HomeMy WebLinkAboutDover Diversified, Inc. FILED SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL OF BENEFITS FEB28 2003 ['FORM ICE WITH STATEMENT I CF-1 AUDITOR, CLARK COUN I~1 ~afi~ ~ Io show t~ ~eof to ~h~.t~ ~ ~ ~an~ w~m z~ ...................... ,... .......... -~.~ to ~ I~t~ in a re~d~Hafiy dis~e~ ama). (lu m~. ]- ~. ~-o. o) 2. If the ~u~i~ apples to Real E~ate ~d Improveme~s, t~n this fo~ must ~ filed with the ini~ ~du~on applicat~n and then annually ~in si~y (~ days after t~ un,of e~ ye~ ~_ w~_~js ~u~ ~ fil~ w~ F~ 322 E~PP, ME 4. ~ f~ a ~ia~ i~ati~ for mu~iple prw~s may be ~i'dated on f~ Dover Diversified, Inc. d/b/a Cook Airtomic ~c~,~a~a~ZIPcode) 2540 Centennial Blvd. Jeffersonvillff, IN 47130 qame of co~tact pe~sor, David R. Muucy Telephoee~mber (812) 2t8-9419 X320 Name of designaUng body Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville Locatk~ of prope~y IC°un~Y North Port I Clark , improvements and/or ne~ manufacturing equipment, er new research and development 40,000 Sq./Fl:. manufactur±ng fac±l±ty with appro×imatel7 7,000 Sq./Ft. of attached o£f:Lce space, Manu~:acturi~§ ec.rn±pment a~c!. u££.equ.LpmenL [o supporn sa[es volume of $26)uuu,uUo. 2000-R-23 Taxing June 2000 January 2001 Current n~mber of employees Salades Number of employees retained Se~ades ~alues before project p us: Values of proposed project Less: Values of any p,,4-~y being repL3ced Palue~ before proje~ Les~: Values of any pr(;certy being replaced 2.600~000 2,748,81~ Assessed Value 2:646:q00 2~748~817 ~.699~50~ 5,789~96~ Value 1.770.056 1 770 056 2,038,553 100.495 100,495 Ne{v~uesuponcomHe~anofprciec~ 2,748,81; 2,748,817 5.789.96& 2~038,553 100,495 NOTE: The COST of the ~ is c~,;'~ ~;al pursuant to lC 6-1.1 -12.1-5.6 (d). 50.006 50 00'6 Assessed Val~ 38,111 38,111 t hereby cedify that the repmsentalions in this staternant ate true. authorized representat~e ~tle )ate signed (mo., day, y~-) INSTRUCTIONS: ' (lC 6-1.1-12,1.5.9) Within forty*five (45) days after receipl of this form, the designaling body may determine whether or not the property owner has substantially complied with the S atemen o~Benefi s . t! the property owner is found NOT to be in substantial compliance the designating body shall send the properly owner written notice, The notice must in- clude the reasons for he determination and the date, time and place of a hearing to be conducted by the designating body. If a notice is mailed to a prop- arty owner for new manufacturing equipment, a copy of the written notice shall be sent to the State Board of Tax Commissioners. Based on the information presented at the hearing, the designating body shall determine whether or not the property owner has made reasonable effort substantially comply with the Statement of Benefits. If the designating body determines that the property owner has NOT made reasonable effort to comply, then the designating bo~y shall edo.~ot a resolution terminating the deduction. The designating body shall immediately mail a certified copy of the resolution to: (I) the property owner; (2) the u'ounO/ Auditor; and (3) the State Board of Tax Commissioners. WZpreviewed the CF-1 and find that: roperty owner tS in substantial comp iance F'I the property owner IS NOT in substantial compfiance [] Other (specif~ Reasons lot the determination (ar~ach additional sheets if necessaq/) Atte~t~ bF' /, . ~' ~, ~, , De~!l~nating bodyp f the pl~lly owner sound no to be in substantial compliance the property owner shall receive the opportunity for a hearing. The following date and time has been set aside for the purpose of considering compliance. Time ol hearing [~AM i'-IpM Dateof hearing Locadon of hearing [] Approved [] Denied (see instruction.4 above) Reasons for determination (attach additional sheets if necessary) Signa[ure of authorized member Attested by: Designating body A property owner whose deduction is de,led by the destgnabng body rn~y appeal the deslgnatLn.g, bc~y's d.e..ci?.ion by fil. i,n~ nth, e o, !i_ce of the.C rcut or S~p~rior c(~.rt !pgetber w h a bond cond(t!oned to pay the costs el the appeal