HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-R-29Resolution No. _ "~'Q[ - Re~olutjon EndOrsing Construction of Whereas, the jefferSon~ille Fire Departmen[ has identified the need.to i~creese the existing tke protection for the ci~z~ns.~f' Jef .~..rsonvi!!e; · .' ' bee'~ precipitatedby the 2000'annexati°n of homes, . Wheteas, the increase h%ity of jef~ersonville; businesses and property into the ~ . Whereas, as resutt of this growth the Jefferson~ile Fire Department'~abil'~Y to co,,~,~., w~th the National Fire protection. Ass?~fio~n.:' (NFPA) four minute (4) '""2~__.~.~ '~nnse time has been jeoparatzea; Whereas, delay in the ability of jeff~monvilla Fire,Department to respond to fire emergencieS immedlatety upon dispatch may result in a gap'in se~ceS to the communtbJ thereby proportionateley increasing the char~Ces of loss of life and proper~ to the citizens of Jeffem_ onvill~; Whereas, the locations of the exis~J jeffersonville. Eire ~etj~r~_s' p~imarily provide service to those citizens and busin ~ _e~ses Ii,rig in the southern portion of the existing c'~y of jeffersonviile; Whereas, the members of the jefferson~iile City Council are ~ommit[~l to and ............ - -~ the c~tize~ of Jeffersg.n~il~ b°th ~0~.i~.~ ~:°~'eorm ....... oot garda to prov~.e a. ~,,....^,. ~ .... ~;.~'A~, with a safe, secure ~nct supe portion and those in the zuuu a..~a~,, --,~ community; Whereas, in order to fulfill this obligation it is incumbent upon the council to take all steps neceesary '~ e consUuctlon of an,, v.. .... of those steps necessary to famlitate th BE IT RESO}-VEO THAT: -~ The members of thP jeffersonv lie City Coun~l are committed t~ making the C~ a safe ptace to live, work a~d raise e familY; The members of the C~ty counc~! are committed to en~unng that the residentS who live in the city are afforded eXemplarY emergency and fire protection; Page 1 of 2 e --- .' ...... fienced an increase ~ . · ..- -'-- ~a add~Onal fire ~ and ~uiat~n mereoy cr~-,,u = . a~ e~enW pr~; · · ~1 hereby ad~t ~ ~1~ a~d. e~o~ ~is ~e m~ ~ ~.~ ~. au ~ns of the ~ of ~0n~ p~ to ~ ~e qual~ o~ me So R~olv~ ~ ~ day of - Keith Fetz, Member GroomS, pres~au-~ ~nnie $-el[ers; ~ember ..... ~ ........ ~i~i~, Member .................... '~qu3111¢C~uleY, Mei~ ~oohn Perkins; M&mbei' Attested by: ~ggy Wilder deffersonville City Clerk T~eaSurer Acknowledged by: Gity of jeffersonVllle