HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-R-43RESOLUTION 97-R-43 RESOLUTION APPROVING STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FOR ~ PURPOSES OF PROPERTY Ti%X ABATEMENT WHEREA~, GEA Parts, L.L.C., (the "Applicant"), has petitioned the Co~on Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, for a deduction in real property taxes to be assessed on a prop6sed .500,000 square foot facility to be located on the west side of Port Road, just south of Chemtrusion in the Clark Maritime Centre in the city of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted an application which includes the Statement of Benefits on the form prescribed by the Indiana State Board of Tax Commissioners for such purpose, which application and statement include a description of the proposed redevelopment, an estimate of the number of individuals who will be employed as a result of the redevelopment, an estimate of the annual salaries of these individuals, and an estimate of the value of the redevelopment, attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the area in which the proposed redevelopment project is located is in a previously designated registered historic district; and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the city of Jeffersonville has designated the area where the proposed redevelopment project is located in the city of Jeffersonville as an Economic Development Target Area pursuant to IC 6-1.1-12.1 et seq., specifically IC 6- 1.1-12.1-7; and WHEREAS, the City's Department of Redevelopment has reviewed the application and Statement of Benefits submitted by the Applicant and has advised the Common Council that the application has been submitted in compliance with the approved Tax Abatement Policy of the Common council of the City of Jeffersonville. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that is specifically and affirmatively finds as follows: 1. That the estimate of the value of the redevelopment is reasonable for projects of the nature described in the Statement of Benefits submitted by the Applicant. 2. That the estimate of the number of individuals who will be employed or whose employment will be retained can reasonably be expected to result from the.proposed described redevelopment. 3. That the estimate of the annual salaries of those individuals who will be employed or whose employment will be retained can be reasonably expected to result from the proposed described redevelopment. STATEMENT OF BENEFITS State Form 27167 (RS i FOrm sa - t ~s prescribed by the State Board of Tax Commissioners. 1989 FORM SB - 1 iNSTRUCTIONS: rn st be subm tted to the body designating the economic rev/tllization area bnor to the public heanng if the designating body requires t. This statement u .......... .~ ......... C~n,~mic Revitalization Area Otherwise th s statement must be subm~ to?h~ ~s/g~J~ ..,..~ .... taim a~eductlon "Prelects" nlanned or commi~ed to after July 1, 1987 and areas besignated after July 1, 1987 reou/r STATEMENT OF BENEFfTS. (lC 6-1.1-12.1) 2. Approval of the designating body (City Counci , Town Board County Counc#. etc.) must be obtained prior to initiat/on of the redevelopment or rehaOilitat~ or prior to instal/at/on of the new manufactunng equipment, BEFORE a deduct on may be a~proved. 3. To oOtaJn a deduction. Form 322 ERA, Real Estate Improvements and / or Form 322 ERA / P~ New Machine~, must be fil~ with the coun~ auditor. Form 322 ERA must be filed b the later of: (1) May 10; or (2) thi~ (30) days a~er a not, ce of increase ~n real pro~e~ assess~ is received from the township assessor ~orm Jz~..~ ~ ~ mu~ ~%,~ ~ ,~ ~rR~n wh~ ~btains a filino extension must file me form March I and June 14 of t~at year. 4. Prope~ owners whose Statement of Benefits was approved a~er June 30. 199~ must submit Form CF - 1 annually to s~ow compliance with the State~ of Benefits. (IC6.1.1-12.1-5.6) Name of taxpayer Address of taxpayer (street and nuthber, c ~, state and ZIP c~e) Name of contact ~erson i Te~edhene number Name of deslgnahng body Location of property IC°unty Description of real Oroperty imbrovements and t er new manufactunng equipment (use additional sheets if necessary) Resolution number Taxing district ESTIMATED I Start Dote ~i Completion ! New MfgE~ui.ment I ~//4 1' ~/~ ' [' NOTE~'Pbrsuant"tb'lC 6 Current values Plus estimated values of proposed project aiues of any properly being replaced Net estimated values upon completion of project Assessed Value .... ~Estimatedsolidwastecdnverted(pouz~ds) Estimated hazardous was e c. enve~_eq..pounds) Other benefits: I hereby certify that the representations in this statement are true. -- Date s~gned rmo~t,h ~ay. yearl ] S~a"---natur~ of au~ori:,~eo re. pr. esentat~ve I'n..~e .... .4 ....--) ~ ]...-. /~,,-/ GEA Parts, LLC Attachment to Statement of Benefits Form SB-1 September, 1997 Section 2: Description of real property improvements: A warehouse and distribution facility of approximately 500,000 square feet including non-manufacturing distribution equipment will be constructed and installed pursuant to General Electric specifications. Upon completion by the developer, the facility will be leased to GEA Parts, LLC. The facility will be used to warehouse and distribute products (inventory) owned by GEA Parts, LLC through use of a third party warehouse operator. Section 3: Estimate of number of employees and salaries as a result of proposed project: Estimated a roll: ~ Annual Payr0ii Cumulative as of December 1998 150 $3,557,000 Cumulative as of December 1999 150 $3,670,000 Cumulative as of December 2000 150 $3,816,800 As previously discussed with the Indiana Department of Commerce, employment services will be contracted from a third party service provider specializing in ~areh0USei~pera~on~i The estimated _net increase in employment at this facility is a direct result of GEA Pazts; LLC investment in this prOPosed Project. There is no reduction in employment at any other facility owned by any General Electric affiliate as a result of tiffs project. The annual payroll amounts above include benefits estimated at 35% of base payroll wages. Section 4: Estimated totalcost, andgaLue of proposed project: The proposed project Will require an estimated investment in non-manufacturing machinery and equipment of $7,000'000 Which will be ldaSed to GEA Parts, LLC~ As non-manufacturing machinery and equipment, this investment is ineligible for the personal property tax abatement. Unabated taxes: Invento~ Real Estate Machine~ Total YEAR 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 11,234 0 96,798 108,032 4 11,234 15,287 135,517 162,039 5 11,234 61,149 101,638 174,021 6 11,234 ~, 107,010 77,438 195,683 7 11,234 152,872 58,079 222,185 8 11,234 183,446 43,559 238,240 9 11,234 214,020 36,299 261,554 10 11,234 244,595 36,299 292,128 11 11,234 275,169 36,299 322,703 12 11,234 290,456 36,299 337,990 Totals 112,344 1,544,005 658,227 2,314,575 - 13 11,234- 305,743 36,299 ...... 14 .... 11,234 . 305,743 - 36,299 15 --!1,234 305,743 36,299 16 11,234 305,743 36,299 17 11,234 305,743 36,299 18 11,234 305,743 36,299 19 11,234 305,743 36,299 20 11,234 305,743 36,299 353 277 353 353 353 353 277 353 277 353 277 353,277 Totals 202,219 3,989,953 948,621 5,140,792 277 ..... 277 277 YEAR COST TTV% 1 13,085,000 68% 2 13,085,000 68% 3 13,085,000 68% 4 13,085,000 68% 5 13,085,000 68% 6 13,085,000 68% 7 13,085,000 68% 8 13,085,000 68% 9 13,085,000 68% 10 13,085,000 ' -~o ASSESSED TAX 10 YEAR 'I-I'V VALUE RATE* TAX ABATEMT. 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 305,743 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 290,456 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 244,595 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 198,733 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 152,872 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 122,297 · 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 91,723 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 61,149 8,844,000 2,948,000 10.3712 305,743 30,574 8,844,000 .2,-948,000 10.3712 *Rate is net of property tax replacement credit 305,743 .15,287 3.057.43~5 .15131430 THE Septentber29,1997 Executive Director (812) 285-6477 John Perkins Ron Ellis Donna Frantz Peggy Wilder Barbara Wilson Veronica Conlin Andrew Williams Dear Councflpersons: Enclosed is a tax abatement application by GEA Parts, L.L.C., an entity underwritten and financed by General Electric Corp. The project is a proposed 500,000 square foot facility to be located on the west side of Port Road, just south of Chemtrusion. The project will employ 150 people at an average wage in excess of $23,000.00 per year. The request is for a tax abatement on real property Only, no personal property tax abatement is being requested on th/s application. The total tax abatement for a ten year period onthe real~sta-t-e~Wpuld amount to a~Pproximately $1,513,430.00. The unabated portion of the tax is estimated to be $1,544,000.00. Total unabated taxes on this project which would include taxes collected on the personal property, inventory and unabated real property taxes would amount to approximately $5,140,000.00 over a twenty-year period. During the abatement period, total taxes collected would be a minimum of $2,300,000.00. The unabated pox~ion of the taxes and the total taxes collected have been very ..... couservati~vely estimate_d__.~ I~n f~act, depending on inventory levels, this amount co~!d be S~S~a.n~ia!ly higher. The Southern Indiana Economic Development Council, the Clark Maritime Centre and the City Department of Redevelopment have been working on this project in excess of one year in an attempt to land this economic development for the City of Jeffersonville. We believe that the location of a high profile company such as GE will continue the momentum of ......... jefferS0nville'beco-miitg an ~con/~mic development center in thiS-region. The econon~cs of this development for the GitY °f Jeffers°nville are the I~ ....... -~: foll~ng: 501 E. Court Avenue · Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 · Fax (812) 285-6468 Jeffersonville city Councilpersons September 29, 1997 Page Two The abatement being requested will amount to approximately $1,513,430. The unabated taxes during the same period will amount to a minimum of $2,300,000. We have assumed a minimum inventory level in these calculations and the amount could be substantially higher. During the eight years following the abatement period, the property taxes being paid by General Electric will exceed $353,000.00 per year, for a total unabated taxes on an extremely conservative basis of $5,140,000 during the twenty year period starting with this year. We believe that because the unabated taxes are going to be so substantial that we have no problem recommending the abatement on this project. The average cost per job of this tax abatement amounts to approximately $10,000 while the approved scale indicates a tax credit of about $7,500.00 per job would be acceptable. What we believe justifies the additional abatement credit in this case is the extremely large amount of unabated taxes in addition to the fact that there ~ be 150 brand new jobs that are generated as opposed to the jobs that are just retained or are brought here from somewhere else. The original scale was established to take care of a normal request for tax abatement. This one is not normal in that it is such an extremely large and desirable development and it was a highly competitive process in dealing with GE.' GE has fully guaranteed the operations and the project at the Maritime Centre for ten years. Although requested, no additional inc~nti~ Were'agreed to (e,g~infrastruc!ure, !and, or additional ~: abatements). - If there are any questions regarding this application, please let me know so that I may inquire of GE any questions which may be unanswered. Sincerely, Philip W. McCauley ............... Enclosure Resolution No. 97-R-43 Page 2 4. That all other information requested from the Applicant has been submitted, and the benefits described in such information can be reasonably expected to result from the proposed described redevelopment. 5. That the totality of benefits for said redevelopmen~ is -sufficient to justify the deduction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville hereby approves the application and Statement of Benefits as presented and filed by the Applicant, and that said Applicant shall be entitled to deductions for a period of ten (10) years for improvements to real property, pursuant to the provision of IC 6-1.1-12.1-3(d) and IC 6-1.1-12.1-4(d) (3), with the timely filing and perfection thereof with the Clark County Auditor's office. Passed and adopted this 6th day of October, 1997, by the Common Council of the city of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana. ~ R~'~. G~~~res~ding officer ATTEST: C. RfcSard Spence~ Jr.~ ~ and Treasure~ Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, this ~ day of ~ , 1997. ~-- chard Spencer, Jr., Clerk and ~ Treasurer Approved and signed by me this ,1997. wp51\ta, res Thomas R. Gallig~n,~ M~