HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-R-37RESOLUTION NO. ~ RESOLUTION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITDAL OF THE CFF APPLICATION TO THE ~ ~ INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND ADDRESSING RELATED MA'Fi'ERS WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana recognizes the need to stimulate growth and to maintain a sound economy within its corporate limits; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, authorizes the Indiana Department of Commerce to provide grants to local units of government to meet the housing and community development needs of Iow and moderate income persons; and WHEREAS, the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana has conducted or will conduct public headngs pdor to the submission of an application to the Indiana Department of Commerce, said public headngs to assess the housing, public facilities and economic needs of its low and moderate income residents; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana that: The Mayor is authorized to prepare and submit an application for grant funding to address the slum and blighted conditions by conducting intersection and streetscape improvements along the Spdng Street Business District, and to execute and administer a resultant grant including requisite general administration and project management, contracts and agreements pursuant to regulations of the Indiana Department of Commerce and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The City of Jeffersonville hereby commits the requisite local funds in the amount of Fifty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and 00/100 ($59,500), in the form of cash on hand through the Jeffersonville Department of Redevelopment and Three Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($3,000), in the form of cash from Jeffersonvitle Main Street Inc., as matching funds for said program, such commitment to be contingent upon receipt of CFF funding from the Indiana Department of Commerce. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Jeffersonville, PM. 997, at ~ ATTE T: Richard Spencer, Jr. ! I Clerk/Treasurer ~-~ CDBG DISCLOSURE REPORT PART Applicant/grantee name, address and phon~ nu~er' I - APPLICANT/GRANTEE INFORMATION 2. City of Jeffgrsonville 501 East Court Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812)285-6490 Indicate whether this is : Initial Update Report Report Grant Nu/nber (Updates Only): Federal employer identification number: 35-6001067 Project Assisted/to be Assisted. a. Fiscal year: 1997 b. Entitlement grant(s) [] Competitive grant ~ c. Amount requested/received: ............................... $ 487,500 d. Program income to be used with c. above: ................. $ -0- e. Total of c. and d.: ...................................... $ 487,500 PART II - THRESHOLD DETERMINATIONS 1. Is the amount listed at 3.e. (above) more than $200,000? Yes ~ No [] Have you received or applied for other HUD assistance (through programs listed in Appendix B of the instructions) which when added to 3.e. (above) amounts to more than $200,000? Yes ~ No ~ If the answer to either 1. or 2. Of this part is "yes", then you must complete the remainder of this report. If the answer to both 1. and 2. Of this part is "no", then you are not required to complete the remainder of this report, but must be sign the following certification. I hereby~~ th tis/~/~.on is true. (cH ' (Date) PART III - OTHER GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROVIDED/APPLIED FOR 1. Provide the requested information for any other Federal, State and/or local government assistance, on hand or applied for, that will be used in conjunction with the CDBG grant. (See Appendix B of the instructions) Name and Address of Agency Providing or to p~ovide Assistance None Program Type of Assistance Amount requested or Provided PART IV - INTERESTED PARTIES Alphabetical List of Social Security Type of Participation Financial All Persons With A No. or Employer in Project Iterest in Reporable Financial ID No. Project Interest in the $ and % Project N/A PART V - EXPECTED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS This Part requires that you identify the sources and uses of all assistance that have been or may be used in the project. Source CFF Grant Local Match Use Construction of Intersection & Streetscape Improvements Design & Inspection Grant Administration Environmental Review Labor Standards Construction of Intersection & Streetscape Improvements PART VI - CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the information provided in this disclosure is true and correct and I am aware that any false information or lack of information knowingly made or omitted may subject me to civil or criminal penalties under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code. In Addition, I am aware that if I knowingly and materially violate any required disclosure of information, including intentional non-disclosure, I ~ subject/to a (Chief Elected fffficia~l) vil money penalty not to exceed $10,000 for each (Date) INDIANA DEPARTMEI~' OF COM1F/ERCE COI~dUN1TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SMALL UI'I'~.~S PROGI~J~! ASS~CES AND CEIt'I'I~'ICATIONS The applicant hereby a~ures and certifies that: (a) It possesses legal authority to apply for the i~rant, and to execute the proposed pmiram. (h) Its ~overnlng body has duly adopted or passed ns an official act a msofution, motion or similar action authori~in~ the ~li,~ of the application, including all underata~i-~o~ s. ud assurances contained t.hereln, a~.d ~ and authorl,ln~ the pemon identified as the officlal representative of the applicant to act m connection w~n ~ne application and to provide s~ch additional information as may be required. (c) It has cemplled with all requi~mente of Executive Order 12372, and that either: . · (1) Any comments or recom'~enclatinns made hy or though clearin~beuses are attached and have been considored prior to submission of the application; or . · . . (2) The required procedures have been followed a~d no c~mments or recommendations have been l~elved prior to submission of the application. (d) It has facilitated or will facilitate citizen participation by: (1)Publishing a statement of proposed activities se tha~ affected citizens have an opportunity to submit conunsnts on the preposed activities and community development performance of the applies.ut; (2)Providing adequate notices for two or mere public hearln~ specifically to persons of low and moderate income; Holdint two or more public hearin~ on the propesed application at times and locations convenient potenthl bensliciaties, convenient to the hnndicapped, and ~tin~ ~d,si~i~.o~ -English s!~'~i'S residents, if appropriate, to obtain citizens views be fore adoption of a resolution or s' ' action by the local []overm½n= body authoriting the ~;~[ of the application; (4) Previdin~ citizens information concer~in~ the amount of funds available for proposed community development activities and the range of those activities; (5)Providing citizens with information cencer~i~ the amount of funds that will benefit persons of low and (6)Furniskinl~ citizens with the plans made to ,~i~i,~ile the dhplacement of persons and to assist persons actually displaced as a result of/:rant activities; (?) l~vldin ~ te~h nleal assistance to ~ups repre~entin~ persons of low and moderate income requceting such nssistance in developin~ p~pesals; (8) Providinl/citizens with reasonable notice of substantial chan~es proposed in the use of ~ant funds and previdini oppermnity for public comment; . . . (9) Provldlnl~ citizens with reasonable access to recerds re~arding the past use of CDBC- funds received, and (10) Any modifications or .,r-~ldmente of the prol~ram'that are made from .t~.e to time will be made in acce, rda~ce wi[h the same procechires required in (el) for the preparation and subn~ss~on of a statement of preposea - activities. (e) It has identified housin~ end cv,~,~nity development needs, including those of low and moderate income persons and the activities to be undertaken to meet such needs. (I) The Community Development pro,ram has Been ~evoloped so as to ~ive ~.,i,~ttm feasible priority to activities which will benefit low and moderate income f~mitles, or aid in the prevention or eBrrfination of slums or blight. [The requirement for this certification will not precludo the Department of Commerce f~m approvin~ an application where the applicant certifies, and the Department of Commerce dotermlnes, that all or part of the Community Development I~ram activities are destined to n~-et other commumty development nse~ts havlnE a part/cular urgency a~ apecifically explained in the application.] It will minimize displaesment of persons and provide for reasonable benefite to any person involuntarily and per~ently displaced as a result of activities associated with pre,'am funds. It will no~ attempt to recover any capital coste of public improvements assisted in whole or part with CDBG fundo fee charl~ed or a~sessment made as a conditwn o~ ovtaining access w secn p~,,~ -,~,~ ,,~ , funds received are used to pay the pmportien of such fee or assessment that relates. ..t° the capital ces~ of. public. improvements that are ~na~ced from revenue sources other tha~ CDBG funds, or (u) for purposes of ns~stmg any amount a~alnst properties owned and ocenp~od by persons of low a=d moderate Income who are not pol-sons of vory low income, the ~rantee certified to the Secretary or such State, as the c~se may be, that it lacks sufficient funds received from CDBG t~w~ram to comply with the requirements of clause. A-1 (1) It will comply ~ith al~ requLr~menta imposed by the SLate concer~i-~ special requirements of law, pro,Tam '. requirements, and other a ~,~i-lstrative requirements approved in eo:ordance with OMI~ Circular No. A-102, Revised, award of the project It will comply with: Recovery Act of 1983 and the ~Iou~t~g a~ue ~nz~u, m~y La~.ve~o?~m_e_~_,~ _r~_: -~-'ds' ' (2) ~e P~°vislon~'of the~Davls-Bacon Act (46 U.$.C. s 276a-~) w~th respect to prev-,,,~ wage ra~ea ~- ,~- . projects for the'¥ehahilitatlon of residential properties of fewer than eight units); Contract Work ~Ioure and Safety Standasd~ Act of 1962, 40 U.S.(]. 327-3~2, requiring that mechanics and laboror~ in a work-we~k, whichever is ~ro~er; ~d ~02 ~t ~e~., ~ that covered employees Be paid at least (4) Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, ~9 U,2.C. S the ,~'~mum preserved w~e, ~nd al~o that they Be paid one ~ud one-half times their basic wage ra~ for all houro worked in exceas of the preached work.week; and (5) Anti-~ckl~ch (Copeland) Act of 1934, 18 U.S.C. R 8?4 and 40 U.S.C. S 276c, which outlaws and proscribes penaltie~ for 'kickhac~' of wagus in federally ~ced or a~sisted con~cruction activities. (k) It will comply with all requirements impee, ed By the State concer~S,~g special requirements of l~w, program raquirements, and other aa,~,~trative requirements. (1) It will comply with: (1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 19~4 CPuhlic Law 88~352), and the regulations issued pureua~t thereto (24 CFR Part 1), wMch provides that no person in the United Statss shall on the 8~ounde of race, color, or national origi~ Be excluded [tom participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination u~der any prograph or activity for which the applicant received Federal financial a~amtance and wi~ ~mmediatoly take ~ny measures oece~sary to effectuate this a. ssuranC~. If any real proper~y or str~cture thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal llnancial ~sistanc~ ex~nded to the applicant, this a~urance shall obligate the applicant, or in the ca~e of any traasfer of such prol~, .rt~, ~any, tr .a~feree: f?r the period during which the real property or str'~cture is u~ for a purpe~e for winch ~eaereu nnanc~a~ aa~i~tance is extended, or fo.r another purpose, involving the p..ro .vi.'s~io.n. of s~.' ~s.e~epSuObtllcboJ~wfits; (2) The ~air ~ousin& Act (pre~nously known a~ Title VI~ of the Ctv~l rdgnts Ac: o~ ~ ~z~u 90-284), as amended, aa,~sn~stering all progr~,~- and activities relating to housing and community development in a manner to alTn-matively further fair housing in the sale or rental of housing, the financing of housing, and the provision ofh~okerage services; a~ amended, and the regulations (3) Section 109 of Title I of the I-Iousing ~ud C~rnmunity D~velopment Act of 2987, issued pursuant thereto (24 CFR 570.602), which provides thst no person in the United States shall, on the grounde of race. c~lor, national origin, rohgion, or sex, be excluded from .' participation in, Be denied the Benefits of, or bo subjected to discri,~i~ation ~.nder any program or activity funded in whole or par: with funcLs pro~nded under the Act. Any prohibition aga:ust otherwise qualified handicapped tncli~ndual~ as provided m Section 6u~ el ~rie rca of 1~7~ shall also apply to any such program activity; (4) Executive Order 11063, as amended by Executi~ Order 12259 on equal o, ppertunlty in heys. lng .and ~on.discrimination in the sale or rental of housin$ built with Federal as~sta~e, and reqmrtug that program~ and activities relating to housing and urha~ development be .a,~i~istered in a maturer affirmatively to further the guais of Title VIII of the Civil Ri&bls Act of 1968; and and the regulatio~ issued pursuant (5) Executive Order 11246 as amended by Executive Ordere 11575 ~.nd 12086, thereto (24 CFI~ Part 130 and 41 CFR Chaptsr 60), a~d the regulatlons issued pure. ant thereto (24 CFR Part 130 and 41 C~R Chapter 60), the Indiana Code (I.C. 22-9-I.10), which provides tha~ =o perso~ shall be discriminated against on the h~sis of race, color, rehgibn, sex or ~atlonai origin in all phases of amplo ,t du. g pe o anco or ed ,al or .i a e and insure fair treatment in employment, upgraai~ demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advert~i~. layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation and ~lectio~ for training a~d apprenticeship. It will comply with Section 3 of the ~Iousmg and UrBan Development Ac~ of 1968, as amended, requiring that to the project area a~d contracts for work m co~uectmn va~n ~ne p~j~. ~.~ - are located in, or owned in subs:a~tial part by, persons roslding within the unit. of local guvernment. A-2 570,496a alld it is fO~lOWi/lg a resident/al ant~clhplacement and relcca~ion ~ pl~ un '. s~ion l~(d) of~tle I of ~e Hous~g & ~uni~ ~velopment ~ of 1974, ~ ~ended. (o) It ~1 ~hsh ~fe~ W pm~it employes f~m usMg ~sitions for a ~e that ~ or ~ves the ap~an~ of~g motiva~d by a ~s~ for p~va~ ~ for the~lves or other, p~i~ly ~o~ ~th whom they have fa~y, ~ne~ or other ti~. (p) It will ~mply ~th ~e p~aio~ of the Ha~h ~ wM& h~ the ~ti~ a~i~ of employes. It will ~ve S~, ~ ~d the ~mptmller ~neml t~u~h any au~odzed ~p~tives, ~ e~ine ~ ~r~, ~ ~, or d~n~ ~la~ ~ the ~t. (r) I~ chief ex~tive o~r or other offi~r of app~c~t app~ved by the ~p~enl of ~e~: 1~9~ ~42U~C S4321t~s~/~dotherp~mous°fFeder~law' ~ea~zt~ (2) ' is autho~ ~d ~n~n~ on ~h~ofthe appl~t ~d bi~e~W ~P~ ~e ~°n °f the Federal ~ for ~e ~ or e~o~n~ of ~ ~s~ties ~ such ~ offid~. (s) I~ ~1 ~mply ~: (1) ~eN~tlon~En~n~l~h~~°fl~9(42U~'C'S4s21~ts~')~d24~p~'~d~°n ~th t~ ~ffo~ of ~en~ ~n~ under ~e Na~on~ En~ ~ ~ of 1~, ~ply ~th ~on 1~ of the Nafion~ ~c ~s~ion Aa of 1~ (16 U~.C. 470), Ex~ve ~r 115SS, ~d ~e ~a~on of~l~ ~d ~wS~ Da~ ~ of 1~ ~.C. ~9a-1, e~ s~.) by: (a) ~n~l~ ~ ~e S~ ~W~c ~ation Offi~ W iden~ p~ies B~d ~ or e~le for P~ ~0.8) by the p~d a~; ~d ~) ~mpl~t ~ ~ ~nU e~b~hed by ~e S~ ~d ~ s~id or ~a~ sdve~ eff~ u~n (2)' Ex--five ~der ll~,~dpl~M~ment; (3) Ex~t~e ~r 11~0, ~ion of Wefl~; (4) End~d S~s ~ of 1973, ~ mendS, (16 U~.C. ~ion 1531~; (6) ~e F~h ~d Wilde ~r~,~on ~ of 1958, ~ a~nde& (16 U.S.C. ~on (6) (7) ~e S~e ~ Wa~r A~ of 1974, ~ ~end~, (42 U~.C. ~ion (8) ~on 401(0 of the ~ad.B~d P~ Poi~in~ ~ven~ion ~ ~ a~na~ (41 U$.C. ~on ~31 ~); (9) ~e Cle~ ~ ~ of 19~0, ~ ~ende~ (42 U~.C. ~on ~401 ~ (10) ~e F~eral Wa~r Pol~tion'~n~l ~ of 1972, ~ ~ende~ (3a U~.C. (11) ~e Cle~ W~r ~ of 1977 ~b~c ~w 95-117); ut (~) ~e ~d W~ Dis~l ~, ~ ,~ud~ by the ~s~ ~e~s~on (13) ~ion 2~(a) of the ~ ~r ~iou ~ of 1973 (42 U~.C. 41~) ~ it ~la~s W ~e m~ (0 i~ ~1 ~mply ~th ~ p~ of ~fle I of ~e H~n~ ~d Co=m~ ~velopmen~ ~ of 1~4, ~ ~nd~ w~ have no~ ~n ~d p~usly ~ wee ~ ~th other app~le lawa. (u) I: ~ ~mply ~h the p~o~ of ~e ~ ~e a.C.) S~.1-3 ~d 4. It ~ ~ide by the p~ion tMt no mem~r, offi~, or employ~ of the ~n~ or i~ ~g~s or ~n~, no 1~ or l~ties who exe~ ~y ~o~ or ~n~bmt~es ~ ~s~ w P or for one year the~r sh~l have any ~ or ~ ~st ~ ~y ~nt~r, ~n~r~r, or the p~ their, ~d in whole or ~ p~ ~th ~fle I ~. Ira s ~ ~pay W the S~ ofln&~a any fun~ under tMs p~ wMch, as the result of a ~ ~r S~.°f (w) ~ ................ : ...... au~ho~zed m~ner or for unautho~ea ~i~t~es. I~ ~ifies that none of the fun~ ~in~ applied for ~ ~ u~d W ~tlm~ for any 1~I, sta~, fede~l or p~va~ do~ wM& have ~n ~mmlt~d W the p~je~ ~ p~d ~ t~ application. A-3 by law enforcement aS~ncies within its jurisdictlon ~t ~ m~aums ~ ~h~ de~tra~ons; ~d e~o~ app~le ~ ~a l~ laws ~ bag entr~ ~ or egt ~m ~ f~ or l~tion w~ch ~ the ~j~ or.ch non-~olent ~1 ~h~ de~tra~ons ~t~ l~s~on (~ion l~O) of ~tle I of~e H~g ~ ~vebpment ~ of 1974, ~ ~n~d). It ~es ~t ~t ~ 31 U.S.C. ~ion 1352, ~d ~y ~t~ ~m~ga~d ~d~: no feder~ app~p~a~d ~n& have ~n ~d or ~ ~ ~ by or on ~h~of~e a Me~r of ~s ~ ~on ~th the aw~ o~ ~ ~'~rm ~Feder~ ~ ~e ~ .~i.o of ~ F~er~ 1~ ~ en~ ~ of ~ ~ative, Fe~r~ ~n~ ~t, lo~ or ~e (2) ~y ~ o~ th~ Feae~ aPPmp~a ~a~ ~ve ~n ~d °r ~ ~ ~d ~ ~y ~n for ~uen~g or ~mp~ ~ ~uen~ ~ offi~r or emplo~ of ~y ~, a Me~r of ~. = offi~r or employee of ~. ~ -- =p~oy. of a ~ ~b~,' ~ ~ ~ i~ ~tm~io~. awed d~en~ for ~ ~w~ at ~ ~e~ (mclvdm~ su~nWa~, wn~ ~der ~, lo~ ~d ~rative ~men~) ~d that ~ ~b~pien~ Date CIVIL P.I G~Ti'S CER'~'u~'~CATION The Appl/cant, any contractor, any subcontractor, or any other pm~'y performing any services or having any responalhi]/tiee heretmcler shall fully end cempletely comply with the following: (e) ~3tio n 109 of the Housing and Col~a~lnity Development Act of 1974 which reqaxires that no person ill the Unitsd ~tate~ shall on the grounds of. race, color, national origin or sex, be excluded from the participation in. be denied the Benefits of, or be subjected to. disc~,n~nAtion under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with Community I)evelopment ]~]cek Grant (CDBG) funds.' (b) ;hall not, under any pro.am or activity pursuant to this Agreement, directly or through centr~c/mal or other areangements, on the grounds of rsee, color, national o1'~/~ sex, age, h~ndicap (~ Deny any individual any fac/lities, services, financ/al aid or other Benefits provided under the pr~ram or (ii) Provide any facilities, services, financial aid or other benefits in a different for~ from thai; provided under the program or activity. (iii) Subject any persen to segregated or separate treatment i~ or in any matter of proc~s related to receipt of any ~ervi~e or ~enefit under the pregram or ac$iv/ty. (iv) Restrict an individual in any way accesz to, or the e~joyment of, any advantages or privilege enjoyed by others in connection with facilities, service~, financial aid or any other benefits under the program or (v) Treat an individual different from others in deter,~-i-o whether the individual satinfies any admission, enrellment, el/glhillty, memBership, or other requ/rement or condition which the individual must meet in order to Be provided any facilities, services or any benefit provided under the pregram or sff/ivity. (c) (vi) Deny an individual ~m opportunlt~y to participate in a prol~ara or aetiv/ty a~ an employee. Shall not use criteria or methods of a~mlni~tration which have the effect of subjecting individuals to ": diserimination on the Basis of race, ~ational origin, sex, age, handicap status or reiigion, or have the effect of defeating or substantially impa~ the accomp1;.h..~ut of the objectives of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, (as amended), (d) In deter--i-i-~ a site or location of housing or fscil/ties shall not make selections of such site or location which have the effect of exclud~n_o individuals f~n~ denying them the benefits of, or subjecting them to dlscr~,~i-Ation on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex. age, handicap status, or rel/bdon. The Applicant in all contracts or agreements subject to Executive Order 11246 shall be subject to HUD Equal Employment Opportunity re~ulatlo~s at 24 CFR Part 130 apphcable to HUD a~slsted construction contr~.'ts. The Applicant shall cause or ~ to be inserted in full in any non-exempt contract and subeontrset for ce~struction work. or modification thereof, as defined in said rei-alstions, which is paid for in whole or in part with assistance provided under tiffs Agreement, the following equal opportunity clause: The Applicant will not ~scr~nate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, · ' relision, sex, nationsi origin or handicap. Such action shsiJ include, but not limit to the following. employment, upEradinl], demotion[ or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; anti selection for trsini~g; incluS~ apprenticeship. The applicant agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be previded by the Grantor sc~ting forth the provisions of thla nondiscri,~i~ation clause. The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the applicant, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to r&co, color, religion, sex or natiozmI origin. The Applicant/Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 1S65, and of the ~ules, regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary of Laber. The Applicant/Contractor will comply with all provisions of Title ~ civil P. iglits Act of 1968, which prohibits dlseri,~ination in the sale or rental of dwellings, discrimination in the financing of ho-~i-!, Blockbusting, and clil~ri,~ - -tory advertising.and makes it unlawful to deny any person access to, or ... membor~hip or participation i~ any multiple listing service or real estate Brokers' organicatiun for The Applicant/Contrse~or will comply with Section 3 Hcusi~ and Urban Development Act of 1968, Section llehabilitation Act of 1974, Executive Order 11063 and all other Federal t{u]es and !~ulafions. The Applicant will furnish all information and reports required By Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and By the rules and res~lations and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and wiJl permit access to · his b°°ki, records, and -~unts by the D~partment and the ,~Tetary o[ Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance witli such rules, regulations and orders. In the event of the Applicant's noncompliance with the nondi~ctimination clauses of an executed asreement or with any such rules, regulations, or orders, ~ asreement may Be cancciecl, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the applicant may Be declared ineligible for further government contracts or federally assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in EXecutive Order 11246 of Septembor 14, 1965, or By rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor. .- The Applicant shall require that the ]a~u ~ge referred to in this certification bo included in the award documents for all suhawar cls at all tiers (including suBeontrac~, suhErants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative : agreements) and that all subreclpients shall certify and disclose accorclil~]y. The Legal Appllcent/P, eclpient Certifies That: To the best of my knowledge ~ud belief, the recipient will comply with the above certification if assistance is approved. Name (~d or p~d) ,~O~cisi or Designee) Dats