HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract #R-26431 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION i00 North Senate~Agenue Room N755 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2249 O17) 232-5363 FAX.: (317) 233-3691 An Equal Opportunity Employer · DWILLIAMS@INDOT.STATE.1N.US FRANK O'BANNON, Governor J. BRYAN NICOL, Commissioner City of Jeffersonville 501 E. Court Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Arm: Peggy Wilder, City Clerk Invoice IC0300648, Project C730009, Contract R-26431 Veterans Parkway including bridge over US #31 and L&I September 5, 2002 Writer's Direct Line 317-232-5384 Dear Peggy Wilder: Enclosed is a tabulation of the proposals opened at the Indiana Department of Transportation's letting in Indianapolis at 10:00 a.m., 8/13/02, for the construction of Project C730009, Contract # R-26431. This contract has been awarded to Gohmann Asphalt and Construction, for $6,070,644.68. The required initial deposit of $295,591.74 is due on receipt and must be received before the "Authorization to Proceed" is issued. Please see the attached invoice for further details. Please make your check payable to the Indiana Department of Transportation, include this invoice number, and mail it to: Indiana Department of Transportation Attention: Cashier 100 N. Senate Avenue, Room N725 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 It is to be understood that your payment of the submitted initial claim constitutes your concurrence in the award of Contra,ct R-26431 to the low bidder for $ 6,070,644.68 in accordance with the laws governing the Indiana Department of Transportation. Sincerely, D.R. Williams Accts. Receivable Supervisor Enclosures cc: Wayne Wiese File CUSTOMER: ADDRESS: City of Jeffersonville 501 E. Court Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INVOICE Invoice #: IC0300648 Date: 09/05/02 Provider: L38358 Doc Total: $295,591.74 ACCOUNTING LINE DISTRIBUTION REV INVOICE LINE FUND AGENCY ACTIVITY SOURCE JOB/PROJECT NUMBER PRTY AMOUNT 01 400 800 R816 901 C730009 01 $295,591.74 02 800 03 800 04 800 Descri ,tion Total In accordance with the agreement between the State of Indiana and the City of Jeffersonvill~ the initial payment for Project C73009 ; Contract R-26431 computed as follows: Location: Veterans Parkway including bridge over US #31 and L&I RailrOad Total Estimated Cost $6,070,644.68 Less: Non-Participating Item and/or SIB Funds -$4,592,686.00 Less: Federal Participation -$1,182,366.94 Total: Participating Portion $295,591.74 Add: Non-Participating Portion $0.00 TOTAL CHARGES $295,591.7'~ Remit To: Indiana Department of Transportation Attn: Cashier 100 N. Senate Avenue, Room N725 Indianapolis, IN. 46204-2217 I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and cOrrect, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credit, and that no part of the same has been paid. Date: 09/05/02 D.R. Williams For Controller, Indiana Department of Transportation CC: file ooo {DO 0 0 00©000000000000000000001 ~ 000000000000000000000001~ 000~ U1 ~,~ 00~ O~ ~. 00 UI 0 ~ 0 U100 ~ ~ L) 0 LO Ul U1 '~} ~-~ 0000U1 U10 ~) 00~ I O000000000000UIO 00 {SI 0 ~0 ~00 O000000000000000 '~1 I 000000000000000 OOUIO 000 O0 O000 C~ 00000000 U1 I 000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 I 000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 1 000000000000000 H ~00000000000 0000000000000000000000001 0 000000000000 0 000000000000 0 H O000C) O 0 0 CD 0 000000 0 0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 0 VER 4/19101 Insofar as authorized by law this agreement shall be binding upon the parties hdreto, their successors or assigns ,including, if this agreement is in excess of $25,000, Paragraph 21 "Maintaining a Drag-free workplace Executive Order #90-5" This Agreement shall not be effective unless and until approved by the Attorney General of Indiana, or his/her authorized representatives, as to form and legality In Witness whereof, the State of Indiana and the LPA, through their respective officials, have hereto affixed their signatures. Clerk-Treasurer or County Auditor ATTEST: Signatur~>"k3 (pt~klY'or type Naine ~ind Title Mayor, with (Board of Public Works) or (Town Board) or (County Commissioners) (Print or type Name and Title) (~ gnature (15~ ~ld: Name and Title)- Sff'gnat~ e (Print or type Name ancf Title) Approved as to form and legality: Stephen Carter Attorney General of Indiana Date approved: STATE OF INDIANA BY: INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 7- J~ Bryan Nicol Commissioner Page 14 of 15 Pages iNDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 100 North Senate Avenue Room N755 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2249 O17) 2324363 FAX.: (317) 233-3691 An Equal Opportunity Employer · DWILLIAMS@INDOT.STATE.1N.US FRANK O'BAN-NON, Governor 3~ BRYAN NICOL, Commissioner City of Jeffersonville 501 E. Court Avenue Jeffersonville, 1N 47130 Atto: Peggy Wilder, City Clerk September 5, 2002 Re; Invoice IC0300650, Project C730011, Contract R-26431 Veterans Parkway including bridge over US #31 and L&I RR Writer's Direct Line 317-232-5384 Dear Peggy Wilder: Enclosed is a tabulation of the proposals opened at the Indiana Department of Transportation's letting in Indianapolis at I0:00 a.m., 8/13/02, for the construction of Project C730011, Contract # R-26431. This contract has been awarded to Gohmann Asphalt and Construction, for $1,482,355.32. The required initial deposit of $296,471.06 is due on receipt and must be received before the "Authorization to Proceed" is issued. Please see the attached invoice for further details. Please make your check payable to the Indiana Department of Transportation, include this invoice number, and mail it to: Indiana Department of Transportation Attention: Cashier 100 N. Senate Avenue, Room N725 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 It is to be understood that your payment of the submitted initial claim constitutes your concurrence in the award of Contract R-26431 to the low bidder for $1,482,355.32 in accordance with the laws governing the Indiana Department of Transportation. Sincerely, D.R. Williams Accts. Receivable Supervisor Enclosures cc: Wayne Wiese File CUSTOMER: ADDRESS: INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INVOICE City of Jeffersonville 501 E. Court Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Invoice #: IC0300650 Date: 09/05/02 Provider: L38358 Doc Total: $296,471.06 ACCOUNTING LINE DISTRIBUTION REV INVOICE LINE FUND AGENCY ACTIVITY SOURCE JOB/PROJECT NUMBER PRTY AMOUNT 01 400 800 R816 901 C730011 01 $296,471.06~ 02 800 03 800 04 800 Description Total In accordance with the agreement between the State of~Indiana and the City of Jeffersonville the initial payment for Project C730011 ; Contract R-26431 computed as follows: Location: Veterans Parkway including bridge over US #31 and L&I Railroad Total Estimated Cost $1,482,355.32 Less: Non-Participating Item $0.00 Less: Federal Participation -$1,185,884.26 rotal: Participating Portion $296,471.06 Add: Non-Participating Portion $0.00 TOTAL CHARGES $296,471.06 Remit To: Indiana Department of Transportation Attn: Cashier 100 N. Senate Avenue, Room N725 Indianapolis, IN. 46204-2217 I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credit, and that no part of the same has been paid. Date: 09/05/02 D.R. Williams For Controller, Indiana Department of Transportation CC: file VER 4/19/01 Insofar as authorized by law this agreement shall be binding upon the parties h6reto, their successors or assigns ,including, if this agreement is in excess of $25,000, Paragraph 21 "Maintaining a Drag-free workplace Executive Order #90-5" This Agreement shall not be effective unless and until approved by the Attorney General of Indiana, or his/her authorized representatives, as to form and legality In Witness whereof, the State of Indiana and the LPA, through their respective officials, have hereto affixed their signatures. Clerk-Treasurer or County Auditor Mayor, with (Board of Public Works) or (Town Board) or (County Commissioners) ATTEST: ~ignat~r~ -- (Ph~Yor type Na'm~ ~ind Titl~ (Print or type Name and Title) S~ghamre .... (~ 'nt ( ~e N~e ~d Title) S~ :e ~fint or t~e Name ~d Title) Approved as to form and legality: Stephen Carter Attorney General of Indiana Date approved: STATE OF INDIANA BY: INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 7- J. Bryan Nicol Commissioner Page 14 of 15 Pages