HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-OR-01 WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the annual budget. NOW, THEREFORE: SECTION ONE BE IT ORDAINED BY the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, that for the expenses of said City the following sums of money are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the fund herein named and for the purposes herein specified, subject to a law governing, the same: AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT APPROVED Appropriation from the General Fund for the following: Building Commission Ordinance Enforcement Officer ($10.00 to $11.00 per hour) $12,000.00 SECTION TVVO This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the State Board of Tax Commissioners. VOTED AGAINST: Passed and adopted.b~y the Common Coqncil of the City o~Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana on this /--7L day o~, ~~ ~ ~¢ho~hasR. Galligah ' ~/ /,/2' Presiding Officer ATTEST;_ /~ C. Richard Spencer, ~. Clerk and Treasurer Presented by m,e as Clerk and _Treasurer to th~,Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville thisZ-Jr- day of ~,,~J. ,199_~. C. Richard Spence~,,~r. Clerk and Treasurer 199~_.This Ordinance approved and signed by me this . Thomas R. Gal~igan, Mayo~,,~ Form Prescribed by State Board of Accounts J (Governmental Un ~'t) C~_~ff_k County, Indiana LINE COUNT General Form No. 99P (Revised i987) To: 6v lqt qr Dr. ! ,.J PUBLISHER'S CLAIM Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement is set)--number of equivalent lines . . , Head -- number of lines ............... Body -- number of lines ............... Tail -- number of lines ............... Total number of lines in notice .......... CObIPUTATION OF CHARGES ~O lines, / columns wi.d.e e. qya~s...~' equivalent lines at ~-~-~ cents per line ........ Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of above amount) ............ Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) .......... . TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM .............. DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column Lt~ems Number of insertions Size of type~ point Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount clalmed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been pai~. PUBLISHER' S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ...... County ) NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF PROPOSED ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS nally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county Notic~ishere~ygivenm~tax- tare, the undersigned [,1~- ~[~AJ~t~l'~e[-- who, being duly payers of Jeffer~onville. CI~rk County, la~a ~t me prop~ ~~-- le~ officm of s~d m~ieipal ~ says t~at~ ~. he is of the leff~nville.R~m ~8, City-County Building,indi~atY:00p.~ tl~ circular ro~pr}nted' an~ published in the English language in o~e4~yofI~u~,l~9, -~v5 (~5 of ~~ff,[]~ in state and county afore- profited ~o~bUdgaf°r~efis~Y~°fl~P'REQ~S~D ~ly published in said paper for ~_ fi. time . .,[ the ~ ] I~ // .'.~tary Public 0 0 LEGAL ADVERT I S I NG TABLE SHOWING PRiCE-PER LiNE AND' PE_R INSERTIO~ .20i 30~ ;403 5~42 .204 .306 .408 .SiO .208 .312 .416 .520 .209 .31{ .4!8 .522 Ii 2 ~ 3 j 4 1.263 .395 .527 .658 .225 .339 .451 ,564 .210 .316 ,421 .527 .197 .296 .395 .494 .175 ,263 .351 .438 .158 .237 .316 .395 t ' 9.6 ~ CO]utah i ~ 2 J 31 4 I! 2! s! 4' .272 .4o8 .544 .6~o ~3!~ ,496 .635 .793 ,332 .499 .665 .831 .347 .'695 ,8 .291 .437 ,582 ,727 .304 .458 ,6!0 .762 .318 ,478 .638 .7 .249 .374 .499 .624 .261 .392 .523 .653 .273 .410 .946 .6 ,233 .349 .466 .582 .244 .366 .488 .610 .295 .383 .510 .6 .218 .328 .437 .~46 .228 .343 .457 .572 .239 .359 .478 9.9 Em Column I0 Em Column 299 .453 .604 .?~'5 ~1 z'J 3i 4 .374 .562 .748 .935 · 320 .481 .641 .801 .299 .449 .599 .748 .280 .421 .561 ~701 ,249 .374 .499 .624 .224 .337 .449 .561 .187 .281 .374 .468 ]4----2% .635 .84~ 1.057 .388 .982 .776 .9¥o .493 .683 .9o7 1.154 t5 Em ]?~,umn I13 Em Co tumn ~ 5 ~ .~92 .590 .786 .982 I I 13.5 Em Column 14 Em Column 14.5 ~ COlurn'~ .869 ]362 .544 .726 .9o7! .377 .56V':7~g~ .797 .332 .499 .689 .e33 .346 .920 .69~ ;~66 .682 .284 .427 .570 .7~2 .297 .446 .594 .742 .637 .266 .399 .532 .665 .277 .416 .554 .693 ~598 .249 .374 .499 .624 .260 .390 .520 .650 .53i .22~,2333 .444 .554 .230 .346 .462 .5771 '~' ~ 2 ..... ~'i- i-- 2I ~ [ 4 i 1 21 $ j 4" .318 .478 .638 .797 .332 .499 .665 .833 , .346 .520 .69~ :866 .273 .410 .546 .682 .284 .42? .570 .712 .29? .446 .594 .?42 .255 .383 .510 .637 ' .266 .399 .532 .665 !.277 .416 .554 .693 .239 .359 478 .598 249 .374 ,499 .624 .260 .390 .520 .650 212 .319 .425 .53i '22~ .3~.~ .444 ~554 .230 .346 .462 .5771 W~-~'."Yra%~-zs~,~- ~Yd~'~!;t.~~9 I ' 208 .~ x~ : ~36 ~$2O~