HomeMy WebLinkAboutRademaker Richard W. & Linda F.INSTRUCTIONS: COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS SUBJEOTT0 FINAL APPROVAL CF-] State Form 44973 (R2 / 11-95) Prescribed by the State Board of Tax Commissioners. 1991 I. Property owners whose S .. ~. .... ,--- ~.~- ,.,.m,~liance wi h the Statement of Benehts. (~ms does not app loGO Designating Body to show the extem [o wmcn mer~ n a residentiall dstressed area) (IC6 property Ioca!ed ' . - .Y-~ ........ ~. ...... ' then this form must be filed ~~on apphcat~on and 3. For New Manufactunng ~qu p e , J ....... ~ ~b ains a filinn extension must file betweefi M,~rEh I and June filing extension under lC 6- I. 1-3.7 has been grante~. each year. z~. With the approval of the designating body, compliance information for multiple projects may be consolidated on one (1) compli, Name of taxpayer Address of taxpayer (street'~nd numbe~ city, s(ate and ZIP code)' ~Z~~/~'7//z~/''' ..... I Teleph~one number Name of contact person ' Name of designating body ~ CITJ~ CO ct,,~'~./L 1c°~ty Location ct prop y Description of real prope~y improvements and/or new manufacturing equipment to be acquired Resolution number Estimated starting date Estimated completion date Salaries I ~ Number of additional employees_ ---"~--~~ Salaries Values before proiect Assessed Value · As~essedVa Plus: Values of proposed project~ Less: Values of any property~being replaced Net values upon completion of project I Assessed V~ Assessed Value Values before project I ~J-- PIus: Values of proposed project Less: Values of any properW being replaced Net values upon completion of project : The COST of the property is confidential pursuant tO lC 6-1.1 -12.1-5.6 (d). Amount of hazardous waste converled I INSTRUCTIONS: (lC 6-I. 1-12.1-5.9) I Within ¢orty-five (45)days after receipt of this form. the designatingbodymaydetermine whether ornottheprope~yownerhassubstantiallycompliedwith the Statement of Benefits. 2. If the property owner is found NOT to be in substantial compliance, the designating body shall send the property owner written notice. The noece must in- clude the reasons for the determination and the date. time and place cf a hearing to be conducted by the designating bod. K If a notice is mailed to a prop- arty owner for new manufacturing equipment, a copy of the written notice shall be sent to the State Board of Tax Commissioners. 3 Basedontheinformarlonpresentedatthehearing thedesignatingb~dysha~determinewhener~rn~mepr~per~y~wnerhasmader~as~nab~eff~rtt~ substantia/ly comp/y with the Statement of Benefits. 4. If the ~esignating body determines that the property owner has NOT made reasonable effort to comply, then the deszgnatzng body shaft adopt a resolution terminating the deduction. The designating body shaft immediately mail a cart fled copy of the resolutio'n to: (1) the property owner; (2) the County Auditor; and (3) the State Board of Tax Commissioners. We nave rev~eweo [ne $F-1 and find that: [] the propert~ owner IS in subs[antiaf comDhance [] the property owner IS NOT in substantial comoHance [] other (specify)_ Reasons for the de[ermmation (attach additional sheets if necessary) S~gnature (month, day, year) 0 Date Attested,~V /' , ~ ' ~ /~ Designating body If the prop~rt~ owner is found not to be n substan a compliance, the property owner shatl receive the opportunity for a hearing. The ! following date and time has been set aside for the purpose of considering compliance. "Rme of hearingr~AM []PM Date of hearing Location of hearing HEARING RESULTS (to be completed after the hearing) [] Approved [] Denied (see instruct/on 4 above) Reasons for determination fattach additional sheets if necessary) Signature of authorized member Date signed (month, day, year) Atlested by: Designating body APPEAL RIGHTS ilo 6-1.1-12.1-5.9(e)] A. property, owner whose. . deduction, is denied by the designating, body .may. appear he des gna ng bod/'s dec s on r~y filing a corn laint m the off,ce of the C~rcu~t or Suoenor Court together w~th a bond conditioned to pay the costs of the appeal if the appeal ih determined against the property owner.