HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeatply, Inc.STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FORM State Form 27167 (R7 / 12-01) sa - I INSTRUCTIONS: f, This statement taus be subm t ed to the body designating the economic revitilization area prior to the public hearing if the designating body requires infor- mation from the applicant in making its decis on abou whether to designate an Economic Revitalization Area, Otherwise this statement must be submitted to the desi hating body BEFORE a person ns a s he new manufacturing equipment and / or research and development equipmebt, or BEFORE the redevelopment or rehabilitation of real property for which the person wishes to claim a deduction, "Projects" planned or committed to after July f ~ t 987 and areas designated after July f, f987 require a STATEMENT OF BENEFITS. (lC 6-1.1-12.1) 2. Approval of the designating body (C ty Counc , Town Board, County Council, etc.) must be obtained prior to initiation of the redevelopment or rehabilitation, or prior to installation of the new manufacturing equipment and / or research and development equipment, BEFORE a deduc on may be approved. 3. To obtain a deduction, Form 322 ERA, Real Estate Improvements and / or Fonm 322 ERA / PPME and / or 322 ERA / PPR & DE must be filed with the county auditoc With respect to real property, Form 322 ERA must be filed by the later of: (1) May f O; or (2) thirty (30) days after a notice of increase in real property assessment is received from the township assessoc Form 322 ERA / PPME and / or 322 ERA PPR & DE must be filed between March 1 and May 15 of the assessment year in which new manufacturing equipment and / or research and development equipment becomes assessable, unless a filing extension has been obtained. A person who obtains a filing extension must file the form between March 1 and the extended due date of that yeac 4. Property owners whose Statement of Benefits was approved after June 30, 199 t must submit Form CF - f annually to show compfiance wfth the Statement of Benefits. (lC 6-1.1-12.1-5.6) 5. The schedules established under lC 6-1.1-12.1-4(d) and IC 6-1. %12.1-4,5 (e) effective July 1, 2000 apply to any statement of benefits filed on or after July 1, 2000. The schedules effective prior to July 1, 2000 shall continue to apply to those statement of benefits filed before July I, 2000. Name of taxpayer Seatply, INC ~ddress of taxpayer (street and number, city, state and ZIP code) 264 A AmericaPlace, Jeffersonville IN 47130 Name of contact person Telephone number Levon Afeyan, President ((812) 2~4-7679 Name of designating body Resolution number Common Council City of Jeffersonvitle Location of properly County Taxing district 264 A AmericaPlace, Jeffersonville IN 47130 C ark Jeff-City Description of real property improvements and / or new manufacturing equipment and / or ESTIMATED research and development equipment (use addftionaf sheets if necessary) StArt Date Completion Date Real Estate New Mfg Equipment : 03/04/2004 12/04/2004 R&DE Current number Salaries Number retained Salaries Number additional Salaries 2 $75,000.00 2 $75,000.00 19 $546,000.00 NOTE: Pursuant to lC 6-1.1-12.I-5.1 (d) (2) the Real Estate Improvements Machinery ResearchEquipmentand Development COST of the property is confidential. Cost Assessed Value Cost Assessed Valu~ Cost Assessed Value Current values Plus estimated values of proposed project $700,000.00 Less values of any property being replaced Net estimated values upon completion of project $700,000.00 Estimated solid waste conveded (pounds) ................... Estimated hazardous waste converted (pounds) ..................... Other benefits: Seatply, INC has purchased an existing company located in Jeffersonville that was on the verge of closure, Seatply committed to keeping the existing employees and growidg the business with substantial new investment, /') I hereby certify that the representations in this Statement are true, Signature of authori/z,~p~sentatlve Title Date signed (month, day, year) · . · · ' economic rev tal~,*Lion area and find that the applicant meets the viewed our pr'or act,ons relatl0g to th~ deslgna~o~n,~°cfdth~vs this dy Said resolution, passed under lC 6-1.1-12.1-2.5, pro- We have re ~rd doated n the resolution prev general stand___s.a ,. ......... ~.~.~ under I~. e-L.~.~.--~. rides for the following i~mi~a~ons ,~ A. The designated area has been limited to a period of time not to exceed ........... calendar years * (see below). The date this designation expires is ......... - .................... B. The type of deduction that is allowed in the designated area is limited to: 1. Redevelopment or rehabilitation of real estate improvements; [] Yes [] No []Yes []No 2 ~ installation of new manufacturing equipment; []Yes []No 3. Installation of new research and development equipment; [] Yes [] No 4. Residentially distressed areas cost with an assessed C .The amount of deduction appticable for redevelopment or rehabilitation is limited to $ .................. value of $ ................ ' D .The amount of deduction applicable to new manufacturing equipment is limited to $ ................. cost with an assessed value of $ .................... E. The amount of deduction applicable to new research and development equipment is limited to $ ................. cost with an assessed value of $ ................... ' ' ions or conditions (specify) ....................... - ...................................... F. Other hmltat . · ..... , .... + ,-¢ benefits and find that the estimate~ and expectations are reason- Iso we have reviewed the information ,c, ont.a?ea [,n,~r]~e ~i~i~,¢~i~iatifv the deduct On described above. aAble and have determined that the totah~y Of ~)enen~ ~pproved: (signature and title of authorized member) Telephone number Attested by: . .... dudn which an area is an economic revitilizagon area, it does not limit the length of time f the designating body hm~ts.the b ,me~p~e~ndtn * ~ngumber of years designated under lC 6-1.1-12.1-4 or 4.5 a taxpayer is entitled to receive a aeuucJ ..... __lDate signed (month, day, year) -- INSTRUCTIONS: (lC 6-f. l- f 2.1-5.9) t, W#hin forty-five (45) days after receipt of this form, the designating b~dy may determine whe~her ~r n~~ the pr~perty ~wner has substantia~~y c~mp~ied with the Statement of Benefits. NOT o be in substantia compliance, the designat ng body shall send the proper~y owner written notice. The notice must include 2, fthepropertyownerisfou(~d ' b thedesi natn bcd llano ceisma ed oapropertyowner the reasons for he determma ¢on and he date, t me and place of a heanng to be conducted y g g Y. . for new manufacturing equipment and I or reseamh and development equipment, a copy of the written notice shall be seat to the State Board of Tax Commissioners. 3. Based on the information presented at the hearing, the designating body shall determine whether or not the property owner has made reasonable effort to substantially comply with the Statement of Benefits. 4. Ifthe designatingbodydetermines that thepmperO/ownerhas NoTrnadereaaonable effortto comply, then the designatingbedyshalladopta resolution terminating the deduction. The designating body shall immediately mail a codified copy of the resolution to; (1) ~he property owner; (2) the County Auditor; and (3) the State Board of Ta~ Commissioners. We have reviewed the CF-1 and find that: [] the property owner IS in substantial compliance [] the property owner IS NOT in substantial compliance [] other (spec~y) Reasons for the determination (attach additional sheets if necessaO') Signature of authorized member Date signed (month, day. yeah Attested by: Designating body If the property owner is found not to be in substantial compliance, the property owner shall receive the opportunity for a hearing. The foltowing date and time has been set aside for the purpose of considering compliance. Time of hearing I Date of hearing j Location of hearing []AM []PM HEARING RESULTS ~ted after the hearin..q~__ [] Approved [] Denied (see instruction 4 above) Reasons for the determination (attach additional sheets if necessary) Signature of authorized member Date signed (month, day, year) Designating body Attested by: APPEAL RIGHTS,lC 6-1.142.1-5.9~]. deduction is denied by the designating body may appea the designating body's de.cisian by fitin¢ a comp!ain! A property owner w~os~ ~ , -~ ~ +nnCthnr with n bond cond ioned to pay the costs of the appeal if the appeal ~s determ~nee in the office of the Clrcud or ~upenor ~,ou., .v= .......... against the property owner,  COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS f FORM State Form 44973 (R4 / 12-01) / CF-'~ Prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance INSTRUCTIONS: t. Property owners whose S a ement of Benefits was approved after June 30 ¢991 must file this form with the County Auditor and the local Designating Body to show the e~ent to which there has been compliance with the Statement of Benefits. (This does not apply to property facated in a residentially distressed area). (lC 6- t, l- f 2, f -5. 8) 2. If the deduction applies to Real Estate and Improvements, then this form must be filed with the initial deduction application and then annual/ within sixty (50 days after he end of each year in which the deduction is applicable. 3. For Ne~ Manufacturing ~qu~pment or New Research and Development Equipment, this form must be ~ed~ w. i~.h~F_o(m 3?2 ERA/PP..,~ME~ or R and DE respectively between March I and May f 5 of each year, unless a filing extension under lc e- ?, ?-.¢./nas caen gran~eu. person who obtains a filing extension must file between March f and the extended due date of each year. 4. With the approval of the designating body, compliance information for multiple projects may be consol/dated on one (1) compliance form (CF-f). Name of taxpayer Seatply, INC Address of taxpayer (street and number, city, state and ZIP code) 264 A America Place, Jeffersonville IN 47130 Name of contact person ITelephone number Levon Afeyan, President I ((812) 2~4-7679 Name of designating body Resolution number Common Council City of Jeffersonville Location of property IC°unty Taxing district 264 A America Place, Jeffersonville IN 47130I Clark Jeff-City Description of reaI property improvements and/or new manufacturing equipment, or new research and development Estimated starting date equipment to be acquired 03/0412004 New Manufactoring Equipment to be used in process Estimated completion date 12/04/2004 Current number of employees 2 i 2 Salaries $78,000.00 $75,000.00 Number of employees retained 2 2 Salades $75,000,00 $75,000,00 Number of additional employees Salaries Values before project Plus: Values of proposed project Less: Values of any proper[! Net values upon completion of project project Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value Plus: Values of proposed project Less: Values of any property pon completion of project NOTE: The COST of the property is confidential pursuant to lC 6-1,1-12.1-5.6 (d), 000000 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 00000000000~ o o oo o o o o o o o ~ February 10, 2004 Common Council City of Jeffersonville Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission James Beecher, Executive Director Filing Information for Tax Abatement within the City of Jeffersonville, according to policy 37.01 Information Required of Applicants Seeking Tax Abatement. 1. Seatply Inc. Attn: Levon Afeyan, President 264 A America Place Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Real property abatement not being requested Real property abatement not being requested N/A N/A 6 current employees Estimate of cost on new manufacturing equipment $700,000.00 Information requested provided on SB-1 New machinery not present at location or placed on tax roles prior too 2004 taxes 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. i0. ii. Levon Afeyan, President Attached SB-1 12. N/A David C Duggins Jr ADVISORY REVIEW BY THE DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT SEATPLEY, INC. 264A AMERICA PLACE JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA 47130 A five-year deduction for new equipment SHOULD be allowed based on the following: 1. All information (Petition, SB1 and Filing Fee) has been submitted by the Petitioner. 2. Conditions of the policy are met as Petitioner plans to install NEW manufacturing equipment. 3. Project IS NOT located in an allocation area. 4. Project iS located in an already established Economic Revitalization Area. 5. Petitioner plans to retain 2 jobs and create 19 new jobs upon completing the installation of the new manufacturing equipment. The 19 new jobs will have an average wage of $28,737.00. 6. The projected value of the abatement per job retained/created is in the $2,000 - $3,000 range. (A more specific number is difficult to calculate because of the uncertainties ofreassessment and the application of CAGIT and School PTRC. The Petitioner has purchased an existing company located in Jeffersonville that was on the verge of closure and has made a commitment to grow the business with substantial new investment. PETITITION FOR ABATEMENT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: CC: CITY COUNCIl. MEMBERS SEATPLEY, INC iKEPRESENTED BY DAVID DUGG INS TAX ABATEMENT 1/28/2004 PEGGY x~VILDER, CLERK/TREASUEKER ' City Council Member: Seatply, INC has been manufacturing curved plywood for the furniture industry in Montreal, Canada since 1981. It has groxvn to over 85 employees and to be one of the top five companies producing a curved wood product in North America. Their product is a primary component of the contract furniture industry including many brands of office, hotel, and restaurant furniture. Seat-ply has been able to distinguish itself from other competitors by constandy applying new technologies to their manufacturing process, including an interactive customer friendly web site. The last few years have been extremely difficult for U.S. furniture manufactures. The weak market demand and the influx of Chinese imports, have forced many companies to close down. One of the first was Jasper Wood Products, a producer of curved wood products for over 25 years. Indiana, home of many furniture manufacturers, ~vas faced with a supply void. Seatply had already been shipping product to Indiana to other cl/ents such as Paoli Furniture and Classico Furniture, but the cost of transportation and the weak U.S. dollar was making it difficult to gain market share. A local plant 5vas necessary, and the Jeffersonv/lle opportunity seemed to be the best. An offer was made and accepted for an existing company set to close here in Jeffersonville. I have included a Statement of Benefits(SB-1), a Compliance Form(CF-l) and a spreadsheet used to calculate the total amount of the manufacturing equipment abatement. The spreadsheet displays the cost of the abatement in tax dollars and the benefit in the form of new wages and employment. Seatply has committed to bring on 17 ne~v employees and invest over $700,000.00 in new equipment. We are asldng for your support in our effort to grow with a five-year abatement on the new equipment. The employment numbers are strong ~vith the average hourly wage over the $12.00 an hour figtu:e. Seatply is currently located in America Place. Please consider the information attached, and I will be in contact to answer any questions you may have. David Duggins ~/~2