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Amendment to Contract 1995
JAN 03 '95 ~.4:~ FR INSIGHT-S.LOUISUII I F 81~882818 TO 9~856426 P.02 ., · .: · .,,- .,~. .~m~tm~ct · ' ..:" , '"... :..' ' .i '.'..." ' .. -' '-' - .. 'V~:EAS,.. z,'~h~: Cab~e.Communlc~Ua~s am~ me c,t, ~ ' '' ·" ~ :-" '" ' '" · " v ~o~ ' . , ~' ~d. ~,~,' ~,Y~ ~ m A~t 2~ 1~ w~lch'~entr~ti due .... ' ','..t~a~f~, ~l,dd. ~..w~J~' bind l~f C~l;' C~mu~t~P, ~nd ~e City .of ·' ]e~f~nvUle, a' t~ .~op~ o~ wh~ ~ ~tt~d ~r~to, ~ ~ Jme~' ~ read ,' ,'"~ feiJo~s=~, . '"': ". ' ''' . ..... . ' ' · ~Nti~ ~ ~ ~at~ ~t. Gran~. ~s fr~e s~all expire Au2u5t 2J, leg0, "unl~.3~ ~ t~iml~ted ~ ~e ~6fd o~ Public ~k~ a~ ~ , ,: 3effer~nvil~e,. I~df~, ,in ~ ·eVent ~e B~rd ~.~bllc 'WO~ ~d 3afety sb~i. . .have' ~und. '~t~ ~o~ic~s. ~ ~ar~2s that t~? ~t~ (Insight Ca~e Cemmen'icatl.ons ~r' ~e~ ~ ~ ~or~ has' failed to ~mpl~ w~th a 'mat~ pcovi~ion .~"and I~ f2~ to co~e~t any ~ f~i~e ~te~ .. - ~16. ~r~"~l ~ ~new~le'at the option ol t~ Gran~e, for an ~ditienal ... ' '(6)' yc~ term, 5dhj~ ~o ~L the ~it]o~ ~t f~h ~ ~he ~i~ifl~ c~tract and -Ali ~' .p~Yisi~ of ~e flr~inal c~tf~ct ~t Jn ~flflict with this a~dm~n~ 5h~l' rein .in full force bn e~f~, ' 3~lle Board of [~,~bliz.~orks ~n~ safety D~e LFOmm, Mayor '. TOTAL PAGE.~ ~ JAN 05 '95 14:55 FR INSIGHT-S.LDUISUILLE 812~882818 TO 92856426 P.02 · .:" '~'., '. : . ' ':.'... . ~ ,'.... ., ''.. .: '., . :,~ ' . , . . · .. ~'.. , .,'.. '.'; ,.,',;';. . ; . . .... . ~ . ,'.'.." .. . . ' , ,' · . , ' ' . .; . ; · .' Amer~MenT to Contract . ' ... :WI-II~EAS;,. Insight' Chhle ,Commuflicatleon .and The City .of · " ' ' ' ' ' · "** ' 'rks ' ' ' 'greed 1that ~h ~nlract "' a~d Th~ui~h its 5b~rd o~ Pu]St~c ~? mag Safety h · "'~.h~ h ~ ~'ril~ll~·eh~ed'iflt~ by ~e"3efrersonv~lte 5o~rd of '~ubtlc ~Vofl~ add ' . ' : Sa~. e. ty a~d G,R,.~+. 'l'.,V,',..lfl?~. ~n. t '2&,.. 197. which'~:nntrflct~ due ~to sales and ... '...~r. ans$'.er.~p ~.lnds. ~..w.lll. bled lnslgh~ Cable' Co~nmun~e. tlons and the City 3effev~bnvHle,'..a.' tr~e ~:opy o! whieti L~ a~taehed herbtO, ~hnll be ~mend~d' to read .'"a?. fo. llo.ws::. .. ,' : , '.' . · S~.'.ctio~ ~ ~,. ~Darat~on cl. GralTT". "~hfs frahchise s~all expire Au~:ust 2.~, unl~,s~ so~ner l:~min~ted ~y ~.e 13~ord of Public ~V~ks and Sa~y o[ the City of '.qeff~rs~nviil~,. tn. diar~, ?n ~he .event the 5~ard o~ 'P~bll¢ ·Works and :Safety sh~i. · .have' ~6ond. '~t'ter npc. ic~o· ~md hearin§s that the Grantee (Insight CalVe C:omrn0n'icati.ong ~r' ?.hei~ assigns ct successors} has' fa, lied to comply with a 'ma'terial p~ovi'sJ~':.l~e~:eof"and has falle~ to correct any such failure after :-'-(.,Tg)-dny~'wrtT~etl. noTlee~--p'r~vlded.-Tha, t-~f-~his-~ontrac~- L~. nor aD. termin~tted~_Then-_ .... Thi~. court ,~:~"r~n~l be renewable'at the option of the G~antee, for an ad~tioonl six :.: . ' '(6}' year tO. tm: $~Jhj~ct to adl tho condltien~ set to~'.e, ]n the o('i§inal contract and · this a~nendment; ': '. · Th~. ~rnend~en~ set ~cr~h ~b~ve' is hereby a§ree~ to and adopted, : All 6the. r' .pr~vi~iot~ 'of the original co~ltract not in conflict with tlli$ ; ' a~endmen~ shaU' remain .L~ fu~ :force on ... . ·Dated thi~' /:~.. ~a~ ~: May, TOTAL PAGE. 82 ~ ~r~r~2~on ~h ~ p~c~p~l p~aC~O~ bus~n~sa ~n Cla~k County, .~ . SE~ION 1~, 'DEFIN~IONS.' For ~ pu~os~ of ~e followln~ te~m=, phraaes ~ ~rds and ~h~ir de~va~onS shall have ' ' . and ~n91udi~g an~ ~uture a~e~ed area. ..... . - _ .: .. ,. (b) '~=anch~se P~operty' Ail proper=y owned, 'in~talle~ 9ElTS~Sa6 Dl 8~8~88~8 ~qqlASI~Oq'S-IHglSHI ag 0~:£~ $6, ~9 N~£ p~perty In all p~c places sh~ll. ~ulati~ by the ~. ~'~ .' ;," : -: ';'~: :,'... -2?. fra'~ahise h~s' been tG~inated, shall pro~tl~ re~zo~ from.~he S~ree~ all such prope~ o~he~,.lh~ ~,..v,~,f., in ~uch manner ~.G ~e ~ard ;hall prescribe. U~ ~anG~t ~n~ .'.% of a~ ~ranchise p~operty In place, the Grantee s~l SGB~ to ~he ' "~-1 :I '~.." the ownership of such ~=op~ty, . -.. .... . . ....,., , :,....-...: . 2 ..' ',. ,. 9~9S8~60l 818E88~T8 ~-~iASIRO~'S-IHglSNI ~ lC:ill ~S, £0 Nlit' - school building ~ ~o anF ~o~n buildings, }~'. ~- ... ~=a=zon and any ~ ~ta~o~ loca=ed ~ Clar~" and pole ten=al arrangem~t~ Co a11 =esidonC~ 0f '~ TM .... ' =ions ~f said CA~ ~0~em, Ora~=~e ag~es to prov~d~ ~=~ice im ~y " :" ' inE~all i~$ c~blu undarground. SECTaO~ 17. Thia ~ranchlsu $:lall Rot be a~iqn~le' i~ whole oF i~ pact W~hout the w~h=en a~proval of the of ~he ~a~.: be sUb,eat ~:o a~F p=esent or future rulea and regulahlon.~ of Federal Cc~r~unieati~n Comat~aalon' nnd ~wa of the S~a~e o~ ~na~na ~d th~ ' 9E~'g'c;SE60..L BTg~OOEETg ]qqi~S!AOq.~_iHBi~NI ~ [x~:£i ~6, £0 (~[) #~eubi(~Z'ihe=s" Any lmt'zon CATV i~=v,t~e -,£ the £~'anchi.~ afl=e= no=ic~ aaa haarin~ ~ha~ tho Grante~ has f~il~ =0 '~gmpl~ '~i~h'" -,: "'.~ ?.' j' co~ply wi~ any action or ~equi~mon~ o£ the City in it~ cxdrci~ ~= -...,: : '.': ~hall bo svbskantla11~ compi.otud wi~l~ two (2] ~ea~s a£te~ ~e effeoti¥o -2- ~a~ O~ ~7 one ~11~ s~a11 c~n~a~n the S~an~ard cross-.lt~ilit~ en~o~se~n~. S~I~ 10, 'o~ ~. ~oard Co ~x~i~ al1 availa~l~ in C~O Ci~, au~ 1£ ~he Board ~hall ~e'~e~mine ~het an ~ha11 be paid ~ th~ Gr~n~ee. ~he ~ran~ sha%l p~e~ ~a f~nl~h 9E~gC8E6 0£ 8T8388EEI8 ~q~IASI~lO~'S-IH~ISNI ~ Efi:£~ ~6, £0 N~£ ~t a11 t&~, ~e ~d keep ~ ~e Cl~y ~ul2 .~d ~le~ pl~, -. '. ' '~ enga~ An ~e b~lnes~ of =e//An~ or SCatting ~/e~&im ~a~ '.- ~, s~xo~ 12. '~A~2~- ~ ~ns~.a~ o~ ~e ~ h~ . pn City ~e ~:-~ --~en~ da~ of ~e ~f each Year , . 2S An o~a~, 3 1/2 .. ~Oss ~e revenug ~he ~u=~ Y~ar, ~d 4 1/2' ' " o~ e~e c~y,s ~ro~ ~ve~e the=eaf~r. 2 ~;:." -'J' SRc~/oa 13, '~STAL~ZO~ ~D ~O~ ~ ..... [ ' . .... t~at ... a rea o~ TOn Doll~rm ~10.O0)~ ~v ~-~ . · .... ..' ' ''~'; =o~e~cial ~r residential, will bo ~nstall~ m~ =~m a=~l cost: of labor. ~nd ~a~e~'lal~ fo~ any a~dit£onal Outlebs; ~rGv2dect ~h=t a ' '. ~;','-' Doll~ ""' (02.00) addi~t~al outleh ~af~=r ~v ed h~v~r,'- "' , g8'8 9~g~8~G 01 8~8~88~8 ~tASI~0TS-IHBISNI ~ ~c:£~ SG~ £0 N~£ ** 80'39Wd 9W£BI ** ~diana, --,.. . --, 19~0. ;' ; .. .~ ,...";...' · /~..'~'~ ~..', . : _ ... .': '- . t :~!.. ";,'. ',' -' ,, .~. R. C. T. V,, l~," "%.-.. ~f.- ~ Y . .... ~. ~-- ~ , .. ., , ~/~ ~ ~ ~ . . . .,~ -. . . . ~ .~ ..... ,~ .~ ~Y~ , ,~ ...... . . ~. . . ~~,.....~ ,., ,. ~, ~., . ......,.~ .., .... ,.. , .,..- . 88'8 ~8~60l 8Isa88~a18 SqqlASIflOq'S-IIEgISNI ag ~£:£I $6, £0 N~£