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PreSCld~ed by Depatlment of Local Government Finance Approved by S~te Board o~ Accounts Budget Form 4 (~ev, 2002) ORDINANCE OF APPROPRIATIONS and TAX RATES Be it ordained by the Common C~uncil of Jeffersonville City, indiana: That for the expenses of Jeffersonville City and its institutions for the year ending December 31, 2003, the sums of money shown on the Budget Form 4-A are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the several funds herein named, and for the purposes herein specked, subject to the laws governing the same. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided by law. in addition, for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expense of jeffersonville City government, tax rates are shown on the Budget Form 4-B and included herein. Two (2) copies of Budget 4-A and 4-B for all funds and departments are made part of the budget report and subm~ed herewith. APPROVED BY: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and a~er its passage and approval by the Common Council and the Mayor. Adopted by the following vote on Thursday, September 12, 2002. YEA · ' Council Member NAY Council Member C~uncil Member _ < m > I'-' m ~ -- 0 rtl X ~_× < C m Z 0 0 rn m c z X ~0 · <' "0 o_O_ 0 m IT1 o~ 0 c z ITl z r~ > m g~ 7 0 X r" -t > '< ~ __ © ozz ~ m inn = m ~ > < z rn .~ .-q > z~ r- .-~ ~ 0 o z ~- 0 m X m ~<-.m = _o.. -ri m z o .-~ z '~0 ITl --I rtl ITl c z [lq z m > [lq =o~ z " m 0 z r~ > m X o 0 m m ~s m Frl Z --t _.9. 0 m m Z o Z m co < -_:. o ,~- 0 Z (2 -n Z ~ ~ Z o Z o (2 Z ° 888 Z C Z z 0 >~ -< C Z C Z C Z C Z Z C C Z Z C ~o C C Z < 0 o ~ Z o ~ > ~ m > Z Z "11 0 m C Z C 0 Z ~ ~-n r- m '~ ~- ¢, Z Z o o o -_. 0 C rn o C Z K~ Z Z C Z C z o) c C .-t m o~ g~ I~o ~ ~ ~ ~ 08888 C C Z C rtl '~ o o C Z ?_ ~D 8 -I ,8 888 ~§§8 ~ - m ? -< < m C Z 0000 omm~ C Z Z .. ~ o o =: C C C Z Z Z ~ 88 -o8888 > o~ 0 0 0 0 Z Z C C 08 ~8 8 0 0 0000 8888 8888 C C Z Z o. o C "D Z C ~ Z ~ -n 8 0 0 0 < Z Z Z ~ oo ~§§§8 D, ~ o o° o - ~ 0o°88 _~ c o ID r- ~0 z o~ > ~ Z z ~ 88888 C Z o oo008 __1 C Z m Z -H 8°°88 o o o C C Z Z C rn Z C 8888 8~ 8 Fn 8888 r- r- ~ ~< < < < ~ 8 o o C ~ ~> o~ < m z o~ > © Z C ¢ Z r- 0 C Z Z C~ C m C rn m o~ 888 ~ 888 o C o o o o o 0 8888 = ~ < r- r- > rn 133 :> g- C Z Z C 8 C Z Z o , 0 z :::0 0 - 0 m :> o 0 z :::0 ~> .. io ~ _o 0 X m 0 m -FI ~o~ z o , o.9_ 0 m X m < m C Z Z m z .-I o -q -< 0 -- 0 X m '< Z c z FB z m ~ ...-i > ITl z°~ z r:X z ~ -~ o 0 m oo c z 0 = Itl > m ~ Z m~ o , ~ 0 m X ce._c O~ Om _~× ~oo .. ;~ ~ m < ITl _q 'n r'- > ITl =oa z m m m Prescribed by Depa~m~m of Local Government Finance Budget Form No. 5 (Rev. 2002) BUDGET SUBMISSION LETTER AND CERTIFICATE To the Auditor of Clark County, Indiana From the Fiscal Officer Jeffersonville City The undemigned herewith submits two copies of the budget adopted by Jeffemonville City, for the year ending December 31, 2003 , for filing and presentation to the County Board of Tax Adjustment. I certify that said copies am true and exact copies of the budget approved and adopted by the Appropdeting Body Thursday, September 12, 2002, fixing the appropriations and the tax levies for the year of 2003. CERTIFICATE OF TAX RATES I hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the Appropriating Body of Jeffersonville City Taxing Unit, Clark County, Indiana. On Thursday, September 12, 2002, fl~e following rates of taxes were levied upon each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property of the above named Taxing Unit for the year 2002 to be collected in the year 2003 . For the Police Pension Fund, the rate of 0.0186 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Police Pension 0.0186 For the Parks and Recreation Fund, the rate of 0.1855 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Parks and R~creation 0.1855 For the Cumulative Capital Development Fund, the rat~ of 0.0Zl59 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Vaiuatien Cumulative Capital Development 0.0459 For the Fire Pension Fund, the rate of 0.0099 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Fire Pension 0.0099 For the General Fund, the rate of 1.3375 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation General 1.3375 Forthe LocelRoad&Street Fund, therateof 0 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Local Road & Street 0.0000 Forthe Sanitation Fund, therateof 0/124 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuaticn Sanitation 0.1240 For the City-County Building Rental Fund, the rate of 0.035 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of,~ssessed Valuation City-County Building Rental 0.0350 For the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund, the rate of 0 Dollars per One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Motor Vehicle Highway 0.(3300 Page 1 of 2 Forthe pmbation User Fund Fund, themteof 0 Dollars p~r One Hundred Dollars of Assessed Valuation Probation User Fund 0.0000 Respectfully submitted this Thursday, September 12, 2002: Jeffersonville City, Clark, County, Indiana TOTAL TAX RATE 1.7564 Peggy Wilder, Clerk Treasurer Page 2 of 2 -ibed by Department of Local Government Finance Approved by State Board of Accounts ORDINANCE NO. 2002-OR- get Form 4 (Rev. 2002) ORDINANCE OF APPROPRIATIONS and TAX RATES Be it ordained by the Common Council of Jeffersonville City, Indiana: That for the expenses of Jeffersonville City and its ~nstitutions for the year ending December 31, 2003, the sums of money shown on the Budget Form 4-A are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the several funds herein named, and for the purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided by law. In addition, for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expense of Jeffersonville City government, tax rates are shown on the Budget Form 4-B and included herein. Two (2) copies of Budget 4-A and 4-B for all funds and departments are made part of the budget report and submitted herewith. APPROVED BY: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Common Council and the Mayor. by the following vote on Tuesday, September 03, 2002. Adopted YEA NAY Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Approved by the Mayor on , year A~e~: Mayor Peggy Wilder, Clerk Treasurer Prescribed by Department of Local Government Finance Budget Form 4A (Rev. 2002) Approved by State Board of Accounts Page 1 of 14 1030205 2003 10 DLGF ID YEAR COUNTY 2003 Budget Report for Jeffersonville City Jeffersonville City TAXING UNIT Clark COUNTY FUND: Fire Pension FUND NUMBER: 0341 FUND: 0341 Fire Pension Original Published Amount Approved by Budget Appropriation Appropriating Body Amount Approved by Tax Adjustment Board Final Budget after reduction ordered by DLGF DEPARTMENT: Fire Pension 100000 PERSONAL SERVICES 200000 SUPPLIES 300000 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 400000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9999 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $1,112,185.00 $9,600.00 $3,600.00 $200.00 $1,125,585.00 FUND GRAND TOTAL $1 ,t 25,585.00 Prescribed by Department of Local Government Finance Budget Form 4A (Rev. 2002) Approved by State Board of Accounts Page 2 of 14 1030205 2003 10 DLGF ID YEAR COUNTY 2003 Budget Report for Jeffersonville City Jeffersonville City TAXING UNIT Clark COUNTY FUND: General FUND NUMBER: 0101 FUND: 0101 General Original Published Budget Appropriation DEPARTMENT · 079 Planning and Zoning Amount Approved by Appropriating Body Amount Approved by Final Budget after Tax Adjustment Board reduction ordered by DLGF 100000 PERSONAL SERVICES 200000 SUPPLIES 300000 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 400000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9999 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $109,628.00 $8,800.00 $47,090.00 $o.oo $165,518.00 FUND: 0101 General DEPARTMENT · 801 Parks Department 100000 PERSONAL SERVICES 200000 SUPPLIES 300000 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 400000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9999 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 FUND · 0101 General DEPARTMENT · 069 City/Town Council 100000 PERSONAL SERVICES 200000 SUPPLIES 300000 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 400000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9999 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $74,161.00 $1,500.00 $2,957,800.00 I $3,033,46t .00 FUND ' 0101 General DEPARTMENT · 075 Board Public Works 100000 PERSONAL SERVICES 200000 SUPPLIES 300000 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 400000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9999 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0.00 $o.oo $303,915.00 $303,915.00 00'61,9'00 I.$ 00'0~g'~' I,$ 00'0~'~$ 00'69~'~:~J; "I¥..LO.L .LN3~J.~VdBa 6666 AW.thO -IYJ. IdVO O0000t~ $30~VHO any S:IOIA~3S ~3H.LO O0000g 8-~l'lddN8 00000~ SaOIA~l=lS 9¥NOS~lad 000001, luewlJedea MB'I Zl~ ' J.N:J~..LaVc:FJa leJeue~D I..01,0 ' anna o0'oos's6~$ 00'00~'06~$ 00'000'~-~ 00'S'f'~'Z00'g$ qVl01/N:JIAII~JVd3a 6666 ,W~.LnO -IV.LIdVO O0000ff S=IE)~JYHO aNY S301A~I:_IS ~I:]HIO O00001~ 93rlddNS 00000~ 8::IOIA~I~J8 'WNOS~]d 00000 ~, luewuedea eo!lOd 0/_8 ' £N=llAI.L~JVdqa leJeue9 ~0[0 ' aNNa 00'~0~'t'Z. 00'000'~95 00'9gZ'66 ~$ 00'00~'/-Z$ -- O0'g 1,6'gZg'~$ -I¥/OJ./NalAIJ.~IVd3Q 6666 ~,v~.no 'IVJ. IdVO O0000ff S39~IVHO (:]NV S~OIAa~lS ~13HJ. O 00000~: S=Jl'lddnS 00000~ S3OIA~laS 'IVNOS~I3d 00000 ~ 1uewuedea eJ!=l ~9S ' ±N:a~±~lVcEta leJeueE~ ~0~0 ' aNNa 00'99g'~;g 00'009'1~ ~$ 00'00S'g$ 00'99~'S't, 'IV.LO/J. N3~laVd3(3 6666 ),V'LLNO 'IV.LIdVO O0000ff S30~IVHO (3NV S=IOIA~I=IS ~I3H/O 00000~ S31'iddns 00000~ S301A~3S ']VNOS~I=]d 000001, Aq peJepJo uo!lonpeJ pJeog luawlsn[pv Jetje lel~png leU!-I Rq pe^oJddv lunouJv Aport I~u!le!JdoJddV ~q pe^oJdd'e' lunowv unoo UMOI JO/[J!'O g'~'~ ' .LN=J~J..aVd:Ja uo!l. epdoJdd'v le6pn8 peqs!lqnd leU!l~!JO leJeua~) 1.01,0: aNna 1,01,0 :~=~81AINN anna leJeUa9 :aNna ),,.LNNOO ~lJelO J. INN 9NIXV/ A].!O OlllAUOSJeJJel' fqlO elHAUOSJejjeF JOJ ~Jode~l le§pnE! 800~ X..I. NNO0 ~V'::IA CJI _-I~)'lO gOOg SOgOgO~ ff~ Jo ~ e§sd slunooov jo pJeog ellis Aq pe^oJddv (EO0~ '^e~l) Vt~ WJO-I lel~png eoueul_-I ~,UeWUJeAOO leOOl Jo {uewuedea Aq peqposeJd 00'69g'~ I, ~$ O0'OC~'g$ O0'OOZZ~ 00'099'0 ~$ 00'6 ~Z'g~ 'IV.LO.L .LN::i~J.~lYd3a 6666 AV"IJ. rlO 'IV.LId'CO 0000C~ S3D~VHO QNV S=JOIA~FJS ~EIHJ. O 00000S S31']ddflS 00000~ S301A~i:IS -IYNOS~FId 000001, JeeU!§U:J 90~:/N:Jl~l.l.~lYd3(] leJeUe9 1,01,0: aNn...-! O0'99Z't,9 I,$ 00'000'S$ 00'00~'6b"$ O0'OOt,' ~$ 00'~91,' I,g 'IV.LOI J. N3~/~¥d~]Ci 6666 ,w~J. no '1¥/Id¥0 O000C~ S3~)~IYHO aNY S301A~i3S ~I3H/O O0000g s~naans ooooo~ S~]OIA~I:IS -IYNOS~I:Id 00000 ~ JO,{elAI H~O: .I. N31AI.L~IVd~]Q leJeue9 1,01,0: ONrL-I 00'098'~:9g$ 00'00~'~$ 00'009'~ 00'000'9 I,$ O0'09g' J, -I~/0± .LN~IINJ.~¥cl3O 6666 AY-I/rio -I¥/Id¥0 000001~ S:JD~IVHO QNV S301A~EJS a~JHJ.O 00000~ S~I'IddflS 00000~: S301A~]S 'lYNOS~l:ld 00000 ~ ~lJelO ~0: .I.N~i~.L~lYd~]a leJaue9 1,01,0: aNrl:l 00'~,9'0,L~$ 00'000'~$ O0'gOg' I,S$ 00'009'085 00'9~,L'991,$ 'lYJ. OJ. J. N31~J.~lVcl-aa 6666 A¥'llrlo 'IVJ. IdVO O0000t~ S3~)-I¥H0 aNV S301A~I:JS ~I:IH.LO O0000g S:ll'lddrlS 00000~ S:JOIA~I:JS 'IVNOS~FId 00000 I, Jelleqs leWlU¥ 9~9 ' .LN:B~.L~IVaaCl leJeue9 ~0[0 ' QNI~-t -IE)'IO j Xq peJepJo uo!lonpeJ pJeOg lueuJlsn.[p¥ xej. JO:Be lel~pn~t leuL-I /~q pe^oJddv ~unouJv /,po8 §u!lelJdoJddv uo!le!JdoJddV le6png /,q pe^o~ddv iunotuv peqs!lqnd leUll~PO 1,01,0 :~F:ISIAINN aNN::I leJeue9 :C]NNd ,k.LNNO0 ~lJelO .LINf"I 9NIXVJ. /~I.!O ell!AUOSJOjJer /~,!0 ell!AUOSJeJJer JOJ 1Jode~ ~,e6pns '&O0~ A~NnO0 avax al ag3a O~ ~00~ ~0[080[ ~!, Jo t, efed slunooo¥ jo pJeog e3elS/,q pe^oJdd¥ (~00~ '^e~l) Vt, LUJO=i le§png eoueu!_-I lueuduJe^o~g leOO'l Jo luetupedaa/Iq peqposeJd o0' ~ ~0'~ 00'oo0'9~$ oo' ~ ~0'65 -IVIOJ. 1N:JI/~J.aYd~a 6666 AV'I/NO "1¥/Id¥O 00000'e 839~IVHO QNV S3OIA~::IS ~FJHJ. O 00000~ S:llqddl3S 00000~ S:IOIA~:J$ 'lYNOS~FId 00000 ~ ~,eJes/vav ~1,9 ' .LNE]IAI.LaVdE]a IEJeUEiED 1,01,0 ' QNFI:I 00'1~g&'995 00'009'95 00'009'~$ 00'~'~9'9t,$ q¥/O1 IN:J~I~¥cE]O 6666 AV'I.LflO '1¥.1.1d¥O 00000'¢ S3E)~IYHO aNY S3OIA~FIS ~::lH/O O0000E: S319cldl3S 00000~ S3OIA~13S 9¥NOS~E]d 00000 I, leUUOgJed 601, ' .LN~]IAII~IYd~Ia leJeUe9 1,01,0 ' CINI'I:I 00'90~'1~9g$ 00'0O0'95 00'0~Z~ 00'9/_0'1~0g$ 00'0"9'~z [~$ qV£O± ±N3~J.~IVdaQ 6666 AW11rlO qV/IclVO 00000~ S3~)~IVHO aNV S~OIAa::JS ~HJ.O 00000g S=Jl'lddrlS 00000~ S3OIA~IEiS '1¥NOS~l~d 00000 ~ eoueuelu!e~ elo!qaA t 1,~; ' .LN:JIAi/~iYd:I(] leJeue9 1,01,0 ' aNrl:l 00'~6'60~$ 00'000'~$ 00'cj6~'91,$ 00'099"1;'$ 00'6~'~g~$ 'IV/O//NalAHaYd3a 6666 AV'IZF10 't¥11d¥O 00000t~ S=Ig~VHO QNV SaOIAJd=JS ~I:IH.LO 00000E: S31'lddrIS 00000~ SaOlAaaS 'lYNOSaad 00000 [ aG'ICI j /,q peJepJo uo!lonpaJ pJeog juamlsn[pv x'ej. JelJe leBpn~ leU!-I Xq pe^oJddV lunoLuv /,pog §u!l~!JdoJdd~/ Xq pe^oJddv lunomv ~,UeLUlJedec] §u!Pl!n8 E 1,£ ' 1NE]IAI.L~IVciE]Q uo.ispdoJddv le§pnE] peqs!lqnd leU!8!JO IeJeue9 1,01,0' aNn=l ~0~0 :~FIEII~IFIN aNn:l leJeue9 :QNI'I:I A.I. NROO )lJelC) .LINr'I 9NIXV.L ~l!O ell!AUOSJeJJel' /~3,!0 ell!^UOSJe~ef' JO~ lJodeEI ~,e§pn8 gO0~ AJ. NrlOO ~iV::IA al -I01a gO0~ SO~O80[ t~ Jo ¢j a6ed slunooov jo pJeog elelS/iq pe^oJddv (~00~ 'AeJd) Vt LuJo-I je§png eoueu!=l ~ueLuuJe^OD leOO'l ~o lumupede(3/iq paqposeJd ~V~O~ QNV~O QNfld 00'g~6'665 00'999'6"~ 00'~'~$ 00'00~'~$ O0'gg9't,g'$ Xq pe, epJo uo!lonpeJ p~eog lue,,qsn[pv xej. Jep, e ;e6pn8 leU!=l Aq pe^oJdd¥ luno,,,V 'IVIOI .LN3~.L~Va3Q 6666 AV'I.LRO -IYJ. ldVO 000001~ $3E)~IVHO ONV S=lOIAa=JS ~:JH/O 00000g S31'IcldFIS 00000~ S=lOIAa~]S -IVNOS~lgcl 00000 !, ~[po8 §ugepdoJddV ~q pe^oJddV lunouJv snoeuelleOS!l/~ 006: .LN:J~.I.~VcI=~C) uo!~,~!,do~dd¥ peqs!lqnd leU!6PO leJaueE) i, 01,0: aNn~ 1,01,0 :~l:181/~rlN aNn:l leJeue~) :ONr'l=l A.LNNO0 ~lJelO /INFI 9NIXV.L Al!O ell!AUOSJejJeP /[1.!0 ell!AUOSJeJJel' JoJ lJode~l ~,e6pnE] gO0~ AJ. 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INA ~NIXVI ~[l!O ell!AUOSJejJel' ~!O ell!AUOSJeJJel' JO,~ ~JodeEI ~,e§pn8 S00~ AJ.N~IOO ~V~iA (31 ~10 0 ~ ~00~ SOgOgO ~ t~ Jo E~ el]ed slunooov jo pJeo~] clefs Aq peAoJddy (~00~ '^e~) Vt' lUJO-I le§png eoueuL-I lueuJuJe^oE) leOO'l Jo lueuJiJedec] Aq peq!JoseJd r ~ ~ ~ m z ~ 0 (:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z Z C Z 0 Prescribed by Department of Local Government Finance Budget Form 4A (Rev. 2002) Approved by State Board of Accounts Page 14 of 14 1030205 2003 2003 Budget Report for Jeffersonville City DLGF ID YEAR COUNTY Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY FUND: FUND NUMBER: 03t8 FUND · 0318 City-County Building Rental 100000 PERSONAL SERVICES 200000 SUPPLIES 300000 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 400000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9999 DEPARTMENT TOTAL City-COunty Building Rental Original Published Amount Approved by Amount Approved by Final Budget after Budget Appropriation Appropriating Body Tax Adjustment Board reduction ordered by DLGF DEPARTMENT · City-County Building Rental $260,000.00 $260,000,00 FUND GRAND TOTAL $260,000.00