HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-2007 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA February 5, 2007 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana, at 7:30 P.M. on Monday February 5, 2007. Mayor Rob Waiz, with Deputy Clerk Treasurer Barbara Hollis at the desk, called the meeting to order. Also present was City Attorney Les Merkley. Mayor Waiz welcomed all in attendance, asking all those present to stand as Street Commissioner Ron Ellis gave the invocation. Mayor Waiz then asked all those present to join him in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and those present were; Councilpersons John Perkins, Ed Zastawny, Keith Fetz,Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Phil McCauley, and Ron Grooms. Absent: None. Following discussion, Councilperson Perkins made the motion to approve the agenda with the removal of agenda item #15, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of7-0. Mayor Waiz presented the minutes for consideration by the Council. Councilperson Wilson made the motion to approve the minutes of January 22, 2007 (5:30 P.M.) as presented, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 7-0. Councilperson Wilson made the motion to approve the minutes of January 22,2007 (7:30 P.M.) as presented, second by Councilperson Grooms, passing on a vote of7-0. Deputy Clerk Treasurer Hollis presented the claim list for consideration by the Council, explaining one additional claim. Councilperson Perkins made the motion to approve the claims with the additional as presented, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of7-0. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Robert Franz, a resident of Oak Park, stated he had attended the public annexation meeting. He would like to see the sale of Oak Park Conservancy placed on the ballot. February 5, 2007 2 Mr. R. Summers spoke of his concern for two families in the proposed annexation area that have had to go back to work after retirement out of necessity. He would like to see a property tax exemption for those families that are below the poverty level. He asks each Councilperson to look within themselves and have compassion. Ms. Bethany Mull has a problem with a Councilperson not following the rules. She noted the job description for Chi Chi includes satellite adoption sites. There is a need to have more pet adoption sites. Ms. Mull feels the animals are suffering and being killed. Volunteers do not stay, as they do not feel welcome. There is a need to be more proactive. Mr. Mike Hutt spoke of his concern for the zoning Ordinance on the agenda tonight regarding used car lots. He notes the only area zoned for car lots is at Interstate 265 and Highway 62. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council President Fetz presented a plaque to past Council President Wilson. Councilperson Wilson thanked the Council saying it can't be done without the help of all the Council. Councilperson Sellers said most of Ms. Mull's comments were untrue. The New Albany Shelter called to ask to have their adoption site at Green Tree Mall. The pet finder web site has had problems. Councilperson Sellers said the Animal Shelter is working well. Council President Fetz noted the large amount of payments for cell phones on the claim list. He asks Mayor Waiz to have the Department Heads get a list of necessary cell phones. Mayor Waiz has been working on this at the Department Head meeting. He is also looking into radios. He hopes to wrap this up in the next two weeks. Council President Fetz requests a necessity list. Councilperson McCauley responded to Mr. Franz regarding Oak Park Conservancy. Oak Park Conservancy is under the ownership of the residents. If asked for a proposal he feels the City would be obligated to consider. It is not a City Council issue legally. ----T" February 5, 2007 3 DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: Street Commissioner Ron Ellis read a report (attached). Councilperson Grooms complimented Commissioner Ellis on his report. Councilperson Wilson also expressed her appreciation. Information Technology Director Roger Hardy stated he has aggressIve and ambitious goals, reading a report (attached). The requests were reviewed. AGENDA ITEMS: Ms. Jill Saegesser of River Hills gave an update regarding the Spring Street Downtown Revitalization Grant. She explained the previous denial. It was noted this is a worthy project in a very competitive atmosphere. The application has been reviewed and is being worked on for the next application period. The application will be due March 6. Councilperson McCauley is impressed with the action taken and commends the approach. . Councilperson Grooms reviewed a draft Resolution regarding additional tax revenues. He asks for the Mayor, the Council, and the public to comment. Councilperson Zastawny has concern for the recycling program and he would like to look at a way to give back to the taxpayers. Council President Fetz noted the need for public input. Councilperson McCauley feels this is worthy of a workshop. Councilperson Zastawny introduced Ordinance No. 2007-0R-2, An Ordinance Proposing Amendments To Text Of Jeffersonville Zoning Code, noting this is a stalfing point. He reviewed and explained several points, as well as explained the process. He has worked with Attorney Greg Fifer and Planning and Zoning Director Chester Hicks. Director Hicks explained this is the first step as there is still work to be done. Director Hicks explained special exception and use variance. Attorney Jack Vissing explained the difference between special exception and use variance. He feels this Ordinance represents overkill. He does agree with the concerns, however this is too strong. He is willing to work on this. Following all discussion, Councilperson Zastawny made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2007-0R-2 on the first reading. Council President Fetz will abstain as he has a relative in the business. The vote to pass Ordinance No. 2007- OR-2 on the first reading passed on a vote of 6-0-1. Council President Fetz abstained. ,-_OJ February 5, 2007 4 Council person Zastawny would like to see recycling done at City Hall. Mayor Waiz is working on getting recycling totes fot the building. Deputy Hollis presented Ordinance No. 2007-0R-3, An Ordinance Of Additional Appropriation (Building Commission-Vehicle) that has been advertised for a public hearing. Councilperson Perkins noted Building Commissioner Segraves's eagerness to comply with the purchase order system. Councilperson Perkins made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2007-0R-3 on the first reading, second by Councilperson Grooms. Public comments were requested. Mr. Mike Hut asked the Council to consider buying used non- emergency vehicles. Mr. Derek Spence would like to see the Council consider the purchase of hybrids for non-emergency vehicles. The motion to pass Ordinance No.2007-0R-3 on the first reading passed on a vote of7-0. Deputy Hollis explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2007-0R-4, An Ordinance Of Additional Appropriation (City Hall Telephone & Utilities). Councilperson Perkins made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 2007- OR-4, second by Councilperson Sellers. Public comments were requested. As no comments were voiced the motion to suspend passed on a vote of 7-0. Councilperson Perkins noted the Building Authority is doing an outstand job. Councilperson Perkins then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2007-0R-4 on all three readings, second by Councilperson McCauley, passing on a vote of 7 -0. Deputy Hollis explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2007-0R-5, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (Building Authority). Councilperson Perkins made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 2007- OR-5, second by Council President Fetz, passing on a vote of 7-0. Councilperson Perkins then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2007-0R-:5 on all three readings, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of7-0. CLERK TREASURER COMMENTS: There were no Clerk Treasurer Comments. COMMITTEE, COUNCIL AND MAYOR COMMENTS: Councilperson McCauley expressed his appreciation for the reports given by Commissioner Ellis and Director Hardy, as well as the attendance of Police Officer Grimes, and Council Assistant Timberlake. He noted the hard work being done. - ~~---,--T I .1 February 5, 2007 5 Director Hardy is taking the City to the leading edge. There will be a public annexation meeting at 7:00 P.M. on February 15,2007 at Utica Elementary School. Councilperson Grooms has scheduled a lunch with Senator Connie Sipes and Representative Steve Stemler in Indianapolis at 12:30 P.M., February 8, 2007. Councilperson Grooms noted the amount of$18,125 for EDC dues in the Council budget. Councilperson McCauley noted the need to show support to One Southern Indiana. They do understand the City wants a report. Council President Fetz made the motion to approve the payment of $18,175 to One Southern Indiana, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of7-0. Councilperson Grooms made the motion to transfer the posting of the two claims for annexation approved at the last meeting from the Council special projects line to the funds for annexation, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 7 -0. Councilperson Wilson noted the weekly letter by President Dalby on the One Southern Indiana website. Councilperson Perkins appreciates Director Hardy's hard work taking the City into the 21st Century. Councilperson Perkins and others will be in Indianapolis Wednesday and Thursday looking into the 2% circuit breaker and school bond. Councilperson Perkins plans to introduce the fiscal plan at the March 5, 2007 meeting. Council President Fetz noted the Police Chief would be introducing an additional appropriation for police regarding sex offenders. He also noted when he filed his election papers he did receive the ethics notice. This was a pleasant surprise. Mr. Derek Spence of the Ethic Board explained the finalization would be considered at the next Ethics meeting. Mayor Waiz will have Department Head reports at the first meeting ofthe month. Council President Fetz asked Director Hardy to put the revenue use question on the web. The next meeting will be February 26,2007. I~' i Iii February 5, 2007 6 As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned 9:23 P.M. ROBERT L. W AIZ, ATTEST: CV~GJ~~ PEGGY WILDER, CLERK AND TREASURER I'll CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL Mondav February 5, 2007 Public Comment Sign In Name Subject / ~- /': b c ~ r, / -kV\\fV\cJ: SheJ t'eJ/, :ZorJ VJ6 t2.-!xJ 1'd- ~~~ ~:. Q r)0~i~ a Vl vi tv, Wl J '11 J) ~ f / I C& J. u-Tr 1.1, ] CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEB 5TH, 2007 TO: CITY COUNCIL MEtvfBERS FROM: ROGER HARDY SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR FUNDING DATE: 1/31/2007 CC: FILE .....m..__..~~,_.~_y._.y..___.U~N.._~__"m_.N._.....U.,.,,_.~...._....___..._....~_._.N.._~....._._,,__...._....._._N..__..._.._._u...........__..__..........._ On the topic of computers, hardware, and software: We have aggressively negotiated prices rendering outcomes that I still can't believe. The savings have been returned to the city by upgrading to more improved models, additional devices, or more robust components. All of this is keeping in step with phase one of a three year plan to update the city's infrastructure as presented 4th quarter '06. Recently an agent of the City Council expressed interest, approval of direction, and optimism in the city's ability to meet new challenges as a result of our infrastructure initiatives. I was asked to consider meeting once again with the Council to present a plan to consolidate the three year map into a much shorter time frame because funding was available. I strongly believe the city would benefit from additional purchases if the money is available. Additionally, I do not believe we should look too far beyond our business processes which should be the measure we forge our technology needs from. This is to say we shouldn't purchase technology for technology's sake or mold our business to fit inside a technology model when it should be just the opposite. I have prepared a couple handouts that help demonstrate some of the recent wins the city has achieved and some financials to bring us as close to full circle as possible. The following are highlights combined with supplemental narratives to other pages in this packet: · I have opened discussions with Dell's management team which will allow us to enjoy these prices beyond Dell's fiscal which ended Feb 1, 2007. This is very good news and was not easy to secure- see table" 1 st Qtr Computer Savings at a Glance" · Two thirds of the city's computers are now running current operating systems, :Microsoft Office 2003, or both. · Licensing for :Microsoft Server products [the operating system we run our business applications on] is now current, accounted for, and legal. . Licensing for :Microsoft Exchange products [our email system] is now current, accounted for, and legal. ,. . Discounts we negotiated with Dell afforded us dollars to spontaneously purchase hardware replacing our current email antivirus solution. o Email antivirus licenses have not been renewed or updated since 2005. o We have to purchase them separately from our desktop antivirus licenses. o We need 160 licenses which is $4,335.50 a year. REOCCURRING COST. o The purchase of this $2,848.00 hardware device, offering additional utility to the city with 3 years of updates, immediately saved the city a great deal of money and administrative costs. o The city owns this equipment. · Carry this thought over to another piece of equipment I would like to purchase- Content filtering hardware. [porn, violence, etc... or Internet filtering] o Also discussed within following pages. o Elimination of ~$4,000.00 REOCCURRING COSTS for the City. o Offers greater protection, more features, and is compliant with various legislative acts including HIP AA. o We negotiated very aggressively resulting in the vendor asking the City to lay terms of the deal. [See "A Happy Ending' attachment/ email] · An interview with department heads on how much they spend when they supplement, or need, specific application expertise provided this information: o We spend as little as $40 to over $18,000.00 to have the privilege of using some applications. One department I am working with may take this figure beyond $75,000.00, and another approximately $14,000.00. o We fund SLA's ranging from $1,000.00 to over $10,000.00 to maybe use them 2 or 3 times a year. o A recent move ofIT equipment cost over $189,000 alone. ~e can gather that the price of IT isn't cheap, isn't going away, and the costs of 'hired guns' can eventu~ exceeded the startup cost associated with the product. The equipment, technologies, improvements, and upgrades we have already purchased, as well as those projected, are leading edge- and call for leading edge support for us to remain self sufficient, responsive to failure, and to increase the effectiveness of the product maximizing our return on investment (ROI) and lowering total cost of ownership (TCO). 2 Proudly I state that my phone is used to let others know "it's fixed" and rarely used to bring supplemental expertise in house. To this end I am requesting additional financial support to my training fund to make sure we are [better] prepared at every turn to exploit our purchases, reduce hidden costs because we "didn't know any better", and save money over the life of the product when faced with problems. I believe staying current with technology and how to manage it is extremely important. In .pporting this, my most recent course studies were partially funded by the G.I Bill with the re \, aining $8,000.00 coming from my own pocket. The balance of the fund is not sufficient to meet or stain growth as a single course [sometimes a one day event] will average $1,500.00. The level of trainin most always justifies the expense. · I am proud that the city came in under budget after our recent purchases- they were long overdue, needed and personally appreciated. I would like to ask the City Council to approve funding for items listed in the "Immediate Purchases (Supponing Consolidation of 3 Year Plan)" table. And to also approve funding balances as shown in "Desired Balances for R&D, Emetgencies, Emetging Technologies, and Professional Development' table. I believe the table header speaks to the numbers and rationale without any further narrative. * Food for thought - the summation of EVERYTHING contained in these pages costs as much as ONE street light used by the city to signal the rite of way for fire trucks. * Origin: Bob :Miller Place: Department Head meeting general discussion Date: 01/31/2007 Thank you for giving me your time, attention, and professional consideration to these materials. ~~ Roge; Hardy / Director of IT and Integration City of Jeffersonville 500 Quartermaster Court Suite 307 Jeffersonville, IN. 47130 3 1st Qtr Computer Savings at a Glance: Hardware Qty List Extended Negotiated Price Savings (Extended - (Negotiated * Qty)) Mid Range 4 $ 7,122.00 lea $ 28,488.00 $ 4,376.00 lea $ 10,984.00 SeNers High End 2 $ 13,774.00 lea $ 27,548.00 $ 8,656.00 lea $ 10,236.00 SeNers Estimated Balances as of 02/01/2007: Hardware Software Security 444650410 444650420 444650448 $ 688.00 $0 $0 [Under budget and proud!] Immediate Purchases (Supporting Consolidation of 3 Year Plan): Item Qty 'High End SeNer & Emergency Replacement Parts 2 . Mid Range SeNer 4 Backup Tapes - 22 City Email Storage Device (5 yr retention) 1 ,Spyware and Internet Content Filtering 1 Extend SLA for backup software one yr. 1 'SCSII PCle cards and risers 2 .ProCuNe 2724 1000BASE-T 1 Sound Recording System [2nd floor cont] 1 .Wireless KVM secondary station 1 BioMetric Security Datacenter 1 . Upgrade Wireless Networks 4 . Computer programming software [Web] 1 Total Total Estimate9- Cost $ 22,000.00 ./ $ 24,500.00 /" $ 2500.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 4000.00 ($7,000- for faster throughput) - $ 1,200.00 - $ 1,400.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 800.00 $ 4,000.00 ., $ 900.00 $ 2,000.00 - $ 79,000.00 Desired Balances for R&D, Emergencies, Emerging Technologies, and Professional Development Hardware Software Training $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 15,000.00 [From $688.00] [From $ 0.00] [From $2,375.00] 444650410 444650420 101030307 Rack for computer storage: $923.00 reduced to $840.65 SECURE DELL RACK onnects everything in the rack to the network and the Internet. Purchased '06 for ex ansion == Robotic 10 tape library used to safely backup all City resources. Purchased '06 for expansion. [Software needed to backup the City purchased '06 approx $ 9500.00. Previous software not compatible and outdated 7 years] o 00 o o o o 0'\1)"" .. ".oGBO_ o .. SPAM protector. $2848.00 with 3 yr worth of updates inc. Currently using Norton software at $4335.00/yr reoccuring. ~._.I I :ua ... Provides one Keyboard/Mouse/Monitor to service each computer in the storage rack- no need to purchase multiple monitors and devices. Discounted @ $2671.00 further reduced to 2459.64 Rack mounted computers- Four identical thin, deep,powerful, and stackable. Designed to conserve square footage in our datacenter and tailored to specific applications. These are replacements for current computer systems driving various applications such as 8DSM for Planning/Zoning, Sewer billing, Clerk Treasurer applications, etc... Discounted at $7122.00/each further reduced to $4376.12 leach Rack mounted computers- Two identical computers that are 2x the thickness of the above computers, deep,considerably more powerful than the above, and stackable. ~-m'""l ~~~~ ! . . I ~~------~ . I {----~ Designed to conserve square footage in our datacenter and tailored to specific applications. These are replacements for current computer systems driving applications or performing tasks that need "more horse power" such as the master file server, email server, an IDS [intrusion detection system], or the new applicaton replacing our TiPPS police application which will support computers in police cars. Discounted at $13774.00/each further reduced to $8656.70 leach r-= .....O.;:J ,.:....-....---..-."'"'...........-t c_~,_._----.-,-i i I \.,..,,'''''..,<''''~N,''''..,.,...""'"':__.............'''''',J Email today contains discussions, agreements, documents, notifications, contact information, and many other kinds of critical business information. By automatically storing email records, the City can ensure that we're are not loosing or misplacing the information we need. Several government regulations (Sarbannes~Oxley, HIPM, etc.) require the retention of and access to ema~ records. Expansion of the Sarbannes-Oxley act December 1, 2006 now captures Government Agencies [especially if there's any social security numbers anywhere on our network such as the police department and HR] where it had overtooked us in the past. . A specific appliance dedicated and designed for this purpose will ensure our compliance going forward by safely storing this information. We're dismissing a lot of vital (and required) Jnfonnation over the years. I am basing this on 160 email users sending and/or receiving 50 messages a day with an av~rage size of 57Kb. Doing the math we are in the neighborhood of 3 million messages a year. Once all disaster recovery initiatives are in place, the City will be capable of retrieving information going back a maximum of 20 days- this technology will allow us to dynamically retain this information for 5 years. Any information over 5 years will begin to reach the capacity of the device. At that time, we place the 5 year record on DVD. tapes, or any other media of choice. If searching for something say 10 years ago, the device remembers moving that information to another media and tells you where to go get it. The hardware device I want to deploy will make it easy and automatic to maintain the required records and to search and find specific information for a price in the neighborhood of $9.000. r am still in negations at the time of this narrative. SECURE DELL RACK == The City takes great measures to accurately record information- apply this 10 our Police Dept as they often need information contained in emails. polygraph results for example, to support convictions. How much tangible and intangible resources would become exhausted, or salvaged for that matter, if litigation was imposed and these records were requested as part of discovery? Remember Aegon? The last person this will benefit is I. Old mail can overload email servers as we have recently experienced when our email server crashed. Old mail will increase backup times, causing costs to go up and performance to go down. Locating and restoring old emails from backup tapes can be complicated and time consuming. ~'-'l I : D1J] ... Robotic backup has 10 bays or tapes. Unit came with only 3 tapes ( - $300.00 value). Would like to purchase 22 +/- tapes to have a full set of to rotate off site. Backup software licenses have been sufficiently planned to accommodate business needs this year. I will be donating some of my ersonal ta es in the meantime. o 00 o o o o o 0.'"'"'"""_ .. Would like to replace our web filtering technology from software based to hardware based. ~._.[ ] : miJI ... Advantages: Frees up a server for more important uses. Will position the City closer to overall control of filtered content. Technology is Internet Protection Act compliant or good enough to be used safely at schools, libraries, etc... Filtering is performed at the edge of our environment reducing network traffic and helps speed up everything for everyone. Removes spyware. A - $4000.00 investment replaces an approximate $3000 reoccurring charge. Supports our HR HIPAA privacy mandates where as our present solution does not. Lastly, we will own it. Addition of 1 ["larger"] server supporting application specfic departmental growth. Examples already in place are the Clerk's online Agenda Manager and Full City Record Search applications [Readly available on the City's website]. Upcoming projects include replacement of Police system of record [TiPPS] as phase 1 and patroll car intragration into the new system as phase 2. In the discussion phase is software upgrades which will support the new and existing Fire Stations as they have now outgrown their current application model [or their 'britches' if you're old school] .. Addition of 4 more ["smaller"] servers to replace a few more old outdated ones. These servers will support "Middleware"- Middleware is computer software that connects software components or applications. It is used most often to support complex, distributed applications. It includes web servers, application servers, content management systems, and similar tools that support application development and delivery. Office: 812..280.4744 Cell:, 502..551.5225 www.cityofjeff.net . . t\ ~A? p'-( ~ ' t~ b ( It I ( Confidentiality Notice: This electronic mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or otherwise protected from disclosure to anyone other than its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this electronic mail or its contents by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail so that we may correct our internal records. Please then delete the original message. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tracy Alvey [mailto:tracya@boice.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 3:15 AM To: Roger Hardy Subject: boice.net quote ~ ~to IV1 , .-- ~1[5. f!2 ( ~ l:::: '!-f) rt . I was asked to send the attached for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. y Tracy Alvey \ ~t-: boice.net 404 East Main Street New Albany, IN 47150 (502) 271-2124 tracya@boice.net 4 Visit http://www.walasystems.com/product-demo/ for an online flash demo. ~ -------------------------------------- -------------------------- From: Tracy Alvey [mailto:tracya@boice.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:21 AM To: Roger Hardy Cc: David McAlister Subject: RE: ~ ~Ot11 We ren't yet an official partner for this product. I am working with our rep to see ere is anything we can do. I did not mean to offend you with this pricing. Please accept my apologies. Tracy Alvey 32 Ex~usES VEA/DOe Boice.net (502) 271-2124 tracya@boice.net ---------------------------------------------------------~--------------~-~----~ From: Roger Hardy [mailto:rhardy@CityofJeff.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:16 AM To: Tracy Alvey Subject: RE: boice.net quote I've been using Boice for over nine years- used to have drinks with Brooke after work a few evenings. I can't pitch this product to the City Council with a $5 off MSRP... I'm asking for a new vendor from the supplier and waiting on his return call.... .this is the best we can do on this?? 3 1fc2;-;:G.sH hlL 6i::/TEI( -Pe) Le- nOm C/7y. Roger Hardy Director of IT and Integration City of Jeffersonville 500 Quartermaster Court Suite 307 Jeffersonville, IN. 47130 Subj: RE: ArcMail - pricing Date: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:08 am Size: 10K To: "David 'McAl . rketli Thank you so much for responding so quickly. I'll be blunt in what I believe will take to put this over the plate. I would like to pay retail less 5% and a one year waved SLA the equipment establishes its worth to the Mayor and Council Members. SLAls for each following year(s) are purchased according to scheduled rate. As an investment, I am linked very closely to several other county government institutions, one being the Jefferson County Clerk as part of Louisville Metro Government, and will echo the praise of your product if merited. Roger Har y Director of IT and Integration City of Jeffersonville 500 Quartermaster Court Suite 307 Jeffersonville, IN. 47130 Office: 812.280.4744 Cell: 502.551.5225 www.cityofjeff.net --=-- -1f :;-: (It 'I. I EKJI11 S Confidentiality Notice: This electronic mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or otherwise protected from disclosure to anyone other than its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this electronic mail or its contents by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e- mail so that we may correct our internal records. Please then delete the original message. From: David McAlister Sent: Tuesday, January 30, To: Roger Hardy Subject: ArcMail - [mailto:dmcalister@marketlinktech.com] 2007 11:32 AM g give me an idea of what pricing works best for you. I told Boice 5% off Does another 5% help or are we further away? I can get it worked out. Thanks, Dave David McAlister Marketlink Technologies Marketlink ChannelManager Tennessee,Mississippi, Louisiana k & Southern Indiana -*'1: Svp?/t'Et( ~ aVeS J r{ 144 Gardenia Way Franklin, TN 37064 P 615 579 3567 f 615 523 2432 dmcalister@marketlinktech.com IM MarketlinkTN See the ArcMail Email Defender in Action! 2 I I j --;rc::~--~c------r---...~ - -"]: Jeffersonville Street Department 2006 Activity Report I. Paving F or the year 2006 there were almost 6 miles of paving and milling done in our city. Ifwe were to break the paving down into lane miles, we would have paved approximately 18 lane miles of streets. We spent a total of$555,610 on resurfacing in the city. We also have an ongoing program of pothole repair throughout the year, and this has kept the streets free of major potholes. The street department continues to be proactive in its approach to keep the streets and alleys in the city of Jeffersonville in good condition. II. Garbage Disposal In the year of2006 the Sanitation Department took 12569.38 tons of garbage to the landfill. This amounts to approximately 1 ton per household. We disposed of 1400 tons of tree limbs, grass clippings, leaves, and other yard waste items which were taken to the compost facility. Our street sweepers collected an additional 113 tons of debris from throughout the city. We also disposed of numerous tires which came off of city vehicles and those which were left in our alleys and on the roadside. We are able to take a 40 yard box of tires to the landfill, which is something we couldn't do previously, but after we reach our limit there we must dispose of tires elsewhere. Our office has provided over 600 garbage containers to the citizens at a cost that is considerably less than what they could be purchased for elsewhere. In the three year that we have been providing these containers we have not had a failure in them. III. Snow & Ice Removal Two year ago I went to a snow conference where I learned about the benefits of salt brine. I returned home and put together a system for making and applying brine. All of the equipment that we are presently using for making and distributing the brine was designed by me and put together by myself and some street department employees. We used a couple of surplus tanks that we found at the sewage treatment plant, some inexpensive pvc pipe, and a couple of pumps purchased from the local farm supply. In the past couple of years we have applied 5000 gallons of salt brine to our street 1 as a pretreatment to prevent a buildup of ice or snow. Our cost for making salt brine is less than 20 cents a gallon. We previously used liquid calcium chloride to prewet salt. Calcium chloride is itself a deicing agent which remains wet at low temperatures. However, it leaves the road wet even after snow and ice have broken up, resulting in blowing snow sticking to the road and creating a hazard to drivers. Calcium chloride costs about 63 cents a gallon. Although salt brine's freezing temperature is not as low as calcium chloride's (salt brine freezes at about -6 degrees Fahrenheit), salt brine has a much lower freezing temperature than salt alone. In addition, when ice and snow are gone, salt brine leaves a dry pavement. Finally, the cost of salt brine per gallon is a considerable saving over calcium chloride. I continue to try to upgrade our equipment to make us less vulnerable to the disruptions that can be brought about by inclement weather. In 2004 we purchased a surplus tandem axle snowplow from the state. Last year we were able to purchase a new snowplow to replace a vintage 1988 truck, that had no power steering or air brakes, and needless to say it had a lot other problems. We also purchased a used 1 ton dually truck and outfitted it with a small salt spreader and snow plow to take care of cuI de sacs, parking lots and small streets that our larger trucks cannot turn around on. We currently have a total of eight snowplows, plus we can mount a plow on our roll-off truck if needed. We have 149 miles of street tokeep clear. Our current salt storage facility will only hold 350 tons of salt, which is not a day's supply. When we are putting salt on the roads we also have to haul salt in to keep from running out. It is recommended that you have three of four day supply on hand. IV. Equipment In 2006 we bought a new pickup to replace the one that burned up due to a short in the wiring. A third of the cost of the new truck was paid for from insurance. We purchased the IT -14 from Bob Miller and the construction department. The piece of equipment will be used primarily to load our snow plows. We received a new garbage truck last week. This truck was provided to us by the Clark/Floyd Landfill and it will save the city $30,000 a year over the next five years. We received our new Johnson sweeper, which went in service in November. It 2 ~ .. does a wonderful job and does not put out a lot of dust like the old ones. Currently, our old sweepers are undergoing their yearly refurbishing, which can cost as much as $5000 each to restore them to working condition. A lot of our equipment need to be replaced because of the maintenance cost to keep it operating, and to be usable so we can continue to do our job properly. At the next budget session I will be requesting that we find a way to purchase the following items: 3 new Garbage trucks... Small paver so we can take care of the alleys and small streets ourselves... Flat-nose truck for putting lines and stripes on streets... Sweepers... and a Service truck for the diesel mechanic. The present one is a hand me down from the fire department over eight years ago, and has j\lst about met its mechanical limit. We are in the process of seeking bids on a Clamshell truck. The initial bid came in too high, and I am expecting a bid about $13,000 cheaper this time. It is essential that we purchase a new hotbox for pothole patching. The one we currently have is over 25 years old and we can't find parts to repair it. I am currently getting proposals for a new one. I believe the cost will be around $20,000. v. Keeping our City As weather permits, we continue to pick up debris thrown on our roadsides, cut and trim our medians and roadsides, paint curbs and crosswalks, sweep the streets in our neighborhoods, remove dead trees in the right of way, patch potholes, and assist the other department in the city with their problems. The welfare of our citizens and our city is foremost in our vision. This report was prepared and submitted by Ronald G. Ellis Street Commissioner, City of Jeffersonville 3