 1, 1991 is allowed for:
~5years ~t0yearsThedeductonpedodw befive(5)yearsuniessthede$ignatingb~dyhasbyres~uti~nspecifiedtheten(~)yearperiod.
A~so we have reviewed the information contained in the statemenl of benefits and find that the estimates and expectations are reason.
able and have determined that the totalily of benefits is sufficient to justify the deduction described above.
A~,roved: (s, ignature end ti,/8 o/author/zed member) ~umber Date s,gned (month, day, year)--
the designating body limits the time period during which an area is an economic revitilizatJon area, Jt does not limit the length of time
taxpayer is entitled to receive a deduction to a number of years designated under lC 6-1.'~-12.'~-.4 or 4.5 Namely: {see tables be/ow)
Year of Five (5) Year Ten (10) Year
Deduction Percentage Percentage
1st 100% 100%
2nd 95% 95%
3rd 80% 90%
4th 65% 85%
5th I 50% 8O%
I 7o%
7th I 55%
8~h I 4O%
9th I 30%
~110~h I 25%
s5% I 95%
66% i 80%
t 50% I e5%
I 34% I 50%
6th I I 17% I 40%
7th I I 30%
8th I
9th 20%
10th I I 5%