HomeMy WebLinkAboutHumana Health & Dental 2004City of Jeffersonvil~e Effective: April 1, 2004 GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Proper Name of Plan: Ci[y of Jeffersonville Employee Health Plan 2. Legal name of Employer: City of Jeffersonville (Name provided must match the tax ID number reported to the iRS) Location Address: 501 East Court Avenue, Room 407 County Building Jefferson~/ille, IN 47130 Mailing Address: same Telephone: (812) 285-6405 2a. Multi-Location Yes No N/A Primary: Location Address: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Secondary (variable) Location Address: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Tertiary (variable) Location Address: Mailing Address; Telephone: Fex; 3. Common name of Employer. Address, only if different Eom above: City of Jeffersonville 4. Agent for Service of Legal Process: Name/Title: Leslie Merkley, City Attorney Address: 501 East Court Avenue, Room 410 Jeffersonville, iN 47130 Telephone: (812) 285-6491 5. Employer Federal ID Number: 35-6001067-01 Updated Apdl 1, 2004 I General information City of Jeffemonville Effective: Apdl 1, 2004 GENERAL INFORMATION: 6. Single Employer Govemment Entry X Non-Federal Governmental Plan Church Other 7. Is the Employer subject to ERISA? X No Yes 8. Management Contact: Name/Title: Telephone: Fax Number: Email Address: Rob WaizJMayor (812) 2854400 (812) 285-64O3 mayor~cltyo§eff, net Kirn Calabro/HR Director (812) 285-6405 (812) 28~6490 kcala bro@cit yofjeff, net 9. Administrative Contact: Telephone: Fax Number: Email Address: 10. Plan numbers (from 5500 report): Dental Other N/A 11. The Plan is: X Contributor? Non-Contributor? 12. Effective Date: April 1, 2004 13. Plan Year (Renewal Year): 14. Fiscal year (Financial Year): 15. Does the Plan include a trust? Trust Name: No Yes 16. Trustees: Name/Title: N/A Address: Name/Title: Address: Updated Apdl 1, 2004 2 Genera[ Information City of Jeffersonville Effective: April 1, 2004 GENERAL INFORMATION: 17. Plan Sponsor name and address: City of Jeffemonville 501 East Court Avenue. Room 407 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 18. Plan Administrator and Named Fiduciary: City of Jeffersonville 501 East Cou~ Avenue, Room 407 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 19. Is this Plan maintained under a collective bargaining agreement? No X Yes (for Fire and Police) 20. Subsidiaries and/or affiliates included for coverage: N/A Legal Name: Mailing Address: Contact Name: Employer Federal ID number: 21. The following person(s) ate authorized to receive protected health information (PHi) (include information for internal contacts, i.e. management, administrative, financial; external contacts,i.e. Flex Administrator, Cobra vendor or AgentJBroke riCo nsultent, if applicable). Name/Title: Company: Address: Telephone: Fax Number: Peggy Wilder/Crerk-Treasu ret City of Jeffersonville 501 East Cour~ Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 285-6422 (8t 2) 285-6426 pwilde r@cityo fjeff, net Suzy Bass/Deputy Clerk City of Jc=~ersonville 501 East Cour~ Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 285-6423 (812) 285-6426 sbass@cityofjeff, net Leslie Merkley/City Attorney City of Jeffersonville 501 East Court Avenue, Room 410 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 285~491 (812) 285-6468 Imerkley@cityo~eff. net Name/T/fie: Company: Address: Telephone: Name/Title: Company: Address: Telephone: Fax Number: Email: Updated Apdl 1, 2004 3 General Information City of Jeffersonvi[le Effective: Apdl I, 2004 GENERAL INFORMATION: 21. The following person(s) are authorized to receive protected health information (PHI) (include information for infernal contacts, i.e. management, administrative, financial; external contacts,i.e. Flex Administrator, Cobra vendor or AgentJBrokerlConsultaot, if applicable). CONTINUED Name/Title: Company: Address: Telephone: Fax Number: Klm Calabro/Directer of HR City of Jeffersonville 501 East Court Avenue, Room 407 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 285-6405 (812) 285~6490 kcalabro@cityot~eff, net Rob Waiz/Mayor City of Jeffersonville 501 East Court Avenue Jeffemonville, IN 47130 (812) 285-6400 (812) 285-6403 mayor@c[tyof~eff, net Name/Title: Company: Address: Telephone: Fax Number: NOTE: PHI information will be provided only to the individuals idenfified above, but will not go into effect until the signed Plan Management Agreement is returned to HumanaDental. 22. The following individual is the plan representative for claim appeals. Name/Title: Leslie Merkley/City Attorney Company: City of Je[fersonville Address: 501 East Court Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Telephone: (812) 285~491 Fax Number: (812) 285-6488 Email: Ime rkley@cityot]eff, net Flexible Spending Administration: 1. Does Plan have a Flex Administrator: NO X Yes Administrator Name: AFLAC Address: 1505 Allison Lane Jeffersonvi~le, IN 47130 Telephone: Contact Name: Christina Johnson 2. What is the flex plan enrollment period: Updated April I, 2004 4 General Information City of Jeffersonville Effective: Aprfi 1, 2004 CLAIMS COST MANAGEMENT The following provisions are included within the group's administrative fees. However, if legal fees are required to recover the greup's money, the legal foes will be the group's respansibility. 1. Check all that apply: No recovery provision X Limitation and Exclusion (L&E) - Provides for tbe appreprlate first party insurance insurance carrier to pay dental claims first, such as an auto carders medical payment coverage The other carrier would be primary over the dental plan. NO payment will be made until that coverage is exhausted; Once the auto cardeds medical payment is exhausted, the Plan will then begin to pay the eligible dentar claims. The primary liability is transforred to the other carder. X Reimbursement/Subrogafion - Subrogation allows the Plan to "stand in the shoes of the covered person and collect money from the responsible party." Once the Plan pays, we have a contractual dg;~ to request money back f~om the respansible party or their insurance carder, Reimbursement allows the Plan, by a contractual right, to recover the money the Plan paid on the behalf of the of the covered parson, when benefits are paid and the cove~l person recovers monetary damages from the responsible party. This can be either by a settlement, judgement, or other manner· X Business Exception- Do not enforce L&E or pumue recovery for injuries with no liability occurred at a friend's, relative's, neighbor's, or church's property where other primary coverage is available (e.g., medical payments expanse coverage)> X Reimbursement without pro-rata - Priority reimbursement means if an injured person is not made whcte (fuliy compensated for the loss from the settlement money), reimbursement will be made to the Plan 2. up to 100% of any expanses paid regardless of the amount of the settlement or the extent of the injuries incurred. made whole (fully compensated for their loss from the settlement money), the account agrees to "share" Are them any existing third party liability files? X No If yes, will these files be transferred to HumanaDental for handling? No Yes, approximate number of files: Workers' Compensation Carrier Information: Name: Downey - IPEP Address: P.O. Box 690, Kokomo. IN 46903 4. Telephone: 800-382-8837 Contact Name: Louise Sparks Yes If a covered person or their employer could have purchased Workers' Compensation coverage but chose not to, should HumanaDental process those claims subject to the terms and provisions of the dental plan? This refers to, but not limited to, self-employed people, fanners and business owners. X NO Yes Updated April I, 2004 I General Information City of Jeffersonville Effective: April 1, 2004 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION DESIGN AND MAILING INFORMATION 1. Who will do printing? HumanaDental Own printing service Quantity X Undetermined, provide estimated quote. Quantity: 275 Include estimated cost for shipping to group 2. How many different summary plan descriptions are needed" X Dental Combined, specify: 3. Size of summary plan description: 3a. Summary plan description type: X Booklets (Stitched) Binders (3-Hole Drilled) 3b. Are binder, tabs or dividers needed? X NO Yes If binder, tabs or dividers are needed, the Contract Analyst will contact you directly regarding the type/style. 4. Should summary plan description be printed according to Hourly Saleded By Location X Combined, specify: t book for all 5. Should employer's logo be included on the front cover of the summary plan description? X No Yes. provide camera ready logo (color separated if applicable) and PMS colors, if applicable. 6. Should the agerd/brokerlconsultent name appear on the back cover?. X ,No Yes, specify or provide sample 7. Contact pemon to work with for booklet drafts and other documents? Name: Klm Calabro Email: kcalabm@cifyof]eff, net Updated April t, 2004 I General Information Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION 1. DO these eligibility p~ovisions apply to all self-f~nded lines of coverage? Medical X Dental Short Ten'n Disability Prescription Drug Other, specify: 2. Does the Plan voluntarily apply HIPAA provisions to non-medical lines of coverage? X Yes No, specify: 3. Open Enrollment: No X Yes A. Does pre-x apply? No Yes NA B. How many times a year is open enrollment allowed? Once per year C. When is the open enrollment period? 03/01 to 03/31, eff~t[ve 04/01 D. Can someone who previously declined coverage appiy during open enrollment period? NO X Yes E. Does open enrollment apply to a~l lines of coverage? No X Yes 4. Dual Choice X No Yes Is the other choice an HMO? No Yes When can the other choiCe be selected? Does pre-x apply? Yes No 5. How will Enrollment be provided? Via the Web EDI (Electronic) Paper Scannable 6. How often will enrollment changes be provided? X Upon occurrence Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Other, specify: 7. If enrollment will be provided electronically, has electronic submission been approved by the enrollment unit? NA No Yes Group Name Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION Employee Eligibility 1. Eligible employees include: X Active Employees X Redrees (must meet all eligibiffiy requirements as specified by state or city ordinance in order to be considered eligible) X Survivors Seasonal Part-time: specify X Other; specify elected / appointed officials Eligibility requirements: 30 Hours per week Weeks per year X Other; specify 1000 hr / year in foil-time covered position / elected and appointed officials 3. Eligibility period: X None 30 days calendar days worked days 60 days calendar days worked days 90 days calendar days worked days Other; specify 4, Effective date: X Immediate 1 st of month after eligibility period Other; specify NA A, What is the pre-existing waiting period for a timely applicant? Months pdor to employment date Months maximum deny following the employment date (not to exceed 12 months) B. Are ali lines of coverage affected by the pre-existing condition waiting period(s)? Yes NO; specify 2 Enrollment Group Name Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION NOTE: If Plan has dental coverage, please refer to that section!: 6. Does the Plan have a late applicant provision? (If Plan has dental coverage, please refer to that section for dental rata applicant information.) Yes, if application is submitted more than days after the eligibility date A. When is a late applicant effective? Immediately following receipt of a completed enrollment form 1 st of month following receipt of a completed enrollment form Other; specify B. Does pre-x apply to a late applicant? No Yes Is the pre-existing waiting period the same for a late applicant as for a timely applicant? Yes No If No, what is the pre-existing waiting period for a late applicant? Months prior to enrollment date Mths maximum deny following the employment data (net to exceed 18 months) X No, how should late applicants be handled? X Not eligible for coverage Same as a fimeiY applicant Coverage delayed until nex~ open enrollment pehod D. Does pre-x apply to late applicant? No Yes What is the pre-existing waiting period? Months prior to enrollmen~ dete Mths maximum deny following the employment date (not to exceed t 8 months) 7. Does the Plan have an "activety at work" provision? X No Yes, specify; 8. Termination date: X Immediate, last day worked End of the month Other; specify 3 Enrollment Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION NOTE: The following apply to absences from work not subject to FMLA guidelines. 9. Special provisions for continuing coverage when not in active status: Layoff, coverage terminates: immediate X End of Month After Days After Months If COBRA elected, COBRA time pe~od is measured: From daft of layoff X Immediately following end of coverage pedod Other Medical Leave of Absence (other than FMLA) coverage terminates: Immediate X End of Month After Days After Months ff COBRA elected, COBRA time pedod is measured: From date of Medical Leave of Absence X Immediately following end of coverage period Other Total Disability, coverage ftrminates: Immediate X End of Month After Days After Months If COBRA elected, COBRA time period is measured: From date of Total Disability X Immediately ftllowing end of coverage period Other Immediate X End of Month After Days After Months if COBRA elected, COBRA time period is measured: X Immediately following end of coverage period Other Approved Military Leave of Absence, coverage terminates: immediate End of Month After Days X After 18 Months, or for the period of milita~, service, whichever is shorter If COBRA elected, COBRA time period is measured: From date of Milita~/Leave of Absence X Immediately following end of coverage period Other 4 Enrollment Group Name Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION 10. Reinstatement provisions: A. Following Layoff: Is the eligibility pedod waived? NA Yes No Effective date? X immediate First of Month Does pre-existing apply? NA Yes No Otl~er, specify; B. Following Medlcai Leave of Absence: Is the eligibility period waived? NA Yes No Effective date? X Immediate First of Month Does pre-existing apply? NA Yes No Other, specify; Following return from Total Disability: Is the eligibility period waived? NA yes No Effective date? X ~mmediate First of Month Does pre-existing apply? NA Yes No Other, spec[fy; Followlng return from Non-Medical Leave of Absence: Is the eligibility period waived? NA yes NO Effective date? X Immediate First of Month Does pre-existing apply? NA Yes No Other, specif~; 5 Enrollment Group Name Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION 10. Reinstatement p~ovisions: (continued) E. Following return from Military Leave of Absence: Is the eligibility pedod waived? NA Yes No Effective date? X Immediate First of Month Does pre-existing apply? NA Yes No Other, specify; Following rrdum from par~-time Status: Is the eligibility peded waived? NA Yes No Effective date? X Immediate First of Month Does pm-existing apply? NA Yes No Other, specify; 11. Does the Plan beve an extenrdon of bene~te provision? X No Yes, (If a member is totally disabled on the date coverage terms, the Plan continues to provide benefits:) 1. Uctil member is no longer disabled; 2. Until member reaches Plan maximum benef'd; 3. Up to a maximum of 12 months; for DISABLING CONDITION ONLY; Does the prior Carder have an extension of benefits provision? No Yes, who is our contact rd the pper Carder? Name: Company: Phone: Fax: 12. Special enrollment applies to dental coverage as a result of HIPAA: Effective drde of coverage as a result of entering the Plan through special enrollment Immediate 1 st of month following receipt of the completed enrollment term Pre-existing will be: NA Waived Applied to a covered person entering the Plan as a result of special enrollment 6 Enrollment Group Name Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION Dependent Eligibility 1. Dependents include: X Spouse X Natural Blood-Related Children X Adopted Children Step Children X Legal guardianship Grandchildren, until dependent parent reaches age Domestic Parmers 2. Dependent child eligibility requirements: X Must qualify under IRS guidelines. Must be claimed on taxes Other; specify Covered to: Age: 23 and to age: 25 if Full Time Studer~ 3. Newborn requiren3ents: A. When a change in the employee's level of coverage is not required: May enroll by telephone call from employer X Must submit enrollment form to add Other; specify When a change in the employee's level of coverage is required: X Must submit enrollment form within Other; specify 3t days 3. Newbom requirements: (continued) Dependent (other than newboms) enrollment: When a change in the employee's level of coverage is not required: May enroll by telephone call from employer Must submit enrollment form to add Other; specify When a change in the employee's level of coverege is required: X Must submit enrollment form within Other; specify 31 days 4. Dependent tem3ination; X Date no longer eligible End of month no longer eligible Other; specify 7 Enrollment Group Name Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION Retiree Provisions 1. Does the Plan have a retiree class? No X Yes 2. Does the Plan allow early retirees? No Yes A. Early retiree§ eligible as per state law / statue, B. Early retiree's are eligible for; Medical X Dental Other; specify C. Do early retiree's keep the same benefit Plan as when they were in active status? Yes No; specify 3. EaHy retiree coverage age limits, if any: Medical age limit 65 Dental age limit; if spouse is under age 65, spouse may continue as a single plan to to age 65. Other, specify: 4. Does the Plan allow retirees over age 657 X NO Yes A. Retirees over age 65 are eligible for: Medical Dental Other; spec[fy B. Do retirees over age 65 keep the same benefit Plan as when they were in active status? Yes No; specify 5. Retiree age limits, if any: Medical age limit: Dental age limit; NA 6. If retiree has one dependent, are retiree and dependent each assigned single coverage at retiremeet? Yes X No 7. Are there any provisions for adding dependents acquired through marriage after retirement~ X May be added by timely enrollment. Are not eligible to be covered. Other, spec[fy; 8 Enrollment Group Name Effective ENROLLMENT INFORMATION Survivorship Provisions: 1. Survivorship coverage is: X COBRA X Other; specify where specified by state statute or city ordinance, coverage terminates at age 65. 2. If other than COBRA: Per state statute / cr~y ordinance Medical age limit: Dectal age limit: X Coverage terminates, doex 4. Dependents acquired through remarriage: X Are not eligible to be covered, does not apply to COBRA May be added by timely er~rollment Other; specify 9 Enrollment City of Jeffersonville Effective: Apdl 1, 2004 DENTAL GENERAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: Passive PPO: Deductible: $50.00 $150.00 X $ Individual $ Aggregate Family Dollars Separate Individual Deductibles Per Family Calendar Year Plan Year (date) 2. Deductible applies to: Preventative Services X Basic Restorative Services X Major Restorative Services X Prosthodontics Orthodontics 3. Does the group have last throe month carry-over deductible credit?. X Ne Yes 4. What is the individual annual maximum? $1,500.00 5. is the individual annual maximum waived on? Preventative Services Basic Restorative Services Major Restorative Services Pmsthodontics X Orthodontics 6. At what percentage are the following services covered? 100% Preventative Services 80% Basic Restorative Services 50% Major Restorative Services 50% Prasthodontics 50% Orthodontics 7. Proof of loss period: 12 months X 15 months Other, specify; Updated:4/2/2004 1 Dental Benefits/General Info City of Jeffersonville Effective: Apdl 1,2004 DENTAL GENERAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: 8. Maximum allowable schedules: (HIAA) X 90th percentile (0390) 85th percentile (0385) 80th percentile (0380) 75th percentile (0375) 9. Maximum allowable variance dollar amount (Flex amount): X $0.00 Other, sped~y; t0. Maximum allowable variance percentage: X 0% Other, specify; 11~ Do we allow the greater or lesser or both the dollar amount and the percentage? X N/A Greater Lesser 12. Will the Plan pay any applicable tax in states required for providers of service (i.e- Minnesota)? No X Yes 13. Is them an extension of benefits? X No Yes, specify what services it applies to: Root Canals Crowns Dentures Bridges Orthodontics Other: 60 Days Other, specify; Inlays/Onlays Partial Dentures '14. Pm-treatment estimates: X Recommended, $300 Recommended, specify Required, specify: Not applicable Pre-treatment estimates am valid for: 30 days X 90 days 180 days Other, specify: 15. Is there an alternate services provision? No X Yes Updated:4/2/2004 2 Dental Benefits/Generat Info City of Jeffersonville Effective: April 1, 2004 DENTAL GENERAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: 16. Coordination of Benefits Provision: A, 100% X Normal Liability If 100% is selected, should a reserve be created? NO Yes B. X Birthday Rule Male/Female C. Are services that are covered under both medical and dental to be coordinated with? No X Yes X Medical Primary Dental Primary 17. Late applicant provision applies to: NIA Basic Restorative 12 Months Other Major Restorative 12 Months Other Prosthodontics 12 Months Other Orthodontics 12 Months Other Preventative 12 Months Other Other, Time [imitation Is the late applicant provision waived if due to an accident? No Yes t8. Are replacement appliances covered if lost, broken or stolen? X NO Yes Are duplicate appliances covered? X No Yes 19. Are appliances or restorations covered for: A. Increasing vertical dimension B. Restoring occlusion C. Replacing tooth structure lost by attrition D. Correction of congenital development ma[formation X No X No X No X No Yes Yes Yes Yes 20. How are study models covered? X Integral Combined with service rendered Separate, payable as: Preventative Basic Restorative Major Restorative Prosthodontics Other ~ TMJ % % % % % Updated:4/2/2004 3 Dental Benefits/General Info City of Jeffersonville Effective: Apdl 1,2004 DENTAL GENERAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: 21. Is there a replacement provision? X Major Restorative X Pmsthodontics Frequency limit: X I per 5 years and unserviceable Other, specify; 22. Are congenitally missing teeth covered? No X Yes 23. Is there a "missing tooth" clause? X Yes X Not covered if extracted prior to the effective date: No Other, specify; 24. Are services for cosmetic purposes covered? X No Yes Updated:4~2~2004 4 Dental Benefits/General Info City of Jeffersonville Effective: April 1, 2004 DENTAL GENERAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: Passive PPO: 1. Deductible: $50.00 $150.00 X $ Individual $ Aggregate Family Dollars Separate Individual Deductibles Per Family Calendar Year Plan Year (date) 2. Deductible applies to: Preventative Services X Basic Restorative Services X Major Restorative Services X Prosthodontice Orthodontics 3. Does the group have last three month carry-over deductible credit? X No Yes 4. What is the individual annual maximum? $1,500.00 Is the individual annual maximum waived on? Preventative Services Basic Restorative Services Major Restorative Services Presthodontics X Odhodontics At what percentage are the following services covered? 100% Preventative Services 80% Basic Restorative Services 50% Major Restorative Services 50% Presthodontics 50% Orthodontics 7. Proof of loss period: 12 months X 15 months Other, speciflJ; Updated:4/2/2004 I Dental Benefits/General Info City of Jeff~rsonville Effective: Apdl 1, 2004 DENTAL GENERAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: 8. Maximum allowable schedules: (HIAA) X 90th percentile (0390) 85th percantiie (0385) 80th percentile (0380) 75th percentile (0375) 9. Maximum allowable variance dollar amount (Flex amount): X $0.00 Other, specify; t0. Maximum allowable variance percentage: X 0% Other, specity; tt. Do we allow the greater or lesser or both the dollar amount and the parcentage? X N/A Greater Lesser 12. Will the Plan pay any applicable tax in states required for providers of service (i.e.. Minnesota)? No X Yes 13. Is there an extension of benefits? X No Yes, specity what services it applies to: Root Canars Crowns Dentures Bridges Or[hodonfics Other: 60 Days Other, specify; Inlays/Onlays Partial Dentures t4. Pre-treatment eatimates: X Recommended, $300 Recommended, specify $ Required, specify: Not applicable Pre-treatment estimates are valid for: 30 days X 90 days 180 days Other, specity: '15. Is there an aitsrnate services provision? No X Yes Updated:4/2/2004 2 Dental Benefits/General Info City of Jeffersonville Effective: April 1,2004 DENTAL GENERAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: 16. Coordination of Benefits Provision: A. 100% X Normal Liability if 100% is setected, should a reserve be created? No Yes B. X Bi[thday Rule Male/Female Are services that are covered under both medical and dental to be coordinated with? No X Yes X Medical Primary Dental Primary ~17, Late applicant provision applies to: NIA Basic Restorative 12 Months Other Major Restorative 12 Months Other Pmsthodontice 12 Months Other Otthodontics 12 Months Other preventative 12 Months Other Other, Time limitation Is the late applicant provision waived if due to an accident? No Yes '18. Are replacement appliances cOvered if lost, broken or stolen? X No Yes Are duplicate appliances covered? X No Yes '19. Are appliances or restorations covered for: A. Increasing vertical dimension B. Restoring occlusion C. Replacing tooth structure lost by attrition D. Correddon of congenital development malformation X No X No X No X No Yes Yes Yes Yes 20. How are study models covered? X Integral Combined with service rendered Separate, payable as: Preventative Basic Restorative Major Restorative presthodontics Other - TMJ % % % % % Updated:4/2/2004 3 Dental Benefits/General Info City of Jeffersonville Effective: April 1. 2004 DENTAL GENERAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: 21. Is there a replacement provision? X Major Restorative X Pmsthodontics Frequency limit: X I per 5 years and unserviceable Other, specify; 22. Are congenitally missing teeth covered? No X Yes 23. Is there a "missing tooth" clause? X Yes X Not covered ~f extracted pdor to the effective date: No Other, specify; 24. Are services for cosmetic purposes covered? X No Yes Updated:4/2/2004 4 Dental Benefits/General Info NEW CASE DOCUMENT CITY OF JEFFERSONVlLLE Effective Date: Apdl 1, 2004 Group Number(s) 3955887-Active 3955888-COBRA 3955889-Retiree/Survivors Product Number(s) 03/4667