HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-2007 Special JEFFERSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION Meeting Memorandum - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 5:30 P.M. City Hall Mayor's Conference Room Council President Keith Fetz called th~ meeting to order at 5:30 P.M., and on call of the roll those members present were: Councilpersons Keith Fetz, Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Ron Grooms, and John Perkins. Also present were Mayor Rob Waiz, Attorney Les Merkley, Clerk Treasurer Peggy Wilder, and Deputy Clerk Treasurer Barbara Hollis. Chief John Monihon, Assistant Chief Mark Lovan, Major Mike Pavey, Major Rick Ashabranner, Major Scott Oliver, Major Jim Craig, Sergeant Tim Deeringer, Major David Marble, and Dispatcher Mindy Christian represented the Police Department. POLICE DEPARTMENT STAFFING Council President Fetz thanked all for ,coming, explaining this is no "witch hunt' and no ill will is intended. He goal is open communication. Councilperson Perkins explained an drdinance previously passed regarding free speech protection for employees. Council President Fetz explained due to the nature of politics, things are in place for the protection of employees. He has asked the Police Chief and his current administration officers, as well as current officer that have been Chief to attend this meeting. Councilperson McCauley said he was not in town when this discussion started and is concerned this should be, a HR situation. Council President Fetz explained this is a question of staffing numbers. Councilperson McCauley said the police budget was reviewed at least three times and h,e felt the requests had been funded. Councilperson Grooms asked about th~ numbers in the Police Department. Police Chief Monihon said there are 56 Police Offiqers and 10 civilians. Council President Fetz asked how may have been hired that did not replace a retiring officer. Major Pavey said six were added based on the Urban Enterprise Zone. Council President F etz noted the City has grown asking how many are in uniform. Major Oliver explained there are 3 squads of 10 per shift, six in community policing, three new officers are at the academy. Included is one K-9 night shift. Major Oliver explained the Community Policing Program. Prisoner transport is a big demand on the department. Council President Fetz feels prisoner transport should be the duty of the County. Chief Monihon has talked with the Sheriff about helping. The Department is looking at converting a van for prisoner transport. This cost would be about $10,000. Councilperson McCauley stated there has been an offer from City Court Judge Lewis to look into video. He would like to investigate this. The phone prompt system was discussed. Major Pavey did not like the phone prompt system. He felt it was a service to the community to answer the phones. Sergeant Deeringer noted the phone prompt system tied up 911. Councilperson McCauley noted the Council is the fiscal body and is not trying to run the department. April 4, 2007 Page 2 Major Ashabranner explained when he was Chief he had 40 uniformed officers divided into 3 12-man shifts. Major Oliver explained there are 40 in uniform currently. They are very busy. Chief Monihon said the classes he has attended have pushed community policing. The different systems of managing were discussed. Council President Fetz noted the crime rate has not gone down. Officer Oliver reviewed the squads saying the stress level can get high. Chief Monihon said the experts recommend community police. Assistant Chief Lovan said once the community has community policing you can't go back. Councilperson McCauley feels the staff levels have been reviewed three times in the last nine months and wonders why this is an issue now. Council President Fetz said he brought it up. Major Oliver said the ultimate concern is for safety. Major Pavey explained when he was Chief he learned more about all phases of the Department. He was constantly trying to get enough officers out there safely. No body is sitting on their hands. Councilperson Perkins agrees with Councilperson McCauley that the manpower has been studied. Councilperson Sellers is concerned with the difference between the personal visit and the letter. Chief Monihon said he is good with the proposed 18 new officers. He would like to move forward. Mayor Waiz suggested Chief Monihon send the letter. He feels the process does need to be moved up. Eighteen is a good number. Council President Fetz asked if all eighteen would be uniform officers. Chief Monihon explained they would. Councilperson McCauley said there is no motive to underestimate for annexation. Chief Monihon understands Council President Fetz's concerns. Council President Fetz feels this has been a productive meeting. Councilperson McCauley is proud of the Police force; they are doing a good job. The community should be proud. He feels the Council has bent over backwards to get equipment to keep the Department safe. Councilperson Grooms commends all the officers. He feels the Council has been very supportive. He understands the phase-in. The new cars are all going to the uniform division. Assistant Chief Lovan noted many vehicles have been obtained at no cost to the City. Council President Fetz said there is always controversy in the political season. He does not want employees to feel threatened for politics. Council President Fetz the Ethics members have done a great job. The Ethics Ordinance is a work in progress. Councilperson Sellers said she wants ~o file an inquiry for all employees in the City and may want to interview all employees. There should be no talk of politics at work. Questions need to be answered. She is tired of innuendos. Dispatcher Mindy Christian stated her concern for staffing of dispatchers due to the increase in calls. 1--- April 4, 2007 Page 3 There being no further business to come before the Council, the motion was made by Councilperson Perkins to adjourn at 6:40 P.M., seconded by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6-0. Attest: q~ Clerk Tre r Peggy WIlder -T