HomeMy WebLinkAboutChemtrusion Inc.For Nefv Manufacfunng =q~p,,,e.~ ..... :;eh ~an~ed A erson who obtains a fi~;ng extension under lC 6- ~,1-3.7 has b.. _ ; ~ ~~ end Z~P c..) INSTRUCTIONS: (lC ~- 1.1.t2.1-5,9) f, WTthln fony.#ve (45} de~'a after receipt e! this fo~, ~e deal na~: · ' r the Statement of ~enefit~ g ng ~y may determine whet~er or n~t ~e prope~ owner h~ substan~ly ccm~li~ ~ude ~a reasons fo~ th~ determination and the da~a ti~e and l e~ owne~ for new manufac~dn~ eouiomen~ ~ ---~: ...... ~ ace o{ a h~a~qg m be ccndu~ by the desiqnztin~ bcdv If = ~ ?' ~e nEt~ce mc, ....... ~y u, ~*u wn~an n~ce snail be sent to the S~ata Board of ~ Co~m~]c~s~'°r~ce ~s ma~I~ ~o a subst~ntz~lly com~ly wkh ~e Statement of Be~.t~° designating cody snail determine wnemer or ~or me ~rooe~/ owner has mzde reas~n~a e~ the c~ro;e,~,2, owner IS NOT in subs~t~al C~moliance other (spec/f/). ~y~wner is found riel to be in substantial compliance, the property own~'"---'-----~r shall the opportunity for a hearing. following date and dine has been set aside tot the purpose of considering compliance, receive Th( ~gme o~ he,ring J Locadon of heanr, g -- HEARING RESULTS (to be comp.~tecf after the hearing) [] Approved [] Denied (see instruct/on 4 above) A~testec~ by: lOesignadng bcdy lOate signed (mcnth, day, yea,') ~ APPEAL RIGHTS OC 6--1.1-12.1-5.9(e)]. I :A t~,rope?.y owner whose deduction is denied 3y the designating body may appeal the designating body's decision by filing a complain'--"~ I in t~e off!ce of the Circuit er Superior Cou~ together with a bond conditioned to a the costs of ~ ' ' =tm/ned [ aga;nst the proper;y owner. P Y t e appeal ff the appeal is dot.