HomeMy WebLinkAboutFCC Equipment Form 1205March 23, 1995
The Honorable Raymond J. Parker
Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville
City of Jeffersonville
501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
RE: FCC Equipment Form 1205 -Annual Fillnq
Dear Mayor Parker:
As previously advised under cover letter dated March 6, 1995, and
in accordance with the Federal Communications Commissions' ("FCC")
rules, enclosed pleaSe find our FCC Form 1205, 'Equipment Form'.~
As you know, cable systems are required to file a new Form 1205
annually with their local franchising authorities who are certified and
have met the requirements for local rate regulation. For this first
year the deadline to file was extended until April lat.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any questions.
Thank you.
Sandra Mattingly
General Manager
Executive Vice President and
126 East 56th Street
New York~ NY 10022
212 · 371 · 2266
2t2.371.1549 FAX
Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554
IN00~ I March
24, 1995
Approved by: OMB 3060-0592; Expires: 4/30/97
Page 1 Lotus 3.1 +; Version 2.0 FCC Form 1205; May 1994
Federal ~ommunicafions Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554
Approved by: OMB 3060-0592; Expires: 4/30/97
Net Total Income Tax Rate [(Gl +G2)-(G1 x G2)]
Retrain Percentage Subject to Income Tax[G6d/G6a]
$) O~her:l/(I - (05 x G6e))]
L ~G]~ND TOTAL [sum of Line K entries]
Page 2 Lotus 3.1+; Version 2.0 FCC Form 1205; May 1994
Federal (:';ommunications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060-0592; Expires: 4/30/97
Page 3 Lotus 3.1 +; Version 2.0 FCC Form 1205; May 1994
Federal Communications Commission, Washlngton, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060-0592; Expires: 4/30/97
al. HSC [Line71
bl. HSC [Line
cl. HSC [Line 7]
all. HSC [Line 7]
e4. HSC [Line 7]
e5. Average Horns per Imtallation of Item 2 [Schedule D, Line E, Item 2
e6. Charge per Imt allation of Item 2 [¢4 x
e7. In'SC [Line 71
Page 4 Lotus 3.1 +; Version 2.0 FCC Form 1205; May 1994
Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060-0592; Expires: 4/30/97
12 Tot al Maint o3ance/Se~ice Cost [Li~e I0 x Line 11 l
16 Unit Cost [Line 14/Line 15]
19 HSC [Line 71
20 TotalMain~ename/ServlceCost [Lin~18x193
21 Armual Capital Co~s rCorre~ponding column from Schedule C, Line Kl : ~i493,92~0
23 Number of Units in Serdee [Corr~ponding column from Schedule G Line Ci
27 HSC [Line 71
28 Total Maintmarcce/Servic~ Cosl [Line 26 x Line 27]
29 Annual Capit al Costs [Ccerespondln~ column ~rom Schedule C, Line K1
36a, RSC [Line 7]
Page 5 Lotus 3,1 +; Version 2.0 FCC Form 1205; May 1994
Federal Cc;mmunications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060-0592; Expires: 4/30/97
1 Total CapitalCo~s o~ Ir~allation and Maint~ane~ [S~bedae A~ B~ 1] ~47 637~
Page 6 Lotus 3.1 +; Version 2,0 FCC Form 1205; May 1994
Federal C({mmunications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554
Remote Control Type 2:
Remote Comrol Type 3:
Converter Box 2~pe 3:
MomhlyCha~ge for Lea~ of Other Equipment [Step E, Line 33]
Approved by: OMB 3060-0592; Expires: 4/30/97
Ocher Equipment (Speei[y)
5 Charge for ChangingTiers (if auy) [Step F, Line 34, 35 or 36c]
Page 7 Lotus 3.1 +; Version 2,0 FCC Form 1205; May 1 ~94