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Ordinance No. 2006- OR -42
Before the Common Council
City of Jeffersonville, Indiana
An Ordinance Creating The Jeffersonville Major Moves
Special Fund
Whereas, The Legislature of the State ofIndiana has approved House Enrolled Act No.
1008, thereby creating the Indiana Major Moves Construction Fund, and
Whereas, Indiana Code I.C. 8-14-1-5 allows for funds to be allocated to cities and towns
from the state motor vehicle highway account, as a result ofH.E.A 1008, and
Whereas, the Major Moves construction fund money will come as a separate
distribution apart from the regular state motor vehicle highway money, and
Whereas, Indiana code 8-14-1 allows for the City of Jeffersonville, among other cities
and towns to receive $188,567.04 on or before October 15, 2006 and again on
or before October 15,2007. , and
Whereas, the funds received be the City of Jeffersonville according to I.C. 8-14-1-5 may
be used for construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance, snow removal,
the purchase or lease of highway construction and maintenance equipment,
and other safety and traffic projects and must be budgeted as provided by state
Now therefore Be It Ordained that the Common Council of the City of
Jeffersonville hereby establish the Jeffersonville Maior Moves Special
Fund, and
Furthermore be Ordained that the following provisions will be applied:
Section 1. This Major Moves Special Fund shall be a non-reverting fund with no time
limit for spending or appropriation
Section 2. As provided by state law, all Major Moves Special Fund monies must be
budgeted by the Common Council and the Council shall approve all claims
from The Major Moves Special fund.
Section 3. As provide under I. C. 8-14-1-5 the City of Jeffersonville shall expend up to
10% of this Major Moves Special Fund monies for law enforcement purposes
Section 4. As provided under LC 8-14-1-5 the Common Council may allocate Major
Moves Special Fund monies for the principle and interest, on bonds sold
primarily to finance road, street, or thoroughfare projects.
This ordinance shall be in the full force and effect up its adoption.
So Ordained on the 2\~~ day of ~)~ 2006.
Common Council of
The City Of Jeffersonville, Indiana
. ~
Peggy .
Clerk and Treasurer
Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of
Jeffersonville this 23.. day of A'q ~ 2006, at M
Peggy ~
Clerk and Treasurer
y me of this ~ day of
Robert L. Walz, Jr. Mayor.
Indiana Association of Cities and Towns
http://www. citiesandtowns. org/
lit...,,';, i t~" lim,-
IACT Services Survey
TIle L\CT Executive Committee will nndeltake a hi-,uu111al stntegic
pbnniug pmcess next llionth. Feedhack fWili lliu.ulcipal officials ,thont the
pwgrams ,md sel.vlees that LiCT cl1uendy oftE-rs is critical, and we'd
appreciate it if you 'would take iust a few ru.i.uutes to complete ,m online
SUl.vey to COllllllUllicate YOUl ideas to the Executive COllllllittee. "ill elected
and appointed 111l11llcip'll officials are encomaged to participate. L\.CT is
your association, and it is with your feedhack tlut tht' Executive COllunittee
",illl)bn for the fl1tme. TIl,ulk yon.
TI,e City and To,,'ll Budget Bunetin is pul)lished hy L\.CT to assist
111lullcipal officious ,,;,th the dnty of developing and adol)tiug a hudget.
L\CT thatlks the Department of Local Govemment FUl:UKe, the State
Board of Accounts and the State "-\uditor's Office for theu: assistance in
preparulg dle hulletin.
gick4ere...lo..(1()\Y1Jl{)il~ltlJ,~ZQQ7..I,,\(T~~~tY..JllE\.T()~Yll..,p.'ldget ,I3ttlletll'.
TI,e 2006 General Assembly passed bws affectulg ml1.ulcip,ilities ac:tOss the
State. SUUl111aries of die ll>:'W laws ;lr>:, ulCll1d>:,d in the 2006 Statehous>:,
J.'.~J?(,).t!, availahle 101: dowcload 'Illd lll. the June issue ofAdi"lliilh's. Futil
dlen, summaries ;llld .infoIDlatioll 011 a few of the laws ar>:, right h>:,r€':
r::.ff,,(~ts ot.;!.':-~)..(Jl.<:'.,jLJl~At:,~
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TdeCOlnmlllllcatiolls Refo~}..!.!
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h"'l(liaD8 l~ssociaticn of Cities & TOV\'T1S
Major Moves Construction Fund
$150 million to Indiana Counties, Cities & Towns
(SECTION 5 ofH.E.A. 1008)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do we have to set-up a separate fund?
A: According to SECTION 5 of House Enrolled Act No. 1008, Chapter 14 is added to 8-
14 of tlle Indiana Code. I.e. 8-14-14 does NOT mandate a separate account for tllese
Q: \X'hat are the allowed uses of the major moves construction fund?
A: According to SECTION 5 of House Enrolled Act No. 1008, Chapter 14 is added to 8-
14 of the Indiana Code. Ie. 8-14-14-6 will read (under IB) "Money distributed under
this subdivision may be used only for purposes that money distributed from the motor
vehicle highway account may be expended under 8-14-1-4 for counties and I.e. 8-14-1-
5 for cities and towns."
I.C. 8-14-1-4
County allocations; budgeting; permissible use of funds; county allocation
Sec. 4. The funds allocated to tlle respective counties of the state from the motor
vehicle highway account shall annually be budgeted as provided by L1.w, and, when
distributed shall be used for construction, reconstruction and maintenance of the
highways of the respective counties, including highways which traverse the streets of
incorporated towns, the cost of the repair and maintenance of which prior to the tenth
day of September, 1932, was paid from the county gravel road repair fund excepting
where the department is charged by law witll the maintenance or construction of any
such highway so traversing such streets. Any surplus existing in the funds at the end of
the year shall thereafter continue as a part of the highway funds of the said counties
and shall be rebudgeted and used as already provided in this chapter. The purchase,
rental and repair of highway equipment:, painting of bridges and acquisition of grounds
for erection and construction of storage buildings, acquisition of rights of way and the
purchase of fuel oil, and supplies necessary to the performance of construction,
reconstruction and maintenance of highways, shall be paid out of the high\vay account
of the various counties.
I.C. 8-14-1-5 ''\f
Permissible use of funds; municipal allocations ~
Sec. 5. (a) All funds allocated to cities and towns from the motor vehicle highway
account shall be used by the cities and towns for the construction, reconstruction,
repair, maintenance, oiling, sprinkling, snow removal, weed and tree cutting and
cleaning of their highways as herein defined, and including also any curbs, and tlle
city's or town's share of the cost of the separation of the grades of crossing of public
highways and railroads, the purchase or lease of highway construction and
maintenance equipment:, the purchase, erection, operation and maintenance of traffic
signs and signals, and safety zones and devices; and the painting of structures, objects,
surfaces in highways for purposes of safety and traffic regulation. All of such fi.l11.ds
shall be budgeted as provided by law.
(b) In addition to purposes for which funds may be expended under subsections (a)
and (c) of this section, monies allocated to cities and towns under this chapter may be
expended for law enforcement purposes, subject to the following limitations:
(1) For cities and towns with a population ofless than five thousand (5,000), no
more than fifteen percent (15%) may be spent for law enforcement purposes.
(2) For cities and towns other than those specified in subdivision (1) of this / ~
~ubsection, no more than ten percent (10%) may be spent for law enforcement ~-
(c) In addition to purposes for which funds may be expended under subsections (a)
and (b) of this section, monies allocated to cities and towns under this chapter may be
expended for the payment of principal and interest on bonds sold primarily to finance
road, street, or thoroughfare projects.
Q: Will the major moves constmction fund money come as a separate distribution apart
from my regular motor vehicle highway money? .
A: Yes. Under SECTION 5 of House Enrolled Act No. 1008, Chapter 14 is added to 8-
14 of the Indiana Code. 8-14-14-6 will read, "(a) If the authority enters into a public-
private agreement concerning the Indiana Toll Road under IC 8-15.5, the auditor of
state shall make the following distti.butions from the fund for the indicated purposes:
(1) One hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000) to the treasurer of state for
deposit in the motor vehicle highway account established by I~ 8-14-1.
Notwithstanding IC 8-14-1, on or before October 15, 2006,aiJ.d on or before October
15,2007, the auditor of state shall distt.i.bute seventy-five miIJ.i6n dollars ($75,000,000)
of the money deposited in the motor vehicle highway account under this subdivision
to each of the counties, cities, and towns eligible to receive a distribution from the
motor vehicle highway account under IC 8-14-1 and in the same proportion among
the counties, cities, and towns as funds are distributed from the motor vehicle highway
account under IC 8-14-1. The auditor of state:
(A) shall make the distributions required by this subdivision separately from
distributions required by IC 8-14-1; and
(B) may not combine the distributions required by this subdivision with
distributions required by IC 8-14-1." .
LocallvIajor Moves Constmction Fund
Special Distribution to the Counties, Cities and Towns
Stueben, LaGrange, Elkhart, St. Joseph, LaPorte, Porter & Lake
(SECTION 7 ofH.E.A. 1008)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do we have to set-up a separate fund?
A: According to SECTION 7 of House Enrolled Act No. 1008, Chapter 16 is added to 8-
14 of the Indiana Code. I.e. 8-14-16-4 will read, <'Each county, city, or town that
receives a distribution under section 3 of this chapter shall establish a local major
moves construction fund."
Q: \XThat are the allowed uses of the local major moves constmction fund?
A: According to SECTION 7 of House Enrolled Act No. 1008, Chapter 16 is added to 8
14 of tlle Indiana Code. I.e. 8-14-16-5 will read <'j\10ney in the fund may be expended
only for the following purposes:
(1) Construction of highways, roads, and bridges.
(2) In a county that is a member of the northwest Indiana regional
deyelopment authority, or in a city or town located in such a county,
any purpose for which the regional development authority may make
expenditures under I C 36-75.
(3) Pwviding funding for economic development projects (as defined
in IC 6-35-7-13. 1 (c) (1) or IC 6-3.5-7-13. 1 (c) (2) (A) through IC 6-3.5-7-
13.1 (c) (2) (K)).
(4) Matching federal grants for a purpose described in this section.
(5) Providing funding for interlocal agreenlents under IC 36-1-7 for a
put pose described in this section.
(6) Providing the county's or city's contribution to the northwest
Indiana regional development authority, in the case of a county
described in section 1 (3) of this chapter or a city described in IC 36-
Q: Will the major moyes constmction fund money come as a separate distribution apart
from my regular motor vehicle highway money?
A: Yes. Under SECTION 7 of House Enrolled Act No. 1008, Chapter 16 is added to 8-
14 of the Indiana Code. 8-14-16-3 will read, "Money distributed to a county
described in section 1 of this chapter from the major moves construction fund
under IC 8-14-14-6(a)(3) shall be distributed by the county auditor among the
county and each of the cities and towns in the county that is eligible to receive a
distribution from the motor vehicle highway account under IC 8-14-1, in the
same proportion among the county, cities, and towns as funds are distributed
from the motor vehicle highway account under IC 8-14-1."