HomeMy WebLinkAboutEagle Steel Products Inc.03/15/2004 13:17 FAX 8122856?4? E^6LE STEEL JEF. ~002/003 COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS . SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL N a.,"ne e! ~xpayer Ea~le St:eel Products ThC. · ~tsss el ~y~t (~eel ~ nu~ d~, ~te ~ ZIP 5150 Loop Road Jef[ersonville IN 47130 Name of de~Jgn~t~nO ~:~y Cit7 of Je[ferao~ville .. 5150 Loop Road Jefferso~vf[le IN Clar~ (612 ) 252-4770 Sea SS-1 attached See SB-! attached 10039 dale Ass, esa~:l Value Cost La~: ~uem Of ~ ~ ~ roplac~ . Net values u~n ' Net ~t~ u~n INSTRUC77GNS: 2. If the ~roPer;'/ ~wner i$ ~ound NOT ta ba in substantlal com~liance, the das~ nadn bcd shall and . =, ,/~,,.= ...... w manu, ac~nng equcment, a espy of the written noffca shall be sent to t~,e Sta:e £eard cf T~ax 3. 8ase~ on t, be information presant=d at the headnc the dasi~nztinn body s,~ag det=rmln~ wh=rh=r ~. ~ -. If ~ de~/gfiatmg bod~ data.mas that the prope~/ owner has NOT m~de reascczble effo~ m cern I, ' We have reviewed ~he CF-1 amd find that: r-I the prc.cer~y owner IS in subs:anfial compliance [] ~he Frog. e, .¢~ owcer IS NOT i,': subs:e.'~l c~mpli&oc~ [] o~her the prope~ ~wner ~s found no, o be n substantial comoiiance, the prope~ owner shall receive ~he oppo~un[~ for a heating. T fo~[owin~ data ~nd time h~s ~een sat aside ~or the ~urpes~ o~ cons~de~n~ c~pliance. HE~R[NG RESULTS ~to ~ ~m~t~ a~er the h~i~) L .' ~ Approvec ~ Denied (see inst~ction 4 ~ove) APPEAL RIGHTS [lC 6.-1.1-13L1-5.9(e)] ...... .' z ..'. .A p.~.rop.e,,,=r'~_ c'~r w~es,e; ded_uctidn, is denied by the deslgn~ting body may appeal he designating body's decision by iling ~ compia m ~.e o.~ce a, t.e ~rcut: or ~upenor Ccu~ toke[her w~th a bo~d conditioned to pay the costs of ne apgea[ f he a~peal is detg~[n~ against the pro~e~y ~wner.