HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-OR-77 VETO STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDiNANCE NO. 2005-OR-77 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS A ONE-ACRE TRACT LOCATED AT 2413 UTICA PIKE. Whereas, Thomas W. Kempf, has filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached Exhibits from RI: Low Density Residential to M1: Limited Multifamily Residential; and Whereas, on November 29, 2005 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified to the Council a unfavorable recommendation concerning the proposed change to the City's zoning map; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(f)(1); and, Whereas, this C6mmon Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for December 5, 2005 at 7:30 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached Exhibits hereby changed from R1: Low Density Residential to M1: Limited Multifamily Residential; and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this ~V-D~-V2-Q---day of December 2005. COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, By: Robert L. Waiz, Jr. Presiding Officer ATTEST: Peggy Wilder Clerk-Treasurer .l~resented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Je£fersonville this ~ day of December 2005. Pegg~y~v!~lder Clerk-Treasurer This Ordinance approved and signed by me this 69~' day of December 2005. Robert L. Waiz, Jr., Mayor BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE IN THE STATE OF INDIANA IN RE THE VETO OF ORDINANCE NO. 2005-OR-77 Comes now the Mayor and Executive for the City of Jeffersonville, Robert I Waiz, Jr. and having considered and reviewed Ordinance No. 2005-OR-77, hereby exercises his statutory authority and vetoes said ordinance and in suppon states the following: 1 The Plan Commission by a vote of 6-3 gave an unfavorable recommendation of the re-zoning application. The applicant, after a public hearing, has failed to meet his burden of proof pursuant to I.C. 36-7-4-603 in that the re-zoning: a. Would not be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan; b. Would not be consistent with the current conditions and the character of current structures and uses in the current zoning district; c. Would not be the most desirable use for which the land in the current zoning district is adapted; d. Would not conserve the property values throughout the jurisdiction; and e. Would not promote responsible development and growth. The applicant, after a public hearing, has failed to demonstrate that the application is in compliance with the current conditions and character of Utica Pike, and specifically has failed to demonstrate that the proposed re- zoning complies with the Utica Pike Overlay District (Article Five of the City of Jeffersonville Zoning Ordinance). The proposed development is not currently allowed within the Utica Pike Overlay District. 4. The applicant, after public hearing, failed to demonstrate that the proposed re-zoning is the most desirable use in the neighborhood pursuant to I.C. 36-7-4-603. The most desirable use for the property is that consistent with the Utica Pike Overlay District. Muti-family residential structures are not consistent with the current characteristics of the neighborhood and the intent of the Utica Pike Overlay District. 5. After consideration of the evidence and testimony, there is no rational basis for the City Council's granting of the re-zoning application based upon objective facts. SO VETOED on this 6th day of December, 2~5'~ ._~ ~ RobertXlz:'Waiz, Jr. Mayor, City of Jeff onville ATTEST: Pe~k-y~ter Clerk-Treasurer 55'73 an~ wife, of the County of Ola~k, S~ate of Ymu~iana, to Thomas W. 'Eemp£:and N~:~ J. Kempf, hunt, n6 and wife, of ~he County of C1a~k, Sta%e of India~, for and in conside~tion of the sum of One ($1.00) un~ other valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acknow- led~e~, the following described real estate in the County of Ol~k, State of Ymd.tan~, ~eing a pa~t of ~u~vey No. 4 of the Illinois Grant, and also ~pa~t of ~s No. 5 ~ 6 of ~e P~i~ion of ~e ~ of ~wfo~ ~$e ~e at ~e ~ Te~, 18~, of ~e Ol~ No. 5 of ~e afo~i~ p~ition~ ~ence eas~ wi~ ~e ~ive~ ~ ~s; ~ence N. 40~ W. ~1.7~ feet ~o a po~t ~ ~e c~te~ of U~ica ~e, ~e t~e place of be~; ~ence S. 5~° 12' W. wi~ ~e c~$er of s~d Utica P~e 177.15 feet; ~ce N. 40c W. 461.83 feet; ~ence N. 50° E. 82.7 fee~; ~ence S. 40~ E. 28.4 feet; ~ence S. ~2° 57' E. ~4.85 feet~ ~nce N. 50° E. 68.29 feet; ~ence S. 40° E. 3~2.~6 fee~ ~o The g~autees assume and agree to pay 197% ~eal esth~e taxes due and payable i~ 1976 an~ all subsequent t~xes. · I~ wires W~~EOF the said G~nto~s have hereunto set their hands and STATE OF INDIANA: CO~ OF CT.~WF ~ Befo=e me The ~,mde=signe~l, ~, Not~'y Public in and fo= said Colmty nsme~ Ra~mond Enight and Msmie Enight, husband an~ wife, an~ ~cknowledged the execu%ion of the foregoimg Warran%y Dee~. NOTARY PU~I~C Robex~ ~. Eempf, At~oz~ey a% Law 417 East Court Avenue Jeffe~sonville, ~ 47130 (8~2) ~83-3~8 D~vid IL Blankenbeker, P.L.S. Terry A. Kendall, P.L.S. 422 Meigs Avenue leffersonville, Indiana 47130 Howard IL Blankenbeker (1905-1974) Rollyn H. Btankenbeker (1934-1994) Blankenbeker & Son Land Surveyors Inc., P.C. gstablished 1945 (812) 2824183 phone (812) 2824197 fax P.O. Box 157 ,leffersonville, Indiana 47131-0157 9 November 2005 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CASA DEL RiO Being a part of Survey #4 of the Illinois Grant to Clark County, In~tiana and being further described as follows: Beginning at the south comer of Lot 31 in Cherokee Terrace, as Shown in Plat book 11, Page 61 of said County records; Thence N.49°59'15"E., along the southeast line of said lot, 68.13 feet; Thence S.39° 58'43"E., 29.98 feet to THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNiNG: Thence continuing S.39058'43"E., 195.02 feet; Thence S.50°01'48"W., 126.03 feet; Thence S.40°E., 26.85 feet; Thence S.75°44'18"E., 28.28 feet; Thence N.72°47'24"E., 66.63 feet; Thence S.39°58'43"E., 61.77 feet to the northwestern Right-of-Way line of Utica Pike; Thence S.56'22'38"W., along said Right-of-Way line, 50.31; Thence N.39'58'43"W., 22.96 feet; Thence S.72°47'24"W., 47.47 feet; Thence N.75°44'18"W., 58.48 feet; Thence N.40°W., 237.89 feet; Thence N.49059'15"E., 176.11 feet to THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNiNG. Containing 0.99 acre, and being subject to all easements of record. file: 18354rl.wpd NSO°E 82. 7' N 4~°59'15'' E P~OPOSED P~OPE~TT FOB CAS~ DEL RIO CONDOMINIUm'S IN SURVEY ~4 OF THE ILUNOIS GRANT TO CLARK COUNTY 49'59'15" E 68.13' 11' O. 99 ACRE 126.03' ~1.~ s 5o'o1'4~" w ~N~o /~-S 75'44'1,8 E .28,28 Note: THIS DRAWINO DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURVEY:, ONNER: THOMAS W. & NANCY J. KEMPF 2415 UTICA PIKE JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130 DATE' 10 NOVEMBER 2005 I JOB NO. 18,354 I Mov 30 05 02:20p Thompson 812 285 9405 812-285-9405 p.1 i1/30/2005 11~09 2856~168 JEFF P~GE 02/B2 STAT]{ OF INDIANA BEFOP~ THE JEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF TI4OMA$ W. KElt4PF TO RF2ONE A CEI~TAtN TRACT OF P~OPERTY BEING DESCRIBED AS A ONE ACRE ~ ~CA~O AT 2~13 UTICA P~Kg FROM R1: ,:,OW DENS~ RF~DENTIAL TO MI: L~M~D MDI,~ILY },:ESID~TIAL, .C_~ RTIFICATION OF UNFAVOR,~BL'E RECOMMENDA_ TION_, ~F PROPOSED ORr)rNANCE Whereas, Thomas W. Kempffiled a petition before the geff'ersonville Plan Commission to change thl: zoning designation o£the pm~ described ~ a~chcd Exhibit A (the "F ropeay'9, from R 1: Low Density Residential to M1: Limited Multif~ily Resi:teatial: and, Whereas, after proper notice by publ'cat on, the J¢ffersonville Piton Commission held a public hea:'/ng on thc petition on November 29, 2005; and, Whereas, :a thc conclusion of thc hearing the geffarsonville Pi~ Commission voted by a majorily vote of'its entire membership to deny re¢ommendatio~ of the proposed change .:ff zoning designation of the Propeax'y to the Jeffersonville Common Co,mci]. IT IS TI'Ek:REFORE CERTIFIED that on November 29, 2005, the Jeffcrsonville Plan CommJs,~ion recommended t.,b. at the .lefl'crsonville Common Council deny the request t,~ ~nact by ordinance tb.e proposed zoning designation change of the property from R 1: Low Density ResidenIial to M1: Limited Multithmily Resident/al as reques~'d in the p,:'tltien of'thomas W. Kempf. So oertitie,.l this 29t~ day of November 2005. · 5573 ~ ~ife, of ~he Couu%U of Cla~k, S~%e of Indiana, · ei~ a lmrt:of Survey No. No. ~ of ~e ~o~ p~i$ion; ~ence eas~ wi~ ~iwer 2 ~s; ~ce N. ~0 c~ter of Utics ~e, ~e %~e p~e of Be~-;~; ~ence S. ~6~ 12' W. wi~ ~e c~e= of s~d U~ic& ~ 177.15 fee%; ~ce N. hOe w. ~61.83 feet; .~ence ~. ~0~ E. 82.7 fee~; ~enoe S. ~o E. 28.h fee%; ~oe S. 62~ 57' E. 6h. 85 fee%; ~ence N. 500 E. 68.29 fee~; ~e ~e p~e of ~e~;~E, The w~n~ee$ assume and agree ~o pa~ 1975 real ee~e ta~ee due =~ p~able ~ 1976 ~ ~1 ~bsequen~ ~es. '~efore me the undersigned, a No~a~ l~bli~ in and fo: sa/d County ~m~ l~vmon~ Eni~h~ an~ F~mie Eu/~$, hunban~ and wife, an~ acknowledged %he e~ecu~ion of %he fo~e~oi~6 W~rzanty Dee~. - Rober~ H. Eempf, Jr. A~ozne~ at L~w h-].7 Y, an'~ Cour~ Av~ue Jeffe~ille, ~ (812) 28~3~68 h713o 'D~vid R.Blankenbeker, ?.L.S. TerryA. Kendall, P.L.S. Howard R. B~er (1905'!9 RollynH. Blankenbeker (1934-191 Blankenbeker & Son Land Surveyors Inc., P.C. gs[ablished 1945 422 Meigs Avenue Jeffcrsonville, Indiana 47130 (812) 2824183 phone (812) 2824197 fax P.O. Box 157 leffersonville, Indiana 47131-0157 9 November 2005 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CASA DEL RIO Being a part of Survey #4 of the Illinois Grant to Clark County, Indiana and being further described follows: Beginning at the south comer of Lot 31 in Cherokee Terrace, as shown in Plat book 11, Page 61 of sa County records; Thence N.49° 59'15"E., along the southeast line of said lot, 68.13 feet; Thence S.39' 58'43 "E. 29.98 feet to THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING: Thence continuing S.39'58'43"E., 195.02 feet; Thence S.50°01'48''W., 126.03 feet; Thence S.40°E., 26.85 feet; Thence S.75°44'I 8"E., 28.28 feet; Thence N.72°47'24''E-, 66.63 feet; ~ooq~,43,,E Thence S.~ ~v ., 61.77 feet to the northwestern Right-of-Way line of Utica Pike; Thence S.56°22'38"W., along said Right-of-Way line, 50.31; Thence N.39°58'4y'W., 22.96 feet; Thence S.72'47'24"W., 47.47 feet; Thence N.75°44'18"W., 58.48 feet; Thence N.40'W., 237.89 feet; Thence N.49°59'15"E., 176.11 'feet to THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.99 acre, and being subject to all easements of record. file: 18354rl.wpd N50°E 82. 7' --SOUTH CORNER OF LOT 31 CHEROKEE TERRACE PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 61 49'59'15" E N 49°59'15'' E 17& 11' O. 99 ACRE PROPOSED P]~OPERTY CA$~ DEL RIO CONDOI~INIUI~S IN SURVEY iii4 OF THE ILUNOIS GRANT TO CLARK COUNTY 68. 1.5' Note: THIS DP. AWING DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. OYNEH' THOMAS I,Y. & NANCY J. KEMPF 241,~ UTICA PIKE JEFFERSONVILLE. IN 471,0 DATE' 10 NOVEMBER 2005 I JOB N'o, 18,354. NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on December 5, 2005 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of the City-County Building at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, intends to consider an ordinanCe, which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designation of the following described property from RI: Low Density Residential to MI: Limited Multifamily Residential. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE PROPERTY ADDRESS: Being described as a one acre tract Located at 2413 Utica Pike. The Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation Concerning the adoption of an ordinance enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on November 29, 2005. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter. This Jeffersonville Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time as found necessary. The Jeffersonville Common Council may take official action at the conclusion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted this 30th day of November 2005. Peggy Wilder Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer Prepared by: Les e D. Merkley City Attorney Sharon King Paralegal TELEPHONE: (812) 282-8429 DAVID A. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW 425 WATT STREET P. O. BOX 729 JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA 47130 EM,~L: lexvlslaw(~2th eremc, com FAX: (812) 284-0956 December 15, 2005 Hon. John Perkins Jeffemonvitle City Council Member 323 E. Chestnut Street Jeffemonville, Indiana 47130 Hon. Ron Grooms 3104 Autu nn Green Way Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 Mayor Rob Waiz City of Jeffemonville Fourth Floor City-County Building 501 East Court Avenue ' Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 RE: Ordinance No. 2005-OR-77 Dear Sirs: I am writing this letter to request that Mr. Perkins recuse himself from participating in any vote which may be called to override Mayor Waiz's veto of OrdinanceNo. 2005-OR-77. If Mr. Perkins chooses not to recuse himself, this letter is written to request Mayor Waiz as the presiding officer of city council meetings or Mr. Grooms as President of the Council to officially declare Mr. Perkins disqualified from participating in any such vote. The legal basis for my request is set forth below. First, Mr. Perkins appeared at the November 29, 2005 Plan Commission meeting and made an extensive presentation advocating on behalf of an applicant that approval be given to re-zone a one acre parcel at 24 l 3 Utica Pike from an R- 1 to an M- 1 zoning classification. At the time he made his presentation he was fully aware of substantial and significant opposition to the proposal by residents of the area who believed their propel"des would be affected by the zoning change. Second, Mr. Perkins knew at the time he made his presentation that the Jeffersonville City Council would be called upon to accept or reject the recommendation of the Plan Commission to deny the re-zoning request. He knew that such a decision would have to be based on facts submitted at the City Counci!l meeting. He knew that there were significant facts and reasons which justified the Plan Commission's recommendation to deny the re-zoning request. Third, Mr. Perkins is a member of the City Council. These facts create an unavoidable conflict of interest and the Indiana com~s require a recusal o1' disqualification under the circumstances. Due process requires thai administrative bodies may not reach their decisions on the basis of preconceived bias or prejudice. New h-ettd Beau(1 &:hool v. Board O/'Beau(v Cltlltlris! Erami,e~:v, 518 Letter to Perkins, Grooms & Waiz December 15, 2005 Page 2 N.E.2d 1101, 1104-1105 (In&App. 1988). Both federal and state appellate courts have held that administrative board members who are biased or prejudiced against a party to an action before the board should disqualify themselves from participating in the decision of the action. Strider'ella Career attd Fitdxhing School~ v. Federal Trade Commi&gion, 425 F.2d 583,590-591 (D.C.Cir. 1970), 8 A.L.R. Fed. 283, 297-298. The Indiana Supreme Court cited the Cinderella case with approval in the case of Ci(v of Mishawaka v. Stewart, 310 N.E.2d 65, 70-71 (1 nd. 1971). See also: Berkshire Emplo. vee.~' A~sociatiott v. Natiottal Labor Relations Board, 121 F.2d 235, 238-239 (3d Cir. t94t); Winslow v. Towtt pf Holderness Planni,g Board, 480 A.2d 114, 116-i 17 (N.H. t984); and Couch v. Hamilton Court(v, 609 N.E.2d 39, 42 (In&App. 1993). When a biased board member participates in a decision, the decision will be vacated. New Trend, at 1105. See Also: Cinderella Career at 591-592; American Cyanamid Co. v. Federal Trade Commi,~xiott, 363 F.2d 757, 767-768 (6th Cir. 1966); and Winslow, at 265, 269. Indiana courts have applied these due process principles to boards of zoning appeals (Couch,/d.), plan commiss ons (Hobart Common Council v. Institute o. fhtd., 785 N.E.2d 238 (Ind. App. 2003), and city councils (Hobart, Id. and Smith v. CiO' (?fShelbvville 462 N.E.2d 1052 (In&App. 1984). Please consider the following points of law: Article I, Section 23 of the Indiana Constitution requires that due process be applied to land use decisions. Hobart Common Council, M. Due process mandates a neutral and unbiased fact finder for land use proceedings. Hobart Common Council, Id. and Pero,-Worth, 723 N.E.2d at 460; and Rynerson v. Cio~ of Franklin, 669 N.E.2d 964, 967 (Ind. 1996). Due process requires that administrative bodies may not reach their decisions on the basis of preconceived notions. Hobart Common Council, Id. Biased behavior may be demonstrated by extreme partisan political considerations, personal conflicts of interest and gain, or invidious discriminatm3, intent. Hobar! Common Council, Id. It is imperative that a strict test of impartiality be applied to the fact-finding process. Hobart Common Collll£il, ]d. The Indiana Court of Appeals required a city council person to recuse herself from a land use decision only on the appearance of a conflict of interest, which is something even less blatant than the actual conflict of interest demonstrated by Mr. Perkins' open, unconcealed bias in this case. Hobart Cot~ttttoa Cou~tcil, Id. The court rnay find a conflict of interest upon a consideration of whether the situation is one reasonably calculated to weaken public confidence and undermine the public's protection of individual rights. Smith v. CiO' pf Shell¥,ville. Id. Given the fact that Mr. Perkins served as an advocate for a re-zoning request before the Plan Commission knowing that he would be called upon to be an unbiased fact-finder in his official capacity as a city councilman on the vet3,' same re-zoning request at a later date, he created a conflict of interest which disqualifies him fi'om participating in any vote to override Mayor Waiz's veto of the re-zoning ordinance. He should never have voted on the re-zoning request at the earlier city council meeting, l'he fact that he Letter to Perkins, Grooms & Waiz December 15, 2005 Page 3 participated in the earlier city council decision is grounds to vacate the ordinance. New D'end, at 1105; Cinderella Career at 591-592; American C),anamid Co. at 767-768; and ~Vinslow, at 265,269. The ordinance that received a 4-2 vote must be set aside, not only because it has been vetoed, but also because Mr. Perkins should not have participated in the discussions and vote. We are asking that Mr. Perkins not compound the violations of my clients due process rights by pailicipating in any decision which may call for an oven'ide of the Mayor's veto. David A. Lewis xc: Les Merkley