HomeMy WebLinkAboutHannum, Wagle & Cline2003,'11: 173473664 HANNUM, WAGLE & CLINE, "~ ....... ~:~ .... ' FAX TRANSMITTAL / MEMO DATE: TO: ATTN: VIA FAX: FROM: RE: November .17, 2003 City of l¢ffcrsouville - Office of Cit~ Attorney Sharon King 1-812-'285-6468 Cory Whitcsell, P.E. Jeffersonville Fire Station [--~ Urgent ['~ For Review Please Commeut E~] Pleas; Reply COMMENTS: Sharon, I m-n sending mznhou.r rmportS for the Jeffersohville Fire Stat on p,:r your request to Steve Ackman..~Wwo repons are enclosed: First is a s-mmv)' of reports during the period of the notai invoice (the 4 page report for services from 4/07/03 to 6/15/03) and the second:repgrt is a summary of hours/direct costs to date ( the 8 page report for services through 11/30/03). If you have any questions, please call me at 317-347-3663 or Steve a£ 812-234.,255l. Cory Number of Page~ Being Transmitted Hard Copy tO be Mailed: ~,, ~ ....... ' : .' '~'I Project Detail Report Hannum, Wagls & Cllne Engineering TransaCtions for 04~0'~i~3'; 061'1 SI03 Hours · Rag ' Description 200g-5'19-S Jeffersonvilie Fire Station Study comp: Principal: Ralph E. Wagie Consult Fee: Pm]ecl Manager:Bt;an S. Waller Client: jeffersonvitte, iN. (Cib/o~ Retmb Select Code 1: 2002 Start Date: End Date: SeleCt Code 2: Sa[A~ Cede 3; 3A Design Comp: Principal: Ralph E. Wag[a ~ [ Consult Fee: Project Manager:Brian $, Waller Client:. Jeffemon'~'tie. IN. (CRyof}~ Reimb Select Code 1: 2002 End Da[a: Select Code 2: Salac! Coda 3: .... Labor 3 Project Manager 3 Design 01 Cledcal Support p WOO'~g Waller, Srian S, ~04/20/03 F W0019 Waller, [~rian S. 05/04/03 F WOO'ig Waller, Brian S. 05/18/03 F W0019 Waller, Bden S, ~5/15/03 Subtotal for Welter, Brian S. · Total Cledcal Support 05 Meetings ~4,,20/03 F WOO02 Whitesell. CoryJ. F WOO1 g We,t/er, Brian $. 05/0,~33 F WOO'lg 'Waller. B#an S. 05/'15/03 F WOOlg Wafter, Brian S. 05/1~/03 Subtotal ~r Weller. I~dan S, Total Meetings 07 Travel F Woo1g Waller, Brian S, ~ ~ 05/04/03 45 Final Plans F WOOfg Waller. ~rian S. 04120/03 p WOOIg We!let. Brian ,q. 05/04/03 F WOO'Ia Waller, S,'fan $. 05/18/03 p WOOlg We#er, Brian S, 06/15/03 Subtotal far Waller, Brian S. Total Final Plans Total Design 5 Designer/Tect~ 3 Dae;gn 46 Spec~fioations F H0015 Harris, Miranda M, 5/15/03 6 Draftsman · t Admlnlstrative 05 Meetings F WOO06 Wallace. Keith ..0,5/1~03 Selected By: Project: 2000-51g-S 2000-51g-S Jeffersonville ,=ire Station Study 09119102 Frid; y, Nol/ember 94, 2003 .?. ,..? :, 3:40:02 PM Total Billing Type: Regular Budgeted OH Rate; . Unl:Tab[s: Revenue MeLh: Sta ~s: Multiplier/Ami: Off ce: Percent Comp[: 0.00 Labor Pet Comp1: .0.0g Expense P~t Comp[; 0.00 Active AD 1~,3,600.00 Budgeted OH Rata: 0.00 Sb.tus: Active 0.00 Revenue Me~h: Offca: AD 0.00 Multlpller/AF~, .t: 0.00 Feraen~ Comp1: Labor Pct Cempt: 0.00 Expense Pct'Compt: 0.00 3.00 -": 3.00 1.00 'i. O0 t.50 f.50 1.00 1.00 6.50 6,50 : 6.50 6.50 ;,~ 2.00 2,00 4,00 4,00 '; f. O0 f. O0 f. O0 f,O0 5.00 6.00 _ 5.00 B.O0 1.50 1,'JO f. O0 .~ 1.00 3.50 . 3.60 5.00 .,,,~ E,.O0 1.00 '1,00 10.50 10.50 10.50 10,50 26.50 ,26.50 5,00 5.00 g. o0 g.o0 , ~.: vT. 0a ('steve) - Page .7/2003 11:15 Project Detall Report Deecrip~ien 31] PAGE 83 ?ranseetions for 04~07~03 - 06115103 Novem Der '14, 2003 - 3:~0 PM . .. '~'::~ · -~": -'~',. HourS- , Tetal 3 Design 01 Glerk:~[ Support F: WOO20 Williams, Kimi~efly 04/20/03 2.50 F WOO20 Williams, KImberly D? 05/04/03 2.00 Subtotal for Williams, Kimbedy 4,50 4.50 Total Clerical Sunport 03 Printing & Copy p WOO20 'Afilfiams, KimbeMy 05/04/03 2,00 F WOO20 Williams, K~mbedy 05/18/03 5.00 F WOO20 Will/ams, Kimberly 06/f5/03 2.00 g.o0 Subtotal for Wllllame, Ktmberty D. 9,00 Total Printing & Copy 04 Bill Phone Time F WOO20 Wi#fares. Kimberly 05/04/03 2.00 09 CAOD/Dmfting ~ WOO20 Williams, Kimbefly 04'20/03 7.00 F WOO20 Williams~ Kimberly 05/04/03 2.00 F WOO20 Willlams, KirnDerly 05/18/03 1.00 F WOO20 Williams, Kimberly~ 05/15/03 34,00 Subtotal for Williams, Kimbedy D. 44,00 44.00 Total CADD/Dra~ng 37 Prellm Desg Plan F B0014 Ballard, Theresa 04/25/03 28.50 F B0014 Baliard. Theresa 05/04/03 52,50 F B00'14 Ba#arcl, Theresa 05/18/03 27.00 Subtotal for Ballsrd, Theresa t06,00 p WOO06 Wallace, Kelth - 0~/20/03 42.00 F WOO06 Wallace, Keith · 05/04/03 3'1.00 Subtotal for Wallace, Keith 73.00 Tokl Prelim Desg Plan'~ 151.00 43 Product Resesroh F WOO20 Williams, Kimberiy 05/04/03 5.00 245,50 To[al Design ,./ 254.50 Total Draftsman 7 Cler~c~l/Supuort 3 Design 01 Cleric, at Support F GOO07 Gilfoy, Joyce L, 05/04703 0.50 F K0012 Kelly, Jennife~ 04/20/03 2.50 F $0018 Shores, Deborah 05/18/03 0.25 ? 300'/8 Shores, Deborah 05/f5/03 0.~0 0,75 Subtotal for Shores. Deborah D. 335 Total Clerical Support A Amhited: 3 Design 15 Leads & proposa{ F S0005 Smolgovsky, 04/25/03 9.00 Labor Total 298.75 Direct Expenses Other 3.00 3.00 3,00 3,00 3.00 2,00 4,50 2,00 6,00 2.00 g. O0 2.00 7.O0 2.00 1.00 34,00 44,00 44.00 25.5O 52,50 2?.00 108.00 45. OO 31,00 76.00 t84.00 .5,00 248.50 257,50 O, 50 2,50 0,50 0.75 3.75 9,00 3.00 301.75 Salaried By: Project: 2000-519-S 2000.~ '19-S Jeffer$onvllle Fire Sfation StUdy v%Oa Osfeve) · Page 2 04 Project Detail Report · . ..... ~,..'. ..... -~ ~,,~ r.:~ Hours ' ~l R~g Ovt Total Description .. 62t.Q0 Mileage & Lodging AP F 0015146 04/23/03 Wallacs~~K.:slth. 623.00 Bluep~n~Rendefing~Ph~ ~ '" ' AP F 00~20 0~1~03 Pe~ Cash, Indianapolis 634.00 Meals AP F 0015~ 04~03 FiSh Th~ B~n~ (MC) ~6.00 p~g~Shi~Oeiive~ AP F 00~5~23 0~3 UnEed Panel ~e~ice ~ p 00~98 0~03 Un,ed Pa~l Account To~ ~her Total Direst Expenses 298.75 Task 3A 3B Bidding CamP: p~n~pau Ralph E. Wagle · Consult Faa: PmJe~ Menager:Bfla~ S, Waller Ctien~ Je~monv[lie, IN, (Ci~ off ~. Re[mb S~r~ Da[e: Sele~ C~e I: 2002 ~'~ End Date: Seleot C~e 2: Salec~ C~e 3: TAsk 3B Totals 4A Construction Englnee~ng pfl~cIpal: - Ralph E. Waole :r Comp: ' Consul[ Fee; Ptoje~ Man~g~Bfian S. Waller Relmb Clien~ jeffemonvllte, IN. (Cl~ ~ Sta~ Data: Sele~ ~ 1: 2002 ... End Date; Select Code ~ Select Code &: T~k ~ To, ts Project T~ls 298.75 November '~4, 2003 - 3:40 PM Billing May 03. IDEM. Cop~es April 03, 5-3 Bank, AM, Mk~g. /deals UPS Shipping UPS Shipping 3.00 30t .75 0.00 Oudgete~ OH Rater 0.00 St~ tus: 0.00 Revenue Math: Offse; 0.00 MultiptierlAmt: Percent Compt: 0.00 Labor Pct. Comph - 0.00 Expense PCt Compl; 0.00 0.00 Budgeted OH Rate: 0.00 St~ tua: 0.00 Revenue Math: Offce: 0.00 Multiplier/Amt: O:00 percent Compl: 0.00 Labor Pct Comp[: Expense Pct CompI: 3,00 301.75 4.50 70,00 3.93 7.43 14d..03 t44,03 144,03 Active AD 144~03 Selected By: project: 2000-5'/9-8 Page 3 Description Final Totals -. . ~ ~ 3:40:05 PM ctlons for 04107103 ;0611510:~ -., ........... Hours Billing ~ ?'~Reg. Ovt Total .~ ~ 14~03 ~9 3 302 Project Detail Report Hannum, Wagle & CIIrte Engineering ' Project.to.date thru t ~ 13010 Rog Description 2000-5t9~S jeffersonvflle Fire Station Study~. Comp: Principal: Ralph E. pro]eot Manager. Brian S. Waller Consult Fee: Clien~ jet.on.lie, IN. {C[~o~ Re~b. Select Cede 2: Seleot C~e 3; 3A Design Comp: Pr ncipal: ~l~h E. Wagle project Manager:Bt an S. Waller Consult Fee: Ctien~ Je~emon~lie, IN. (Cl~ of) ~S~ Date: Select Cede 1: 2002 End Date: Select Code 2: Sela~ Code 3: 3 project Manager 2 pta~ninglStudY 05 Meetings Z00 F WOO02 WhEesell, ~J. OffS3 F ~015 Winkler, Grog M. ~0/0~2 2.00 F WO0~ ~nkleg Grog M. fO~02 2.00 F WOO15 ~nkler. G~ M. ~, 11~02 2.00 S~tot~l for Winkler. Grog M, 9.00 . 1~.00 To~I Meetings 07 Travel D~3 5.00 F WOO02 Whi~sell. 37 Prelim D~g Plan '~ F WOO02 ~esell, Oo~ J. 1~2 0.50 F ~002 ~esell. ~J. OffS03 4.~0 Subto~ for Whlt~ell, ~W J. 4.00 Total Prelim D~g Plan .F 20.00 To~t Plannin~S~dY 3 Deaign 01 Clerical F WO01B We~ler, Bdan S. 0~6/03 7.00 F W0019 Waller. 88an S. 0~03 2.25 F WOO19 Wel~er. Brian S. 0~03 8.50 F W0019 Waller, B8an S. o~0~3 3.00 p W0019 Waller, Brian 6. 0~0~03 f. O0 E ~O~g Welle¢ Bdan S. 0~03 1.50 F WOO~g Waller, ~an S. 0~1~3 1.00 Submit ~t Welier. ~fian S. 24,25 24.25 To~l Cler[~l Supp~ 05 Mea~ngs F WOO02 ~i~esell, ~ J, b4~3 3.00 F WOOO2 ~t~sell, ~J 0~0/03 2.00 F WOO02 ~esell, ~ J. ~6~9/03 2.00 Selected By: Project: 2000-5"19-S 2000-519-.~ Jeffer~onville Fire Station Study '~ v~mb r14 2003 ' Priday. No e , Total Type: RegUlar Unit "able: Budgeted OH Rate: S~[~j ~: A~ive Revenue Moth: MultipliertAmt: Offlcu:' ' AD 09/19102 Percent C~mpl: 0.0O Labor Pc[ Compl: Expense pet Compl: 143.500.00 1~udgeted OH Rate 0.0o Start e: 0.00 Revenue Methi 0.00 MuttiplierlA~,b;~ 0.00 Percent Compl: 0.00 Labor P~ Compl: 0.00 Expanse Pck Compk ........... ., Billing Ac~iYe AD 2.00 3.00 ZOO 2,00 2.00 .9.00 ~[ 1 5,00 · 0.50 'LO0 -, 4,00 ~29,oo 7.00 2.2~ 8.~0 3.00 1.00 "t.50 f,O0 24.2S 24.25 ' 3.00 2.00 2.00 '~7/2003 11:13 project Detail Report Description Project-to-date tt~ru 11/30/05 Hours Rag Ovt Subtotal for Whltesell, CorY J, F W0019 Weiler. F WOOlg Waller, Brlen S. p W00t0 Waller, Brian W0019 Weller, Brlan$. F WOOf9 Wellen Bt/eh p W0019 Waller. Brian S, F WOOfg Wailer, Brian $, F WOOtg Waller, Brian $. Subtotal tar Waller. Total ~eetlngs 07 Travel F W0002 Whileseil, CoryJ. F W0002 Whitesell, Coq~ J. SubtOtal for Whltese{I. Cory J, F W0019 Waller, Brian S. F W0019 We//er, Brian S, F WO01g We//er. Brian S, F W0019 We//er. Bran F WO019 Waller, Brfan B. Subtob~t for Wetler~ Brian S. To,at Travel 09 CADDIDmffing F MOOl6 McClurg. Ap/flM. t2 QAQC F M0016 MeClur9, April M. F MOOr6 McClurg, ApnTM, Subto~a[ for McCturg, April M. Total QAQC 35 $cherp~ti¢ Oeslgn F W0019 Waller, 37 Pmllm Desg Plan F WOO02 Whilasell, CorY J. F W0002 WnifeBeiL CoryJ. Subtotal for Whttesail, Cory J. Total Prelim Desg Ptae 39 Cost Est. Design F WOO02 Whi eseil.~Cory J. 45 Final Plans ~; WOO02 Whitesell,'CoO/ J, F W0019 Waller, Brian F WO0fg Waller, B~an S. F WO01g Waller. Brian S, F Wo01g Weller, Brian F W0010 Waller, Brian F W0019 Waller. Brian $. F WOOfg Waller, Brian S. F W0019 Wellen Brian S, Subtotal (or WeUer, Brian S. Total ~[nal Ptans 7.00 'f0/0~/02 1.75 0t/25/03 '2.00 04/06/03 4,00 05,/04/03 4.00 05/18/03 1.00 00/t5/03 07/27/03 04/06/03 06/29/03 10/0O/O2 0~/20/03 04/0~/03 05/04/03 05/20~3 t 0/2~/02 09/22,/02 t0/20/02 %3/25/03 04/05/03 0~0~/03 ~4/00/03 :04/20/03 '~5/04e3 =05/18/03 ;, 05/15/03 07/27/03 08//O/03 :11/02/03 Selected By: Project: 2000-5 ~ g-s 2000-5f9-S Jeffersonville Fire S~afion Studyii' 1.00 2,00 1.00 16.15 23,75 5.00 ,3,00 6.00 2.00 f,50 3.00 1,50 2.00 lO.Q0 38.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 2,50 2.00 5,00 3.~0 8,50 8.50 1.50 4.00 3.50 1.00 3,50 5.00 1.00 4,25 3.00 25,00 46.25 50.25 Total 7.00 1.75 2.00 '4.00 4.00 ~.00 1,00 2.00 tOO ~6.75 2335 Novemt: er f4, 2003 - :~:37 PM Bitting 5.00 3,00 8.00 2.00 t.50 3.00 2.00 t0.00 18.00 ' 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 5.00 3,50 8.50 : 8.00 1.50 4.00 ~,00 3.50 · ~,00 ~.00 4.25 3.00 :25.00 ~.8.25 50.25 Page 2 Project Detail Repo~ Description -'_ NeYem~ier 't4~ 2003.3:37 PM Biffing 46 Specifications , j 06/20/03 2.00 ZOO F WOO02 Whlfeaell. Cory , &O0 E WOO02 Whifasell. Cory J: 07/27/03 .. 5.00 F WOO02 Wh~esell, Cory J, 08.~I0/03 12.00 f2.00 Subtotal for Whltesell. Cory J. 22.00 22.00 ~. 22.00 22.00 Total Specifications 153.75 153.75 4 Canal. Eng. 05 Meetings F F F EO00§ -£ndri$ II, Psul EO0O5 Endria II, Paul E0000 Endria II. Paul E0006 Endria II, Paul E0005 Endfi$ II, Paul Subtotal for Endfis II. Paul Total Meetings Total Project Manager 5 DesignerFrech ;, Planning/Study 06 Cormspondence F N0015 Harris, Miranda M. F HO0~5 Hah'Is, Miranda M. Subtotal for Harris. Miranda M. Total Correspondence 09 CAOO/Draf[ing F HO0~5 HarEs, Miranda M. F HO0'i5 Herds, Miranda M. F H00~5 Hen'fs, Miranda M. Subtotal for Harris, Miranda M. Total CADOlOmftlng 10 Meeting prap/Min p H0015 Harris. Miranda M. 36 Schematis Design F H00t5 Hail'is, Miranda M. Total Planning/Study 3 Design 09 CADO/Drafting F WO0~O Williams, Kimberly 45 Specifications F HO009 Hen'fng~ Geneva E. F HO015 Harrfa, Miranda M. F H00t5 Harris. Miranda M. Subtotal [or Harris, Miranda M, Total Specifications Total Design Total Designer/Tach 8 Draftsman 1 Administrative n5 Meetings p WOOO5 Wallace, Keith Selected By: Project: 2000..5 ~ Q-S 2000-519-S Jeffersonville Fire Station Study 0,7/27/03 35.75 08/t0/03 4g. O0 08/24/03 4.00 10/19/03 %50 1t/02/03 50.50 148.75 146.75 320.50 ~2/0g/03 0.50 0.75 0.75 12/~9/02 0.50 0t/26/03 0,50 4.50 4.50 04/06/03 0.25 '~t/17/02 0.50 6.00 08/10/03 06/15/03 07/27/03 5/03 27.00 5.00 ~.§0 6.50 12.00 39.00 45.00 g. o0 35.75 49,00 4.00 50.60 148.75 ~,~6.75 320.50 0.50 0,75 0.75 3.50 0,50 0.50 4,50 ; 0.25 0.50 B.OO 27.00 5.00 6.50 12.00 3g~o 45.00 ~.00 Project Detail Report project-to-date th~u 11130103 Description Rag Ovt 2 ptanning/$[udy 05 Meetings F B~30'i4 Ballard, Thefece 02/09/03 3.00 E WOO08 Wallace, Keith 02/09/03 '3,00 B.00 To~l Meetings 15 Leads &Proposal F WOO06 WallaCe, Keith . 01/26/03 Total Plann~nglS[Udy ,[ ~ t9.00 3 Design 00 No Spactl~c'1'aak F WOO20 Williams. Kimbedy 03/23703 2.60 01 Ctarlcat Support F WOO20 Williams, Kimberly ~'~=. 04/20/03 2.50 F WOO20 Williams, Kimberly 05/04/03 2.00 iubto[al far Williams, Klmbady D. 4.50 4.50 Tota~ Cladcal SuppO~ 02 Word Processing F WOO20 Williams, Klmberly 06/29/03 1.00 03 Printing & Copy F WOO20 Williams, Klmherly 03/23/03 1.00 F WOO20 Williams, Kimberly 05/04/03 2.00 F WOO20 Williams, Kimbedy 05,ff8/03 F WOO20 Williams, Kimberl¥ 06/15/03 2.00 5ubtata[ for Williams. Kimbs~y D. 10.00 10.00 Total Printing & Copy 04 Bill Phone Tlms p WOO30 Wliliams,.i~mbe~ly ~6/04/03 2.00 06 Correspondence F BO010 Bureh. Casey M. 07/27/03 0.25 F WOO06 Wa//ace, Keiih 02/23/03 4,00 ' .~ '" 4.25 Total Correspondence 4;! 09 F WOO20 Williams, Kimbedy 01.'26/03 24.00 F WOO20 Wlifiam.s, Klmbedy 02209/03 3.00 F WOO20 Williams, Kimberly 04/06/03 4.00 F WOO20 Williams, Kimberly ,~ 04/20/03 7.00 F WOO20 Williams, Kimberfy 05/04/03 2.00 F WOO20 Williams, K/mbar/y ~/16/03 1.00 F WO0~O WJlliams, Klmberl¥ 06/15/03 34.00 F W0020 Williams, Kimberfy 06/29/03 30,50 F WOO20 Williams, Kimbafly 07/13~03 6.50 r WOO20 Williams, Kimbefly 27~27~03 4.00 F WOO20 Williams, Klmbefly 06/10/03 12.00 F WOO20 Willlam~, Kimberly ~6/1g/03 &00 'r 138,00 iub[otat for Wtttlams, Kimbedy D. ~: 138.00 Tatar CADD/Dreffing 37 Prelim Oesg Plan F BO010 ~umh, Caaey M. 08/10/03 35.25 F B00f0 Burch, Caaay M. 08/24/03 5.50 Subtotal for Bun:h, Casey M. 40.75 F B0014 Bellard, Theresa 22/09/03 39.00 Selecfed By: Praise: 2000-519-S 2000.519-S Jeffer$onville Fire itefion Study Total 3.00 3.00 6,00 ~'/3,00 19.00 2.50 ~?, 2.50 2.00 4.50 4.~0 ~.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 : . 2.00 10,00 10.00 ~J~vem,)er 'Id, 20~3 - 2;37 PM' Billing 2.00 0.25 4,00 · 4.25 24.00 3.00 4.00 -- %00 2.00 f.00 3~.00 30.50 6.60 4.00 f2.00 5.00 136.0~ 138.00 '35,25 ' 5.50 40.75 3g. O0 v7',Oa (stave) - Page 4 Project Detail Report Description F F F F F F F F F F Project-to-date thru t ~ 130103 Rag Ovt 02/23/03 03/~6/03 p4/06/02 B00'14 8allerd, Theresa 12.00 f30014 Bellard, Theresa 3.00 B0014 8allard, Theresa 37.00 B0014 8allerd, Theresa ' ~ 04/20/03 28.50 80014 Ballard, Theresa 05'04/03 52,50 B0014 8allard, Theresa 05/16/03 27,00 ~ 99.00 8ub~3~l for Balle~d. Theresa WOO05 Wallace, Keith 02/00/03 22.00 WOO0§ Wallace, Keith 02/23/03 12,00 WOO08 Wallace, Ke~l~ 03/23/03 2.00 W0008 Wallace, Kelth 04/0~/03 26,00 WOO08 Wallace, Ke~th 04/20/03 42.00 WOO06 WallaCe, Ke~lh i 05/04/03 31.00 135,00 Subtotal for Wallaoe. Keith 374.75 To~al Prelim Desg Plan 4-3 Produc[ Research ,~ WOO20 Williaraa. Kimber~y 05/04/03 5.00 F WOO20 Williams, Kimberly 06/24/03 1.00 Subtotal rot W~iliams. Klmberly D. 6.00 6.00 Total Product Ressarcn 46 Specif]catlons F WOO20 Williams. tOmberly i!~06/24/03 ~ 544.00 Total Design 572.00 Total Draftsman CleriCal/Supper[ Admln~stre~Jve 01 Ctefic~l Support T F GO007 Gilt'ay, Jo~ce L. '" '11/03/02 0.50 F GO007 Gilfoy, Joyce L. 11/17/02 0.25 0,75 Subbstal for C-:Ti. IfoY, Jaysa L, 0.75 Total Cle~Cet Support 2 Planning/Study 01 CleflCel Support F S0018 Shores, Deborah 01/25/03 F 80018 Shores, Deborah 02/00/03 1,60 F SOOt8 Shores, Deborah 02/23/03 0.50 SubLets1 for Shores, Deborah D. 3.50 3.50 Total CleriCel Suppor~ 05 Meetings F MO00~ Maxwell Archie 10/06/02 g.o0 12,50 To~l Plann[ng/S~dy 3 Design 01 Cte~cal Support F GO007 Giifoy, Joyce L. 05/04/03 0.50 F K0012 KellY,~, ,,ennffer .04/06/03 2.00 F K0012 Kelly, JennEer ~04/~6/03 2.50 Subtob~l for Kelly. Jennifer 4.50 F 50016 Shores, Deborah 05718/03 F 80016 Shores, Deborah 06/1,~'03 0.50 Subtotal for Shores, Deborah D. 0.75 Total Clerical Supper~ ~ 5.75 Selected ~y: Pro]eot: 2000-510-S 2000-510-S Jeffar$onv#1e Fire Station StuOy 2,00 1.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 7,00 7.00 Novem ~er fa, 2003,3:37 PM ........ Billing Total 12.00 3,00 37.00 52.50 27.00 199,00 24, 00 '~3.00 2.00 27.00 45.00 :3~,00 142.00 361,75 5,00 ~.00 6,00 6,00 551.00 579.00 0.50 0.25 0.75 0.75 '/.50 1.50 0,50 . 3.50 ,~,3,50 g,o0 12,50 2.00 2.50 4.50 0.26 0,50 .6.75 5.75 3.0 v?.Oa (steve) · Page 5 HANNU~ Project-to-date thru t 1130103 ' Hours Rag Ovt Total Novenlber ~{l, 2003.3:37 PM 'i= l~illing 05 Meetings F MO001 Maxwell, Archie "01/26/03 8.00 F MO001 Maxwell. Archle 02/23/03 5,00 ~ MO001 Maxwell, Amble ' 04/06/03 11.00 Subtotal for Me.veiL, Arch~e 24,00 ~4.00 Total Meetings 05 Correspondanc~ F S0018 Shores, Deborah 06/29/03 0,25 0~ CADO/Draffing F $0018 Shores, Deborah 06/20/03 0.25 10 Meeting Prep/Min F $00t8 Sho~e$, Deborah 06/20/03 0.~0 42 Rendering F S0016 Shores, D~boreh 04/06/03 0.25 46 Specifications F L0003 Lsklna, Lou Etna ~ . 07/27/03 1.50 F LO003 Lskins, Lou Efta 08/t0/03 ~6.25 F LO008 Lskins. Lou Etts 08/24/03 11.60 F LOS08 Lekina. Lou Efta 'I~/02/03 7.25 Subbotal for Lakins. Lou Etta? 35.50 F $0020 Shultz. Kimbody rte 11/02/03 2.50 39.00 To,at Specifications 70.00 To[at Design 6;?,.25 Total Cleflcal/Support A Architect 3 Design 15 Leads & Proposal F S0005 Smolgov~kY, 00/2~2 16.00 F $0005 Smolgavsk'y, 10/20/02 F S0005 $molgovsky, 01/26/03 14.00 F S0005 irrFolgovs~<y, 02/00/03 5.00 ' F · 50005 Smolgowky, 03/00/03 31,00 F S0005 SmolgOvsky, 03/~3/03 t6.00 ~= $0005 $molgovsk~', 04/06/03 21.00 F S0005 $molgovsky, 04/20/03 9,00 Subtotal for Smoigovsky, Yakov 130.00 Total Leads & Proposal t30,00 36 Schematic Design F S0005 Smolgo¥sky, ~ 10/06/02 2,00 t32.00 Total Design Labor Total 1,152.75 Direct Expenses Consultants 612.00 Mechanical Consultant AP F 00'i5552 06/'~ 8/03 61'%00 C]vll&Land.~,.oaoe Consult AP F 001~790 07/23/03 AP F 0018155 09/11/03 ~,coount Totals 615.00 Other Consultants AP /= 0018077 06/20/03 RTM Consultants, InC. 8,00 5,00 11.00 24.00 24.00 0.25 0,25 0,50 0,25 1.50 11,50 36,50 ZS0 39,00 70.00 83,25 ~6.00 18,00 ~4,00 5.00 31,00 16.00 21.00 9,00 130.00 130.00 2,00 132.00 7.00 '1,'159,75 ~Y John Oba~ss Consulting Engineers Inc. Consu~'ng ~ervlces John Obsrllas 'Consui~ing Engineers Inc, Eng~nee~n~ Design Se~lca~ John Obe~es Consulting Enginaem Ina, Consul~ng Seal,es Consulting Services Selected By: Project: 2000-519-$ Jeffar$onvllle Fire $~atlon Study 2,25a.00 3,000.00 5,550,00 8,550,00 60.00 v?,Oe CaterS) - Page £1/i7/2003 3473664 WAGLE CLI~ Project Detail Report Description Consultants Total Other 621.00 Mileage & Lodg{ng AP F 00f47,t,3 03/f1/03 AP F 00~514~ 0~2~3 A~unt To~ls 623.00 Biuepdn~enderlngs/Pho~s AP F 0015320 0~1~03 634.00 Meals AP F 00~3493 AP P 0015115 04~3 ~ount Totals 6~6.00 pos~g~Ship/Deli~ AP F 00~5~23 AP F 00~398 0~03 ~ F 00~55~g 0~3 AP P 0015699 07/I A~unt To~ls Other Direct Expenses Total Task 3A Totals 3B Bidding Ralph E. Wag~e Project Manager:B~an S. Waller Cflent: Je~rsonville. ~N, (Ci~ o~ Select Code 1; 2002 Select Code 2: Select Code 3: Task 3B T~[e 4A Constr~ction Engineering Ralph E. Wagle Project Man~ger:Erian S. Welter Cllen~ Jeffemon~fle, IN. (City gO Select Cede t: 2002 Select Code 2: Select Code 3: Task 4A Totals Project Totals Project-to-date thru t1/30/03 Hours Rog Ovt 'Total Novem bar 14, 2003 - 3:37 PM Billing Wallabe, Keith Petty Cash, Indmnapo/ie Office Terre~Hau~e First National Bank Piffh Thi~ Bank FMC) United parcel Se/vice Un/ted Parcel Se/vice United Parcel Service United Parcel Se/vfce 1.152.73 COmp; Consult Fee: Re,mb Start Da[e: End Date'. Consult Fee: Reimb Start Date: End Date: Mileage Mileage May 03, (DEM. Copies Visa, AM, Ming Meals, CI~/ Ertl '. Apd103, 5.3 Bank. AM. Mktg. Meals UPS Shipping UPS Shipping UPS Shipping UPS Shipping 7.00 1,15B.75 0.00 0.0O 0.00 Budgeted OH Rats: 0.00 St~ tus: Percent Compl: 0.00 Labor Pct Ccmpl: -. 0.00 F-,(panse Pat Compl: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Budgeted OH Rate: "0.-00 S~ t~$: Revenue Moth; off ce: MultJpller/Arnt: 0.00 ' Percent Compl: 0.00 Labor Pct C6mpl; 0.00 Excense PR Compl: 0.00 Act[rs AD 10,BGO.00 9.80 ~2.~0 71,90 4,50 16,51 70.00 88.51 3.50 3.93 3.51 3.51 14.45 179.36 11~g39.36 11,039,36 Astive AD 1,152.75 7.00 1,159.75 t1,03g.36 Selected 6y: Project: 2000-519.S 2000-519-$ Jeffersonville Fire S~ation S~udy ~.!r vT. ge (slave) .Page 7 PAGE Project Detail Report Hannum, Wagle & Cllne Engineering DeSCription Final Totals Project-to-date ~hru 1~130/03 Hours = ~ Rag Ovt · ~[ ~ ,153, 7 Total ~,~60 Frlda ] ; Nov,;mber 94, 2003 3:37:36 PM Selected By :2000-519-S