HomeMy WebLinkAboutKellems & Coe Tool CorporationCOMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FORM ! State Form 44973 (R4 / 12-01 ) CF-1 Prescribed by the Depadment of Local Government Finance Pro arty owners whose Statement of Benefits was approved af er June 30, 1991 must file this form with the County Auditor and the INSTRUCTIONS: f' Ioc~aPl Desiclnating Body to show the extent to which the~e has been compliance with the Statement of Benefits. (This does not appty to propert) locat~d in a residentially distressed area). (lC 6-1. %12.1-5.6) 2. If the deduction app les o Real Estate and Improvements, then this form must be filed with the initial deduction application and then annuall within sixty (60 da s after the end of each year in which the deduction is applicable. ~ ^~ Y ~*,~,,f~nf,rinn )~au~ment or New Research and Development Equipment, this forr¢ must be filed with Form 322 ERA/PP. ME, person who obtains a filing extension must file between March I and the extended due date of each year, 4. With the approval of the designating body, compliance information for multiple projects may be consolidated on one (1) compliance form (CF-l). Name of taxpayer Kellems & Coe Tool Corporation Address of taxpayer (street and number, city, state and ZIP code) 2200 Centennial Boulevard, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Telephone number Name of contact person (8 1 2 ) 2 8 3- 4 4 3 5 Carolyn Coe, President Name of designating body 9 7 -R - 31 Jeffersonville City Council North Port Clark Utica equipment to be acquired 9 - 1 - 9 7 Manufacturing and tooling equipment Estimated completiondate Cranes 9 / 98 Current number of employees /t ,;,d~:z //'? Salaries Number of employees retained 49 Salaries 1 t ¢;Or): zl.~2 Number of additional employees 1 0 Salaries 208,000 Values before project Plus: Values of proposed project Less: Values of any property being replaced Assessed Value Net values upon completion of project Values before project Assessed Value ; Assessed Value Plus: Values of proposed project Assessed VaGue Assessed Value Co~t Assessed Valuo Values of any property being pon completion of project :: The COST of the property is confidential pursuant to lC 6-1 .%12.1-5.6 (d). Amount of solid waste conve~ed [ ~ - ~;~t~f;~;ardous waste conveded - INSTRUCTIONS: (lC 6-'1.1-'12.'I-5. g) f . Within forty-five (45) days after receipt of this form, the designating body may determine whether or not the property owner has substantially complied with the Statement of Benefits. 2. /f the property owner is found NOT to be in substantia/ comp//ance, tha designeting body sha// send the property owner wdtten notice. The notice must inc/ude the reasons for the determination and the date, time and place of a hearing to be conducted by the designating body. If a notice is ma#ed to e property owner for new manufacturing equipment and / or research and development equipment, a copy of the written notice shall be sent to the State Board of Tax Commissioners. 3. Based on the information presented at the hearing, the' designating body shall determine whether er not the property owner has made reasonable effort to substantially comply with the Statement of Benefits. 4. If the designating body determines that the property owner has NOT made reasonable effort to comply, then the designating body shall adopt e resolution terminating the deduction. The designating body shall immediately mail a certified copy of the resolution to; (1) the property owner; (2) the County Auditor; and (3) the State Board of Tax Commissioners. We have reviewed the CF-1 and find that: [_~thethe property owner IS in substantial compliance [] the property owner IS NOT in substantial compliance [] other (specify) - Reasons for the determination (attach additional sheets if necessary) ~ ~ Date signed (month, Signatu r~ °~t~ze°f~rnDer / /'~ ~'/~i/~i~ [] AM [] PM HEARING RESULT~eted after the hearin~g~ [] Approved [] Denied (see instruction 4 above) Reasons for the determination (attach additional sheets if necessary) Sig"~nature of authorized member IDesignating body Attested by: esigned (month, day, year) APPEAL RIGHTS [lC 6-t,1-12.1-5.9 e~.~L__ ~ A property owner whose deduction is denied by the designating body may appeal the designating body's decision by firing a complaint in the office of the Circuit or Superior Court together with a bond conditioned to pay the costs of the appeal if the appeal is determined against the property owner.