HomeMy WebLinkAbout2) PNC LeasingMA_xus Z E A 9 i N ~ G R O t,r ? FAX TRANS ISSION Maxus Leasing Group, Inc.. 31300 Bainbridge Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44139 Phone (,44o) 519-2400 Date: June 29, 2005 To: Betty Fax No.: 8t2-285-6 Company: Jeffersonville Fire DepL Phone: From: Charlotte Freil Pages: 26 inc coy freil~maxusleasin,q,¢om 440-519-2400 ext 114 Lease and Purchase Agreement CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This transmission contains legally privileged and confidential information belonging to the send~,'. 33 e inforr~tion ~s intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above, ff YOu am ~ot the BntemJed mcipi, mt you are hereb~ notified that any disclosure, copying or dist~buUon of this transmission, or the taking o~ any aclion i ~ r .,l~ance upon contents of this transmission is strictly prrehibited. If you have received this transmission in error, plea ~e ~efify ~he ss~der immediately to arrange for return of this document. LEASE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT L~$or' PNC Le./ng Co~., Keztuc~ky 330 Guthde C-teen. Suite 301 Lou/sville, I/~tuck'y 40202 City of ~effe~onv/lle, Indh~ City-county 501 E. Court Ave. Jeffersonv/ile, IN 47130 Date: February 3. 1997 This Le~e ami l~chase Asr~mnont (the 'Asreem~t") crafted Corp., Kemu~, (~or') a Keutucky ~orporat~n and City of Jet~r-~onviile, a body corporate and politic duly o .~-i~d and existin~ under the laws of the S~at¢ ofh WITNESSETH: WHEREA~, Lessor desires to l~setheEquipmeng as hgreinaRe~ defmed~ to Lessee and Lessee de~ir~s to lease the Equipment from Lgssor, subject ~o the t~rms and conditions o ?n, ~d for tl~ purpo~e~ set forth in this A~re~nnent; and WHEREAS, Lessee is authorized under ~he Constitution and laws ofthe State to W'rlEI~A$, at a duly cslt~i m~s6~.ofthe S?vamins body. o~Less~, h?d .on. ~, day of .~'~/ ~ 199~a resolution v~s inU'oduced ana scloptm aumonzm4~ of",.he equipment described in ~ A~acl~d ExhibR ~ A~. NOW, ~O1~, for ~md in consideration of'the promises herein~ter co~air ed ~he parties hereby a~ree as follows: ARTICLE I COVI~ANTS OF LESSEE Lessee represents, covenants and warrants, for the bmefit of Lessor and its ~s~i~p ~e ~, as follows: (a) Lessee is a public body, coiporate and politic, duly organized and existing mu(~r tho Constitution and laws of~he State of Indian~ Pago 1 of 12 AKTICLE H DI~I1TIONS The foilowin~ terms will have the meanings h~l~cated below unless the context requires otherwise: "Agr~ent" means this L~se and Purchase Asre~uent, hchding the Ex~b~ts hereto, as the same may be suppIexmmted or amended from ~ to time in aooordance terms hereo£ .Commeacemeat I~te" is the date whea the term of this Asreement besias ar~l L e~ ee's obligation to pay rent accrues, which date shall be the date on which ~he F..q~praent is ~.c :epted by Lcmsee as indicated on tl~ Certificate of Acceptance attached hereto as F_,xla'bit B. "Equipment' means property described in Exhibit A which is thc subject of this "Lease Term~ means the Original Term and all Renewal Terms provided for in As~eea~nt under Section 4.01. Page 2 of' 12 "Lease Term" means th~ Ori.~ T~rrn and ~ll Renewal Terms provided for in this Asreemeot umier S~clion 4.01. "I.a~as~" raeaas CRy of ~dr~rsonville, Indians or resulaus Bdity of the said CRY of Jeffersouvili~ lndisna. "L~ m~ms 0) PNC ~ Cop., K~nU,~,k'y sm~ivin~ rasm, th~ or transfe~e corpor~oa; ~.nd ('ill) except where the oontext require~ c tT~ ~wL~-, ~y assllpm~s) of Lassor. "Odainal T~mmn" means ~ period from the Co~t Date unlil the end or,he fiscal year of Lesase in effect a~ the Co~ Da~. 'Purclmse Prlce" me~us the amou, n which L~$~e may, in its discr~io~, peyio L~or in order to purdmse the Equ~ as set forth in Exla'bit C hereto. "~ T~ms" means the r, mewal t~rms of this Asreem~ut as pro~ded for in ofthls Asreement, each havin~ a duration of one y~ar and e renu co~xieasive with ihe ]~s~e's fiscal year except the last of such renewal terms which shell end on the date of the last lie ~ ~ Payment set forth in Exhibit C to this Asreement. .Vendor. means the mlmufacturer of the Equipment as well as ihe as~nts or dele ~s 'fthe manufacturer from whom Lessor purchased or is purchasing the Equipment. ARTICLE IH ~ ~ASE OIF EQUIPMBI~rI' for the Lease Tenn. LEASE TERIVi Section 4.01 C~mmeoe,'m~ of Lease Term. The Oiisinal Term of this Agre~e t commenc~ on the date ofgme ~xecugon ofthis Asreement and shall tenni~te the last d:t) of Lassoe's current fiscal year. The Lease Term will he mutomati~a'y r~uev,,ed at the ~ o:f~he Original Term or any Renewal Term for an additional one year, unless the Lessee ~ives nollc~ to Lessor not less than 90 days prior to the end of the Original Term or Rental Ter n C~en in et~ect, or such greater nolice as may be provided in Article VI, of Lassee's intention lo t~ this Agreement at the ~nd of the Original Term or then cm~nt Renev/al Term pursuant t = XI or A_~icle VI, as the case may be. The term~ and conditions during nny Renewal Te~ sl~l b~ PaSe 3 of 12 the same as tha terms and conditions dur~ the ~ Term, except thnt the Rental Pa~n ne tt~ shall be as provided in Exhibit C of this Agr~"me~ Section 4.02 Terndnntlon of Lease Term. The Lease Term ~ terminnte ulx~n the ~ of any ofthe following events: (a) tl~ expiration of the Original Tmn or any Renewal Term oftlfs Agreement and ti · nonrenewal ofthh A~eement tn *.he event ofnonapproprintion of funds pursuant to Seek ~, (b) the excrclse by Lessee of the option to pure. h~ the Equipment gran~ under' ~ he provisions of Article~ IX or XI ofthis Agreement; (c) a de~ault by Lessee nnd Lesso~s electlon to terminate this A~'ecracm under ~v icl -' Xi~ (d) the payment by Le~e of all Rental P~ ~r~ed or required to be Pak ~; Lessee hereunder, ARTICLE ENJOYMENT OF EQU~MENT Lessor hereby covemmts to provide Le~a~e dutlng the Lense T~at with qulet use end enjoymer~ and Lessee ~d~ll durin~ the Lease texm peaceebly and quietly heve and hold en t e nJ~Y thc ~uipment, without suit, trouble or hindrance fixen Lessor, except as expre~y set R,r'.h ! n this Lessor shall have the ri~t at all x~onsibl* ~ durin~ bus'mess hours to enter h'to and upon the property of Lessee for the pu~oses oflnsp~ing the Equipment. RENTAL pAYM]~NTS Pase4 of 12 C hereto. Rental Payments sha~ be in consideration for L~see'$ use offl3e F, quipment duri applicable year in which such palm~nts are due. 6.03 Tnt~ ~ Pfil~_l}~ Co~_ Illin. A ~ ~h ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ of~ B~ P~ ~~ T~ ~ ~ S~on 6.~, ~ ~ ~n ~ p~t of ~ ~ or ~ ~ ~on of~ ~~ P~ ~ ~. Sec~on 6.04 ~p,,~s~l pavn~mt_q to be UncondRionnL The oblisnfions of Lessee ~o n~t~e payment of the p. ental pw~nuents requ~d under ~is Article VI md other s~ons hereof., any dispute between Lessee or Lessor, any Vendor or any other person, Lessee shall mal~ al paymems ofReutal Paymems wh~ due ami shall not withhold resolution of such dlspu~ nor shall Losocc assert any fight of set-offor count~clalm a~li ~st its ob~L~ion to make Rental payments dufinsihe Orls~d t~n or th~ thc~ c~.~t Re~wel ~ = and shall not be abated through accident or unforeseen S~cfion 6.05 Con~i.tinn of'Lense Term bv Lessee. Lesse~ ~tends~ subject ~o~o~ of 5~on 6.~, m ~ T~ ~d ~ pay ~ a~ie ~s of ~ ~o~ ~ffi~ to m~e ~h of~R~ T~ ~ ~. Section 6.06 No_~9_~I!K~- In the event that the Lessee in its sole dis~efion detc~nim to appropriate fimds For the payments of Rental Payments for any Rcflcwal Term then terminate this Asreement at the end o£the then cummt Odsinal Tefln or Rlmewal ~ sludl not be obli~ted to make payment of the Rental Pnyments provided for in this Asr~riel~t beyond the then cun-eflt Rental Term or Renewal Tcl~ Lessee asreos to deliver notice of such notice ofteflnlnafion at least 90 days prior to tho end of the then cummt Orions[ l~mewal Tefln. Ii'this Agreement is terminated under this Section 6.06,Lessee aSrees p~ ~ ~°ly i° delive~ the Equipment to Lessor at the location specified by Lessor. To ~ cxt6nt shall not, until the date on which thc next recurrin~ Rcnewal Term w°uld have ended' c~ c~ 1 ~ funds for the pur0hnse or use of equipment similar to the equipment subject to this TI'I'LE TO EQUIPMENT; SECURITY l~'r~t.EST Section 7.01 ~IP~. Dur~ the terms of this Agreemen% title to ~he Equ~pmeflt and any and all additions, repairs, r~placeme~ts or modifications shall vest in L Pnse 5 of 12 subject to the BI}his of Lessor under ~,is Asreement. In the event of default as set follh bt ]c~.lien 13.02 or nourenewal as set forth in Seciion 6.06, litle to F--quipment,shatl immed~ v~st in Lessor, and Lessee wiih~.asonably surrender posse~on of the Equipment t° Less°r' MAII~-f.~IANCE MODI~CATION: TAXES: INSURANCE AND OTHER CHARGES S~on 8.01 ~'~ of ~,6~t ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~o~ ~d ~ ~ ~ ~om ~ t,> ~ ~ ~to ~ ~e ~ n~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ r~s- l~r ~ ~ ~ ~h ~ of~, ~ ~r ~ ~ offsets ~ ~d~ o=s to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ hm a ~ ~ V~or. ~ ~l~ ~ ~ ~p~t ~ ~ u~ for a w ~ ~ to ~ ~ ~Y f~ (~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ du~ ~ ~ ~ So~ w~ ~ mY ~ ~Y t~e ~ la~y ~ or 1~ a~ or ~ ~d ~ ~ip~ or ~ ~P~ ~q~ ~ ~ ~ of ~i~ o~ or a m~o~ ~p~ or additi~ ~ ~ u~, ~ ~ ~k~ of~ ~uipm~t; pro~d~ ~ with r ~ . · · to ~ 8~~ ~ ~t ~y h~ ~ p~d ~ ~s ~ s~ ~ obB~ to p~ ogy ~h ~ ~ ~ o~ Section 8.03 !~gv~a~ns Beosrdina Insurance. At its own expense Lessee shall t~ ~: demonstrate to the satisfaction ofLes~r ~hat adequate setf-insuranc~ is provided with ~e ~p~ ct tool the Equipment, mffici~mt to protect the Full Insurable Value (a~ th~ ~'m is herehai~ deb .................. ^, ir~sui~u~ uroceeds t ro~ ~ the Equipment. and to pro~e~ Lessor [rom uauility ua au ~wu~. ~-~ lmal~ 6 of 12 will in~r~ the Equipmmt by ~__ -, of sn ~equate insurance fumi. The term .Full insurable Vnhe' ns used here/n shsll menn the full replacement vnl~ e 'f ~ Any inmmace policy pursmmt ~o tl~ Sectiou 8.05 sh~ be so wrimm or emic~! ~':o raslte losses, ifm~y, payable to Lesse~ and l.~sor as thelr rm~aecfiw interests may appear. Tt¢ N=t Proceeds (as definml in Section 9.01) of the in,mrmme requlr~d in this Section 8.03 shall [~" ~ )Pli~ as provided in Article IX hereof. Each inmrance policy provide/for in ~ Sec,/on 8.0~ Lessor a! least l0 days in advance of such cauc~lation. Section 8.04 Adwa~e. In the mmm Lessee simil f'~il t° mahtain ~he flfll insunm°~' condition, Lessor may (bu~ shall b~ under no obligalion to) purchase the required policies ar insurance and pay the premiums on the mine or may raak~ such repair~ or replacements necessary and provide p~meat therm~ and all smounts so advanced therdore bezoraz additional rent for the then cotrmt Orighml Term or Renewal Term, w~ich tosether with interest thereon Lessee agrees to PaY- DAMAGE, DESTRUCTION AND CONDENINATION; USE OF NET PROCEEDS Section 9.01 D~mn?~- r~t~_L~y~_'e~ nmi Condemnnfiot~ Unless Les.see ~ ~ ~xe'~ Rs o~on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~g ~ of ~ ~c~ ~ ~ p~ltd 1 ~ ~ to ~ t~n of~ ~ T~(a)~~ ~ ~ ~°n~f~ i~lr~ ~ ~.~ of fm w~le or ~) ~ ~ ~g~ ~ ~e or ~ ~ ~ ~) ~e t°, ' ~ ~ ~v~ b~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ton ~ ~ ~v~ b~ ~ N~ ~s ~ ~ m~ wo~ ~ ~ co~l~ ~ ~ P~ i~ I ~. . · s~ For p~ of S~on 8.03 ~ ~s ~d~ ~ ~e t~ ~ ~ Page7 of 12 ARTICLE X DI~ OF WARRANT'S: VEh-OOR'$ WARRANTIES: USE O~ ~n 10.01 OR ~L~, ~ TO ~ V~, DESEX, ~~A~ON, ~ ~SS CO~ON, ~~~ OR ~rr~5S ~OR p~~~ CR OR W~ W~'~'fl ~5~ ~E ~ TO. ~SS FOR U~ OF ~ ~~, no ~t ~~e for ~ ~ ~ ~n ~& or ~ ~ offs ~t or &e ~, ~s~ ~ ~r s~ 10.0= ~- ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~.~ ~ ~o~.~ d~g ~ ~ T~ mlo~~ sh~ ~ ~ ~ h~' to ~ ~om ~ to ~ ~ ~ '~'~ ~ ~r, ~r ~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ to ~ ~ ~e ~ to r~e ~ ~ ~Y ~ ~. S~on 10.03 ~ ~~t~, u~ ~uip~t ~, ~d~, ~ ~d~on of ~e~ by ~s ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s ~ ~, ~ m~ for r~le ~ w~ch d~ p~, OPTION TO PUP. CHASE (a) at the end o£thc Lease Term (hw2udin~a Renewal Term). upon paymtnn i~ fi~i of f~m~d Payme~ duc hacundcr, or (b) ai the c~d ofthe Original Tram or aay P~mewal T~'m, upon payment by Le~ e ¢ fthe then applicable Purchase Price. or ASSIGNMENT, SUBLEASING, MORTGAGING AND SELLING Section 12.01 &~i~l!!~. Thls A~re~nt, andthe obll~alions of Le~elo make paym~ts hermmder, may b~ _s~l~d and _re~__~ned in whole or in part to one or mot of ~ ti~ ~oas~t ofl.~s~4 provided howler, ~ no such assi~nn,,~ or rcar~i~ an, ~n~ shall be ef~e u~ess and until 0) Lessee shall have received nofic~ of the as.sisnm~ r~ipm~nt disclosi~ tl~ mm~ ami add.ss of ~e assi~e~ or subasslgnee, and (h') ~ ~t e c ~ that such ~i~nt or resssi~amm is m~de to a b~k or trust ~x~'npany as tmsl~ for 1~ ld~ cs °£ c~ ~,%a~s re~s inlm~t in this a~reement, such bank or trust company a~'ees to ~ ~i ~tair~ or cause to be msinialned, a book-enuy sys~m by which a r~cord o£the names spa such holders as of any particular time is kept ami a~rees, upon request of Lessee, to fur~ith ,' uch informalion to l~ssee. Upon recgpt ofnolice of assismue~t, Lessee asr~s to reflect in e~y the ~Sn~ desisnated in such notice of assignment, a~d to make ali payme~.s to assip~ d~ismted in the noiice of ;~-,isnme~, nolwiths~md~ any ~claim, d~e~, setvf~o~' couuterclsim whmoev~ (wk~r arlsins ~om a breach of the ASremu~r~ o~ L~see may fi~m ~ to lime hve asalns~ Lessor, or ~h¢ assignee. Lessee agrees to ~xe~ ~te ali documents, includln6 notices of assi~nmenIs and chatty! mor~a~es or financing statemer~ s ~ ~hich may be reasom~bly requested by Lessor or its assignee ~o pro~ect their interest on the Eqt/pn and in this A~reement. Pa~e 9 of 12 Section 12.02 No Sale. A~ionment or Sublens~ by Lessee. This Agreem~t interest or'Lessee in the Equipment may not be SOld, assigned or encumbered bY Lessee ~il~ ~t prior written consent of Lessor. ARTICLE EVEN'TS O1~ DEFAULT AND REMEDIES (&) failure by Lesse~ to pay any Rental Paym~t or other p~yrramt requlred to be l?~d (b) failure by Lessee to observe and perform any covena~ condition or al~reem~t ~n its part to be observe~ or performed, other ~han as referred to h~ Section l:~.O1 (a) for a Peri':~l ° ~'2~0 days alter x.,;tl~n notice, specify~ such failure, and reque~u~ that it be remedied ns ~e ~ t, ~ Leasco by l.~sor, unless Lessor shall a~ree in writ~ to ~n extension of such time Prior t ~ ~ app]icabl~ period. Lessor will not ur~easonab]y w~2a~old its consent to an ext~s~on of su~]~ ~ ne if corrective action is instituted by Lesse* within the appllcable period and tfifi~ently pursuecl un ~ the default is c~rrected. The foregoing provisions of this Section ]3.01 arc subject to the condition fiutt if t~ r,~ason of force majeure Lessor is unsble in whole or in pm't to carry o~t its n~eement on its PS~" 1~ ~ cont~ ~ shall not be deemed in default durin~ the conllnuance of such kmbil~ty' '] he te~'m ~orce Majeure" as used herein shall mean, without iimita~on, ~e followinl~: acts of God, ~ k~ lockouts or other industrial di~_~: acts of public ene~es, orders o~ ~,~s of -,~) 1~ ~d of ~he government off the United States of Ame~ca or the state whe~ Lessee is locateg or a~ o fiber earthquakes; f~res; storms; droughts; floods; ot explosions. Section 13.02 ]~l]~v,~. ~ nny event ofdefauit ~ toin .~lection 13.01 hereof shall have happened nnd be cont~ Lesmr shnll have the r~s at its s°[e °l 'ti°n without any fl~rther demand or nolice, to take one or any combination o£the followin~ r~te~i~ (a) with or without termlv~,,S this Asreemem, retake pos.~ssio, of the Bquipr~,t ~ nd sel~ hmse or sublease thc Bqulpment ~or the account of the Lessee, h°lding Lessee liable ~>r: ~nts and other amounts payable by Lessee heromder to the cnd of the Original Term or the tttc n ~ urrent Renewal Term; and, (b) take whatever action at law or in equity may nppenr necessarY °r desirable m e n~ ~ce ~ riF, hts as the owne~ of the Equipment. Pat~e 10 of 12 Section 13.03 ~. No remedy hergn conferred upon or rme~d ~ ~ Lessor is intended to be e~dusive and eve~ such r~nedy shall be cumulatlve ond shall be i~ addiiion to every other 3'emedy ~ ~s ~ ~w or h~ ~ ~ 1~; o ~in such ri~t or power may be exe~-ised From dine to time as oRen as may be deemed exponent MISC~I .LANEOUS Seclion 14.01 Notices. Ali notices, certificates or otl~' communica~ons hei~md,~ ~ dl be prepsid, to tbe paflies at thelr respeotiv~ plaoes of bl~aezs. Section 14.0Z ~Jzg[~. This Agreement shah inureto tbe benefit of and shnitb~ bind~n~ upon Lesmr or Lenee and tbeir resjx~ive successors and Se~ion 14.03 SeverabUity. In ~ event any p~ovision of this A~,eement ~ be :~'ld invalid or unenfo~le by any court or competent jta~d~c~inn, such holdin~ shzll not ink,Ii& lie or render enforceable any other provision heteoi Section 14.04 Amendments. Tho ten~s of this A~reerne~ shall not be waived, modified, supplemented or nmended in any manner whatsoever except by written instrtun~i Section 14.05 · · . TbisAtp. eementmaybeexecutedins~nra~ counte~part~ each of which shall be en original and nil of which shall constilute b~t one ami tl~e Section 14.06 ~_.~. This Asreement shall be governed by and construe! '~ accordance with the laws oftbe Commonwealth of'ltentucky. Section 14.07 Cavtions. ~ ~tptlons or head~, in this Agreement are for ~e~i ~ o~ ~ no ~ d~ ~t ~ d~ ~ ~ or ~ ~ ~ p~go~ ~ ~o~ c ~tl is S~ 14.~ ~. ~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tt ~r ~ ~. No ~, ~ ~on or ~e off~-~ offs ~l ~ ~ m~fion ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ o~y ~ ~c ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ p~ ~- ~e ~ ~ ~~ ~ r~s or w~ ~ ~ ~, Pa~¢ Il ofl~2 Asreemer~ Lessee by the si~ below ot'its aut~ reprc$~ a~knowl~dg~lba :it has read this Agreemc~ ~ it, and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions- its corporate seal lte~mto ~m~ed aud attested by its duly auttmrized ofliccr~ and Lessee ha ~ ~1 att~R~i by its dvly authorized offices. AIl of ti~ abo~ ~ as of the dat~ first'p'ilt ~ b~iow. LESSOR: PNC LEASING CORP,, KENTUCKY By: ~e-~/ By. -r-,tie://~,t. ~,~.~ Title: V~) ~E~/~7 OF ~'F~.SONVILLE, INDIANA Page 12 of 12 EXI4i~IT DE,tRIllION O~ ~QUIPMENT constitutes an m:~curnte demcrlpfion of'the *~ipmmt# ns de~ned in the atta~od Lea. se 4PICA02S1VA000235 1997 Pierce Arrow Custom Pumpers Mounted on ,~r,'o~ ~ 4PICA02S7VA000241 Cb~.*,~i~t LESSEE: CITY OF ~EFFERSO~-LE, INDIANA LOCATION OF F. QUIPMENT: .IEFFEI~ONVILLE FII~E DEPT. 937 wALL ST. yEiq~ASONVILL.E. ~ 47130 F, XItlBIT "B" ACCEPTANCE CEK'III.ICATE TI~ uada~iga~d ofliezr ofth~ I.~ss~ i~ r~m,ms in all r~e~t~ fl~ Ceftin, .. a; m Arb~ ~mcl~t as Ibda~it D to tl~ Asr~men~ and represm~s that to the best o£1gs or he r knowledge, information md ~ tl~ exp~t~iom therein expressed w~re reasonable would nmtmially a~ the expectations expressed thm-eln. LESSEE: CITY OF IEt"I'~',SONVILLE, INDIANA #$0361 63,629.50 25,.~4.65 38,174.85 447,62~.15 63,679.$0 23,$00.46 ~,179.~ ~7,~.12 63,679.~ 21,391.05 42~.45 365,157.6~ 63,679.50 19,170. g9 ~,5~.61 3~,~9.~ 63,679.50 16,~4.18 ~,M5.32 2~,803,74 63,6~.50 14,374.78 49,30&72 ' 2~,4~.02 11,7~.a7 ~1,S~3.23' 17~5.79 63,679.50 6,1~.42 57,~5.0~ 6 ,6 9. o Exhibit C !o the I. aase anti Pmz:ims~ Agra:mcat dated F~amary 03. 1997. All payllll~l$ al~ ~ alm~slly b~'~in,~' ning FCtNl~a'y 15, 1998. ~d ~ ~ ~ than $10,~,~,~ of ~s~. ~ Cit~ or Jelfer~m'~4ne, #30361 To thc best of my knowted~, it~ormatlon and I~c~the cxpo~aion~ ~ ~ ~ ~S ~OF, I h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ,,-~Y of ~ ,19 ~. LF.,SSF~: CITY OF/F~d~SOIO/ILLE, INDIANA Corporate Leasing Resolution PN{_,BANI At a ~//_~r~._a~ / meeting of the Board of Directors the CiTY JE~FERSO~VILLE ,_ I~ DI~ duly held on the ~/9th day of July 1996 , the foltcwlng resolution, which is still in force and effect, was duly adopted and a written record thereof made, namely: "RESOLVED, that the officers of this company listed below, or their successors in office, TY~RITENAME ~yhe~ne of them be and they are hereby authorized to effect leases from time to time £or and on behalf of this co~p: ny from the PNC Leasing Corp., Kentucky, and to extend such leases from time to time; and for such lease~ (ani any and all extendons) to make, sign, endorse, execute and deliver in the name o£ this company to said Leasing Corp., Kentucky, the Lease Schedules. endorsements and other obllgadom of this compa~y, am/to pledge as security for such leases (and any and all extem'ions thereof} the endorsements, stocks, lx,nds, pro- missory notes, bills receivable, and other property of this company. The proceeds of all such lea~es sad exten- dons shah be placed from time to time, as made. to thc credit of this company on the books of s~id PHC Leasing Corp., Kentucky, and tach credit shall have the same force and effect as if the amount ther~f had been duly paid to this company in cash. The above officers are also authorized to sell equipmen:r ~f ~ com- pany to PNC Leasing Corp., Kentucky in connection with any sale leaseback transaction and to execute bills of sale or other documents necessary to facilitate such sale and leaseback. "IT 15 FURTHER RESOLVED, that PNC Leasing Corp., Kentucky i~ authorized to ret}, upon aforesaid resolution until receipt by it of written notice of any change or revocation thereof." We certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution adopted under date given, h still in effc:t and it does not conflict with any of the by-laws of the corporation. / We further certify that the debt limit authorized by Articles of Incorporation is $ Signed and delivered this/' at-.~day of =~'~"~'Y 19