HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-OR-062002-OR- 6 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE EXCAVATION AND RESTORATIO1 OF STREET AND ALLEY PAVEMENTS (PAVED OR UNPAVED), WITHIN TI PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF,WAY UNDER CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE JURISDICTI( Whereas, the City has a legal duty to protect the safety and welfare of persons using rights- of-way for transportation purposes and, Whereas, other facindes oxvned privately, or owned by public or government operar utilities, are permitted to occupy space within the same rights-of-way, and, Whereas, the need to protect the safety and welfare of the public should not be compromised more than necessary by sUch other permitted uses. THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED THAT: No contractor may excavate into, under, or across, any pavements (paved or unpave~ gutters, or curbs within the public rights-of-way under the City ofJeffersonvine's jurisdicfio xvithout first obtaining a Street Cut Permit from the office of the City Engineer. The edges of all excavations into the paved or finished pavements, gutters, and curbs be sawed to a minimum depth of one-th[rd (1/3) the depth of the pavement, gutter, or curt sawed cut may never be less than two (2) inches. All excavations made into, under, across, or within one (1) foot of the finished edge q, f pavements (paved or unpaved), gutters, or curbs must be backfined with "Flowable Fin", al{o known as "Controlled Low Strength Material" fill. 1 BACKFILL )ublic d nust The A. FLOWABLF~ FILL SPECIFICATIONS OF MATERIALS-Within State Rights-of-Way. All materials unh specifically stated otherwise, must be in accordance with the current Indiana Department Transportation (INDOT) Standard Specifications. SPECIFICATIONS OF MATERIALS---All Local Rights-of-Way---All materials place be between 30-75psi. Mix design must be submitted to, and approved by, the City Engineer. A trial batch demon may be required. The mix design must include a list of all ingredients, the source of the mat the gradation of all aggregates, the names of all admixtures and the dosage rates, and the ba must ration rials, :h weights. Except for adjustments to compensate for routine moisture fluctuations, minor n design changes after the trial batch verification must be documented and justified prior to implementation by the permit holder. A change in the source of materials, or addition or c of admixtures or cementitious materials will require the mLx design to be resubmitted for a' The permit holder may be required to provide test data from a certified laboratory approvi City Engineer. The test for flow consists of filling a three (3) inch diameter by slx (6) inch high open-en& cylinder placed on a smooth, level, nonporous surface to the top with the Flowable Fill. TI cylinder must be pulled straight up within five (5) seconds. The spread of the fill will be m, The minimum diameter of the spread must be eight (8) inches. This test may be performer City Inspector or Engineer at the site prior to the placement of the Flowable Fill. PLACEMENT. Before any Flowable Fill is placed, any pipes, structures, or other objects that may be disp] the placement of the Flowable Fill must be adequately anchored, braced, or otherwise sec~ The City Engineer may require inspection of the excavation and/or bracing prior to backt with Flowable Fill. The mixture must be discharged from a Ready M/xed Concrete truck into the space that i~ filled. Each filling stage must be as continuous as practicable. If needed under emergenc' conditions, or at the sole discretion of the City Engineer, concrete may be placed on the t Fill as soon as bleeding water has subsided. All pavements must be placed accordihg to 1: Fill manufacturer's recommendations. LIMITATIONS. Floxvable Fill may not be placed on frozen ground. Flowable Fill must be protected from freezing until the material has stiffened and bleedir has subsided. As the temperature nears freezing additional curing time may be needed. TEMPORARY PAVEMENT RESTORATION The permit holder must permanently repair any cut temporarily repaired under this sectir removing the temporary patch in its entirety and permanently restoring the pavement dis the cut. The temporary patch is defined as the material filling the space that the permam xvill occupy. The permit holder must notify the City of Jeffersonville Street Department (2) business days of completion of final restoration. It is the permit holder's responsibil/t maintain the temporary patch until the permit holder can make the final pavement resto~ eletion ~proval. d by the :asured. by the iced by red. [ling to be !lowable iowable water x by turbed by iht surface a4thin two · tO tion. If the permit holder uses a temporary surface repair, the temporary surface repair must be ~ follows: Backfill must be brought to within twelve (12) inches of the surface and multigrade placed to the top of the cut and compacted xvith a mechanical tamp. This must be completed in the placement of material in three (3) four (4)-inch lifts: or 2. While work is continually in progress, the cut may be covered with steel plates havit minimum thickness of three-fourths (3/4) inch which shall be secured so as not to and constituted a hazard when open to traffic. PERMANENT PAVEMENT RESTORATION Permit holders must make all cuts in accordance with this section. The restoration of the of all cuts must be completed by such methods and in such manner that the plane of the s~ the repair at the time of completion and thereafter will be flush with all contiguous surface will create no dissymmetry with the topography of the roadway. Also, the final surface ele' must be at the same elevation as the original surface. The surface restoration may be made using milling, infrared or future technologies approved by the City Engineer, unless a spec5 method is required by the permit or by the Inspector. As a part of the surface restoration, Street Department may share in the permit holder's cost by adding roadway improvement~' include but are not limited to resurfacing, adding curbs, curb cuts, sidewalks, or kerns nece meet requirements of the American's Disabilities Act. Concrete Streets. Final repairs to concrete streets are to be made with concrete. A] must be repaired with concrete in accordance with section 501.03 (c) High Early St~ Pavement of the current Indiana Department of Transportation Standard Specificat existing pavement thickness must be matched, but a minimum thicknessof six (6) i: required. When repairing or replacing reinforced concrete either (a) the steel reinfo~ shall be replaced in kind (temporarily bending the reinforcing steel out of the way a bending it back into position when the concrete is replaced) and properly fastened' adjacent reinforcement or Co) #5 bars two .(2) feet long, must be drilled and grouter existing pavement sides one (1) foot deep at two (2) foot center-to-center spacing; minimum of two bars per side. All new concrete must be protected against excessix dehydration by the application of a membrane type curing compound. The new co: must be protected from all traffic for forty-eight (48) hours. If this is done by the u plates, the plates must be steel with a minimum, three-fourths (3/4) inch thickness. plates must be secured so as not to move or constitute a hazard xvhen they are ope: traffic. nde as ,Id mix a ~rface trace of and ation by the i which ;sary to streets mgth >ns. The ~ches is Eement td then the into ~crete ie of These Asphalt Streets and Alleys. The base material used in connection with all final re asphalt streets and alleys must be hot asphalt mix. The material must be placed minimum thickness of 4" and a maximum thickness of 8", placed in four (4) maximum lifts compacted by means of rolling or other methods to achieve compaction. One and a half (1 1/2") inch hot asphalt surface must be used on any surface street repair. All edges or joints of existing pavement must be thoroughly cie and tack coated prior to the placement of the hot asphalt surface. All faces of expos curbing must be tacked beloxv the finished pavement elevation. ' Brick Streets and Alleys. Brick streets must be restored to the original surface conditi pattern. At the discretion of the City Engineer, brick alleys may be restored to their ori surface condition and pattern. All new concrete must be protected against all excessive dehydration by the application of a membrane type curing compound. The new concre be protected from all traffic for forw-eight (48) hours. If this is done by the use plates, plates must be steel with a ~'himun~ three-fourths (3/4) inch thickness. These plates r~ secured so as not to move and so as not to constitute a hazard when they are open to t Special attention needs to be given to the Historical Districts. All streets within the His Districts must be restored to their original condition. Asphalt over Concrete or Brick Streets. As a general rule, whatever type of material excavated must be replaced. The top one and one-half inches (1 '/2") must be hot aspl surface. 5. Sidewalks. a. Granular fill (No. 53 Stone) or any material approved by the City'Enginee be used in all sidewalk areas for backfill. This pertnln~ to the sidewalk are b. Brick sidexvalks must be restored to their original surface condition and pattern. areas will be at the discretion of the City Engineer Concrete sidewalks must be repaired with concrete, a minimum of four (4) inck thickness. All nexv concrete must be protected against excessive dehydration by application of a membrane type curing compound (white pigment or linseed oi~ new concrete must be protected from all traffic for forty-eight (48) hours. If th/ by the use plates, the plates must be steel with a minimum three-fourths (3/4) thickness. These plates must be secured so as not to move and so as not to co~ hazard when they are open to traffic. Asphalt sidewalks must be repaked with a minimum of four (4) inches of corn[ asPhalt· All edges or joints of existing pavement must be thoroughly cleaned ar All joints must be sealed with a hot iron, infrared technology or other method by the City Engineer. [rs io a nch tsphalt tned !d ~n and mai e must me ust be !affic. iorical hat was ialt as only. _AA1 other' ;in · The ; is done tch §titute a acted ] tacked. ; directed ~ e. Gravel or stone sidexvalks must be restored to within six (6) inches of fl~e surface then topped offwith material similar to the original surface. 6. Driveways. a. Brick driveways must be restored to their original surface and pattern. Concrete driveways must be repaired with concrete to original specifications. The drivexvay thickness must be matched, but the minimum thickness must be four for residential drives and six (6) inches for commercial drives. The new concret{ protected against excessive dehydration by the application of a membrane type compound (whim pigment or linseed oil). The new concrete must be protected traffic for forty-eight (48) hours. If this is done by the use of plates, the plates steel with a minimum three-fourths (3/4) inch thickness. These plates must be st as not to move and so as not to constitute a hazard when they are open to Asphak driveways must be repaired with asphalt. The existing driveway thicknes matched, but the minimum driveway thickness for residential drives shall be thre inches of bituminous on four (4) inches of compacted aggregate or five (5) inch~ bituminous on compacted subgrade. All edges or joints of existing pavement mt thoroughly cleaned and tacked. Asphalt must be placed in three (3) inch lifts and · compacted by mechanical tamp or vibrator. The top one (1) inch minimum mus mix asphalt surface. All joints must be sealed with a hot iron, infrared technolo other method as directed by the City Inspector. d. Gravel or stone drivexvays must be restored to within slx (6) inches of the surf~, topped off with material similar to the original surface. 7. Gravel or Stone Berm. All repairs to gravel or stone berms must be restored to withi] inches of the surface and topped off with material similar to the original surface. Responsibility for Cut. The permit holder is responsible for all cuts until such time as tt area in which the cut was made is resurfaced or reconstructed. SECTION Xlll EFFECTIVE DATE ' This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro, Passed this I day of h~._ ,2002. .nd existing ) inches must be all ;the · SO shall be e (3) s of !st be is to be be hot · Or and six (6) surface al. Presiding Officer v ATTEST: Pegg~'V~it~r Clerk-Treasurer ,._. _._ Presente~ by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville ti dayOf ~ ~¢~,.~ D. ,2002. Peggy ~1~l~e r Clerk-Treasurer Thi's Ordinance approved and signed by m_e this ~ day of ~ ._, 2002. k /'Fha&as R. (~af~iga~,~v6r is p,