State Form 44973 (1:{4 112-01)
Prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance
INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Property owners whose S atement of Benefits was approved after June 30, lggf must file this form with the County Auditor and the
oca Des gnafing Body to show the extent to which there has bean compliance with the Statement of Benefits. (This does not apply
topropertylocatedinaresidentalydsressedarea). (IC6-1.1-12. f-5.6)
2. if the deduction appfies to Real Estate and lmprovements, then this form must be filed with the initial deducfion application and then
nn all withinsixt fiO da saftertheendofeachyearinwhch hedeductionisapp cabte.
3. ,or,,~ew.,2a,_nu.~v,-;~:,~/-7~-~,~-~n M~r~h f and May 15 of each year, unless a filing extension under lC 6. f.f-3.7 has been granleo. /~
4. 'With the approval of the des[gnaling body, comphance mformabon for multiple projects may De conso~/u~u u t J ~
form (CF-f).
ame of taxpayer
PGP Cor~. D/B/A Vo-~a Clark
Address of taxpaye~ (street bnd humber, city, state and ZIP code)
701 Loop Road, Jeffersonville IN 47130
Name of contact person Telephone number
Paul Michael Voss or Cindy Squiers (3]3)29]-7500
Resolution number
Name of designating body
Jeffersonville City Council 92821 9688 96837
Location of property County Taxing distdct
Same Clark Jeffersonville
equipment to be acquired 9 / 92 4 / 96 9 / 96
92821 9688 96837 Estimated completion date
Steel processing plant & additions to processing platt 1/93 4/99 4/99
Current number of employees 9282 ]. 50 94
Salaries 1200000 39] 9624
Number of employees retained 9 4
Number of additional employees 96 R 8 96 R 37 20
Salaries 4 3 2 0 0 0
:~: iCost ,° Assessed Value :~ Coat ~ Assessed Value Cost Assessed Value
Values before project 928~ 4266000 7734000
Plus: VaIues of proposed project9 6 ~ 37 + 3000000 8100000
Less: Values of any properly being replace<8
N~ornp~etion of project --,--.-------- ~ ~ ~
~J~,Cost.~,~ Assessed Value
Assessed Value :[ ~:~,C~(~!~
Values before project 92821 505263C 7683754
Pica: Valuesofproposedproj~t6RS,37 333605~ 2488786
Less: Values of any property being replaced
Net values upon completion of project ;d 5 ~ ;5 b ;5 C I 0 1 7 0 0 4 0 *
NOTE: The COST of the property is confidential pursuant to lC 6-1,1-12.1-5.6 (d).
Amount o¢ solid waste converted
Amount of hazardous waste converted
Other benefits:
1. Wlth/nforfY-five(45) daYsafterreceipt~fthisf~rm~thedesignatingb~dymaydeterminewhether~rn~tthepr~perty~wnerhassubstantja~/ycemp~iedwith
the Statement of Benefits.
If the proper~y owner is found NOT to be in substantial compliance, the designating body shall send the property owner wdtten notice. The notice must include
2. the reasons for the determination and the date, time and place of a hearing to be conducted by the designating body. If a notice is mai/ed to a property owner
for new manufacturing equipment and / or research and development equipment, a copy of the wdtten notice shall be sent to the State Board of Tax
3. Based on the information presented at the hearing, the designating body shall determine whether er not the property owner has made reasonable effort to
substantially comply with the Statement of Benefits.
4. If the designating bcdydetermines that the pr~perty ~wner has N~T made re~s~nab~e e~ort t~ cemp/y~ ~hen the designating body sha# ad~pt a res~~uti~n
terminating the deduction. The designating body shall immediately mail a certified copy of the resolution to: (1) the property owner;, (2) the County Auditor;
and (3) the State Board of Tax Commissioners.
We have reviewed the CF-1 and find that;
[~'~e property owner IS in substantial compliance
[] the property owner IS NOT in substantial compliance
[] other (specify)
easons for the determination (a~tach additional sheets if necessary)
Designating bcd y/~
tf the~l~'ol~erty owner is found not to be in substantial compliance, the property owner shall receive the opportunity for a hearing. The
following date and time has been set aside for the purpose of considering compliance,
Time of hearing [] AM [] PM Date of hearing Location of hearing
HEARING RESULTS (to be completed after the hearing)
[] Approved . [] Denied (see instruction 4 above)
Reasons for the determination (a~tach additional sheets if necessa/y)
Signature of authorized member Date signed (month, day, year)
Attested by: Designating body
APPEAL RIGHTS i.lC 6-1.1-t2.1-5.9_~ ~
A property owner whose deduction is denied by the designating body may appeal the designating body's decision by filing a complaint
in the office of the Circuit or Superior Court together with a bond conditioned to pay the costs of the appeal if the appeal is determined
against the property owner.