HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-OR-68 ORDINA CE PO. 98-OR-
WHEREAS, over 51% of the owners of 305 acre parcel of land (more or less)
(hereinafter "the Parcel") located outside of but contiguous to the City of Jeffersonville
(hereinafter "the City") have filed a petition requesting annexation of the Parcel, which petition
is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville (hereinafter "the
Council") believes it is in the best interests of the City that the Parcel be annexed;
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing was published in the Jeffersonville Evening News
on OctOber 23, 1998.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED that, pursuant to the provisions
of Indiana Code 36-4-3-5, the Parcel is hereby annexed into the City; and
IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED that pursuant to the provisions of Indiana
Code 36-4-3-22, the Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Jeffersonville is hereby ordered to
1. File this annexation ordinance with the Clark County Auditor, the Clark Circuit Court
Clerk, and the employee of the State Board of Tax Commissioners currently designated by the
Governor as the state certifying official for the Boundary and Annexation Survey of the United
States Bureau of the Census pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 6-1.1-30-15, and
2. Record a copy of this annexation ordinance in the office of the Clark County
3. Cause notice of passage of this annexation ordinance to be published in the
Jeffersonville Evening News within 30 days of its adoption.
IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED that pursuant to the provisions of Indiana
Code 36-4-3-22, the County Auditor of Clark County is hereby ordered to immediately
forward a copy of this annexation ordinance to the following:
1. The county highway department.
2. The county surveyor.
3. Each plan commission, if any, that lost or gained jurisdiction over the annexed
4. Any state agency that has requested copies of annexations filed with the county
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.
Passed this ~ ~ day of
C. Rich~ar~d Spencer, J~. [ z~
Clerk and Treasurer
Presiding ~)ffic;r
Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the MayOr of said City of Jeffersonville this
~ dayof /5//~vzcrog~ , 19 9~/ .
C. Richard Spencer, Jr./ / '
Clerk and Treasurer
This Ordinance approved and signed by me this ~ ~-~ day of ~/~ ~ ~/~,
omas R. Galli~an, ~ay~//
We the undersigned owners do hereby petition the City of Jeffersonville for voluntary
annexation into the City of the following tracts, as described in Exhibit B incorporated
herein, which is contiguous with the existing city boundary.
Neal Harding
Middle Road Property, Inc.
Middle Road Partners
Neal Harding, ~y
B~ Duard Avo~,
~y~ Charles ~. Read
General Pa~ner
By: Mike Stev~art
We the undersigned owners do hereby l>etition the City of Seffersonville for volantary annexation into the City of the following tracts, as described
in Exhibit B incorporated herein, winch is contiguous with the existing city boundary.
Michael Cox Forrest R. ltarlow
0126 W~est~Loma Vista 2313 Middle Road
73 Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
i~o~q~t W. pa~ce ~f~Tf~ ~.~/g~_ ~/~ Jewel D. Shaw and/or Teresa J.
116 West Loma V~a~-o-v.9~/r '~z~--~ 2305 Middle Road
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 3effersonville, Indiana 47130
Section of Hous'_mg & Urban Development
I24 Loma Vista Corot
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
~tichaelStein ~ (~
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
Michael D. Collins
113 West Loma Vista
J'effersonville, Indiana 47130
Ernest E. Seibel (Alice M.)
2211 Middle Road 120 Loma Vista Court
Baneva J. Hunt-~utton 1T~ CmaO~Ps~n~oLurtLC
Keith E. Stormes
114 West Loma Vista
Je~Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
Randall Cox ~ ~
109 West Loma Vista
Robert P. §ayes
107 West Loma Vista
Robert L. Hollis ~r
103 West Loma Vista
Charles E. Ward (Life Estate)
102 West Loma Vista
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47~D0
Trustees of Jeffersonville Christian
2101 Middle Road
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
1 i0 Io..l:na. Xis t a~C our~
I di- 47130
A. ;mo es
109 Loma Vista Court
.leffersonville, Indiana 47130
Michael D. Itammanda
103 West Loma Vista
leffersonville, Indiana 47130
Bruce L. Faith
105 West Loma Vista
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
David ~. McCailister
107 Loma Vista Court
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
Robert Stout
108 Loma Vista Court
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
~er Crumpton
2127 Middle Road
leffersonville, Indiana 47130
iddle Road
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
Jennifer Casey Horvath
2317 Middle Road
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
1effersonville, Indiana 47130
/~J/o~el~ a. Lorey ~?
116 [oma Vista CouYt
Neff Bl~ton
115 Loma Vista C~ojart
Jeffersoaville, In~qeana 47 I3,0
114 I_oma Vista Court
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130/~
Robert Crabtree
113 Loma Vista Court
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
Geoffrey A. Jennings and Mark T. Wathen
112 Loma Vista Court
Indiana 471
111 Loma Vista Court
Paul A. Castetter
2205 Middle Road
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
Jan~es B. Missi
2413 Middle Road
Ieffersonville, Indiana 47130
I, Ne. al Harding, currently residing at 2405 Utica Pike Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana 47130, revoke any power
of attorney heretofore made by me, and hereby appoint Greg N. Cames as my attorney-in-fact for the following limited purposes.
I hereby grant to C_rreg N. Cames, as my attorney-in-fact, the continuing, absolute and discretionary power to handle all
transactions involved in the negotiation and execution of any agreement by and between myself and the City of Jeffersonville,
Indiana-American Water Company, Inc. and/or Middle Road Properties, Inc. regarding the real property located in Clark County,
Indiana, as the same is more particularly described in Exhibit "A' attached hereto and made a part hereof, including without
limitation the execution of stormwater drainage easements in favor of the City of Jeffersonville, the execution of checks for any
contributions called for in such agreement or agreements, establishment of escrow accounts pertaining to contributions by me
pursuant to any such agreement, indemnity agreements pertaining to the reanediation of wetlands located on said real property or
adjacent real property, and affidavits, certificates and other documents deemed necessary or desirable by G-reg N. Cames, to
effectuate said agreement or agreements which power my attorney-in-fact shall have the fight to exercise independently, without
either prior court order or subsequent court approval, and no person, business or organization, financial institution, or office,
department, agency, bureau or authority of the federal, state or local government dealing with my attorney-in-fact shall he required
to inquire into the propriety ofGreg N. Came's actions.
I, Neal Harding, have signed thij~ Power of Attorney, consisting of 2 typewritten pages, including the exhibit attached
hereto, at Jeffersonville, Indiana, this /r~d~ day of Augnst, 1998.
F~ ) SS:
Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the above county and state, this//~t~ day of August, 1998,
personally appeared Neal Harding and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Power of Attomey as his volantaty act and
WITNESS my hand and notarial seal.
My Commission expires:
7. z z- 2rx /
Residefft of ~)ta.t]~ County,
This Instrument Was Prepared By:
Alan M. Applegate
Law Offices of Alan M. Applegate
P. O. Box 1418
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47131-1418
(812) 284-9499
Part of Survey No. 4 of the Illinois Grant,
described thus: Beginning at the Northwest
corner of said Survey No. 4; thence with
the original liuu South 40"20' East sixty-
nine and one-tenth i69.1) rods to the South-
west corner of Share No. 1 of the partition
of the heirs of Lawford White made at the
May Term, 1844, of the Clark Circuit Court,
thenc~North 49"40' East sixty-eight and
eighty-two h,~n~edths (68.82) rods to the
Northwest.~rn~ of Share No. 5 of said
partition, the true place of beginning;
thence North 49"40' East twenty-two and
thirty-nine hg~dredths (22.39) rods to the
Northeast corner of said 'Share No. 5; thence
South 40"20' East three hundred ten and
sixty-one hundredths {310.61) rods to the
Ohio River; thence down said River twenty-
three (2~% rods, more or less to the South-
west corner of said share No. 5; thence
North 40"20' west three hundred seven and
six-tenths (307.6) rods to the true place
of beginning, containing forty-three (43)
acres, more or less, but subject to legal
highways; and being all of Share No. 5,
set off to Ann Onion in the Partition
proceedings aforesaid, except therefrom
the following parcel of real estate conveyed
contemporaneously with this deed by Samuel
R. Hoffman and wife to Peter C. DonaldSOn,
Part of Surwey No. 4 of the Illinois Grant,
bounded thus: Beginning at a point on the
Ohio River, the Southeast corner of Share
No. 5 of the partition of the heirs of
Lawford White made at the May term, 1844,
of the Clark Circuit Court; thence with
the East line of said Share No. 5 North
40"20' West to a point twenty-eight and
four-tenths (28.4) feet beyond the North
corner of the 1.25 acre tract conveyed
out of Share No. 6 set off to Amelia ,?.
Crandall in the partition proceedings'
aforesaid (in 1844 said line was forty-
nine (49) rods ten and one-half (10%)
feet plus twenty-eight and four-tenths
(28.4) feet by accretion it has since
materially lengthened}; thence at right
angles South 40"40' West eighty-two She
seven-tenths (82.7) feet to a stake~
thence South 40"20' East eight hundred
ninety and two-tenths (890.2) feet (192
measurements) to the Ohio River; thence
with said Ohio River Eastwardly eighty-
three and seven-tenths (83.7) feet to
the place of beginning, containing one
and seventy-five hundredths (1.75} acre
more or less, being the same real estat
conveyed by, deed of even date herewith
by Peter C. Donaldson and wife to Samue
R. Noffman, together with the interest
th,rein already owned by said SamuEl R.
Boffman as heir-at-law of John H. Hoffmz
and Martha Hoffman, deceased.
Ail that part of Share No. 1 in Survey
NO. 4 of the Illinois Grant set off to
John White in the partition of the heir~
of Lawford ~hite made at the May Term,
1844, of the Clark Circuit Court, bound(
thus: Beginning at a point in the cent¢
of the Middle Road where the same would
be intersected by the eastern line of
James Spaulding's forty-three and one-
fourth (43%) acre tract in said Strvey
if extended Northwardly; thence South-
wardly in a straight line to the North-
east corner of said forty-three and one-
fourth (43%} acre tract; thence West-
wardly with the Southern line of said
fifty (50} acre tract to the center of
said road; thence Eastwardly with the
center of said road to the place Of
beginning that lies East of the line
dividing Shares Nos. 4 and 5 of said
partition proceedings~ being the same
real estate conveyed by deed of even
date herewith by Peter C. Donaldson and
wife to Samuel R. Noffman, together
with the interest therein already owned
by said Samuel R. Hoff~an as heir-at-
law of John H. Hoffman and Marth Noffman
Ik~ginnin~ at a pont ia the center of tl~c Middle Road 91.2
rods from Iht m'iginal linc dividing Survey No. ~ree and No.
Four of thc Illinois Grant; thence South along thc line di-
viding thc property of the Grantor herein and Camp~'ll ~.
I.indscv a distance of 200 fc'~U t~e~ce Southwc~twardlv and
parallc'l wtth thc. MKldlc Roi~d a distance of 100 feet; thence
Northcastwardly and parallel with the linc' dividing thc pr(]~crty
of thc Grantor herein and Campb,.ll E. I,indsev a distance of
200 feet to thc cenmr of Middle Road; thence ~orthcastwardly
with thc center linc of Middle Road 100 feet to the place
~)f l<'ginning and tm. big a pa rt of the rcal c~tate ~e~'~efl by
I'c'tc, l' C. Ik)ntlldst)fl and I.t)l%'tta 12. [k)naldson, his wife. to
SilllllJC] g. I lofflnm] mid by Samt[,l I1. Ih)t'finan, and wife to
Anna I,ouisc Ca rdwcll and I lut~'rt R. Cardwclt, huskmd and
A part of Surveys No. 4 and 11 of the Illinois Grant of Clark County, Indiana, and described as
Beginning at a stone in the southeastern line of Survey No. 11 which marks the west corner of
Survey No. 4, which is a point in the existing bounda~ line of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana,
thence the following courses of the boundary:
North 54 deg. 24 min. 45 sec. East, 288.00 feet with the line dividing Surveys No. 4 and 11 to
the western boundary of the Jeffersonville Flood Control District (Deed Record 141, page
108) and with the existing City Boundary Line;
North 15 deg. 42 min. 10 sec. West, 146.62 feet leaving said dividing Iine and with said western
boundary of said Flood Control District and with the existing City Boundary Line;
Thence with said Flood Control District for the next three calls:
North 28 deg. 28 rnin, 10 see. West, 2.73 feet and with the existing City Boundary Line;
North 61 deg. 31 min. 50 sec. East, 20.00 feet and with the existing City Boundary Line;
North 28 deg. 28 min. 10 sec. West, 1164.47 feet and with the existing City Boundary Line;
North 54 deg. 19 rain, 19 sec. East, 228.88 feet with the northwestern line of said Flood Control
District to a point being the northwesterly corner of Indiana-American Water Company,
Inc. (Deed Drawer 29, page 5103);
North 54 deg. 01 min. 40 sec. East, 1551.25 feet with the northwest line of said Indiana-American
Water Corp. property to the north corner of said tract;
South 35 deg. 36 min. 48 sec. East, 1311.51 feet with the northeast line of said tract to an east
corner of said tract;
North 54 deg. 33 min. 49 sec. East, 30.81 feet leaving said northeast line with a northwest line
to the east corner of said tract in the northwesterly right-of-way line of Middle Road;
North 54 deg. 33 min. 49 sec. East, 195.68 feet leaving said Indiana-American Water Corp.
property and crossing Middle Road to the southeasterly right-of-way being a northwesterly
line of Yarbrough Company, Inc. (Deed Drawer 30, Insmm~ent No. 8629);
North 17 deg. 00 min. 50 sec. East, 312.05 feet with said right-of-way and said Yarbrough line;
North 11 deg. 53 min. 43 sec East, 74.67 feet continuing with said right-of-way and a
northwesterly line of Yarbrough to the north corner of said tract;
South 40 deg. 29 min. 46 sec. East, 506.36 feet leaving said right-of-way with Yarbroughs
northeasterly line to a northwest line of Indiana-American Water Company, Inc. (Deed
Drawer 27, Instrument No. 6876);
North 39 deg. 21 min. 06 sec. East, 428.62 feet leaving said Yarbrough line with said northwest
line of Indiana-American Water Co. tract;
South 40 deg. 34 min. 45 sec. East, 900.00 feet along the northeast line of said tract to the east
South 60 deg. 46 min. 00 sec. West. 1085.61 feet with the southerly line of said tract to the
northeasterly line of Avery and Read tract (Deed Drawer 27, Instrument No. 12942);
South 39 deg. 58 min. 07 sec. East, 714:65 feet leaving said Indiana-American Water Company
tract (Deed Drawer 27, Instrument No. 6876) with said Avery and Read line to the
northeasterly comer of River Forest Subdivision;
South 39 deg. 58 min. 07 sec. East, 713.87 feet with said northeasterly line to the east comer of
said River Forest;
South 50 deg. 01 min. 53 sec. West, 668.29 feet along with the southeast line of said River Forest
to the northeast line of the Estates of Cherokee Heights;
South 39 deg. 58 min. 07 sec. East, 850.00 feet more or tess with said northeast line to a point
150 feet northwest of the northwest comer of Cherokee Terrace, Unit 4 (Plat Book 9, Page
North 50 deg. 10 min. 17 sec. East, 167.07 feet leaving said northeast line, with a line parallel
to and 150 feet distant from the northwesterly line of said Cherokee Terrace, Unit 4
crossing Elliott (Deed Drawer 30, Instrument No. 12151);
North 50 deg. 10 min_ 17 sec East, 167.07 feet continuing parallel to and 150 feet distant from
said Cherokee Terrace line crossing Zipp (Deed Drawer 19, Instrument No. 7110) to the
southwesterly line of Johnson (Deed Drawer 19, Instrument No. 7109);
North 39 deg. 58 min. 07 sec. West, 371.40 feet leaving said parallel line with said southwesterly
line to the northwesterly line of said tract;
North 50 deg. 09 min. 03 sec. East, 167.07 feet with said northwesterly line to the north comer
of said tract;
South 39 deg. 58 min. 07 sec. East, 521.42 feet with the northeasterly line of said tract to the
northwesterly line of said Cherokee Terrace, Unit 4 being the centerline of Pawnee Drive;
South 50 deg. 10 min. 17 sec. West, 25.00 feet with said northwesterly line to the north comer
of Lot 80 of said Cherokee Terrace being the northwesterly right-of-way line of Pawnee
South 40 deg. East, 100.00 feet with said right-of-way line to the east comer of said Lot 80;
South 50 deg. 10 min. 17 sec. West, i42.15 feet leaving said right-of-way with the southeasterly
line of said lot to the south comer of Lot 80;
North 40 deg. West, 100.00 feet with the southwesterly line of said lot to the northwesterly line
of Cherokee Terrace being the west comer of Lot 80;
South 50 deg. 10 min. 17 sec. West, 334.14 feet leaving said lot, with said northwesterly line to
the northeasterly line of said Cherokee Heights;
South 40 deg. East, 1238.50 feet with said northeasterly line, to the west comer of Lot 32 of
Cherokee Terrace, Unit 2 (Plat Book 7, Page 4), owned by West (Deed Drawer 29,
Instrument No. 1098);
North 50 deg. East, 140.00 feet leaving said northeasterly line with the northwesterly line of said
Lot 32 to the westerly right-of-way of Cherokee Drive being the north comer of Lot 32;
South 40 deg. East, 75.00 feet with said right-of-way;
Thence, 39.27 feet along a curve to the fight having a radius of 25 feet and a chord of 35.36 feet
to the northwesterly right-of-way of Bennett Avenue, being the southeasterly line of said lot.
South 50 deg. West, 115.00 feet along said right-of-way to the northeasterly line of Cherokee
South 40 deg. East, 340.00 feet along said northeasterly line to the east corner of said Cherokee
South 50 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. West, 376.01 feet along the southeast line of said Cherokee Heights
to the northeast line of the Pen'in Family Park Foundation (Deed Drawer 21, Instrument
No. 12120);
South 35 deg. 55 min. 12 sec. East, 822.00 feet along said northeast line of said park and the
northeast line of Perrin (Deed Drawer 20, Immanent 5294) to the northwest right-of-way
of Utica Pike.
South 35 deg. 55 min. 12 sec. East, 50.47 feet leaving said northwestern right-of-way to the
southeast right-of-way of Utica Pike;
South 35 deg. 55 min. 12 sec. East, 300.00 feet more or less continuing said line of Perrin to the
existing City Boundary line;
South 59 deg. 59 min. 23 sec. West, 266.32 feet with the existing City Boundary line along the
North 35 deg. 55 min. 12 sec. West, 350 feet more or less with said City boundary to the
northwesterly right-of-way line of Utica Pike;
South 61 deg. 55 min. 58 sec. West, Ill.00 feet with said right-of-way and City Boundary line
to the southeast corner of the Perrin Family Park Foundation, Inc. (Deed Drawer 21,
Instrument No. 12120);
South 65 deg. 37 min. 26 sec. West, 128.42 feet along a southeastern line of said Park, said City
Boundary line and right-of-way to the east corner of Robertson (Deed Drawer 28,
Instrument No. 6313);
North 35 deg. 56 min. 45 sec. West, 403.21 feet leaving said right-of-way, continuing with said
City Boundary line, Park tract and northeast line of Robertson;
South 55 deg. 49 min. 33 sec. West, 141.00 feet with said Park tract, City Boundary line and
northwest line of Robertson to the northeast line of Sneed (Deed Drawer 28, Instrument
No. 16823);
North 36 deg. 00 min. 39 sec. West, 61.23 feet with said park tract, northeast line of Sneed and
City Boundary line;
South 54 deg. 03 min. 02 sec. West, 115.06 feet with said park tx'act, City Boundary line and
northwest line of Sneed to the east corner of Gowens (Deed Drawer 28, Instrument No.
North 35 deg. 57 rain_ 46 sec. West, Ii1.12 feet with the City Boundary line, Park tract and
northeast line of Gowens to the east corner of Gowens (Deed Drawer 28, lnsmunent No.
South 53 deg. 39 min. West, 380.82 feet Ieaving said Perrin tract with said Gowens line and City
Boundary line to the line dividing Surveys No. 3 and 4 of the Illinois Grant and Pen'in
North 36 deg. 21 min. West, 349.97 feet with said dividing line, City Boundary and Perrin Lane
to the south comer of said Phillip B. Bates and Syverta L. Bates (Deed Drawer 19,
Instrument 15866);
North 35 deg. 56 min. 46 sec. West, 228.92 feet with said dividing line, City Boundary and
Perrin Lane to a southerly comer of aforesaid Perrin tract;
North 35 deg. 57 min. 19 sec. West, 1939.28 feet with said dividing line, City Boundary and
Perrin Lane to a southerly comer of the Jeffersonville Flood Control District (Deed
Drawer 141, page 144);
North 35 deg. 57 min. 19 sec. West, 2661.67 feet with said dividing line, City Boundary,
crossing Middle Road to the True Point of Beginning.
N 5~21'
~ N 50'10'17" E ~67.07'
~) N 59'58'07" W 571.4.0'
N 50'09'05" E 167.07'
$ 39'5807" E 521.4-2'
S 50'10'17" W 25.00'
~ ! 40'00'00" E 100.00'
S 50'10'17" w 354.14'
N ~0'00'00" i 140.00'
S 40'00'00" E 100.00'
ARC = -~9.27' RADIUS =
cl~ or UEyr~./:~ONWLLE
$ 59'$9'25,, W
OHiO RNER 266'~2'
DATE: 10-08-98
dOB No. 9802
Form Prescribe by State Board of Accounts
x.J(C~vernmen~al Unit~ -
O~_~ County~ Indiana
General Form No. 99P (Revised i987)
Display Matt ........ ~ ...... <.~2_Ls-o.=c~neither of which shall
NOTrCE~ ' ~t.$~i.42~.twithmenor~.~ch the body of the
Council 'for ~e City of CherokeeT~ace, Uni 4beng~e
Body -- numl ~exng ~e folo~ing d~b~ s~i~FS~T~'~ fig ~·
~*l--.-- S*veyNo. 4, w*chisapointln deg. i0min. 17*e,W*t, 3*4,14 ........ $
(50 pe __ . ' · . ~y
~naage ~_~ ~.~West~n bouadgy of me 4Low~byWe~ ~a~
] ~8~g~gr~m ~d Hood Conmol ~ ence 39.27 f~ along a
ipg q7 ~oun~y Un~: No~6~ ~enmt ~venue ~g a e ~oum-
No~54deg. 01 min. 408~ E~t ~%~'f/~2Caw~ ¢1
~}52~tTgwSyan~an°rmw~t' F}[~[~[~z~fr~-~??y'pg'k "d and *,ublished in *he English language
ATTA .... 29mia,~c,~t 506~ deg, 37min. 26~e. Weat 128.42~1~;~ ..... eru~ cOnY whirl
OF ADVE _no~ u.~_~ ~m~ a~_fightmf;wavtomee~tmmertA )a9~ ' or ~ D time the
dates of publication being as follows:
Subscribed and sworn ro before me
commission ex[ ires:
Notary Public
Form Prescribed by State Board of Accounts
- - ~ (Governmental Unit)
County, Indiana
General Form No. 99P (Revised i987)
' d
Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall
total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the
advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines ....
Head -- number of lines .....
Body -- number of lines ....
Tail -- number of lines ....
Total number of lines in notice
]~tr lines, __ columns wide equals equivalent lines
~----~-~j.~-~'~cents per line .............
Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of above amount) ...........
Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) ................
TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ..............
Width of single column ¢Oems
Number of insertions /
Size of type point
Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953,
I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is
legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid.
State of Indiana )
cla k ) ss,
County )
Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county
and state, the undersigned ~i7 ~[j~['~)~J~-~2 who, being duly
sworn, says that ~ he is I ( lcEeer p f'= ___ of the
general c/rc¢la~io~pr~nted and published in the English language in
said, and that the pr"inted matte~ att~ed hereto is a true copy, which
was d~ly published in said paper for ~ ~/ time__ , the
date~f publication being as follows~
Subscribed and sworn .o b~' * ~-~ M ~k~/~¢, ·
~ ~ ~~ i Notary Public
H7 commission expires: