HomeMy WebLinkAboutChemtrusion, Inc.INSTRUCTIONS: [ FORM COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFI,'rs CF-1 State Form 44973 (R3 19-00) . '. red after June 30, 1991 must file this form with the County Auditor and the IDeal nang uoay ~o~ 6-1 1 12 1 56) annually w, thm slxty, ( ~u uays ..... '~}~ form must be fi/ed with Form 3,22 F~r~,r. ~,e~.'~,~;[~-~,.,t file bet~vaen March 1 and June 14 filing ex e ' . .... -~.. ~ ,.,*~,~tida ed on one (1) compllance Name of designating body -- -~ ~ - - ~ L. 12.14~- ~'~_~ i~...I ~ .... rn~wmanufactu~ngequipmenttobeaoquirad ....- stim-'--atedstartingdete Amount of solid waste converted Amount cf hazardous waste converted Other benefits: III j INSTRUCTIONS: (IC~. . . 1. H/ithJn toffy five (45) days after receipt of this form, the designating body may deten'nme whether or not the property owner has substantially corn lied wi 2.'the Statement of BeneEts. . ' ' ' " ' . ' If the properiy OWner i$ found NoTto be in eub~tantial co~n lla ,t~_e rea$one for the determination and th~ ,.¢~,~ .. 'P nce, the de$¢ n ' . ' ' ; ' . , ~Or. new. manufactudng equipment a~.V'~.'-~-u~'=' ,zrne and place ora hearin..g~i-ng boCy ehall eend the .rooe,~ ........ .... ~°pmeRt equipment, a COpy of ~e '~.~,~eszgna..ting body. If a no#ce is rn'aiThle~ ,.;~.ue must incluc Baeed on the info,rna#on preaented at the hearing, the de,gna#ng body,ha, determine 'hether or not the properb/ ownerhas ~ubetenfi~lly comply wkh the Statement ef Beneftts. 4. If the de$ignating body determthea that t t~e..~. !n~a, (/~ng the deduction. The de$1o~.!he ~rocerty ownerha$ N O T made r W~revlewed the CF-1 and find hat' L~ the properb, OWner tS ~ ' 'n substantial COmpliance [] the property owner IS NOT in substantial compliance [] other (specify) ~ ~d by: (month, day, year) s found not to be in substantial Compliance, th~ property OWner shall receive the o'~portuni~ for a heating. The date and time has been set aside for the purpose of considering Compliance. ing E~ ^~ E} PM ring hearing ....... ,,,.,o ~O~ecom letedafter~hehearin [~ Approved ~ ' ' · -- [~ Denied (see instruct/on ~-,,..a Ion (attach add~onal sh~ ~ 4 above) ~'th O~&be~'--~. _.. ~rnJnth: day, year) A property OWner whose deduction is de-' ~ ~ ,,APP.~..L R~GHT$ lC 6-1,1,12.1.S 9(e)) intheofficeoftheCircutorSu er' _ "eo~Ymeaesgnatng~ . . against the property owner. P )or c;ourt together with a bond con'd tioanYe~P?,,e~al th~deslgnabng body's decis = ~ppeal ~r the appeaJ Js determined