HomeMy WebLinkAboutEagle Steel Products, Inc State Focm 44973 {R4 / 12-01) tier June 30. 1991 must file this form with the County Auditor and the · owners whose Statement of Benefits w.as~ a.p~p_~v~e~d, an~,~, .... n with the Statement of Benefits. (Th~s does not apply INSTRUCTIONS. 1. P~ r~o,~?~,innafina Body to show the extent to whmn.me,?~ ,,,%o ~ ~,.~ ~pllance . . 2 ~ tJ~e ded,~Uon ~ ilo .,,f~ba~ E.?ta.L. _~_,.,Jg~°~,eh ,,ear ~ whic~ ~tee deducflen is apphcab/e, k ...... ;,~* =ora 322 EP~JPP ME form (CF-I . tame ~ tax.yet Eagle Steel Products, Inc ~ayer ~tmet and ~um~e) 5150 Loop Road Jeffersonvill~, IN 47130 Rita Moore ----------"~phonenum~r ~ )282-4770 ame ~ designating body City ~f jefferso___~nville ---------~ ~ LeCatDnofprope~ O Road jeffersonville ~~deve~ment ~~ new re~ a~ deveDpmen~ Braner Slitter Zenar Cranes Curre___._nt number of employe?~s Number of employees retained Salaries .Number of additbnal employees Salaries Assessed Valu Assessed Value 102 596 1 207 063 ~,113,050 1,645,220 Values before proje..~_~ ~ ~ Values of proposed p~oiect '-~ess: Values of any p~operty beln~ replaced Values before project Plus: Values of proposed project 2001-R-31 ~ 3eff Cit ~,t~ca ~;10039 i January, 2002 ~stirna~ed completion date une,2002 66 2,291,255 3O ~001,031 24 ~ssessed Vatue t hereby ~atJ°ns in this stat~,ement are true, t authOdz~,ed representative -- ~/~ ,., day, yr.) 10/01/2003 15:28 FAX 8122856747 E^6LE STEEL JEF. Ma¥-13-2003 TUE 02:33 PM OITY OLERK TRERSURER FRZ NO, 812 285 6426 002/002 ?, 03 ' ~.~,~,~. ~ATEI~IENT OF BENEFITS ....... ~f Ihe d~n.~l~nO b~y r~q~ir~ 1~ ,..~.~ w~sf~ wll~o Sfa¢¢m~ of Beneflts was appfov~J ~ t ' . .-; ' · ...: .... ~,~ Lovp '~d; J~~¢~ ...... ............ · ....---- ~ ( ~ ~¢z4~7~ E e¢¢~ ¢&~¢Z'¢''- ~ ....... - ........... ~co~,',~ d~ " 't~¢~ ~.~ , u ~o.~ ............. . ..... ~,~ o=~t . _~. ' " / . ---. -': 'Z'%:: ....... -- ' :t-" '7 .-: '.. " ~" "" E~ .--'" ......... .. ' ...... ~ - We have reviewed our pr or actions relating to the designation of this economic revitalization area and f nd that the applicant meets general standards adopted in the resolution previously a roved b ' . · v,des for the fo,low,rig ',re,tat,ohs as authorized under It ~P-lP. 1-12.1.2Y.th's body Sa,d resolut,on, passed under lC 6-1.1-12.1-2 5 ;thoe- A. The designated area has been limited to a period of time not to exceed designation expires is --. B. The type of deduction that is allowed in the designated area is limited to: 1. Redevelopment or rehabilitation of reap estate improvements; ~ Yes [~ N o 2. Insta!lation of new manufacturing equipment; [ Yes [ N o 3. Residentially distressed areas []Yes C .The amount of deduction applicable for new manufacturing equipment is limited to $ value of $ D.The amount of deduction applicable to redevelopment or rehabilitation is limited to S value of $ E. Other limitati0n~ or COnditiOns (apecify).. _calendarye..s (see below). The date this cost with an assessed cost with an assessed F. The deduction for new manufacturing equipment installed and first claimed eliaible for de ' ¢. [] 5 years [] 10 years The deduction period wi b~. v,= t.~ ...... , .... ¢ duct~on after July 1, 1991 ~s aJtowed for; . v tv/; .... un,ess ne des gnatmg body has by resolution specified the ten (10) year pedod Also we have revie..~e.d th~ information con~ained in the s atemen of bend i~s and find that the estimates and expectations are reason- abte and have ~ ~e tota~;'~ benefits is sufficient to jusdfy the deduction described ab~.~ Designated b~dy ~ne designating body hm~ s the time period during which an area is an economic revitilizati0n area, it does not limit the length of time a t~payer is endred to receive a deduction to a number of years designated under lC 6~1.1-12.1-4 or 4.5 Namely: (see tables be/ow) Deduction 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7!h 8th 9th 10Ih 55% 25% Deduction 1st -- 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th lOth Three (3) Year Six (6) Year I Ten (10) Year Deduction Deduction Deduction 100% I 100% I 100% 66% I 85% I 95% 33% i 66% 80% I 50% I 34% 50% t 17% 40% I 30% I 20% I 10% I