HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaintenance of Storm Water Drainage Facilities " " . , .' , INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ON MAINTENANCE OF STORM WATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES I. Parties To The Agreement This agreement (hereinafter the' "Agreement") is made pursuant to IC 36-1-7 et seq., by and between the City of Charles town, Indiana ( "Charlestown") and the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana ("Jeffersonville"), both of which are 3rd class cities. II. Duration a) Effective Date. This agreement shall become effective immediately following approval by all necessary bodies and the subsequent execution of this document, or a duplicate copy thereof, by all necessary signatories (the "Effective Date"). , b) Initial Duration. The initial duration of this agreement is for a period of fifty (50) years from the Effective Date. c) Automatic Renewal. The terms of this agreement shall automatically be renewed for successive periods of fifty (50) years unless written notice is given by any of the parties to this agreement to all of the other parties to this agreement, at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the Agreement, expressing intent not to renew this agreement. III. Purpose The purpose intended to be achieved by this Agreement is as follows: a) According to IC 36-1-3-9(c), when a statute authorizes a municipality to exercise power outside its corporate boundaries, that power may be exercised inside the Intcrlocal Agrcemcnt on Provision of Sewage Service - Page 1 of 4 J corporate boundaries of another municipality, only if both municipalities enter into an agreement allowing such exercise of power. b) To permit the City of Jeffersonville sewage department to provide sanitary sewage treatment services to a parcel of real estate located within the corporate limits of Charlestown, Indiana, which Real Estate is described below (the "Real Estate"), and a description of which is attached hereto, marked as "Exhibit A", and incorporated by reference herein. c) That the serVIce line from the Real Estate shall be run in the most practicable route to an existing sewage collection line in the Ashley Springs subdivision. IV. Administration of Agreement It will not be necessary that any separate legal entities be formed or organized or that a joint board be appointed by the parties hereto in order to accomplish the purposes of the Agreement. V. Property It is not anticipated that it will be necessary for either municipality to acquire, hold, or dispose of real or personal property to accomplish the purposes of the Agreement. [Signatures approving this agreement appear on the following pages] Interlocal Agreement on Sewage Treatment - Page 2 of 4 , . , ' , City of Charlestown, Indiana Voted In Favor Bruce Bottorff Ward Tackett Terry Pierce Ed Bolly Michael Anthony Jackson SEEN AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF Mayor G. Robert Hall ATTEST: Voted Against 2003, BY: Abstained Date Donna Coomer, Clerk Treasurer Interlocal Agreement on Sewage Treatment - Page 3 of 4 '. , ' ! City of Jeffersonville, Indiana Voted In Favor Voted Against Abstained v v v v Dennis Frantz v"" v" SEEN AND APPROVED THIS J.cL DAY OF N~003, BY: ATTEST: '''I>Qd' Q_tl\-Q. b 1-- 3 ,df":n3 Date .,; Interlocal Agreement on Sewage Treatment. Page 4 of 4 . * .. FAX NO. 812 282 4197 Sep. 17 2003 07:36AM P2 FROM BLANKENBEKER & SON ~ 0~~<J. C;-9 f.> <<:,c, ~~~~, ~ 4,'\.' \" -'., ~ <Q' '<~ ~. ...O~,\ '~. 0 .... ~ -PROPOSE:D 12' SANITARY ~ ,/ // / // ,"" " r:; /~ "'" ~~-\ q> -" . '::,."'*.1r/" ...0 'f,>;/;f .... ;/OJ~' ~%.' c,-0~~~ 7"3 NOT~: THIS DRAWN/NO DOES NOT REPRESENT A F;JOUNDRY SURVEY Cop~t 0 lOt),l /1It1rfIK:,tb</I~ ~ S... t9"d s..Jw1'1ty, ~.. P,C. ~ titftolf I~. BLANKENBEKER &- SON J.ANP SlIRVEYlJRS INC.. J".c. 4,u ;liE/OS AVENl//;' P.O. /lOX 157 JE'F'?ERSONII/.tI./f'. lNlJlANA 47181-0157 7'E'.lli'PJlONJi' 012-282-4/83 1fI" 14'. tlL./l/VIC/!'JVB/!'Il"C.lfAJVPS(hV. (.'(MI FOR: CoRBETT, JeFF 2709 8LACKISTON M/LL ROAD CLARKSVILLE IN, 47129 nll)''!i'!:'' LJRAII'N DY. D.M.H. SCALA': 1""" 100 PEEr DA r.lJ': {;) SEPTc:l,4BER 200J .fOB No. 17.J9p ~ I .lW-DwC FROM : BLANKENBEKER &. SON FAX NO. 812 282 4197 Sep. 17 2003 07:37AM P4 ,Ii / v' BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 34 DEG 49' 50" EAST 208.71 FEET ALONG STACY ROAD TO A NAIL SET, THENCE NORTH 55 DEG. 13' 23" EAST 417.42 FEET TO AN IRON pIN SET, THENCE NORTH 34 DEG,49' 50" WEST 208.71 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55 DEG.13' 23" WEST A17.42 FEET ALONG PEYTON (DEED RECORD 210, pAGE 84) TO THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGrNNING, CONTAINING 2.000 ACRES SUBJECT TO THE COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ANY EASEMENTS OF RECORD. Subject to any and all casements and/or restrictions ofpub1ic record which may apply to . the above described real estate. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same unto said GTantees, their heirs and assigns, in fee simple forever. The above described real estate is conveyed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except the real estate taxes, which having been prorated to the date of closing, the Grantees hereby assume and agree to pay all taxes here.after. IN WITNESS WHEREOf, the said LUCINDA PERSINGER, Personal Representative of the Unsupervised Estate of DOROTHA T. PEYTON, has hereunto set her hand and seal, this 26th day of August, 2003. STATEOFINDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF FLOYD ) Before me, a Notary public, in and for said County and State, personally appeared LUCINDA PERSINGER, Personal Representative of the Unsupervised. Estate of DOROTHA T. PEYTON, deceased, and acknowledge the foregoing as her free and voluntary act and deed for the use and purposes mentioned herein. WITNESS my hand and seal, this 26th day f Au Printed Signature My Cornmission Expires: Resident of _ County, IN THIS INSTRUMENT PREP ARBD BY: YOUNG, LIND, ENDRES & KRAFT JOHN A. KRAFT ~ :'~'" .~. " ~ . (. . .' .....: 3,:',': .:'" JASON A. tOf'P FlO'fd Coul\lY lI>y cornrnirosion e>t>\reo 58llWntlor24.2'Ol0 SE~ (I'.' IGn y~:;.~ . t. " . .\ '> I "" .) 1"'.... .':I,..,f ,,'~~1",r.:.,... .....t,~rJt'.dl'A_. ....:l~n,.~ ~,' \ \'~, .~~lr ....(}i?l\~...l \.' . .... ..3 !.,.... t..t. ~j !.:~... 1 , '" _l \ P. i.l- FROM : BLANKENBEKER &. SON PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED ~~~TAXSTATEMENTST~ tfQO .S+fi:....t ~ o..-ka. {'IQ$.fc,w~. p..., . ijjlll CARD #03-27-0090 '& 03-27-0020 THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That LUCINDA PERSINGER, Personal Representative of the Unsupervised Estate of DOROTHA t. PEYTON1: Cause No. 62C01-021Z, EU-00065, by virtue of her power and authority granted under the ln4iana Code, for good and sufficient consideration. CONVEYS unto JEFFERY A. CORBETT and REBECCA J. CORBETT, husband and wife, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the' receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Clark County, State of Indiana, to-wit: . TRACT! THAT PART OF SURVEY NO. 114 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, IN CHARLESTOWN TOWNSHIP OF CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA. BOuNDED THUS: BEGINNING AT THE COMMON CORNERS OF GRANTS NO. 113, NO. 114, 1'40.92 AND NO. 93, THENCE WITH THE PUBLIC ROAD AND THE LINE BETWEEN GRANTS NO. 113 AND NO. 114, NORTH 40 DEG. WEST 3,338.79 FEET TO A POINT IN SAID GRANT LINE AND PUBLIC ROAD, THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 50 DEG. EAST 417.42 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 40 DEG. WEST 208.71 FEET TO A POINT; TflENCE SOUTH SO DEG. WEST 417.42 FEET TO A POINT; IN THE PUBLIC ROAD AND LINE DNlDlNG GRANTS NO. 113 AND NO. 114; THENCE ALONG SAID PUBLIC ROAD AND LINE DIVIDING GRANTS NO. 113 AND NO. 114 SOUTfl40 DEG. EAST 208.71 FEET TO THE pOINT OF BEGINNlNG CONTAINING TWO (2) ACRES. NOTE: IT IS PRESUMED THAT GRANT LINES 'REFERRED TO ARE IN EACH CASE, LIKEWISE APPROXlMATEL Y THE CENTER LINE OF SAID PUBLIC ROADS. 4,\1,Q1. '" 1\ I\l ~ ~ ~ TRACT II 1\ Q. ~' ~ \ '*DOROT~ T. FEYTON WAS THE WIDOW O~ JAMES W. PEYTON WHO DIED MAY 3, 1990. ;\ -, .. fv~ L1\/1t(~1 A pART OF SURVEY 1'40.114 OF THE ~LINOIS GRANT, CHARLES TOWN TOWNSHIP, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA, AND A PART OF LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED DRAWER 9, INSTRUMENT NO. 4882 DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A SPIKE FOUND AT THE WEST CORNER OF SURVEY NO. 114, THENCE SOUTH 34 DEG. 49' 50" EAST 1952.97 FEET ALONG THE SURVEY LINE AND STACY ROAD TO rHE TRUE PLACE OF ........ . , EXHIBIT J :l A o "::"~<;Qq <; "a "c, ""a ~~qc,. "'\.". <Q' q. ~\ PROPOSED 20' SANITARY- SEWF:R F:ASF:MF:NT "- c,'" ",Q;."I' "'0 <?.> " . ~~, '~~>, b<-), ",. ,,:>0) ",'" ",*c, NOTE: THIS DRAWNING DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDRY SURVEY COPY';';'" @ ;ooJ 8Ion1r~..~ftt:r or>d Son tend SUl'\'~y(lr,. Inc.. F.e. /lll rlqh/$ fl!"I!'ve,:J. BLANJ(ENBEJ(ER &- SON MNlJ SURVEYORS INC., Pc. 422 HE/CS AVENUE PO. BOX /57 .IEFFf.'l?SONVIUE. INlJlANA 47/3/-0/57 TELEPHONE 812-282-4183 Iflfll~ BMNJ(ENBEI(ERANOSON. COif FOR: CORBETT, JEFF 2709 BLACKISTON MILL ROAD CLARK5VILLE IN. 47129 DRAWN BY D.M.H. SCALE: 1 "= 100 FEET BUYER: lJA TE: 9 SEPTEMBER 2003 JOB No. 17,390 n ; 1.7J"<' .11'" <- , . EXHIBIT t A o o ~~0<<' Cj 'vO -- o <oCi G ~'~~4j' 0<( ").,. ((;):- <<.. '" 0, ~ . ;;. l- e) -.l ?" " 0'\ ";y<<: . 0-<' 0:," \'- / / <. I- a -.l PROPOSED 12' SANITARY " SEWER EASEMENT " " > /, / OJ'\ a 0, PROPosm 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PROPOSED 20' SANITARY- SEWER EASEMENT " G'\ '\<<:-'?" "~~ Q>...:>~ /, . " ~:\~ ~~ "7. C>.,h" . ~ ..po "\ ~ ~ "7.0 ~ -2~ 0& '''~ ~ " ~ ,.<,,")., G ,\Q;..'?" NOTE: THIS DRAWNING DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNORY SURVEY Copyright @ 2003 8lonk~nbcker ond Son Land Surveyors (nc., P.C. All rights reserved. BLAN}{ENBEf(ER & SON LANJ) SURVEYORS /NC., P. C. 422 AfE/CS AVENUE PO. BOX /57 JEFFERSONV/.UE. /ND/ANA 47/3/-0/57 TELEPHONE 812-282-4183 lfIWIf/. BLANKENBEKERANlJSON COiI FOR: CORBETT, JEFF 2709 BLACKISTON MILL ROAD CLARKSVILLE IN. 47129 BUYER: DRAWN BY D.M.H. SCALE: 1"= 100 FEET lJA TE: 9 SEPTEMBER 2003 JOB No. 17,390 rnr )17 J90.DWC PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: rt / () () S.j.~c. U c.-M ({Q$.f<;w~ ];'Vl '17/11 CARD #03-27-0090 ~ 03-27-0020 THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That LUCllfPA PERSINGEl)., Personal Representative of the Unsupervised Estate of DOROTHA T. PEYTO~ Cause No. 62C01-0212- EU-00065, by virtue of her power and authority granted under the Indiana Code; for good and sufficient consideration, CONVEYS unto JEFFERY A. CORBETT and REBECCA J. CORBETT, husband and wife, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Clark County, State of Indiana, to-wit: . TRACT I "- I- THAT PART OF SURVEY NO. 114 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, IN CHARLESTGWN TOWNSHIP OF CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA, BOUNDED THUS: BEGINNING AT THE COMMON CORNERS OF GRANTS NO. 113, NO. 1-14, NO. 92 AND NO. 93, THENCE WITH THE PUBLIC ROAD AND THE LINE BETWEEN GRANTS NO. 113 AND NO. 114, NORTH 40 DEG. WEST 3,338.79 FEET TO A POINT IN SAID GRANT LINE AND PUBLIC ROAD, THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 50 DEG. EAST 417.42 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 40 DEG. WEST 208.71 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 50 DEG. WEST 417.42 FEET TO A POINT; IN THE PUBLIC ROAD AND LINE DNIDING GRANTS NO. 113 AND NO. 114; THENCE ALONG SAID PUBLIC ROAD AND LINE DIVIDING GRANTS NO. 113 AND NO. 114 SOUTH 40 DEG. EAST 208.71 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING TWO (2) ACRES. .~\ (I, v V 4(1/41.. ~ l\ (l;) ~ ~ f\I) NOTE: IT IS PRESUMED THAT GRANT LINES REFERRED TO ARE IN EACH. CASE, LIKEWISE APPROXINIATEL Y THE CENTER LINE OF SAID PUBLIC ROADS. '\ <\ ~t ~ \ TRACT II A PART OF SURVEY NO. 114 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT, CHA.R1ESTOWN TOWNSHIP, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA, AND A PART OF LANDS DESCRIBED IN DEED DRAWER 9, INSTRUMENT NO. 4882 DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A SPIKE FOUNT) AT THE WEST COR.~EROF SURVEY NO. 114, THENCE SOUTH 34 DEG. 49' 50" EAST 1952.97 FEET ALONG THE SURVEY LINE AND STACY ROAD TO THE TRUE PLACE OF *DOROTHA T. PEYTON WAS THE WIDOW OF JAMES W. PEYTON WHO DIED MAY 3, 1990.' ~ 0' IV? t\-\ ,. q L. I,~~~-~' i' ~ ," .i ;' .)/ rr BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 34 DEG 49' 50" EAST 208.71 FEET ALONG ;. STACY ROAD TO A NAIL SET, THENCE NORTH 55 DEG. 13' 23" EAST 417.42 FEET TO AN IRON PIN SET, THENCE NORTH 34 DEG..49' 50" WEST 208.71 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55 DEG. 13' 23" WESTA17.42 FEET ALONG PEYTON (DEED RECORD 210, PAGE 84) TO THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 2.000 ACRES SUBJECT TO THE COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ANY EASEMENTS OF RECORD. Subject to any and all easements and/or restrictions of public record which may apply to the above described real estate. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same unto said Grantees, their heirs and a~signs, in fee simple forever. The above described real estate is conveyed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except the real estate taxes, which having been prorated to the date of closing, the Grantees hereby assume and agree to pay all taxes hereafter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said LUCINDA PERSINGER, Personal Representative of the Unsupervised Estate of DOROTHA T. PEYTON, has hereunto set her hand and seal, this 26th day of August, 2003. STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF FLOYD ) Before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, personally appeared LUCINDA PERSINGER, Personal Representative of the Unsupervised Estate of DOROTHA T. PEYTON, deceased, and acknowledge the foregoing as her free and voluntary act and deed for the use and purposes mentioned herein. WITNESS my hand and seal, this 26th day f Au Printed Signature My Commission Expires: Resident of _ County, IN THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: YOUNG, LIND, ENDRES & KRAFT JOHN A. KRAFT ";;Y,;'~""" f?~~-;';;''tf\ t.{~~t~~P JASON A. LOPP . Floyd County My Commission Expires September 24, 2010 ,,' I. ~ . ..:: :. ". .. I '.: ' J ,~", . ; C' "" D ,',. I"~ '. "", \Jc.i I \~... /Ur '. , (",,<,:( . , l , 'ft;",..i!t ::~'.i . .1~tl:1.r:-,::ttl;l!j{.4.t.<l..j " ~l. ~ ~ ~!'; ~I.~' ~1 {t' ," ~.. :~' ,f) ~}-~l ,~'lt)i~ !' ~~,~"~i f . . ~. 1 " :,' ..!.~,.:' 'no t'.~~. 'J'" .!..': ~! I