HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaurice Smith~ COM?UANCE WFf'H S ,A, :MENG" OF BEN~'FFTS
o~ce~ Ic~t~ in a resiC~nffally d~e~ ~e~). (IC ~ t. t. 12.1.5.~) ..... , . . .
n %,~, d ........
nnua# ~thin
3. For New ~anur~ q
~. '~t~ he z¢c~val c/¢,~e Cesiqn~¢n¢ ~cdy; compliance in/o~afihn /or ~ultiple ¢~/e~5 may ~e ccnscddztad on one (1) ~mpii~
f¢~ (CF. 1
~=~ ~ --~~_.
M~ice ~th
1507 Production Road jeffersonvi!!e, IN 47130
Name of cesign~dng body ]
Czt-¢ o= Jeffersonville I ~_~_a
C!~k ! 7==F TOw~ ~k ?,
1601 Prcduction Road
55,000 sq. ft. veneer s~_nufeccaring bui!dLng
- i2-96
6~ 7t
number ¢ employees !, 524,000 !, 802,300
Salades 65 65
Numcer cf emsicyees restarted !, 52%, 000 1,524,000
Numbec cf ~Cdkieza~ employees 378,0C0 278,300
~- -
,STRUGTTQNS: (IC &-t. t-12.1-5.9) .
1. Within foray-five (45) days are/' receipt of mis fo~m, the designating b~dy may dete~me whether or not t~e prope~ owner has ~ubstanti~lly ~m~li~ w
t~e Statement ~f Banefit$.
2. ~f th~ pr~pe~ ~wner is f~und NOT t~ be in ~ub5~a~a~ c~mp~ia~c~ th~ de~gn~n~ b~dy 5ha~ send ¢e ~r~pe~ ~wner w~en n~dce~ ~e n~fice mus; i
e~/ ~wner for new manufac~dn~ equipment, & copy of the wrJ~en nodCe she# be sent to the State Bo~ of T~ Commissioners.
subs$angally c~mpty wi~¢ the Statemeht ot Benefits.
4. lf :he des/g aC'~ y . . · · ....... " · I the roce ownec (2) ~E Ccen~ Aucit
~nd (3) ~e S,ate Bo~rd of T~ Commissioners.
ignadr~ bod~j
. ~ / Date signed (mor;¢, day, year)
J~t~ ~C owner shall receixe the/' "//l/'"-~oppoflunity for a
~f th~p~pe~y owne~ ~s found no~ to be in ~ubstanda~ compR~nce, the pr~pe~y
~me o¢ headng. j Date cf hearing j Locadon of hearing
~ Approved ~ Denied (see/n~ruc~/on 4
APPEAL RIGHTS DC ~-t.1-12.1-5-~e)] ~
~ ' rn a eat the designating body's decision by filing a complaint
A properb/owner whoae deductloq ~s den!ed oy ~he de?gnatlng body..ay ~,P? ..... <t. nf th~ aDea if he a peal ~s determined
in the office of the gircuit or Superior Cour~ together w~th 8, bond cond~tlonea [o pay ~,~ ~. ......... a.. P
agains~ the proper~y owner.