HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-OR-54ORDINANCE OF APPROPRIATIONS and TAX RATES SE IT ORDAINED BY THE JEFFERSONVILLE CITY CITY GOVERNMENT AND ITS INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, THE SUMS OF MONEY SHOWN ON BUDGET FORM #4- A ARE HEREBY APPROPRIATED AND ORDERED SET APART OUT OF THE SEVERAL FUNDS HEREIN NAMED AND FOR THE PURPOSES HEREIN SPECIFIED, SUBJECT TO THE LAWS GOVERNING THE SAME. SUCH SUMS HEREIN APPROPRIATED SHALL BE HELD TO INCLUDE ALL EXPENDITURES AUTHORIZED TO BE MADE DURING THE YEAR, UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY STIPULATED AND PROVIDED FOR BY LAW. IN ADDITION, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING REVENUE TO MEET THE NECESSARY EXPENSE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT, THE TAX RATES AS ADOPTED ARE SHOWN ON THE BUDGET FORM # 4-B AND iNCLUDED HEREIN. TWO COPIES OF THE BUDGET FORMS # 4 -A AND 4- B FOR ALL FUNDS AND DEPARTMENTS ARE MADE A PART OF THE BUDGET REPORT AND SUBMITTED HEREWITH : COUNCIL THAT FOR THE EXPENSES OF Ti 2000 PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS 7 ~E OF JEFFERSONVlLLE , INDIANA, AND READ IN FUL£ DAY OF September 1999 PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF JEFFERSONVILLE SECOND TIME, AND ADOPTED THIS 20 DAY OF September , INDIANA, AND READ FORTF 1999 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: YEA Al-rEST: Clerk Treasurer rtl Z I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m z 0 © 0 0 0 0 oo oO m z o 0 m Ill z m 0 m z m o o __ 0 Z 0 > o o o o Z o o o m z m 8 o o om ;:U r- -r Z m 0 3> z ~ 0 o~© m C~ 3> CO 8 Z Z '1- Z -r rn Z T m Z -r' m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z ~D -1- Z 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-- 0 m z m 8 Z c.o o o o o o > 0 m 0 Z ~oo~ Om~ >m Z > 0 0 0 0 0 O0 O~oo~ r-m~m >m Z © m m 0 o o o o o o m m c m 1'13 0 rn z 0 Z ®g 0 0 --I o o o o '-r- "o m .-r m 8 m "o -i 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 o · -r .-~ -.r m 0 0 ~ 0 m z Z o o 0 0 o o ITl > '-r m o~ -0 Z 0 Z Z C~ o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 .-r .-r 8 o o o o o o o o om -q -.r. m 8 0 0 m Z rn 7~ Z 0 ° ~J 0 C~ 0 Z 0 0 -I itl -I 0 0 0 0 m Form Prescribed by state Board of Accounts I Governmental Unit: ) Clark County, Indiana General Form No. 99p (Revised 1999) 221 Spring St. P.O. Box 867, O Jeffersonville. IN 4713] PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither or which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines ............................................................ / ~) c/ Head -- number of lines .................................................... Body -- number of lines ................................................... Tail -- number of lines ..................................................... Total number of lines in notice ......................................... / ;~ c/ Charge for in exo TOTAL A' COMPUTATION OF CHARGES L/(~ lines, L// columns wide equals ,/3 4/ equivalent lines at rio/ cents per line .......................................... $ "-~/7,' 7~ Additional charge for notices containing role or tabular work (50 percent of aboy_e ;~mount ................ .--4./., Notice ~s hereby g~ven me axpayers of City ) Jeffe sony e, Inmana that the Common Council o Jefferson~ilje ,City, Indiana will hold a public hca kg on he budgeta he C y-County Bud ng Room 308 on September 7 1999, aY ~:00 ~'. Foll~,ifig this meeting any ten or more axpaye s may object to a budget tax rate, or tax levy'by filing an objecting petition with the proper ce s of the political subdivisio9 within seven days after the he~tdng. The objection petition must i~entil~ the)~roYisions of t.he badg- er tax rate, or tax levv that taxpay~ ~¥ect to. If a petitiofi is tiled, t[Se~olitlcal subdivision shall adoot with its budget a finding concerning ~ne oD ec ions tiled aha tesumony presemeo. Following m~s aforemenhoned nearing, the Common Council will meet at the Ci¥-Count¥ Building :~n 308. on Sep ember 20th 1999. at 7:00 ~m. to aoopt the followinc. Duaget. B U D G ET E ST1M~T E '.AIR_ D. r~ .L.~y[E. _S .................... Z,~ ~' i: f: DATA FO Widtt Numt Size Pursuant t Ih legally du Date: Fund Name 2Budget Estimate Max mum Est mated 4Excessive Levy 5Current Funds to be Ra ~ed Appems Genera $9,027,296 $7,420,000 -0- $6.817,832 Fire Pension $1,005,813 $380.000 -( $358,618 Motor Vehicle H~ghway $908,389 -0- -0- Local Roads &Streets - $425,000 -0- -0- -0- Parks & Recreation $1:052,617 $1 100.000 -0o $723.380 Police Pension $569,920 $300,000 -o- $273,623 Cum. Capita Development $355,281 $269,986 -0- $211,771 Building Renta $230.000 $200,000 -0- $180.435 Sanitation ,$854.617 $750,000 -o- $723.789 TOTALS: $14.428,933 $10.416:986 -0- $9.289,448 The year 2000 estimated maximum levy limilafion for this unit is $10,348,521, Re acement Cred t used. to reduce the rate for this unit is $'0" Taxpaye s appearing at t~e heanng shall have a .pp ty · ' ~ enth day afte pu'l~ c~ on ~( ~ ~'~'ra e~ ~l~ar~ed. U pon cedificati(~ ~i *~ objecting I~etition by he County Auditor, ihe S~ate rned is ATTACH COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT HERE ,.~ . ............ ,~,, 13xnz~cz anu p~rolr,6ilc'o in 'Qle ~Ilgl~S~ language in the (city) of Jeffersonville in state and county aforesaid, and that the phnted matter attached hereto is a true copy. which was duly published in said paper for ~QO time 5 , the dates of publication being ~ follows: ~: , . . , , ~ ~ ~. S~bs~d a~wor~ to bef~e ~e t~' 7 r. day of~,/7~ ~ ~ Not~y Public My commission expires: ~ f~ ~D ~ & 0 > 0 0 0 LEGAL ADVERTISING TABLE SHOWING PRICE PER LINE AND PER INSERTION 9 Em Column Type No. of InsertiOns Size 1 2 3 4 5.5 0.317 0.474 0.632 0.789 6 0.290 0.434 0.579 0.723 6.5 0.268 0.401 0.534 0.667 ..... ;7-~"~ ~ 0.249 .... 0.372 0.496 0.620 7.5 0.232 0.347 0.463 0.578 8 0.218 0.326 0.434 0.542 9 0.193 0.289 0.386 0.482 10 0,174 0.260 0.347 0.434 12 0.145 0.217 0.289 0.361 BUDGET FORM Cf 1 INDEX NAME CITY/TOWN JEFFERSONVILLE BUDGET YEAR 2000 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND NUMBER 0101 Office and / or Number Name Department OR DEPT 3 Office and I or Department FUND # I Name OR DEPT 4 ~ Court OR DEPT 5 lineedng :ire Department 3uilding Commission 31anning and Zoning Council 1." Shelter 2' Maintenance OR DEPT 6 )R DEPT 7 ;ENERAL FUND- i.DTAL 6,252,357 381,4CO INT 4 ~3o,s5o TOTAL 9,1o7,166 9,107,160 )FFICE OR DEPT 11 :~ DEPT 14 PAC- SOFT'WARE __l BUDGET FORM # 1 INDEX NAME CITY/TOWN JEFFERSONVILLE BUDGETYEAR 2000 NAME of OTHER FUNDS FUND NAME and NUMBER ~'0ND N-0-M-B~R- ..... 2 J FUND NUMBER 3 0 FUND NAME FUND NUMBER 4 0 FUND NAME FUND NUMBER 5 0 FUND NAME FUND NUMBER 6 ~U~I~'i~A-ME ............ _OCAL RD & STREET Fu~ND N'0~BE~ 7 202 -'UND NAME ~UUND NUMBER 8 0 :~ ~b~A~ ..... ~MSU OPERATING :UNDNUMBER 9 :UN~-~AME ....... 3UM CAPIMPROVEMENT :UND NUMBER 10 ~UN-E~ ~IAME ...... :UND NUMBER 11 FuNS~IUMBE'R FUND NUMBER 13 FUND NUMBER 14 FUND NAME FUND NUMBER 15 VH 201 ;anitation 244 Probation User Fund 266 City-County Building Rental 318 Local Roads & Streets 2O5 ND NAME ND NUMBER 16 FUND NAME :UNDNUMBER 17 INDNAME bi :UNDNUMBER 18 =UNDNAME NUMBER 19 :UNDNAME :UNDNUMBER 20 PAG FUND NAME and NUMBER POLICE PENSION PENSION 307 ILATIVE CAPITAL 403 VlOTOR VEHICLE 201 PARK JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM # '1 Office, Board, Commission, Depar[ment MAYOR ! ...... 3~OTUER syZV!CE~S & C.ARGES_ .... 312Telephone 2,800 325 Copy Machine Maint. .... 5,000 §27 Po~t~g-~ ............... 5~ 330Travel/Mileage 10,000 332 Printing/Stationery 1500 1,500 subtotal 19,800 subtotal 355Subscdbtions & Dues 500 359Life Insurance 900 365General Promotion 20,000 subtotal 21,400 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTALACCOUNT 3 SERVICESAND CHARGES 0 41,200 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGETFORM#1 Office, Board, Commission, Depa~ment MAYOR 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 475 Off~ce Equipment 3,000 subtotal 3,000 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,000 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cerify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expense of the MAYOR for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 110,933 1,200 41,200 3,000 156,333 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head ~FC SDFT'C"ARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 L 1 PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town ...... 20_OOBudget Year BUDGET FORM # '1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # 0 Department of Finance 111 Clerk Treasurer 112Chief Deputy 113 First Deputy 114Second Deputy 117Council Secretary 118Third Deputy subtotal 38,659 32,930 27,536 26,752 3,375 24,750 154,002 12,320 13,860 26,180 0 201 Sta~onery & Supplies subtotal subtotal subtotal 10,000 10,000 198Social Secudty 199PERF subtotal subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT 1 180,182 ACCOUNT2 10,000 ACCOUNT3 23,300 ACCOUNT4 14,000 TOTAL 227,482 180,182 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 10,0( JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGETFORM#1 Office, Board, Commission, Department Department of Finance ~ OTHER SERVICES& CHARGES 327 Postage 330Travel/Mileage 355Subscriptions/Dues 356Premium on Bonds 359Life Insurance subtotal 367Computer Programing 2,800 3,500 600 900 1,500 9,300 14,000 14,000 0 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES # 0 23,30 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGETFORM#1 Office, Board, Commission, Depai'tment Department of Finance # 0 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY _ _3~6_3_ __E q_u i~p m_e _n.t. .___ 14,000 subtotal 14,000 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,000 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expense of the Department of Finance for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 180,182 10,000 23,300 14,000 227,482 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 City / Town ~1 PERSONALSERVICES ...... 200~OBudget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # 0 Department of Law SUPPLIES 111 City Attorney 112Paralegal subtotal 198Social Security 199PERF subtotal subtotal 39,967 23,841 63,808 5,105 5,743 10,848 0 210 Office Supplies 1,200 219Books/Supplements 1,000 subtotal 2,200 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 74,656 ACCOUNT2 2,200 ACCOUNT3 14,650 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 91,506 74,656 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 2,200 ;FC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Department of Law OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 315Special Counsel 320Special Meeting Steno 325Computer Service 327Postage 330Travel/Mileage subtotal 2,000 200 650 400 1,500 4,750 1,200 20O 400 600 300 200 250 3,150 750 6,000 0 subtotal 340 Seminars/Conferences 341 Legal Publications 355 Subscriptions/Dues 359Life Insurance 380Computer Training 381 Recording Fees 382 Internet Service subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 383PagedCellular Phone Svc 390Legal Intern 395 subtotal 6,750 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 14,650 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGETFORM#f Office, Board, Commission, Department Department of Law 4 CAPITALOUTLAY subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 91,506 (I) (We) hereby cerify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Department of Law Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2ooo for the purposes therein specified, Dated this day of 1999 74,656 2,200 14,650 0 91,506 JEFFERSONVlLLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 [- 1 PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town 111 City Court Judge 112 City Court Clerk 113 Deputy City Court Clerk subtotal 198Social Secudty 199PERF subtotal subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 87,047 ACCOUNT2 1,400 ACCOUNT 3 4,500 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 92,947 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # 0 City Court ~?.UPPLIES ................... ~ 35,033 27,371 11,995 74,399 5,952 6,696 12,648 0 200 Official Records 600 201 Stationery/Printing 300 210Other Supplies 500 subtotal 1,400 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 87,047 subtotal 0 Total Account 2 Supplies 1,400 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # City Court 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 310 Pm-Tem Judges 1,000 327 Postage 500 330Travel/Mileage 1,000 355Subscriptions/Dues 150 356Premium on Bonds 100 subtotal 2,750 359Life Insurance 900 350Statute Supplements 400 363Equipment 450 subtotal 1,750 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTALACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES // 4,500 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # I Office, Board, Commission, Department # City Court 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 0 subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE I 92,947 (t) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the City Court for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 87,047 1,400 4,500 0 92,947 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head ;FC SOF~4~ARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 [ I PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Department of Engineering SUPPLIES 112 City Engineer Secretary 113Laborer 131 Overtime subtotal 198Social Secudty 199PERF subtotal subtotal 8,268 28,172 4,200 40,640 3,251 3,658 6,909 0 210 Other Office Supplies 212 Drafting Supplies 256 Protective Clothing 272 Uniform Rental subtotal subtotal subtotal 2,500 600 4,200 1,650 8,950 0 0 Total Account 1 Personal Services ACCOUNT1 47,549 ACCOUNT2 8,950 ACCOUNT3 42,350 ACCOUNT4 5,250 TOTAL 104,099 47,549 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 8,950 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM # I Office, Board, Commission, Department Department of Engineering 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 327 Postage 600 328Travel/Mileage 1,000 329 Repeater Service 1,500 §30 ~6ii~P~one~ ........ 2,000 337Blue Prints/Photos 750 subtotal 5,850 subtotal 340 Vehicles 750 345Office Repairs 1,500 348Tool Repair 1,250 355Tool Rental 2,500 359Life Insurance 300 385Professional Services 25,000 386Janitor Service 5,200 subtotal 36,500 subtotal 0 0 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES /¢ 42,350 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # Department of Engineering CAPITAL OUTLAY 410 Building Maintenance 425Equipment Tools/Rental 450Trucks subtotal subtotal 2,500 2,750 0 5,250 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,250 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE I 104,099 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cerify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Department of Engineering for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 47,549 8,950 42,350 5,250 104,099 Signature and Title of Officem or Department Head JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 I 1 PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # 0 Police Department ~__ 2~ SUP P~L_I_E_? ................ I 111 Police Salaries 115Dispatchers 116Chief Records Clerk 121 Breathalyzer 166Security Fund 170 SWAT Team 171K-9 subtotal 197Pension 198Social Secudty 199PERF subtotal subtotal 1,812,497 135,592 62,146 14,834 100,000 4,749 1,780 2,131,598 381,295 52,066 15,776 449,137 0 200 Records/Photo Supply 4,000 201 Stationery/Printing 2,800 210Other Office Supplies 9,300 _ ?~_5 U ed/S u rg!~_a?Dental ...... 2,000 264 Public Relaitons 4,500 2~77_K_ ~9 suppli_e~s ...... subtotal 31,100 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 2,580,735 ACCOUNT2 31,100 ACCOUNT 3 157,874 ACCOUNT4 22,500 TOTAL 2,792,209 2,580,735 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 31,100 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # '1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Police Department OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 312Telephone 3141DACS Maintenance 322 Police Intelligence 327 Postage 330Travel/Mileage subtotal 354Clothing Allowance 355Subscriptions/Dues 357School/Education 359Life Insurance 20,500 25,000 9,000 800 3,500 58,800 59,174 600 17,500 16,800 5,000 99,074 0 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 370 Equipment Repair subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTALACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES /Y 157,874 DFC SOFT WAFZE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM # I Office, Board, Commission, Department # Police Department 0 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 475 Office Equipment 7,500 480 Police Equipment 15,000 subtotal 22,500 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 22,500 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE [ 2,792,209 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a tree and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Police Department Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 20oo for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 2,580,735 31,100 157,874 22,500 2,792,209 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 I '1 PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # 0 Fire Department SUPPLIES 111 Salades 112Fira Secretary 113Overtime 114Hazmat/EMS subtotal 197 Pension 198Social Security 199PERF 1,920,819 26,515 50,000 22,548 2,019,882 328,956 17,317 2,386 200 Official Records 201 Stationery/Printing 210Other Office Supplies 235Tires & Tubes 237Other Garage/Motor 246Repair Radio Pagers 248 Chemicals 265Supplies, General subtotal subtotat 1,500 3O0 1,500 2,000 5,000 4,000 500 10,000 24,800 0 subtotal 348,659 subtotal 0 subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 2,368,541 ACCOUNT2 24,800 ACCOUNT3 163,846 ACCOUNT4 43,000 TOTAL 2,600,187 2,368,541 subtotal 0 Total Account 2 Suppliea 24,800 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGETFORM#1 Off'~ce, Board, Commission, Department Fire Department GF( SOF'TWAi~} OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 312Telephone 3,000 327 Postage 600 340Electric Current 14,000 342Gas Heat 14,000 346Water 3,000 subtotal 34,600 348Sewage 3,500 354Clothing Allowance 47,246 355 Subscriptions/Dues 500 357School/Education 3,000 359Life Insurance 15,000 362Repairs/Bldg Structure 18,000 363Repairs/Equipment 30,000 subtotal 117,246 367Computer Programming 372 ExtingJAir Bottles 2,000 385Services Contractual 3,000 386 Repairs/Office Machines 7,000 subtotal 12,000 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTALACCOUNT 3 SERVICESAND CHARGES 163,846 0 GFC OFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department Fire Department 472 Furniture/Fixtures 3,000 476Other Equipment 30,000 478Hazmat 0 10,000 subtotal 43,000 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 43,000 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 2,600,187 (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Fire Department Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2000 for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 2,368,541 24,800 163,846 43,000 2,600,187 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 ~ I PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # Building Commission SUPPLIES 0 111 Building Commissioner 112Administrative Aid 113Chief Clerk 114Secretary 115 Electrical Inspector 116Building Inspector 117 HVAC/Plumbing Inspector 119Code Enforcement Officer subtotal 198Social Secudty 199PERF subtotal subtotal 39,522 23,288 25,618 22,393 31,231 29,250 29,250 12,000 212,552 17,004 19,130 36,134 0 201 Stationery/Printing 210Other Office Supplies 212 Film/Processing/Tape subtotal subtotal subtotal 2,100 2,300 2O0 4,600 0 0 Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 248,686 ACCOUNT2 4,600 ACCOUNT3 17,320 ACCOUNT4 21,000 TOTAL 291,606 248,686 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 4,600 :FC SCF'rW~ JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Building Commission 3 OTHER SERVICES& CHARGES 327 Postage 2,200 330Travel/Mileage 800 340 Radio Service 1,200 345Equipment Maintenance 1,600 346 Radio/Repeater Service subtotal 5,800 355 Subscriptions/Dues 600 357 Ed ucation/Training 2,000 359Life Insurance 1,920 365Vehicle Repair 2,000 370Code Enfomement Cont. 5,000 0 0 subtotal 11,520 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 17,320 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # Building Commission 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 410 Demolition N/R 20,000 431 Computer/Equipment 1,000 .... 0 0 subtotal 21,000 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 21,000 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 291,606 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Building Commission Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2oo0 for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 248,686 4,600 17,320 21,000 291,606 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 ~1 PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town 111 Plan & Zone Director 112Administrative Assistant subtotal 198Social Security 199PERF subtotal subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 80,565 ACCOUNT2 1,300 ACCOUNT 3 45,140 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 127,005 39,500 29,360 68,860 5,508 6,197 11,705 0 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department Planning and Zoning SUPPLIES 210 Other Office Supplies 217Historic Bd of Review subtotal 1,000 3O0 1,300 subtotal subtotal 80,565 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 1,300 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 'I Office, Board, Commission, Department # Planning and Zoning 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 301 Stationery/Printing 1,000 316Bd of Zoning Appeals 2,880 318Bd of Plan Commission ...... 6,08(~ 327 Postage 2,060 330Zoning Ordinances 5,000 subtotal 17,020 341 Legal Ads 500 355 Subscriptions/Dues 500 357 Education/Training 1,000 359 Life insurance 600 362 Svcs. Cont. - Planner 10,000 366Computer Service 1,050 375KIPDA 10,870 subtotal subtotal 24,520 subtotal 376Travel/Mileage 600 380Svc. Cont. (Meeting Min.) 3,000 subtotal 3,600 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 45,140 JEFFERSONVlLLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Off~ce, Board, Commission, Department Planning and Zoning 0 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 400 Vehicle subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNTI ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 127,005 (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Planning and Zoning Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2000 for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 80,565 1,300 45,140 0 127,005 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 I I PERSONAL SERVICES L City / Town 111 Councilpersons Salaries 00 58,800 0 subtotal 198Social Security subtotal subtotal 58,800 4,704 4,704 0 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # ........ ..0_ Common Council SUPPLIES 210 Other Office Supplies 3,000 0 00 subtotal 3,000 ~-[~to--ta~- .... 0 subtotal Total Account 1 Personal Services ACCOUNT1 63,504 ACCOUNT2 3,000 ACCOUNT3 62,800 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 129,304 63,504 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 3,~00 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Common Council 3 OTHER SERVICES& CHARGES 312Telephone 0 325Maintenance Service 0 327 P_o_s~_a_g e .......... 200 330Travel 8,000 340 Electric Current 0 subtotal 8,200 341 Legal Ads 0 346Water 0 351 Insurance 0 35~'S--u b-s c ri~p t~ o n~s / D u~e-~ 0 357E.D.C. Dues 0 358Hospitalization 0 '~3~9-~i~' In~u-~ce ..... 2,100 subtotal 2,100 363Traffic Signals 0 365General Promotion 15,000 367 Drainage Non/Reverting 0 369Special Projects 10,000 375County Court Rental 0 382Sidewalk Renovation 0 subtotal 25,000 0 0 383Main Street 0 385Prof. Svcs. Contractual 20,000 389 Switchboard Operator 0 390 Donations - Repair Affair 7,500 391 Donations - Aging/Aged 392 Medical/Hepatitis B 0 subtotal 27,500 393 Grant Match/Redevelop. 395 Historic District 0 397Fringe Area Expense 0 398 Greenway Project 0 399 Robertson Settlement 0 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 62,800 ',,cC SOFTWAF'E JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department Common Council ~_ 4'_ ~PIT~AL ~TLAY ........ subto~l subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 129,304 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cerify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Common Council for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 63,504 3,000 62,800 0 129,304 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head ~FC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVlLLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 ~1 PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town Director 12Animal Control Officer 3Operations Coordinator 15Overtime 7 Full-Time 18Part-Time subtotal 198Social Secudty 199PERF subtotal subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 163,810 ACCOUNT2 30,000 ACCOUNT3 45,400 ACCOUNT4 14,600 TOTAL 253,810 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM # I Office, Board, Commission, Department _~ ....... 0_ Animal Shelter I 2 SUPPLIES 34,518 26,196 22,719 7,413 34,008 16,417 141,271 11,302 11,237 22,539 0 201 Printing 2,000 210Office Supplies 2,000 211 Computer Supplies 1,000 240 Maintanance Supplies 2,500 248 Chemicals 6,500 249Cleaning Supplies 6,500 255Medical Supplies 3,000 256Other Supplies 3,000 257 Dog/Cat Food/Litter 2,000 258Other Animal Supplies 1,500 subtotal .... 30,0~3-(~ subtotal 0 subtotal 0 163,810 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 30,000 ~FC SOF.~/VARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City ! Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # '1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Animal Shelter 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 326Veterinarian Services 800 327 Pest Control 1,000 330Travel/Mileage 1,400 331 Postage 200 332Education 1,000 subtotal 4,400 340 Electric Current 8,500 342 Gas Heat 16,000 346Water 2,000 354Clothing Allowance 4,000 359Life Insurance 900 362 Repair Parts 800 _ 3_63~E~1~i~p_me_n_t_Repair ___ 2,000 subtotal 34,200 364Electric/Plumbing Repair 1,200 3681 ncinerator/Heat Repair 1,200 370 Cellular Phones 2,000 371 Beepers 400 372Security System Monitor 500 390Summer Intern 1,500 subtotal 6,800 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 32. 45,400 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM f¢ Office, Board, Commission, Department Animal Shelter _4 CA~PI_~L~OU TI.J~_~ ...... 400 Improvements/Equipment 403Caging 405 Machinery/Safety Equip. 406Other Equipment 433Office Equipment subtotal 10,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 14,600 0 0 subtotal 455Vehicle subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,600 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 253,810 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT 2 ACCOUNT 3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cerity that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Animal Shelter for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 163,810 30,000 45,400 14,600 253,810 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head I GFC FC $OF? WARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 I I PERSONAL SERVICES City / Town ............ ~0_00Budget Year BUDGET FORM # Office, Board, Commission, Department Vehicle Maintenance [-~'-~UPPLIES 112Maintenance Director 113 Mechanic #1 114Mechanic #2 115 Mechanic #3 116Diesel Mechanic 117Secretary 118Mechanic HealpedCleaning 131 Overtime subtotal 198Social Security 199PERF 34,518 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 3,512 18,720 7,OOO 163,750 13,100 14,738 201 Pdnting 210Office Supplies 232Tires/Tubes 234Oils/Lubrications 235Gas/Diesel FueI 237Shop Supplies 238Garage/Motor 239Red Lights/Sirens subtotal 850 1,500 17,500 17,000 120,000 12,000 80,000 8,000 256,850 subtotal 27,838 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 191,588 ACCOUNT2 256,850 ACCOUNT3 35,050 ACCOUNT4 7,500 TOTAL 490,988 191,588 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 0 256,850 ~FC SOFTWA,~L=. JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Vehicle Maintenance ~ 30THERSERVICES& CHARGES 312Telephone 1,000 330Travel 1,000 331 Repeator Service 1,200 340 Electric Current 5,000 342 Heating Costs 5,000 subtotal 13,200 343 Sewage 150 354Clothing Allowance 4,000 357Training/Seminars 2,000 359Life Insurance 1,500 364Building Repairs 5,000 365Equipment Repair 2,000 380 Services Contractual 7,000 subtotal 21,650 382Titles/Licenses 200 subtotal 200 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 35,050 ;FC SOF?WAr~E JEFFERSONVlLLE Fund Name GENERAL City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM Number Office, Board, Commission, Department 0101 Vehicle Maintenance 0 [___~4 C_A_?JTAL~OUTLAY ....... ~ 401 Tools/Equipment 7,500 subtotal 7,500 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,500 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 490,988 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT 2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Vehicle Maintenance Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2o0o for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 191,588 256,850 35,050 7,500 490,988 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head ~._ ...... ;FC SOFT!AIARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 City / Town PERSONAL SERVICES 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # 0 Pemonnel and Safety [~___S_?~PPLIES ................. 111 Personnel Director 113 Part-Ti me subtotal 198Social Secudty 199PERF 34,518 0 34,518 2,762 3,107 201 Office Supplies 2,000 210Books/Manuals 1,500 220 Human Relations Supplies 2,000 subtotal 5,500 subtotal 5,869 subtotal subto~l subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 40,387 ACCOUNT2 5,500 ACCOUNT3 5,400 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 51,287 40,387 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 5,500 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Personnel and Safety OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 327 Postage 500 330 Travel/M !_le_a_g_e __ 300 331 Seminars 1,000 341 Legal Ads 300 350Computer Maintenance 1,500 subtotal 3,600 355Subscription/Dues 500 359Life Insurance 300 365 Promotion 500 370Employee Drug Testing 500 subtotal 1,800 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 5,400 JEFFERSONVlLLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM # '1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Personnel and Safety _4 ._C~A _PIgTAiL O U TLA~Y~ .......... subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 51,287 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT 3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cerify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Personnel and Safety far the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 40,387 5,500 5,400 0 51,287 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 City / Town I1 PERSONALSERVICES 111 Consultant]SafebJ/Spec Ev subtotal 198Social Secudty 199PERF subtotal subtotal Total Account 1 Personal Services ACCOUNT1 8,234 ACCOUNT2 0 ACCOUNT3 45,000 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 53,234 7,038 7,038 563 633 1,196 0 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Cf I Office, Board, Commission, Department ADA ~2 _s~pPMES~ subtotal subtotal subtotal 8,234 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 347Curbs Cuts 45,000 45,000 0 0 0 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # Ada subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 45,000 FC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department # ADA 0 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY subto~l 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 53,234 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the ADA for the calendar year 200o Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified, Dated this day of 1999 8,234 0 45,000 0 53,234 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head L _ FC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number GENERAL 0101 r I PERSONALSERVlCES L City / Town 112Service Officer subtotal 198Social Secudty subtotal subtotal Total Account '1 Personal Services ACCOUNT1 5,940 ACCOUNT2 500 ACCOUNT3 1,638,723 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 1,645,163 5,500 5,500 440 440 0 .... 200(~Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department # Board of Public Works 212 Event Expenses subtotal subtotal subtotal 500 50O 0 5,940 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 500 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # I Office, Board, Commission, Department # Board of Public Works 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 312Telephone 50,000 325Maintenance Service 400 340 Electric Current 200,000 _. _3~.? Legal Ads 2,000 346Water 3,600 subtotal 256,000 subtotal 351 Insurance 355Subscriptions & Dues 357E.D.C. Dues 358 Hospitalization 363Traffic Signals 367Drainage Non/Reverting ,, _-?~ ~; o _u _n .ty~ ~'~ Renj. a_.,-_ T-~ subtotal 275,000 6,000 13,000 800,000 20,000 125,000 12,210 1,251,210 22,000 20,000 19,000 15,000 7,000 3,513 86,513 20,000 25,000 0 45,000 subtotal subtotal subtotal 382 Sidewalk Renovation 383Main Street 389Switchboard Operator 392 Medical/Hepatitis B 395Historic Distdct 397Fringe Area Expenses subtotal 397 Greenway 398Robertson Settlement 00 subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 1,638,723 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name GENERAL Number 0101 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGETFORM#1 Office, Board, Commission, Department Board of Public Works 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 1,645,163 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT 3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Board of Public Works for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 5,940 500 1,638,723 0 1,645,163 GENERALFORM 2 2000 10 10030205 0101 YEAR C-O ........ iD- -' F'U'~ D-~ JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: GENERAL FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEAR 2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED July 1, 1999 to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Boar Dec 31, 1999 Tax Comm. Dec 31, 2000 Tax Com 2~- F~ T~ ...................... 42,000 44,887 202 Vehicle License Excise Tax 537,149 -~:~7 203 CAGIT Certified Shares 0 ......................... xxxxx,,~ 212 County Option Income Tax (COLT) 0 ( 101 Dog Licenses 1,60C 3,20( 220,00( 201 Building Permits 100,00£ 100 Licenses 21,00( 200 Permits 4,37-~ ,202 Street and Curb Cut Permits 301 Housing Authority 300 Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes 121 Federal Matching Funds 503 Cigareffe Tax Distribution - General 14,85f, 27,956 504 Cigarette Tax to CCIF 506 Cigarette Tax - Police Pension Fund 505 Cigarette Tax - Fire Pension Fund 416 Motor Vehicle Highway Distribution !417 Local Road and Street 1600 State Payment in Lieu of Taxes } 73. ? _.~_o.p~¥ (~.!'t ar ge ~. 3,000 6,000 !206 Fire Protection Contracts .)501 Dog Pound Receipts 56,441 104,000 2 7 (} 8__. _Fe d~ _.R_ _eimb_u_r_sem e n~_Eer _S_eLvice,~ .......... 33,333 H01 Court Docket Fees 20,000 40,000 t104 Ordinance Violations 500 1,600 ~100 Interest on Investments 14,000 28,00(; ~200 Rental Property 5201 Transfer from Parking Meter Fund 5202 Trensfer from CCIF 5205 Trensfer from Utility 200,00( Reimbursement for Services ...... 18,_5.5.(~ ........... .37,101 ~500 Unidentified Receipts ;)999 Total Columns A and B 838,39( 1,648,09z of JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number MOTOR VEHICLE 201 City / Town 0101 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 'i Office, Board, Commission, Department PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages number title 111 Commissioner 112Assistant Commissioner 114Safety Director 115Supervisor 116 Driver/Laborer 117Driver/CDL 118 Equipment Operator 119 part-Time/Temporary 131 Overtime subtotal Items & Amount 34,518 29,512 30,750 0 27,236 115,918 120,994 28,413 21,760 25,231 434,332 35,467 39,090 74,557 0 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies number title 201Office Suppties 232Fuel 236Tools/Supplies 237Garage/Motor Supplies 248Chemicals 250 Household/Cleaning 255 Medical/Surgical/Dental .... 270 Si.~-/~ain t 271 protective Clothing 272Uniform Rental subtotal subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 500 20,000 5,000 8,000 3,000 1,500 200 26,000 6,000 8,000 78,200 0 0 198Social Secudty 199PERF subtotal subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 508,889 ACCOUNT 2 78,200 ACCOUNT 3 194,300 ACCOUNT4 127,000 TOTAL 908,389 508,889 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 0 78,200 ;FC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name MOTOR VEHICLE Number 201 2000 Budget Year BUDGETFORM#t Office, Board, Commission, Department OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Professional Services number title 301 Drug/Alcehol 327Postage 330Travel/Mileage 331 Repeater Service 332 Mobile Phones subtotal 340Utilities 350 Buildings/Structures 351 insurance 358Hospitalization 359Employee Life Insurance Items & Amount 2,000 200 1,600 3,000 2,500 9,300 7,700 20,000 67,000 74,700 10,600 5,000 185,000 0 0 Repairs & Maintenance number title subtotal Items & Amount 363Equipment Rental subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 194,300 )FC $OFTWAR~ JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name MOTOR VEHICLE Number 201 0101 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land number title 400 Buildings 474Motor Equipment subtotal Items & Amount 2,000 125,000 127,000 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 127,000 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 908,389 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the MOTOR VEHICLE for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified, Dated this day of 1999 508,889 78,200 194,300 127,000 908,389 Signature and Title of Officers or Department Head ~ ] MVHF2 2000 10 10030205 0708 YEAR CO ID FUND # JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: M V H FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEAR 2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- -X- -B- -X- July 1, 1999to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Board of Dec 31, 1999 Tax Comm Dec 31, 2000 Tax Comm 0 )202 Vehicle License Excise Tax )203 CAGIT Certified Shares )204 Property Tax Replacement Credit ............ _XXXXXXX~__.. XXX~ :~101 Dog Licenses 3201 Building Permits ~)2 str%t~d~urb C~u-~-Pe~i~ ..... 1300 Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes 1121 Federal Matching Funds 1501 Liquor Excise Tax Distributions 1502 Alcohol Beverage Gallonage Tax 1503 Cigarette Tax Distribution - Genera~ 1504 Cigarette Tax to CClF 1'506- (~i~'e-~e Ta--x~-~)-oli~ce Pensio~'~und 1505 Cigarette Tax- Fire Pension Fund 1416 MotorVehicle Highway Distribution 330,22( 621,47E 1417 Local Road and Street 1600 State Payment in Lieu of Taxes 2206 Fire Protection Contracts 2501 Dog Pound Receipts 4101 Court Docket Fees 4104 Ordinance Violations 6100 Interest on Investments 6200 Rental Property 5201 Transfer from Parking Meter Fund 5202 Transfer from CCIF 52_0_~_ ~ra n sfe~r, f_r~_m Utili_~ 6500 Unidentified Receipts I I ~999 Total ColUmns A and B 330,220 621,478 o z 8~ JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number CUMULATIVE CAPITAL DEV. 403 City / Town 0101 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department I PERSONALSERVlCES Salaries and Wages number title items & Amount subtotal subtotal Office Supplies number title subtotal subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 0 subtotal Total Account 1 Personal Services ACCOUNT1 0 ACCOUNT2 0 ACCOUNT3 g ACCOUNT4 355,281 TOTAL 355,281 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies FCSOF~¥ARE JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Number CUMULATIVE CAPITAL DEV. 403 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Professional Services number title Items & Amount subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department Repairs & Maintenance number title 0 subtotal 0 0 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES Items & Amount 0 FC $OF'FWAF~E JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town 0101 Budget Year Fund Name Number CUMULATIVE CAPITAL DEV. 403 BUDGET FORM # '1 Office, Board, Commission, Department 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land Items & number title Amount 479Misc. Capita[ Purchases 26,854 480Police Department Vehicles 162,500 482Engineering Truck 25,000 483 Fire Truck Lease 68,943 484Stata of IN Loan Payment 37,500 subtotal 320,797 485Police Crown Vic Lease 34,484 subtotal 34,484 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 355,281 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE [ 355,281 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cerify that the foregoing is a tree and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the CUMULATIVE CAPITAL DEV. Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2000 for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 0 0 0 355,281 355,281 GFC -'~ Signature and ~tle of Officem orDepa~me~ Head ~ ..... CUM. CAP. DEVE F2 2000 10 10030205 2391 YEAR -CO ....... ID ~FDND JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: CUM. CAP. DEVELOPMENT FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEAR: 2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED I -- -A- -X- -B- -X- July 1, 1999 to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Board of Dec 31, 1999 Tax Corem Dec 31, 2000 Tax Com_m~_ )201 FIT Tax 1,305 1,46(~ i~ ~-2- ~i'~ ~c e~ ~ -~X" c~e ~ a~- .............. ~'~684 i ~ ~--~ otor ~e~-~-~ 9999 Total Columns A and B 17,989 24,92~ m O0 ,-I -~ m z JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name 0 Number PARK City / Town Number Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages number title 111 Superintendent 112Assistant Superintendent 113Director of Programs 114 Director of Athletics 115Office Manager 116Swimming Pool Staff 117 Part-Time Labor 118Full-Time Labor (7) 119Recreation Supervisors 120Director of Maintenance 121 Director of Recreation subtotal 130Overtime 198Social Security 199PERF subtotal subtotal SUPPLIES Items & Office Supplies Amount number title 34,518 210Office Supplies 27,660 215Recreation Supplies 22,780 20,659 24,902 38,275 31,434 138,742 58,640 27,660 0 425,270 14,763 35,203 28,027 77,993 0 216Promotion Supplies 225Pool Supplies 240 Building Materials 245 Garage/Motor Supplies 247Trees/Shrubs 265Supplies General 270Paints/Sgns/Etc. 275Uniforms subtotal subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 3,551 37,295 2,679 19,689 5,627 10,716 1,071 30,062 2,143 2,000 114,833 0 0 Total Account 1 Personal Services ACCOUNT1 503,263 ACCOUNT2 114,833 ACCOUNT3 171,481 ACCOUNT4 202,718 TOTAL 992,295 503,263 subto~l Total Account 2 Supplies 0 114,833 ;FC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name 0 Number PARK City / Town 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department 13 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Professional Services ]terns & number title Amount 327Postage 693 330Travel/Mileage 3,658 331 Lease/Rental 4,630 340Grass Cutting 2,143 342Advedising 3,252 subtotal 14,376 343Printing 4,193 344 Utilities 83,100 345 Professional Services 11,415 346Abstracts/Deeds 530 -" ~-;~47Tree T~m m~ ......... 5,358 348Waste Removal 3,000 350Park Board Members 1,800 subtotal 109,396 355Subscriptions/Dues 530 359 Life Insurance 3,600 362 Repairs Bldg./Structure 25,789 364 Electric/Plumbing Repairs 10,931 365 Maintenance Contract 2,572 395Equipment Repair 4,287 subtotal 47,709 subtotal 0 Repairs & Maintenance number title subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 171,481 JF:FFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Number 0 PARK Number Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY Items & Amount 2,143 Land number title 4658and/DirtJBrick Dust 490Trucks/Vans 0 491 Mowers 23,575 600 Park Capital N/R 177,000 subtotal 202,718 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 202,7t8 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 992,295 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the 0 for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 503,263 114,833 171,481 202,718 992,295 Signature and Title of Ofticem or Department Head PARKF2 2000 10 10030205 1303 YEAR CO ID FUND if JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: PARK FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEAR: 2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- -X- -B- -X- July 1, 1999 to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Board of Dec 31, 1999 Tax Comm Dec 31, 2000 Tax Comm ~201 FIT Tax 4,45( 5,542 ~202 Vehicle License Excise Tax 56,99; 89,06§ 1203 CAGIT Certified Shares t204 Property Tax Replacement Credit XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX 1212 Counb/Option Income Tax (COIT) 6200Rental Property 1,600 2,60C 3100 Interest on Investments 3200 Rental of Property 3400 Contributions and Donations 9999 Total Columns A and B 63,04(. 97,211 o ~o~ 8 8~ JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name 0 City / Town Number POLICE PENSION Number Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages number title 111 Salaries 112Secretary Salary 113Death Benefits subtotal subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 533,670 2,400 18,000 554,070 0 0 I 2 _~U_PPLIE~S ........... } Office Supplies Items & number title Amount 201 Office Supplies 500 210 Stationery/Printing 500 255 Medical/Surgical/Dental 4,500 subtotal 5,500 ~ubtot~l ........... 0 subtotal 0 Total Account t Personal Services ACCOUNT~ 554,070 ACCOU~rr2 5,500 ACCOUNT3 10,350 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 569,920 554,070 ....... subt~-al 0 Total Account 2 Supplies 6,500 JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name 0 Number POLICE PENSION 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department ~3- OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES professional Services Items & number title Amount 327 Postage 250 330Travel/Mileage 5,000 356Premiums on Bonds 100 385Legat 5,000 subtotal 10,350 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal Repairs & Maintenance number title subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 0 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 10,350 JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name 0 Number POLICE PENSION 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land Items & number title Amount subtotal Number Budget Year BUDGET FORM # I Office, Board, Commission, Department subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 569,920 (I) (We) hereby cerify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the 0 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2000 for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 554,070 5,500 10,350 0 GFC SOFTWARE POLICE PENSIO F2 2000 10 10030205 0342 YEAR CO ID FUND # JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA FUND#6 ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: POLICE PENSION FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEAR: 2000 I ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- -X- -B- -X- July 1, 1999 to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Board of Dec 31, 1999 Tax Comm Dec 31, 2000 Tax Comm l)201 FIT Tax 1,68( 1,417 0202 Vehicle License Excise Tax 211~5( ........ 22,77~1 0203 CAGIT Certified Shares 0204 - ~o~/~- R~plac~:m~nt Credit ............... XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX 0212 County Option Income Tax (COLT) 1415Assessments 2,529 5,058 2714 PERF and OASI Reimbursements ~-~2,747 Interest on Investments : Rental of Counbj Property 400 Contributions and Donations §990 lotal Columns A and B 308,520 311 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number FIRE PENSION 307 City / Town I '1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salades and Wages Items & number title Amount 111 Salaries 931,663 112Secretary Salary 2,400 113Death Benefits 18,000 subtotal 952,063 subtotat 0 subtotal 0 Number Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department I 2 s_uPpp_ES ................ Office Supplies Items & number title Amount 200Official Records 400 210Other Office Supplies 200 255 Medical/Surgical/Dental 3,500 subtotal 4,100 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT 1 952,063 ACCOUNT 2 4,100 ACCOUNT 3 2,600 ACCOUNT 4 175 TOTAL 958,938 952,063 subto~l Total Account 2 Supplies 4,100 GFC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name FIRE PENSION Number 3O7 2000BNdget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department ~OTHERSERVICES & CHARGES Professional Services number title 317Attorney Fees 327Postage 330Travel/Mileage subtotal items & Amount 1,000 6O0 1,000 2,600 0 0 0 Repairs & Maintenance number title subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES 2,600 JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Number FIRE PENSION 307 Number Budget Year BUDGET FORM # I Office, Board, Commission. Department 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land items & number title Amount 473 Furniture/Fixtures 175 subtotal 175 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 175 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 958,938 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the FIRE PENSION Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2000 for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 952,063 4,100 2,600 FIRE PENSIONF2 2000 10 10030205 0341 YEAR CO ID FUND # JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA FUND # 7 ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: FIRE PENSION FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEAR: 2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED ~ -A- -X- -B- -X- July 1, 1999 ko State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Board of I Dec 31, 1999 Tax Comm Dec 31, 2000 Tax Comm 201 FIT Tax 2,20.c 1,84~ 2(~- Ve~ic~ ~"Li-ce ns~'-Ex~cis e ~-~ 28,25.. 29,710 '203 CAGIT Certified Shares ,204 Property Tax Replacement Credit XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX 1415Assessments .... 4,08( 8,172 ~100 Interest on Investments 3200 Rental of County Property ........... 3400 Contributions and Donations ~99 Total Columns A and B 363,003 368,18~ 0 ~E o 0 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number City-County Building Rental 318 [- I PERSONAL SERVICES City ! Town Salaries and Wages number title Items & Amount subtotal ..... 200_0~ Budget Year BUDGET FORM # '1 Office, Board, Commission, Department SUPPLIES Office Supplies number title subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 0 subtotal subtotal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 0 ACCOUNT2 0 ACCOUNT3 230,000 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 230,000 0 subtotal Other Supplies 0 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies JEFFERSONVILLE City ! Town Fund Name City-County Building Rental Number 318 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department 3 OTHER SERVICES& CHARGES Professional Services Items & number title Amount 395Building Rental 230,000 Repairs & Maintenance number title ~ub~to~a-I- ...... 230,000 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 TOTALACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES Items & Amount 0 230,000 FC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Number City-County Building Rental 318 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department CAPITAL OUTLAY Land number title Items & Amount subtotal subtotal 0 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE L_ 230,_0~0~ ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the City-County Building Rental for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 0 0 230,000 0 230,000 Signatu~ and Title of Officem or Department Head BUILDING RENT F2 2000 10 10030205 2203 YEAR CO ID FUND # JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA FUND #8 ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: BUILDING RENT FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEAR: 2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -^- -x- -B- i -x- L July 1, 1999 to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to I State Board o Dec31, 1999 TaxComm Dec31,2000 i TaxComm / ?202 Vehicle License Excise Tax 14,216 17,326 t [0000 lotal Columns A and ~ ~5,32~ , -~ m~> c C City / Town JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number Sanitation 244 I I PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages Items & number title Amount 111 Heavy Equipment Operator 29,163 112 Driver/C DL (10) 213,670 113 DrivedLaborer (3) 64,708 114Laborer 19,366 116Secretary 1,788 131 Overtime 22,375 subtotal 351,070 198Social Secudty 28,086 199PERF 31,596 subtotal 59,682 subtotal 0 ..... _2_00~0 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department SUPPLIES Office Supplies number title 232Fuel 234Maintenance Supplies 248Chemicals 250 Household/Laundry/Clean 255 Medical/S u rgical/Dental 256 Protective Clothing 265Office Supplies 272 Uniform Rental subtotal subtotal subtotal Items & Amount 27,500 30,000 2,500 400 200 4,400 500 4,200 69,700 Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 410,752 ACCOUNT2 69,700 ACCOUNT3 368,506 ACCOUNT4 9,939 TOTAL 858,897 410,752 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 69,700 JEFFERSONVlLLE Fund Name Sanitation Number 244 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # f Or'ce, Board, Commission, Department 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Professional Services Items & number title Amount 302 Services Contractual 67,832 303 Petty Cash 500 --~2~ Co-r~p~ter~vice 3,000 --33~avertisi-ng- ..... 900 351 Insurance 2,000 subtotal 74,232 359Life Insurance 4,600 369Landfill 224,674 370 Environmental Fees 65,000 Repairs & Maintenance number title subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 294,274 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES Items & Amount 0 368,506 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Sanitation Number 244 City / Town 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land Items & number title Amount 400Buildings 3,000 474Motor Equipment 6,939 subtotal 9,939 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,939 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 858,897 ' ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (l) (We) hereby cedfy that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Sanitation for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 410,752 69,700 368,506 9,939 858,897 Signature and Title of Officers or Depadrnent Head ~- ........... GFC ] )FC SOFTWARE SANITATION F2 2000 10 10030205 6401 Y'E~R g-O- iD JEFFERSONVlLLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA FUND #9 ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: SANITATION FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEA 2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- -X- -B- -X- July 1, 1999 to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Board of Dec 31, 1999 Tax Comm Dec 31, 2000 Tax Comm ~201 FIT Tax 4,45.~ 4,00,~ ~202 Vehicle License Excise Tax 57,02." 64,35." ~203 CAGIT Certified Shares 1204 Property Tax Replacement Credit XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX ~212 County Option Income Tax (COLT) 3100 Interest on Investments 3200 Rental of County Property 3400 Contributions and Donations 9999 Total Columns A and B 61,484 68,358 o 0 0 0 0 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Number probation User Fund 266 City / Town ~ 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salades and Wages Items & number title Amount 110Judge 15,154 112Deputy Clerk 11,995 116Probation Officer 32,187 117Probation Secretaries 38,029 118Part Time Secretary 119 subtotal 97,365 198Social Security 7,789 199P.E.R.F, 8,763 subtotal 16,552 subtotal 0 Total Account 1 Personal Services ACCOUNT1 113,917 ACCOUNT2 4,000 ^CCOUNT3 21,960 ACCOUNT4 3,000 TOTAL 142,877 .... 200~0 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department ~2 _?_UPPLIES ................ ~ Office Supplies number title 201 Staticeery/Pdnting 216Office Supplies 217Other Office Supplies subtotal subtotal subtotal ttams & Amount 2,500 500 1,000 4,000 113,917 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 4,000 ;FC SOFTWARE JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Number Probation User Fund 266 2000Budget Year BUDGETFORM Office, Board, Commission, Department I30THERSERVICES &CHARGES Professional Services items & number title Amount 325Maintenance Service 7,000 327 Postage - - 500 330Travel/Mileage 500 355Subscdptions/Dues 600 356 Bond Premiums ....... 100 subtotal 8,700 357School/Education 500 358Hospitalization 7,560 Repairs & Maintenance number title subtotal 359Employee Life Insurance 1,200 363Equipment Repair 4,000 subtotal subtotal 13,260 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES Items & Amount 0 21,960 ~FC SOFTWAR~- JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Number Probation User Fund 266 2000Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Office, Board, Commission, Department 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land Items & number title Amount 473 Fu rniture/Fixtures 2,000 _4__7.5_Office Eq_uip~m_~nt __ '1,00_0 subtotal 3,000 subtotal subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,000 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 142,877 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cerify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Probation User Fund for the calendar year 2000 Office, Board, Commission, Depar[ment or Fund for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 113,917 4,000 21,960 3,000 142,877 0 F2 2000 10 10030205 0 -YEAR -C-O ....... I[~ ....... FUND ~-' JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA FUND # 10 ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND 0 Probation User FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YE 2000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- -X- -B- -X- Jury 1, 1999 to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Board of Dec 31, 1999 Tax Comm Dec 31, 2000 Tax Comm )201 FIT Tax ¢ ¢ )202 Vehicle License Excise Tax ¢ ¢ )203 CAGIT Certified Shares )204 Property Tax Replacement Credit XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX )212 County Option Income Tax (COLT) ................ ~100 Interest on Investments 2,30(} 4,600 ~200 Rental of County Property r)40~ cont~il~utions~a nd~a-uon~' 52,00(} 104,00(} 9999 Total Columns A and B 54,30( 108,60( 0 0 JEFFERSONVILLE Fund Name Local Roads & Streets City / Town 20~0?.Budget Year BUDGET FORM # 1 Number Office, Board, Commission, Department 205 Office Supplies Items & / 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages number title Amount number title Amount 249Sodium/Calcium 25,000 262 Const/Recenstruction 400,000 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 425,000 ....... -~h-~tota~ .......... ~ subtotal 0 subtatal Total Account I Personal Services ACCOUNT1 0 ACCOUNT2 425,000 ACCOUNT 3 0 ACCOUNT4 0 TOTAL 425,000 subtotal Total Account 2 Supplies 425,000 JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Local Roads & Streets Number 205 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department 3 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Professional Services Items & number title Amount Repairs & Maintenance Items & number title Amount subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subtotal subtotal 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 3 SERVICES AND CHARGES JEFFERSONVILLE City / Town Fund Name Local Roads & Streets Number 2O5 2000 Budget Year BUDGET FORM Office, Board, Commission, Department 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land Items & number title Amount subtotal 0 subtotal 0 subtotal subtotal subt-~-ta~ ..... 0 TOTAL ACCOUNT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE · 425,000 ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT2 ACCOUNT3 ACCOUNT4 TOTAL (I) (We) hereby cedf¥ that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of the necessary expenseof the Local Roads & Streets Office, Board, Commission, Department or Fund for the calendar year 2000 for the purposes therein specified. Dated this day of 1999 0 425,000 0 0 425,000 LOCAL RD. & S F2 2000 10 10030205 0706 ~E~R~ CO ID ......... ~ ON~D--~ JEFFERSONVILLE CLARKCOUNTY, INDIANA ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR FUND: LOCAL RD. & STREET FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUND TO BE RAISED, YEAR ..... 270~0_ .... ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED _A_ -X- I -B' _X~_-_-- July 1, 1999 to State Board of Jan 1, 2000 to State Board of Dec 31, 1999 Tax Comm Dec 31, 2000 Tax Comm 1201 FIT Tax (; 0 !202 Vehicle License Excise Tax £ 0 ~203 CAGIT Certified Shares ~204 Property Tax Replacement Credit ~ -~' 1212 County Option Income Tax (COLT) i~1 ~' iVIot~r v¥~icle-~g~vay A-~.ou~ ........ -158~3 0 ->102 Building Department 6500 Unidentified Recipts 6100 Interest on investments ~2~0 Rental of County Property 1~400 Contributions and Donations 9999 Total Columns A and B 158,273 340,94-" .... 0 0 Z 0 m 0 0 0 0