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_ ,,.~,,,.,,-r~T'~. ~.~',c,:.:'~'? "- ~'4':"1~"-~ . ........................ U,5:'.'DLqTRICT ¢OU~T ...... ' ', .... 0F INDIANA ~v 5- RON E~JS; ROB 'W~Z, B~:'~ ~C~C O~; ~ ~e~h~i~e';:' ' ~''~'~ ? ~:';~ e,,,.' ~is. ,,~. ~.: ~'. ,'. - ',-~':-. aaDaoi~es ~ memv *~s o e . ~'. . / ' cITY Co~c[~:- ) · . ::..:~ .~-: . ': . - , · ,'~ ,)... nd~ts... Come'n'o~.~e Pl~f~?Re~ ~:level~a Wllh~, Rev 9oU~I~'E. Morley, ma~ ~ w.~laer;'~y 90mS~, ~;~e~.Complmn~ agmmt ~e. De~d~B,~respee~lly alleg fo~ ' ' :';." O a8 OWS: .:,..,, ' "' "':' '"~' ~' ' :' '~'"'" '- ': I. ' ~Cqm h~ subjec~ ~terjms~c~on. ~ ~.~a~r,p~su~t to 28. u.s.c. ~3~ ~d ~2 '~.S.c. Constitution ofthc'U~ted States; subdivisio~ by~e of~e representation ~. ~¢~e~t~:~:Of ~ ci~e~ ~9 h~e.~s].q~.~,~ote wei~ted 'emmllv.~ ~ose ~f~.O~ ~fizeg~ , .: "' . ~,. , .. ,.; .~.,.~.~ ~- ~ .. . 2," ' PlamtiIi~ am'rca/Jent~ o~ihe ~ty of 3effcrsonvilIc, Indiana, and regist~cd 3. ; ' DeI~d~t Cl~"J¢i¢~rsOnvlne [nem~ "¢~ :~ Is a po,mum. . subd~tsmn oi~¢ State of ~d~a.' Defender Ji~song~e C~ Core, cfi ~crem~ '}Council") ts ~e*Icgislafiv¢ b~"of ~e'City'. ;The m~wflhal ~¢fend~ ~c cach d~y- clewed memb6rg'of~' Co~c , ~Vo~ unm~ffie~bcrs ~on Ellis, ~ob' ~'~d B~b~fl~n ~ elec~ ~om ~s~. T~o ~ooms ~d ~tC~ Co~ ~ gle~d at-~-. g. '; $~tg law specific : Code. 6 ~ before Novem~'8,'2O0~e C~c~,~as tc hive adopted m~mdm~ce E~g ~e City ~mo five (5) '~e~onaBly.~compac~:..~t~five d~smcts ~hmh. possible; equal pop~ati0~' ~l~ut-cr~mg precm~ or.~en~us ~l.od~ ~o~d~ lines. 5. Accorimg to Ee 200~.I~,: d~e~E c~sus; Ee c~i C~ ~sfficB ~e ~sSly mhla~o~ione&:The le~t pop,om ~sffict, Disffi~ 3 r~resentefl by Defen~t Fr~, ~ 4,239 ~habi. t~b..~le Ce_most populous ~stficg Di~ 4 represented by Def~dmt Wa~, ~s 8,10~ ~abitm. The ~opalafion of~e aeeor~Tg~ to ~e 2000.;,.:c~der~ dece~ial...: :;'- :'.ce~gS is 27,632 p~sons. ~¢rcforc, ~e ideal population ibr ~ch Comcil di~ ~ ~}526 ~27,652 divided by 5). 6. On or about O~ober 2, 2002 Dcf~dmt ~r~tz ~9duced ~¢Co~c~o : o ~ eC~ s ~ w o , populations: ..::,. .... Thc districts m~that ~districhng 'ordii/~/flce did tiot cross prccm¢~ or census mock bo~d "l~es ~d.~c~t~cts wn~n wer~ --raasonamy 'compac~ ~n accora~c~ Indigo la~[ How~vekj[t [~lcd to~'ob~ a majo~V ofvo~as ~om ~ ~5~cil] as ~d all ~ng. ~e'Ci~ mt6'fiQe' ~ gfive dism~s ovemb~ ~, 2002, ~e Council h~ 4-6-4~) ~d'(~ p~ot~o Nove~be~ ~602, ~t ~s now proMbnea~y~n~ , sp~c~fic~ly hd. Code ~3-~I-13-$2, from doing so. Consequently; ~out ~is Co~'~ ~t~enfion ~e 2003 m~icipal elec~e~ in ~e~ Ci~ ~11 be conducted under ~e Council district'boundarieS which Wcre drawn prior to the 2000 f8clcml'~ieeen~i~il ccasus. As a resuk of the Council ~ failure to make the dims~on reqtu~d by Indiana of the V q . '1aw, the rights ...... di~'Undei'th~'B'aal Protection Clause of the l~ourteenth Amendment to the United'States Consfilufion tO have their votes we~ghmd equally with those of all' othef'~{tiZ~fis~i~:the-'~ibe~:of,r~mbers bfthe :Council have.been ~d will. continue to be abridg6d~iii~'~ss tti~Coux't ~rant~ [t~'.~[:~riedy;. i przz~ e[e~t~on-'~r- eandzd~cs desmng to ~ for' ' '" '" ' Council seats c~ently ~hed~led to ~e[d'0nMay ~, 00~. ~ Malays'law, ~d. Co~ c~dates m~s~ file ~eM ~ecl~t~ons.of c~&~aty no l~cr ~an noon s&cn~-~our (74) ~ys ~d no e~l~e~ ~ bn~ ~dred fo~ (t 0~ ~ys before ~e . p~ elecQon. dzs~c~, ~e Voters ~11 suff~ ~p~le ~ ~co~flmt~on~ &lumen of~hezr vo~s m 2003 mummpm.ele~o~. - 12. BeCause an emerg ,choy eXists due to ~e rapidly-approaching candidate filing deadlines and pnmary elecuon;~the Voters respect~lly request that the Court advance this case on ~ts caleadar'~{oriler a speedy hearing as'allowed Rule 57 of thc ....... by' ' ,:,.....:., .-,.,~.,c., , ..-,,.,~ ,.. .,. . Federal Rules of Civi!.Proceddi-e'.. !. ! · ;.. (a) De~lare"fl'/a~e rc~eh~ Council-chStfic~ i~ ma~ppd/honed under the E~t~ii'~[] ~¢~otcction Cla~e o~Sthe Fourteezzth Aracndment to the United Skates Constitutio~'' (b) order that the primary ~d general election for the Council be conducted in ,. (c) (d) .'; accordance with the division proposed in Ordinance No. 2002-OR-33; Suspend the operation of Lnd. C6de §3z8-2-3 and extend the filing deadlines for candidates for the five (5) COund~l'eli~triet seats to. April 4,'~2003; Modify ~a3z. ycothe~-ln ,dian,a-e. lecdbn start,ds, as ma~'ib~, ne~.eg.s, ai7 tb effect~.te ~3Courtys orders; ' :'"." (e) · R?sp~etfully s~bmitted, .~.~. "'i~!TOWEi: ' ':-'':!d ::' 1213 N'0Frh Aklingt6~32ve~ue;'Suite 204 ' T~l~h~h4f" [3'i7)'~'3~93~3 ... TelecoPi~: '(317) 351-7232 And ~eter D.:. paLu:t~r SCHADf& SCHAD 157 East Main Street Ne~ Alb .an:F, IN 47150, Telephone: (812) 9454555 Telecopier:: (812) 945-5335 ~lttorneys for the Voters