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Steel Dynamics
INSTRUCTIONS: COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS I FORM State Form 44973 (R4 / 12-01) CF-1 Prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance 1. Property owners whose Statement of benefits was approved after June 30, 1991 must file this form with the Counly Auditor and the local Designating Body to show the extent to which there has been compliance with the Stalement of Benefits. (This does not apply lo properfy loca~ed th a residentJally dist~essed area)* (IC 6-1.1-12.1-5.6) 2.If the deduction applies to Real Estate and improvements, then this form must be tiled with the initial deduction application and then annually within sixty (60) days after the end of each year in which the deduction is applicable. 3. For New Manufacturing Equipmenl or New Research and Development Equipment, this form must be filed with Form 322 ERA/PI=, ME, or R and DE respectively between March I and May 15 pf each year, unless a filing extension under lC 6-1.1-3. 7 has been granted. A person who obtains a filing extension must fife between March 1 and the extended due date of each year. 4. With the approval of the designating body, compliance information for multiple projects may be consolidated on one (1) compliance form (CF - 1). Name of taxpayer Steel Dynamics, Inc. Address of taxpayer (streetandnumber, city, stateandZIPcode) 5134 Loop Road Jef fersonville IN 47130 Telephone number Name of contact person (260) 969-3562 Mary Fink Name of designating body Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, IN 97-R-A8 Location of property 513 A Loop Road County Taxing district Jef fersonville IN 47130 Clark Jef fersonville 01/01/1998 equipment to be acquired Hot dipped 9alvanizin9 facility Estimated completion date 04/01/2000 Number of employees retained Salaries 60 39 Values before project Plus: Values of proposed project :1.2,014,00c Less: Values of any property being replaced Net va[ues upon completion of proiect :1.2,03.4,00£ ~ ~-~ '~' Ascend-ri Value Assessed Value Assessed Value Values before project Plus: Values of proposed project 5, 068,32 ~ Less: Values of any property being ~eplaced Net values upon completion of project 5,0 6 8,3:2: ~~ 6-1.1-12.1-&6 (d~ ~ I Eereby certify that the representations in this statement are true. Titi~/~,.~,~.~.~,~ ,,...L~ Date signed (mo., day, yr.) ~/~/~oo ~ ClienlJLoc JEFF REAL JEFF Form CF-I, page I - Copyright © 2004 DIS, Inc.