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TIDS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and bel.ween CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE
SANITANY SEWER DEPARTMENT, by and throngh its BOARD, berein called the
From time to time, the Department needs a penon with expertise in matten, inducting but uot
limited to: fixed asset inventory development and fiscal planning to work on spec:iaI projeds for the
DEPARTMENT. CONSULTANT bas been identif'"Jed as a person wbo bas the expertise that wonId
be needed to eompJete these varions special projects.
NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and oCtbe mutnal covenants contained bereint,
the parties agree as follows:
1. The Department appoinls James H. Beeker to serve as special projects Consultaut for said
2. The consultant will serve as an independent contJ'llc:tor iu any and aD work performed for the
Department and sbaD not be entitled to any employee-reblted beIIefils.
3. As an independent eontrador, the Consnltant will have the authority to contnllllnd ctind dte
performanee of tbe details of the services to be provided. However, the Exemtive Member of
the Sanitary Sewer Board must authorize the services to be preformed.
4. Compensatio~f,r th-zComtaut's services will be paid at the rate of SWy Dollars (Slill.OO)
perbeur fM~ ~'l-!' d!
5. On a quarterly has.s, the Consultant sbaD submit lID invoke dellliling aD serviees performed
doring the qnarter and the bonrly ebarges made therein. The Consultant will invoiee bis time
in not less than qnarter bonr increments.
6. This Agreement is effective as of the date signed by the Department's Sanitary Sewer Board
and will remain in effed untiI.terminated, in writing, by either parly. The terms and
conditions of this Agreement sball not be altered or amended withOllt written agreement of
be mes.
x uted by the Sanitary Sewer Board tbis 24'" day of January, 2005.