State Form 44973 (R2 / 11-95)
fi was a roved after June 30, 1991 must file this form with the County Auditor and lhe
t. Pro eny owners whose Statement often.? ts,.._h hP~Pr~ as en compliance with the Statement of Benefits. (This does not apply to
P · w the ex,em ye wn ~. ..... h be
loca Demgnattng Body t~,sh~ -' .----~ ~rea~ qC 6- 1-12 1-5 6)
2. If the deduction applies to Real Estate and Improvements, then this form must be filed with the initial deduction appli~tion and then
' ' he deduction is applicable.
~nn.~llv withi S~ {60 daFs after the end of each y~,ar/n .~h~.~ ~ ¢R~ P e~een M~ch I and May 15 of each year: unle~ ~,
filing e~ension under lC 6-1.1-3.7 has ~en g~nt~. ~ ~ ..... w o g
each year.
4. With the approval of t~e designating body, compliance information for multiple projects may be consolidated on one (1) compliance
Address of taxpayer (street and number, ci~ state and ZIP code)
1070 W Liberty St., P 0 Box 999, Wooster, OH 44691-0999
Brian L schmidt, Treasurer
--~'~hone number
330 ) 264-8416
Name of designating body
City of jeffersonville Indiana ---------~Counry
Location of property b Clark
702 Port Rd jeffersonville, IN
Description of real properU improvements and/or new manufacturing equipment to be acquired
Building and Equipment for 2 Leveling and Slitting Lines,
Overhead Cranes, Shear and Miscellaneous Support Equipment
~esolution number 97-R- 13
T~mng district
~-~mated starting date
Estimated completion date
Current numPer of emplbyees_
Number of employees retained
Number of additional employees
Values befo,'e project
'~ of proposed project
Less: Values of any property being
Net values uben completion of project
Vatues before project
Plus; Values of proposed project
Less: Values of any property being replaced
ooo I
Assessed Value
Net values upon completion of proiect
NOTE: The COST of the proper'o' is confidential pursuant to lC 6-1.1 -12.1-5.6 (d).
Assessed Value
', 562
Amount of h~_ardous waste convec~ed
Other benefits:
I hereby certify thai the representations in this statement are true.
-----------~Oa[e signed (~o. day, yr)--~-~l
$ign;~ture pt authorized ,epresentatiV~ETALS .SA ~¢_.~O[~ FL~.' ~?~ ~gidt ~ '
~ Treas~er I
INSTRUCTIONS: (lC 6-1.1 - 12.1-5.9)
1. Within forty-five (45) days after receipt of this fe~m, the designating body may determine whether or not the property owner has substantially complied with
the Statement of Benefits.
' tantiai corn liance the designating body shall send the property owner written notice. The notice must in-
2. If the property owner is found NOT to be in subs · P - · ' · ~ -' ...... nnnducted bv the desinnatint] body If a notice ia mailed to a prop-
cellUr~eotwhneeref~sr new manufacturing equipment, a copy of the written co,ce shall be sent to the ~[ate uoa[u o
3. Based on the information presented at the headng, the designating body shall determine whether or not the property owner has made reasonable effort to
substantially comply with the Statement of Benefits.
. - · owner has NOT made reasonable effort to comply, then the designating body shall adopt a resolution
terminating the deduction. The desigtTat{ng Oody shall immeo/ately mal/ ~ u ...... u ~.~¢ ...... ·
and (3) the State Board of Tax Commissioners.
We have reviewed the CF-1 and find that:
~the property owner IS in substantial compliance
[] the property owner IS NOT in substa, ntiai compliance
[] other (apeci[y)
Reasons for the determination (attach additional sheets if necessary)
~ I Date signed (month day, yea )
~ natu e of c I member '
T~ -- 7~- ........ ~ ..... i~l compliance, the arope~ owner s~all receive the oppo~uniw ;or a nearing. The
~me of hearing ~Date of headng [Loca~on of headng
~RI~G RESULTS (to ~ ~mplet~ ~er the
~ Approved ~ De~ied gee instruction ~ above)
Reasons for determination (attach additional sheets if necessary)
Signature of ~uthorized member
iDate signed (month, day, year)
A~lested by:
Designating body
APPEAL RIGHTS [lC 6-1.1-12.1-5.9(e)]
si natin bed ma appea the designating body's decision by filing a complaint
A orooertv owner whose deduction is den'ed by the de g g Y Y .... n~t~ nf the aogeal if the appeal ~s determined
in the office of the Ctrcutt or Superior Court together w~th a bond condltloneo to pay
against the property owner.