HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-2007 Special JEFFERSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION Meeting Memorandum - Monday, February 26, 2007 - 5:30 P.M. City Hall 3rd Floor Council Conference Room Council President Keith Fetz called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M., and on call of the roll those members present were: Councilpersons John Perkins, Ed Zastawny, Keith Fetz, Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Ron Grooms, and Phil McCauley. Also present were Mayor Rob Waiz, Attorney Les Merkley, Clerk Treasurer Peggy Wilder, and Chief Deputy Clerk Treasurer Suzy Bass. Councilperson Grooms made the motion to delete item #4b Additional Tax Revenue and add Chief Miles and Assistant Chief Decker regarding additional funding, second by Councilperson Wilson and passed on a vote of7-0. Sidewalks Renovations Jorge Lanz, Jacobi, Tombs, & Lanz, appeared before the Council to concerning installing sidewalks on Springdale, Allison Lane, and Hopkins. (attached) He said the City will have to work with the County on the Allison Lane project because part ofthe sidewalk will be in the County. Councilperson Zastawny asked if it was possible to put the proposed sidewalk on Charlestown Pike on the opposite side of the street to connect the subdivisions. Mr. Lanz will ~et a price on the change. The other proposed sidewalk projects are Hopkins Lane, st St, and Springdale Dr. Councilperson Perkins said that he would not approve removing the tree on sth St. Councilperson Grooms asked Mr. Lanz to look into possible grants available for this project. Additional Funding Chief Miles and Assistant Chief Decker appeared before the Council with request for additional money to pay for certain projects (attached). Chief Miles said that the Fire Department is in need of a new radio system. They now share a frequency with Clarksville and it could cause problems with runs. The cost would be $50,570.00 Assistant Chief Decker said that the department now has only 10-15 SOP's. They should have approximately 100 SOPs. He presented a proposal for the SOPs to be written and also for job descriptions for the different ranks. The total cost would be around $6,100.00 for everything. He feels this is a very good price. Mayor Waiz told the Board that he asked his Department Heads to get a 'Wish List' together for him to present to the Council (attached). He asked the Council to please consider these requests. The Council will look over the above requests and address it at the next workshop. -r Beautification Committee Peggy Duffy appeared before the Council with a proposal for park benches and trash cans to put throughout the City. The proposal is for 24 benches and cans. They also plan to do work at the 10th St exit. Councilperson Zastawny asked if these benches would replace the old benches around the City now. Peggy said that it is not their intent to take those benches out of service as of now. She also said that they would like to contract two people to maintain all of the areas. They have trouble getting commitments from volunteer groups. Clerk Treasurer Wilder said that they would have to be contract personnel because there is not budget to put them in. Councilperson Perkins suggested creating a new department and would like to explore this at budget time. The Council also suggested maybe getting financing from Major Moves. The Council will take the requests under advisement. Sticker for City Vehicles Council President Fetz said that he was asked about City vehicles having stickers identifying them. Attorney Merkley will research the ordinance from years ago to see if it needs amended. Mayor Waiz said that he would enforce the ordinance. Cherry Hill Neighborhood Councilperson Perkins said that he received a request for $2,500.00 from Special Projects for the Cherry Hill Neighborhood Association. The motion was made by Councilperson Grooms to approve $2,500.00 from special projects for the Cherry Hill Neighborhood Association, second by Councilperson Zastawny and passed on a vote of7-0. There being no further business to come before the Council, the motion was made by Councilperson Perkins to adjourn at 7:00 P.M., seconded by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of7-0. Attest: