HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnimal Shelter INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR THE JOINT USE AND OPERATION OF THE JEFFERSONVILLE-CLARK COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER WHEREAS, each of the political subdivisions signatory hereto are desirous of providing animal control services to their constituents in the most efficient, economical, and professional manner possible; and, WHEREAS, a satisf?ctory facility commonly known as the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter currently exists for said pUrposes~ and, WHEREAS, Indiana Code 36-1-7-1 et seq. provides statutory authority for- Indiana political subdivisions to jointly exercise any power that could be exercised by any SUch subdivision individually. NOW, THEREFORE, BY THIS INDENTURE, it is agreed between Clark County, the City of Jeffersonville, the Town of _Clarksville, the City of Charlestown, the Town of SellerSburg, the Town of Utica, and the Town of New Providence (Borden), all of which are Indiana pOlitical subdivisions, entitled to jointly exercise such powers pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36-1-7-3, as follows: SECTION I. Term. This agreement shall be for an initial term of three (3) years, commencing January 1, 1991, and ending on December 31, 1993. Each of the parties to this agreement shall further have the unilateral right to extend their participation in and service under this agreement for two (2) successive option periods of three (3) years each. 'Unless any participating political subdivision' hereunder shall give written notice to the Clerk-Treasurer of the ~ity o~ Jeffersonville, ~ndiana, that it intends to terminate its participation hereunder at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the primary term or any option term of this agreement, it shall be presumed , and deemed that such political subdivision has exercised its option to extend participation in and service under this agreement. SECTION II. Purpose. It is the primary purpose of this agreement to provide animal control services with a centrally operated animal shelter in the most efficient, economical, and professional manner possible by utilizing the existing Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter facility for the benefit of all parties hereto. SECTION III. Financing. It is specifically agreed between the underSigned parties that the relative contribution from each pOlitical sUbdivision exercised, shall be as follows: for the primary term and the two (2) option terms, if 1991 through 1993 (Primary Term) Quarterly County Clarksville Charles town Sellersburg Utica Borden $60,000.00 21,166.00 7,811.00 4,482.00 699.00 536.00 Monthly' $15,000.00 5,292.00 1,953.00 1,121.00 17 5 .00 134.00 $5,000.00 1,764.00 651. 00 374.00 58.00 45.00 1995 through 1996 (Option Period 1t County Clarksville Charlestown Sellersburg Utica Borden $63,000.00 22,224.00 8,202.00 4,706.00 734.00 563.00 $15,750.00 5,556.00 2,051.00 1,177.00 184.00 141.00 1997 through 1999 (Option Period 2) County Clarksville Charlestown Sellersburg Ut:tca Borden $66,150.00 23,336.00 8,612.00 4,941.00 771. 00 591. 00 $16,538.00 5,834.00 2,153.00 1,235.00 193.00 1tI8.00 By the terms above it is agreed between the parties that the initial costs contributed to running the animal shelter by the respective political SUbdivisions shall increase by an amount equal to five percent (5%) of their prior contribution on each renewal of an option term. In addition, during calendar year 1991, it is agreed between the parties that for budgetary purposes equal monthly payments may be made to the office the Jeffersonville Clerk~Treasurcr. Upon execution of this agreement it shall be the responsibility of each polLtical subdivision to bring their account current on a monthly basis. Commencing in calendar year 1992, all funds owed for the joint operation and use of the Jeffersonville-clark County Animal Shelter shall be payable to the office of the Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer quarterly with payments due no later than March I, June 1, September 1, and December 1 of the ensuing years. SECTION IV. Additional Capital Expenditures. For the purpose of this agreement it is presumed that the City of Jeffersonville shall contribute the balance of the remaining funds necessary to fully staff and operate the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter. The sole exception to this provision is that in the event that the City of Jeffersonville expends in excess of $35,000.00 in any fiscal , year sOlely for the administrative expenses of running and maintaining the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter, and ~ necessary on an emergency basis to improve the conditions and in the further event that immediate cap.ital expenditures are operation of the faCility, the City of Jeffersonville may J2.!:tition the Signatory political SUbdivisions. hereto for an additional pro rata contribution towards such capita~ expenditures. ~ SECTION V. Staffing. It shall be the sole responsibility of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, to staff the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter with administrative personnel for purposes of carrying out the duties and function of the shelter. In that regard, the Executive Director of the Jeffersonville-Clark Animal Shelter shall have full and . exclusive control of all activities on the shelter premises in relation to the provision of animal control services to the Jeffersonville, Ind~ana, to establish and maintain a budget In addition, it shall be the sole duty of the City of ,.. ;,. public. therefor. ". SECTION VI. Joint Advisory Bdard. Under the provisions of this agreement a Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter Joint Advisory Board is hereby created. Each political subdivision hereunder shall appoint one (1) member of its executive or legislative body to attend a meeting at least annually to discuss the current status of the facility. The committee may make recommendations to the various political subdivisions signatory hereto regarding major purchases of equipment, new facility construction, and sUch other matters as it deems appropriate. SECTION VII. Manner of Acquiring Property. It is acknowledged between the signatory political subdivisions hereto that all right, title, and interest in the. existing Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter is fully vested in the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana. In addition, the acquisition, holding, and disposal of real and personal property used in the joint undertaking for the provision of animal control services hereunder shall be done in the name of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana. ATTEST: Clark County, Indiana By ordinance of its County Commissioners, passed and adopted the day of 1991. ifii,./J -6fa#~ p side~v Clark County Commissioners \TTEST: ~ee6.~~ . Cxty of Jeffersonville, Indiana By ordinance of its Common Council, passed and aqopted the L(... day of h1A~l:! 1991. ~-LO~AA- Mayor --- ~~ /jJ~ ~esident, Common Council INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR THE JOINT USE AND OPERATION OF THE JEFFERSONVILLE-CLARK COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER WHEREAS, each of the pOlitical subdivisions signatory hereto are desirous of providing animal control services to their constituents in the most efficient, economical, and professional manner possible: and, WHEREAS, a satisfactory facility commonly known as the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter currently exists for said purposes; and, WHEREAS, Indiana Code 36-1-7-1 et seq. provides statutory authority for Indiana political subdivisions to jOintly exercise any power that could be exercised by any such subdivision individually. NOW, THEREFORE, BY THIS INDENTURE, it is agreed between Clark County, the City of Jeffersonville, the Town of Clarksville, the City of Charlestown, the Town of sellersburg, the Town of Utica, and the Town of New Providence (Borden) I all of which are Indiana political subdivisions, entitled to jointly exercise such powers pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36-1-7-3, as follows: SECTION I. Term. This agreement shall be for an initial term of three (3) years, commencing January 1, 1991, and ending on December 31, 1993. Each of the parties to this agreement shall further have the unilateral right to extend their participation in and service under this agreement for two (2) successive option periods of three (3) years each. 'Unless any participating political subdivision hereunder shall give written notice to the Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that it intends to terminate its participation hereunder at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the primary term or any option term of this agreement, it shall be presumed ar.d deemed that such political subdivision has exercised its option to extend participation in and service under this agreement. SECTION II. Purpose. It is the primary purpose of this agreement to provide animal control services with a centrally operated animal shelter in the most efficient, economical, and professional manner possible by utilizing the existing Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shel~er facility for the benefit of all parties hereto. SECTION III. Financing. It is specifically agreed between the undersigned parties that the relative contribution from each political subdivision exercised, shall be as follows: for the pr~mary term and the two (2) option terms, if 1991 through ~993 (Primary Term) Quarter1"{ County Clarksville Charlestown sellersburg Utica Borden $60,000.00 21,166.00 7,811.00 4,482.00 699.00 536.00 Monthly $15,000.00 5,292.00 1,953.00 1,121.00 175.00 134.00 $5,000.00 1,764.00 651.00 374.00 58.00 45.00 1995 through 1996 (Option Period 1) County C1arksville Charles town Sellersburg Utica Borden $63,000.00 22,224.00 8,202.00 4,706.00 734.00 563.00 $15,750.00 5,556.00 2,051.00 1,177.00 184.00 141.00 1997 through 1999 (Option Period 2) County Clarksville Charlestown Sellersburg Utica Borden $66,150.00 23,336.00 8,612.00 4,91\1.00 771. 00 591.00 $16,538.00 5,834.00 2,153.00 1,235.00 193.00 lIla.Oo By the terms above it is agreed between the parties that the initial costs contributed to running the animal shelter by the respective political subdivisions shall increase by an amount equal to five percent (5%) of their prior contribution on each renewal of an option term. In addition, during calendar year 1991, it is agreed payments may between the parties that for budgetary purposes equal monthly be made to the office the Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer. Upon execution of this agreement it shall be account current on a monthly basis. Commencing in calendar the responsibility of each political sUbdivision to bring their year 1992, all funds owed for the joint operation and Use of the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter shall be payable to the office of the Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer quarterly with payments due no later than March I, June 1, September I, and December 1 of the ensuing years. SECTION IV. Additional Capital Expenditures. City of Jeffersonville shall contribute the balance of the For the purpose of this agreement it is presumed that the remaining funds necessary to fully statf and operate the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter. The sole exception to this provision is that in the event that the City of Jeffersonville expends year solely for the administrative expenses of running and in excess of $35,000.00 in any fisca~ - maintaining the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter, and -- necessary on an emergency basis to improve the conditions and in the further event that immediate cap'ital expenditures are Operation of the facility, the City of Jeffersonville may petition the signatory pOlitical subdivision~ hereto for an ~-- addi tional ---- pro rata contribution towards such capital -- expenditures. -- ~ SECTION v. Staffing. It shall be the sole responsibility of the City of Jeffersonville, Indian~, to staff the Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter with administrative personnel for purposes of carrying out the duties and function of the shelter. In that: ,l."'cgard, the Executive Director of the Jeffersonville-Clark Animal Shelter shall have full and exclusive control of all activities on the shelter premises in relation to the provision of animal control services to the public. In addition, it shall be the sole duty of the City of Jeffersonville, Ind~ana, to establish and maintain a budget therefor. .. SECTION VI. Joint Advisory Board. Under the provisions of this agreement a Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter Joint Advisory Board is hereby created. Each political subdivision hereunder shall appoint one (1) member of its executive or legislative body to attend a meeting at least annually to discuss the current status of the facility. The committee may make reco~nendations to the various political subdivisions signatory hereto regarding major purchases of equipment, new facility construction, and such other matters as it deems appropriate. SECTION VII. Manner of Acquiring Property. It is acknowledged between the signatory political subdivisions hereto that all right, title, and interest in the existing Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter is fully vested in the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana. In addition, the acquisition, holding, and disposal of real and personal property Used in the joint undertaking for the provision of animal control services hereunder shall be done in the name of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana. ATTEST: Clark County, Indiana By ordinance of its County Commissioners, passed and adopted the day of 1991. ~~@~ p side It Clark County CommiSSioners . ctty of Jeffersonville, Indiana By ordinance of its Conunon Council, passed and aqopted the l.f. day of h1t)~b 1991. ~,x:O~AA- Mayor --- ~~ :I fJ~ Common Council \TTEST: ?- e J., :aerk-Treasurer