HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrinly-Hardy Company~ Feint 2;7167 (1%3 111 -~'~)
....... ~-- bo~ ~Ci~ ~un~ T~ 8 --~= - ~u~on may be app~v~.
2. App~ ~"-~-- of ~e new m~uf~nng ~m~. ~ = ine , m~t be filed w~ ~e c=un~ ~,ditoc ~:
3. T~o~ta,na~e~ ~ --*~E~mu~t~e~[~thelmerO ' ~ )~,.~e~ma~ ~ ~d~ay ~5o ~ ..~,~,~for~eenM~ ~ ~
;S [ecetv~ f~m ~e.m~P.~. , fil~ e=ensi~n h~ ~n ob~ed. A
4. P~e~ owne~ wh°se S~ement ~f ~e~ was ~p~v~ ~er July l,
Name of'~a.xpayef - ' Corn aD., '
~ Brinly Har~y P Y
Ad~'e$$ ~f~e (s~'eet gnd num~en ~ ~ ~ ~p c~e)
t 340 East Main St, Louisville, KY 40202
Teiephone numaer
~con~person ~ (' 502) 585-3351
Jane W Hard , ~esid~t
't of Jeff~l~ ~~f ~/
Rea~ ~= ' -ted In] ................
~fg Equipment ~Tran~po= ...... ~ .... S1,320,0p0 Seotember, 199~
Mnfg Equlpment (Purcnasea ~=~, -''~-~ ,
va:ues at ;=rooesec~ oro'~ct T 4 0 0 0 0 0 i ~ - - _ ....
[ Net es~ma~ va ~ ............. 133 333 t 1 560 000 ~ 741 OC
We have reviewed our prior actions relating to the designer on of this economic revita zadon area and find that the '
. . ... . ~ ~ ~
general standards adopted n the resolution prevous a ' . . . . .
vales for ,he fo,,ow,ng ',m,tat,ons as author,zed under ,~ ~P-lP~-~e2d. lb.2Y,th's body. Sa,d reso,ut,on, passed under ,C ~-Pl~c-~t~'l.m2e.~tSptrho
A. The designated area has been limited to a period Of time not to exceed
designation expires is
B. The type of deduction that is allowed in the designated area is limited to:
1. Redevelopment or rehabilitation of reel estate improvements; [] Yes F~ N o
2. Installation of new manufacturing equipment; [] Yes [] No
I 3. Residentially distressed areas
C.The amount ocdeduction [] Yes [] No
value of S applicable for new manufacturing equipment is limited to S
D .The amount-of deduction applicable to redevelopment or rehabilitation is limited to S
va/ue of $ . __
E. Other limitations or conditions (specify)
_ calendar years ' (see be/ow) The da~e this
cost with an assessed
_. cost With an assessed
F. The deduction for new manufacturing equipment installed and first clmmed ehg~ble for deducbon after July 1. 1991 is allowed for:
~5years [~ 10years .... '
The deduciior period win be five (5) years unless the designating body has by resolution specified the ten (10) year period.
Als0 we have re
able and h.a~.~. _! ~"wcd the information contained in the statemen · ·
_ te.,~ that the totafi~; o, benefits is sufficient ~fu~ ~¢o~:~m~`es and expectations are reason.
" ' Iua,- s~gned (mont,~; da~ YeaO
· If the de~~
g t'ng body lira ~s the time period during which an area is an economic rev t I zat~on area, it do~s not limit the length
a taxpayers endtled to receive a deduction ,ca number of years des gnated under lC 6-1.1-12.1-4 or 4.5 Namely: (see tables
Five (5) Year I Ten (10) Year
__Percentage Percentage
Year of
2nd 95%
3rd 80%
4th 65%
5th 5O%
I 95%
_l 90%
I 85%
-I 70%
I 55% ~
I 9th
85% t 95%
66% j 80%
50% I 65%
34% I 50%
17% I 40%
I 30%