HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-OR-30ORDINANCE NO. 2001-OR ~/~ ORDINANCE OF APPROPRIATIONS and TAX RATES Be it ordainded by the deffersonville City that for the expenses of the Jeffersonville City - and its institutions for the year ending December 31, 2002 , the sums of money shown on the Budget Form # 4A are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the several funds herein named, and for the purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made dudng the year, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided for by law. In addition, for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expense of the deffersonville City , the Tax Rates as adopted are shown on the Budget Form # 4B and included herein. Two copies of the Budget Forms # 4A and 4B for all the Funds and Departments are made a part of the budget · report and submitted herewith. PRESENTED TO THE: Jeffersonville City and read in full for the second time on Monday, September 17, 2001 '~eg g~/~tl;; - Clerk Treas YEA ~ This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED on this !~-~ day of~ 2001. COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFF~NVILLE, INDIAN~.a.. om~ R~. Galligan, Pre~d' g~ffiC~er ATTEST: ?eg y , l:"[' rk-¥rgasurer Presented by Peggy Wilder, Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville on this ~ day of ,Qxo ~0~ ,2001- Peggy Wil.~lerk an~l-Treasurer This Ordinance approved and signed by me this ~-~ day of ,~0~ ~0~x~ 2001. TI{om,as R. G-alli~an Mlyo~/ Certificate of Miscellaneous Revenues (To be submitted to the State Board of Tax Commissioners Hearing Officer) Jeffersonville City (Taxing Unit) Clark (County) I, Peggy Wilder , Clerk Treasurer of attached Form 2 - Estimates of Miscellaneous Revenue has been revised as of and reflects the most accurate revenue forecast for the pedod of July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2002 Jeffersonville City certify that the Fdday, September 21, 20 Dated this Friday, September 21,2001 Peggy Wilder Clerk Treasurer Budget Form No. 5 BUDGET SUBMISSION LETTER AND CERTIFICATE TO THE AUDITOR OF Clark COUNTY, INDIANA The undersigned herewith submits two copies of the budget adopted by Jeffemonville City fortheyearendingDecember31, 2002 , for filing and presentation to the County Board of Tax Adjustment. I certify that said copies are true and exact copies of the budget approved and adopted by the Appropriating Body Monday, September 17, 2001 , fixing the appropriations and tax levies for said year. CERTIFICATE OF TAX RATES I hereby certity that at a regular meeting of the Appropriating Body of Jeffersonville City , Clark County, indiana. On Monday, September 17, 2001 , the following rates of taxes were levied upon each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property of the above named Taxing Unit for the year 2001 to be collected in the year 2002 . For the Police Pension Fund the rate of 0.1450 Dollars per one hundred Dollars F, or the Parks and Recreation Fund the rate of 0.3400 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the Cumulative Cap,al Development Fund the rate of 0.1 t 00 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the Fire Pension Fund the rate of 0.1350 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the General Fund the rate of 3.2800 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the Local Road & Street Fund the rate of 0.0000 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the Sanitatie~ Fund the rate of 0.2750 Do,ars per one hundred Dollars For the City-County Building Rental Fund the rate of 0.0880 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund the rate of 0.0000 Dollars per one hundred Dollars Fund the rate of For the Probation User Fund 0.0000 Dollars per one hundred Dollars 4.3730 TOTAL TAX RATE Respectfully submitted this Jeffersonville City Friday, September 21, 2001 Clark , County, Indiana Peggy~er pun4 J~n uo!.p~qo,~d S From the Desk of Chrissy Herron · 221 Spring St. Jeffersonville, IN 47130 · (812) 283-6636 Ext. 11 Christina L. Herron Legal Bookkeeper for The Evening News & The Tribune September 17, 2001 To Whom It May Concern, The budget for the City of Jeffersonville that ran on August 24, 2001 & September 1, 2001 had a typographical error. All the numbers were right, but where the legal should have said "Fire Pension" it, in our error, said "General".We apologize for our error and any inconvenience it may have caused. Thanks. Chrissy Herron. Legal Bookkeeper BUDGET SUBMISSION LETTER AND CERTIFICATE Budget Form No. 5 TO THE AUDITOR OF Clark COUNTY, INDIANA The undersigned herewith submits two copies of the budget adopted by Jeffersonville City for the year ending December 31, 2002 , for filing and presentation to the County Board of Tax Adjustment, I certify that said copies are true and exact copies of the budget approved and adopted by the Appropriating Body Monday, September 17, 2001 , fixing the appropriations and tax levies for said year. Clerk Treasurer Peggy Wilder CERTIFICATE OF TAX RATES I hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the Appmpdeting Body of Jeffersonville City , Clark County, Indiana. On Monday, September 17, 2001 , the following rates of taxes were levied upon each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property of the above named Taxing Unit for the year 2001 to be colleoted in the year 2002 . For the Police Pension Fund , the rate of 0.1450 DolJars per one hundred Dolrars For the Parks and Recreation Fund , the rate of 0.3400 Dorlars per one hundre~ Dolrars For the Cumulative Cap~l Development Fund , the rate of 0.1100 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the Fire Pension Fund , the rate of 0.1350 Dollars 9er one hundred Dollars For the General Fund , the rate of 3.2800 Dollars per one I'Lndred Dollars For the Local Road & Street Fund , the rate of 0.00(30 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the Sanitation Fund , the rate of 0.2750 Dollars per one bund Dollars For the City-County Building Rental Fund , the rate of 0.0880 Dollars per one hundred Dollars For the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund , the rate of 0.0000 Dollars per one hundr~ ~ For the Probation User Fund Fund , the ra~e of 0.0000 Dollars per one hundred D,~la~ Respectfully submitted this Friday, September 21,2001 Jeffersonville City Clark 4.3730 , County, Indiana TOTAL TAX RATE ' Clerk Treasurer Peggy Wilder No~i~'eo:i~'h~£eby ~iV~fi~6 the tgkpayers of Jeffe~sonville City, in Indiana, that the Common Cohhaii of liffersonville City. Indiana. will hold a public hearing on the budgel at 501 E. Court [~55m 308; Jeffersonville, IN on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Following this meeting, az~y'ten or mo~e taxl~ay~i~'u~ay-object to a budget, ta~ rate. br tax levy by filing an ob-ection with the proper officers of ~he po t ca subd v s on within seven days after the heating. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate. or tax levy that taxpayers object to. If a petition is filed, the po t cal subdivisiqn §~-all adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections fi ed and testimony presented. Following the aforement oned hear ng the Common Council Will me~f fit 501 E. C,ou,~r,t,,, Room 308, leffersonvifie, iN dn Monday September 17 2001 at 700 p.m. t~ a~o~t the budget: Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen at the Clerk Treasurer's Offices. Net Assessed Valuation: .2.38,680,7~0 BUDGET ESTIMATE~ E~timate . F~nd Nature ~ Estimate Raise~ Levy Appeals Tax Levy General 1.075,553 - · '3~9 985 0 .... 327.653 ~Loca Roa~ ~/Street ...... 84C.000 £ 0 0 Parks and Recreation 1~300,192 ..... 1.I50,4~1 O 971.662 Pdlice Pension g60~609 : g~.021 0 271.161 Probation User Fund 10~.06~ ~0 " 0 ....... 0 General ' 10.286,244 8,091,277 0 7.098.39~'~' Highway 790.508 0 O 0 Cumulative Capital Development 383,943 322,219 0 233.651 Sani~atinn 902.224 813 901 0 745 594 City-County Building Rental 260.000 218.051 0 250.824 TOTAES 16.602.342 11,320.867 0 9.896.035 petition with the Cohnty Auditot~ The pet [tion m~st be filed 6n~or before'the ~enth d~y ~ffe~ ~l~'~ublication of the tax rates charged, t~Don certification o(thg o~biectin~ petition [~y th~ ~bdfl{y Aeditor, the State ....... :lerk*Treasuter Form }~rescribed by state Board of Accounts kJ (GovcrnnlentaI Unit:) Clark County, Indiana General Form No. 99p (PLevis, From: }~-'~9 ~"V/Q~,/I~i~ ~ 221 Spring St.-P.O. B~x'864, ' Jeffersonville, IN 47131 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither or which shall total more four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement i~_ set) -- number o equivalent lines .......................... Head - number of lines .......... Body -- number of lines ...... .. ............................................ Tail -- number of lines ..................................................... TotaI number of lines in notice ......................................... COMPUTATION OF CHARGES at ~, ~lines, ,...% columns wide c,quals ~_~ equivalent ~n~_ cents per line .......................................... $ Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of above amount ............................................ Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) ......................................................... TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ..................................... $ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column 9.0 ems Number of insertions t~ Size of type 6.5 point FEDERAL ID # 311498625 )99) Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155. acts 1953. I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount clai] legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of3'}~~ sa~e has been paid. Date: ~h0~?~..~..3~_~r /4- tg~DD[ Title:LegalBookkeeper ATTACH COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT HERE PUBLISHER' S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ~ ss: Clark County ) Personally appeared before me, in county and state, the unders~ ~,.bei._cn_g, duly sworn, says that she is legal bookkeeper ~[/~'I~IQ~ ]~t~.(~ newspaper of general circulatiOn printer and published in the English lan the (city) of Jeffersonville in state and county aforesaid, and thl printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which,.,was duly published in said pa,per fol' o~ time /(_q:~'~ , th~ dates of p^ublication oein~as follows: -- k. J Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,-/r~' day ofx~d. L/-. j~otaru VHDUC ' My commission expires: _. V is te LEGAL ADVERTISING TABLE SHOWING PRICE PER LINE AND PER INSERTION ', 9 Em Column ~p '~' ,-~ ,~ ~' No. of Insertions 5.5 0.350 0.522 0.697 0.869 6 0.320 0.479 0.639 0.797 6.5 0.296 0.442 0.590 0.736 I , ,7, 0 275 x L x - 0.410 0.547 0.683 8 0.240 0.359 0.479 0.598 9 0.214 0.319 0.426 0.531 10 0.192 .~0.287 0.383 0.478 12 0.160 0.23~ 0.~19 0.399 Rate/SqoaF~ ..... '6 85 ' '~:, 8.8'7 11.07 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Vehicle Maintenance 2 SUPPLIES Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 312 Telephone 330 Travel 331 Repeater Service Insurance 359 Life Insurance Utility Services 340 Electdc Current 342 Heating Costs 343 Sewage Items 950 950 Total Estimate Repairs and Maintenance 364 Building Repairs 365 Equipment Repair 7,600 244,008 3,040 1,500 9,643 1,140 Budget r,i , o ol 1,500 4,750 4,750 143 4,750 1,900 6,650 3,800 1,900 6,650 Other Services and Charges 354 Clothing Allowance 357 Training / Seminars 380 Services Contractual 382 Titles / Licenses Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 401 Tools / Equipment 190 12,540 33,373 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Vehicle Maintenance 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ([) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Vehicle Maintenance Items Total Estimate 0 484,410 Fund Name: for the calender yssr 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Departme~ Name: Signature an~ 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General Jeffersonville City Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Personnel 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Personnel Director Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular t 97 Longevity 196 Birthday Pay Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 201 Office Supplies 210 Books / Manuals 0101 1030205 Items Total Estimate 36,799 2,944 2,944 2,266 lO0 Budget Fo i iN . 1 36,799 8,254 45,053 ,900 " ,425 3,325 i 0 0 3,325 i Other Supplies 220 Human Relations Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Mileage 285 285 285 285 3OO 3O0 1,425 1,425 Printing and Advertising 341 Legal Ads Insurance 359 Life insurance Repairs and Maintenance 350 Computer Mair~enance 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Personnel Items Total Estimate 475 950 475 475 475 2,850 5,145 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 331 Seminars 355 Subscriptions / Dues 365 Promotion ~SL.___ __E~p_P_ ?_~ ~_T~!~.n_~ .................................... Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Personnel Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Signature and Title of ~ 53,523 Budget F rm e. 1 i 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: ADNSafety PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Consultant / Safety / Spec Ev Employee Benefits 198 Social Secudty 199 PERF - Regular Items Total Estimate 7,504 7,504 600 600 1,200 Total PERSONAL SERVICES 8,704 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Other Services and Charges 347 Curbs Cuts Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Budget F rm o. 1 45,000 i 45,000 4s,ooo ii TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General ADNSafety 53,704 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Miscellaneous 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 101 Information Technology Director Employee Benefits 198 PERF - Regular 197 Social Security 196 Birthday Pay Total PERSONAL SERVICES Items Total Estimate 28,826 2,300 2,300 100 28,826 4,700 33,526 Budget F rrn; N >, I 119 47 81 247 285 285 119 24 143 675 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 202 Deskjet Ink 203 Paper and Printing 204 Cd's and Floppies Operating Supplies 205 Back Up Tapes Repair and Maintenance Supplies 206 Network Line 207 R J45 Connectors Total SUPPLIES 2,375 2,375 570 570 5,650 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services 307 Training Communications and Transportation 301 Cellular Telephone Utility Services 302 Intemet Service 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Miscellaneous 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 303 Virus Updates 304 Intemet Screening Repairs and Maintenance 305 Network Debt Service 306 Lease Payment Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 401 Computer Equipment 402 Furniture and Equipment Other Capital Outlays 403 Software Development Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Items Total Estimate 570 1,941 3,800 8,161 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) (We) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Miscellaneous 3,800 0 14,906 0 49,107 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Budget F ).1 Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Local Road & Street 0706 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Local Road & Street 2 SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 249 Sodium / Calcium 262 Const / Reconstruction Total SUPPLIES Items Total Estimate 40,000 800,000 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the Local Road & Street 840,000 840,000 840,000 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Budget Signature and Title of Officer(e) or Department 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Sanitation Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Sanitation PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Heavy Equipment Operator 112 Ddver / CDL (10) 113 Ddver ! Laborer (3) 114 Laborer 116 Secretary 131 Overtime items Total Estimate 31,089 221,148 66,972 20,044 1,907 23,853 365,013 Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity 196 Birthday Pay Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 265 Office Supplies Operating Supplies 232 Fuel 248 Chemicals Repair and Maintenance Supplies 234 Maintenance Supplies Other Supplies 27,293 27,293 8,240 1,500 64,326 429,339 475 475 26,125 2,375 28,500 28,500 28,500 380 190 4,180 3,990 8,740 250 Household / Laundry / Clean 255 Medical / Surgical / Dental 256 Protective Clothing 272 Uniform Rental Budget F 3. 1 App~ 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Sanitation JeffersonviIle City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Sanitation 2 SUPPLIES Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Printing and Advertising 330 Advertising Insurance 351 Insurance 359 Life Insurance Repairs and Maintenance 321 Computer Supplies Other Services and Charges 302 Services Contractual 303 Petty Cash 369 Landfill 370 Environmental Fees Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Land 499 Land Buildings 400 Buildings Machinery and Equipment 474 Motor Equipment Items Total Estimate 66,215 855 2,000 4,600 2,850 64,440 500 189,443 61,750 855 6,600 2,850 316,133 326,438 Budget F Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS ).1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Sanitation Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Sanitation Items Total Estimate Budget F TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the Sanitation Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: 821,992 Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: City-County Building Rental 0318 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: City-County Building Rental 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Other Services and Charges 395 Building Rental Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Items 260,000 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the City-County Building Rental Total Estimate 260,000 260,000 260,000 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Budget 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Motor Vehicle Highway 0708 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Motor Vehicle Highway 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Commissioner 112 Assistant Director 114 Electricel Engineer 115 Supervisor 116 Ddver / Laborer (6) 117 Driver / CDL (6) 118 Equipment Operator 119 Part-Time / Temporary 131 Overtime Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity 196 Birthday Pay Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 201 Office Supplies Operating Supplies 232 Fuel 248 Chemicals Repair and Maintenance Supplies 236 Tools / Supplies 237 Garage / Motor Supplies 270 Signs I Paint Items Total Estimate 36,799 31,462 32,782 29,035 146,523 152,097 31,050 23,198 26,898 38,636 38,636 25,750 1,700 6OO 24,200 3,630 6,050 9,680 31 ,,460 509,844 104,722 614,566 6OO 27,830 47,190 Budget o. 1 Other Supplies 250 Household / Cleaning 1,815 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Motor Vehicle Highway 0708 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Motor Vehicle Highway 2 SUPPLIES 255 Medical / Surgical / Dental 271 Protective Clothing 272 Uniform Rental Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Mileage 331 Repeater Service 332 Mobile Phones Insurance 351 Insurance 358 Hespit~lization 359 Employee Life Insurance Utility Services 340 Utilities Repairs and Maintenance 350 Buildings / Structures Other Services and Charges 301 Drug / Alcohol 327 Postage 363 Equipment Rental Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Buildings 400 Buildings 401 INAAP Rent Items Total Estimate 240 7,260 9,680 1,936 3,630 3,025 12,826 9,317 17,903 2,400 24O 6,050 18,995 94,615 8,591 12,826 9,317 17,903 8,690 57,327 0 24,000 Budget 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Motor Vehicle Highway 0708 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Motor Vehicle Highway 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 474 Motor Equipment Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Items TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) 0/Ve) hereby certify that the foregoing is a t~e and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the Motor Vehicle Highway Total Estimate 24,000 0 24,000 790,508 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Budget 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOP, FUND: Probation User Fund JeffersonviIle City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Probation User Fund 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 110 Judge 117 Probation Secratafies 118 Collection Clerk Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 196 Birthday Pay Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 201 Stationery / Pdnting 216 Office Supplies 217 Other Office Supplies Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Mileage Insurance 358 Hospitalization 359 Employee Life Insurance Repairs and Maintenance 325 Maintenance Service 363 Equipment Repair Items Total Estimate 15,827 22,770 21,063 4,772 4,772 200 2,500 500 1,000 500 12,265 1,200 7,000 4,000 59,660 9,744 69,404 4,000 4,000 5OO 13,465 11,000 Budget F Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 500 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Probation User Fund Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Probation User Fund 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 355 Subscriptions / Dues 356 Bond Premiums 357 School t Education Items Total Estimate 600 100 500 Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 473 Furniture / Fixtures 475 Office Equipment Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,700 26,665 2,000 1,000 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (]) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the Probation User Fund 3,000 3,000 103,069 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Budget F 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Police Pension FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED July 1, 200'1 State Board of Jan. 1, 2002 StateTBaOxaldIf to Tax to CommissiOners Dec. 31, 2001 Commissioners Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 710 1,666 ~ 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 13,228 31,084 2714 PERF & OASI Reimbursements 298,932 298,932 1415 Assessments 5,644 11,288 6505 CVET 0 0 6500 Non-identified Revenue 0 0 9999 Total Columns A and 318,514 342,970 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Parks and Recreation FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec, 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 2,542 3,908 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 47,399 72,886 6200 Rental of Property 1,000 2,000 2602 Swimming Pool 0 150,000 6505 CVET 9,213 0 6500 Non-identified Revenue 0 21,000 9999 Total Columns A and 60,154 249,793 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Cumulative Capital Development FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 611 1,264 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 11,398 23,581 6100 Interest on Investments 0 0 6505 CVET 2,215 0 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 0 0 9999 Total Columns A and 14,224 24,845 -X- Tax 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Fire Pension FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 858 1,552 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 15,984 28,940 2714 PERF & OASI Reimbursements 387,647 387,647 1415 Assessments 8,885 17,771 6505 CVET 0 0 6500 Non-identified Revenue 0 0 9999 Total Columns A and 413,374 435,909 -X- Tax 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffemonville City Clark TAXING UNiT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - General FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 EST]MATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 18,559 37,696 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 346,126 703,133 6100 Interest on Investments 55,000 121,000 3101 Dog Tax License 0 0 3201 Building Permits 112,000 220,000 2101 Plan Commission Charges 0 15,000 2501 Dog Pound Fees 5,000 4101 Court Docket Fees 1,065 2,000 4102 Court Receipts 3,197 7,000 5101 Sale of Fixed Assets 0 35,000 4100 Fines and Fees 0 0 2103 Copies of Public Records 0 0 1502 Liquor Gal[onage Tax Dist. 22,715 47,727 1503 Cigaratte Tax Dist. - General Fund 9,173 30,645 2711 Reimbursements 33,333 33,333 5202 Transfer from C. C. I. Fund 200,000 0 2715 P.LL.O.T. (Sewage) 200,000 200,000 3102 Insight Communications Franchise Fee 152,004 152,004 3202 Zoning Maps and Books 0 500 9902 County Share Animal Shelter 70,023 103,098 6200 Rental of Property 0 0 3200 Permits 200 400 2707 Police Security 2708 Case Reports & Photo Copy 2,000 4,000 6501 Miscellaneous Reciepts 0 21,000 6505 CVET 67,274 141,275 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 4,050 4,050 9999 Total Columns A and 1,301,719 1,878,862 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Local Road & Street FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 0 0 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 0 0 1417 Local Road and Street Dist. 56,758 110,900 1407 State Grants - Highway and Transportation 0 0 9999 Total Columns A and 56,758 110,900 -X- Tax 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Sanitation FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 1,95! 3,160 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 36,376 58,952 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 0 0 6505 CVET 7,070 14,000 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 0 0 9999 Total Columns A and 45,397 76,112 -X- Tax 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - City-County Building Rental FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 656 1,011 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 12,236 18,865 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 0 0 6505 CVET 2,008 0 9999 Total Columns A and 14,899 19,876 Tax 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Motor Vehicle Highway FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 0201 FIT Tax 0 0202 Auto and Aimraff Excise Ta 0 1416 MotorVeh. Highway/County Highway Dist. 251,808 1425 MVH NUMBER 1 49,569 1426 MVH NUMBER 2 31,811 9999 Total Columns A and 332,988 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -X- -B- State Board of Jan. 1, 2002 Tax to Commissionem Dec. 31, 2002 0 0 590,230 49,56g 31,811 671,610 Tax 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNiT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Probation User Fund FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 0 0 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Ta 0 0 4100 Fines and Fees 44,000 125,000 9999 Total Colurcns A and 44,000 125,000 Tax C Z ~ Z C C Z _~. 0 Z C o, ~88§ =88o ~o~ C Z §88 ~ =8888 ~ 888 8o8~ 880- 8 8 88~© o C Z · 'n Z C C Z ~o~ 'b o Z z c C Z ~88 B~ 88 ~ 88 o 8 8 ~ 888~ ~ 888 _ -oo888- m~ mz mr~z mm~z m m ,o8o88 ~ bo b b o = 88o- ~8 Oo oo-- [ ~ 88 ~ 888 ~8oo ~88oo =o~p =og~p ~888§ Z 0 -~1 Z Z o Z -n Z o 0~ 0 0 0 0 o o o o 0 o 0 o~ C Z m Z Z C Z '-a Z O~ c 88888 < ~. ~ 0 X m Z --I C Z ~ a 0 m rrl o 8 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ o Oo o o ~~ o o o o O~ C Z r:X ITl m 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOP, FUND: Police Pension 0342 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Police Pension 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Salaries 112 Secretary Salary 113 Death Benefits Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 201 Office Supplies ?__._._.???~?_~?~ ....................................... Other Supplies 255 Medical / Surgical / Dental Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services 385 Legal Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Mileage Items Total Estimate 614,759 3,000 27,000 644,759 644,759 Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 356 Premiums on Bonds Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 475 475 95O 4,275 4,275 5,225 4,750 4,750 4,750 4,750 238 100 338 9,838 Budget F .I 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Police Pension 0342 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Police Pension Items Total Estimate ,1 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the Police Pension Fund Name: for the calender yssr 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Oepartme~ Name: 659,822 Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H~ 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Parks and Recreation 1301 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Texing Unit DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation Budget F 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Superintendent 112 Assistant Superintendent 113 Director of Programs 114 Director of Athletics 115 Office Manager 1 t 6 Swimming Pool Staff 117 Part-Time Labor 118 Full-Time Labor (7) 119 Recreation Supervisors 120 Director of Maintenance 121 Director of Aquatics 130 Overtime Items Total Estimate 36,799 29,488 27,945 25,358 26,548 0 33,350 166~790 82,209 29,488 22,441 19,420 479,836 43,722 43,722 26,368 1,400 115,212 595,048 Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity J_?~_._.___~!Eh_d~Y___P~ ............................................. Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 210 Office Supplies Operating Supplies 215 Recreation Supplies 216 Community Activities 225 Pool Supplies Repair and Maintenance Supplies 240 Building Materials 245 Garage / Motor Supplies 3,373 3,373 35,430 2,545 18,702 56,677 5,349 10,180 .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Parks and Recreation 1301 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation 2 SUPPLIES 247 Trees / Shrubs 270 Paints / Signs / Etc. Other Supplies 265 Supplies General 275 Uniforms Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services 345 Professional Services Communications and Transportation _3__3_0._._._.T_r?!!.~!?~ ......................................... Printing and Advertising 342 Advertising ~_____?_?!~ ................................................. Insurance 359 Life Insurance Utility Services 344 Utilities Items Total Estimate 1,017 2,036 28,559 1,900 10,844 3,475 3,089 3,983 3,600 78,945 18,582 30,459 109,091 10,844 3,475 7,072 3,600 78,945 Repairs and Maintenance 340 Grass Cutting 347 Tree Trimming 348 Waste Removal 362 Repairs Bldg. / Structure 364 Electric / Plumbing Repairs 365 Maintenance Contract 395 Equipment Repair 2,036 5,090 2,850 24,500 10,384 4,072 .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Parks and Recreation '1301 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 331 Lease / Rental 346 Abstracts / Deeds 350 Park Board Members Items Total Estimate 51,375 Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 658 4,142 504 1,968 504 7,776 163,087 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Land 499 Land Improvements Other Than Buildings 465 Sand / Dirt / Brick Duet Machinery and Equipment 491 Mowers 490 Heavy Vehicles (Trucks, Backhoes, etc..) Other Capital Outlays 600 Park Capital N/R 601 Bond Payment Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS 54,150 0 54,150 54,150 .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Parks and Recreation 1301 JeffersonviIle City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation Items Total Estimate .1 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) (VVe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the Parks and Recreation Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Da~e this day of Department Name: 921,376 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: Cumulative Capital Development 2391 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT; Cumulative Capital Development 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 480 Police Department VehMes 483 Fire Truck Lease 485 Computer Lease 486 Software Development .~_7..-. __F.!?__ .D.?~ .~ ...t.?_~_ ~!!~.! ................................. Other Capital Outlays 479 Misc. Capital Purchases 484 State of N Loan Payment terns 0 68,943 47,000 Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ('We) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the Cumulative Capital Development Total Estimate 0 115,943 200,000 0 200,000 315,943 315,943 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR Budget .1 FUND: Fire Pension Jeffersonville City Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Fire Pension 1 PERSONALSERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Salaries 112 Secretary Salary 113 Death Benefits Total PERSONAL SERVICES 0341 1030205 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 200 official Records 210 Other Office Supplies Other Supplies _2_ ~ _ _ _. _ r~ ~ ?! ?_a.l_ ~ .~.u_r_g_ ?a! L ~ _e_n.t_a. ! ............................... Items Total Estimate Appr 1,038,678 3,000 27,000 1,068,678 1,068,678 380 190 570 3,325 3,325 3,895 Total SUPPLIES 95O 950 950 950 570 570 2,470 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services 317 Attorney Fees Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Mileage Other Services and Charges _3_~_7. _ _._P_o.~!~?~ .................................... Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 473 Furniture / Fixtures 0 0 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOP, FUND: Fire Pension 0341 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Fire Pension Items Total Estimate 0 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby ced:ify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses ef the Fire Pension 1,075,043 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposas therein specified. Date this day of Departme~ Name: Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H~ 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Planning and Zoning .1 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 11 '~ Plan & Zone Director 112 Zoning Administrator 113 Code Enforcement Officer 114 Meeting Stenographer Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity .1_ _g_6. _. _. _ _B_ ! ?.h_ d.a_y_ .l~y_ ............................................... Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 210 Other Office Supplies Operating Supplies 215 Signs Other Supplies 217 Historic Board of Review Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 376 Travel / Mileage Printing and Advertising 301 Stationery / Printing 34'~ Legal Ads Items Total Estimate 42,109 31,299 10,350 3,300 87,058 6,700 6,700 4,738 200 18,338 105,396 95O 95O 0 0 285 285 1,235 570 570 950 475 1,425 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Planning and Zoning 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Insurance 359 Life Insurance Repairs and Maintenance 366 Computer Service Other Services and Charges 316 Bd of Zoning Appeals 318 Bd of Plan Commission 327 Postage 330 Zoning Ordinances 355 Subscriptions / Dues 357 Education / Training 362 Svcs. Cont. - Planner 375 KIPDA Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Land 499 Land Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS items Total Estimate 6OO 998 2,736 5,776 1,957 4,750 475 950 9,500 10,326 6O0 998 36,470 40,063 0 0 0 Budget F .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Planning and Zoning Items Total Estimate .1 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Planning and Zoning Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: 146,694 Signature and Title of Officer(s) 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: City/Town Council 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salades and Wages 111 Councilpersons Salaries 112 Service Officer Employee Benefits .t ?%_._.s_?_?!~Ls.?_~!~ ............................................. Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies ?_!.%.._._o_t?.r_~_c~?.u_~?!!~?. ................................. Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services 385 Prof. Svce. Contrac'[ual Items Communications and Transportation 330 Travel Insurance 351 Insurance 358 Hospitalization 359 Li~ Insumnce Repairs and Maintenance 382 Sidewalk Renovation Total Estimate 63,575 5,500 69,075 5,086 5,086 74,161 1,500 1,500 1,500 19,000 19,000 9,500 9,500 350,000 800,000 2,100 1,152,100 20,900 20,900 Budget Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 355 Subscriptions / Dues 357 E.D.C. Dues 475 5,700 12,350 ¸,1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: City/Town Council Items Total Estimate 14,250 0 13,300 2,375 19,000 3,800 19,000 1,000 875 475 92,600 1,294,1 O0 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 365 General Promotion 367 Drainage Non/Reverting 369 Special Projects 381 Jeff Fest 383 Main Street 397 Fringe Area Expense 398 Greenway Project 399 Clark County Health Care Clinic 396 Howard Steamboat Museum 397 Human Relations Commission Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General City/Town Council 1,369,761 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Board Public Works 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 312 Telephone 389 Switchboard Operator Utility Services 340 Electric Current Water Repairs and Maintenance 325 Maintenance Service Other Services and Charges 363 Traffic Signals 375 County Cour[ Rental 392 Medical / Hepatitis B 395 Historic District Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Items Total Estimate 52,250 18,050 70,300 190,000 3,800 193,800 665 665 19,000 11,600 1,900 6,650 39,150 303,915 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Board Public Works 303,915 Fund Name; for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT~ City or Town Court 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 City Court Judge 112 City Court Clerk 113 Deputy City Court Clerk 115 Probation Officer .~ !_4__~._ ._D~_~ _C..o_u_ _rt ~?~???_ ............................... Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity 196 Birthday Pay Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 200 Official Records .2_??___~___s!?_t!~?~/.F?_t!_n.g_ ...................................... Items Total Estimate 36,259 22,575 22,575 34,314 0 115,723 9,768 9,7'68 2,070 200 21,806 137,529 57O 285 855 475 475 1,330 Other Supplies 210 Other Supplies Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services ~ !_o. _ .___ __P~?:.T_ ?.~.. ~u_ ??. ...................................... Communications and Transportation 330 Trave~ 1 Mileage tnsurance 359 Life Insurance 950 950 950 950 900 .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: City or Town Court Items 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 355 Subscriptions / Dues 356 Premium on Bonds 360 Statute Supplements 363 Equipment Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE Total Estimate 900 475 143 100 380 428 1,526 4,326 143,185 (I) ONe) hereby cer[ify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General City or Town Court Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purpcees therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: .1 Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Fire Department 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Salaries 112 Fire Secretary 113 Over[ime 114 Hazmat / EMS Employee Benefits 197 Pension 198 SocialSecuri~ 199 PERF Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 200 Official Records 201 Stationery / Printing 210 Other Office Supplies Operating Supplies 248 Chemicals Items Total Estimate 2,182,417 28,267 60,000 26,838 2,287,522 373,633 18,500 2,500 100 394,733 2,682,255 1,425 285 1,425 3,135 475 475 1,900 4,750 3,800 10,450 9,500 9,500 23,560 Repair and Maintenance Supplies 235 Tires & Tubes 237 Other Garage / Motor Other Supplies 265 Supplies, General Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Fire Depa[tment 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation .3.!~___._.T_,.~e?~ ................................................. Insurance 359 Life Insurance Utility Services 340 Electric Current 342 Gas Heat 346 Water Items Total Estimate 2,850 2,850 15,000 15,000 13,300 13,300 2,850 3,325 32,775 17,100 28,500 6,650 52,250 570 68,052 475 2,850 1,900 2,850 76,697 179,572 348 Sewage Repairs and Maintenance 362 Building Structure 363 Repairs / Equipment 386 Repairs / Office Machines Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 354 Clothing Allowance 355 Subscriptions / Dues 357 School / Education 372 Exting. / Air Bottles 385 Services Contractual Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 472 Furniture / Fixtures 476 Other Equipment .!?. __._.y??~ ~_c. ?.~._?o_~:?~?! ................ Other Capital Outlays 0 0 0 0 ,.1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Fire Department Items Total Estimate o 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 478 Hazmat Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby cer[ify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Fire Department 2,885,387 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Budget ,.1 Signature an~ 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Police Department 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Police Salaries 115 Dispatchers (6) 116 Chief Records Clerk (1) t 21 Bre~halyzer 166 Security Fund 170 SWAT Team 171 K-9 117 Secretary 118 Part Time Clerk 6 New Patrolmen Items Total Estimate 2,008,508 152,754 28,010 21,100 113,850 5,110 2,555 28,010 10,350 0 2,370,247 439,000 Employee Benefits 197 Pension 198 Social Security 199 PERF ~?~___.___~!_rth.d~_~'~¥ ............................................. Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 200 Records / Photo Supply 201 Stationary / Pdnting 210 Other Office Supplies Operating Supplies .2_?. _. __. __K:~ .S__u.p_ ~!!?. ....................................... Other Supplies 255 Medical / Surgical I Dental 264 Public Relations Total SUPPLIES 66,000 18,250 8OO 524,050 2,894,297 3,800 2,660 8,835 15,295 8,075 8,075 1,900 4,275 6,175 29,545 .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Police Department OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 312 Telephone 314 IDACS Maintenance _~._o._.___~?[ L _M.i!?~ ...................................... Insurance 359 Life Insurance Repairs and Maintenance 370 Equipment Repair Other Services and Charges 322 Police Intelligence 327 Postage 354 Clothing Allowance 355 Subscriptions / Dues 357 School / Education Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 475 Office Equipment 480 Police Equipment vehicles 481 Dive Equipment 485 DARE Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Items Total Estimate 19,475 23,750 3,325 46,550 16,800 16,800 4,750 4,750 8,550 760 80,000 570 16,625 106,505 174,605 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Police Department Items TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Police Department Total Estimate 3,098,447 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Signatur 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Law Department PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages t 11 City Attorney 112 Paralegal Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity .1_?~__ ._.~_!~t_h__~¥ _P~ ........................................... Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 210 Office Supplies .2_!.9_.___~.B_ ~o_1~ !. _S_~ p~l~r?.n_t.s_ ................................. Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services 315 Special Counsel 320 Special Meeting Steno 390 Legal intern _3__9_~._._.._A_???~ ............................................. Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Mileage 382 Intemet Service 383 Cellular Phone Insurance 359 Life Insurance Items Total Estimate 42,607 25,417 68,024 5,442 8,442 1,030 200 12,114 80,138 1,140 950 2,090 2,090 1,900 190 5,700 0 7,790 1,425 238 713 2,376 600 600 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Law Department 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Other Services and Charges 325 Computer Service 327 Postage 340 Seminars / Conferences 341 Legal Publications 355 Subscriptions / Dues 380 Computer Training Items Total Estimate 381 Recording Fees Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) 0/Ve) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Law Department 618 38O 1,140 190 78O 285 190 3,583 14,349 96,577 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therain specified. Date this day of Department Name: .1 Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Animal Shelter .1 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Director 112 Animal Control Officer 113 Operations Coordinator 115 Kennel Master (1) 117 Kennel Assiatant (1) 118 Surgical Assistant (1) 119 Adoptions Assistant 120 Part Time 197 Overtime Employee Benefits 198 PERF - Regular 199 Social Security _?~ ___. _ .8_!_?~ .~'_a_y_ .............................................. Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 201 Printing 210 Office supplies 211 Computer Supplies Operating Supplies 248 Chemicals 255 Medical Supplies 257 Dog/Cat Food/Litter 258 Other Animal Supplies Repair and Maintenance Supplies 240 Maintenance Supplies 249 Cleaning Supplies items Total Estimate 36,799 27,900 24,197 18,127 0 0 18,127 17,739 7,093 149,982 11,188 11,188 500 22,876 172,858 1,900 1,900 950 4,750 6,175 2,850 1,900 1,425 12,350 2,375 6,175 8,550 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Animal Shelter .1 2 SUPPLIES Other Supplies 256 Other Supplies Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services 326 Veterinarian Services Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Maintenance 370 Cellular Phones 371 Beepers Insurance 359 Life Insurance Utility Services 340 Electric Current 342 Gas Heat 346 Water Repairs and Maintenance 362 Repair Parts 363 Equipment Repair 364 Electric / Plumbing Repair _3_ .6~_. _. _ ~ _ _[_n.~[0 ~.r_a_'~° r ~..H_e_ _a~_ .R_?_air_ ............................ Other Services and Charges 327 Pest Control 331 Postage 332 Education 354 Clothing Allowance 372 Secudty System Monitor Items Total Estimate 2,850 2,850 28,500 76O 76O 1,330 1,900 380 3,610 9OO 9O0 8,075 15,200 1,900 25,175 760 1,900 1,140 4,940 950 t90 950 8,040 475 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Animal Shelter 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 390 Summer Intern Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment 400 Improvements / Equipment 403 Caging 405 Machinery / Safety Equip. 406 Other Equipment 433 Office Equipment ._47__5._._._ .?a_!?. _v_~: _A..n_i~_ .C_ ? nt_ _r.o_~ .......................... Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) (VVe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Animal Shelter Items Total Estimate 1,425 7,030 42,415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243,773 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Budget .1 Signature and 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Clerk 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Sa]aries and Wages 111 Clerk Treasurer 112 Chief Deputy 113 Firs~ Deputy 114 Second Deputy 117 Council Meeting Minutes 118 Third Deputy 119 Council Workshop Minutes _? ~_ ___. _D~.u_~ _A. ?~[%n! ....................................... Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity .?~__.___B!_~?___P~ ........................................... Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 201 Stationery & Supplies Items Total Estimate 42,054 35,106 29,355 28,520 4,500 26,386 1,000 0 166,921 12,750 12,750 10,172 500 36,172 203,093 9,500 9,500 9,500 13,300 13,300 3,325 0 3,325 1,500 Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services _3_ _6_7. _. _. _ _c_o_ ??_ _r. ~P.r.o_~ ~_m. _ _m_i ~_g ................................. Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Mileage 369 Cellular telephone Insurance 359 Life Insurance .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Clerk 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Items Total Estimate 1,500 2,615 570 900 0 1,425 5,510 Budget Foi Other Services and Charges 327 Po~tage 355 Subscriptions / Dues 356 Premiums on Bonds 368 Internet SeiMce 341 Legal Ads Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment __~._% _.___~ _u!_p~._! ................................................. Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 23,635 0 0 0 236,228 (I) ONe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Clerk Fund Name: for the calender year :'2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: .1 Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department H( 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Mayor 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Mayor 113 Mayor's Secretary 115 Youth Commission Director Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 210 Other Office Supplies Items Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 312 Telephone 330 Travel / Mileage Printing and Advertising .3_~___._.P_?_'?~ s__t~!?~ ................................. Insurance 359 Life Insurance Repairs and Maintenance 3.2_5. _. _ _ _. _C?.?~ ~?.ig_e. _ _M.a_ !n_ ! _e.n_~g c?. ....................... Other Services and Charges Total Estimate 44,272 26,652 27,945 98,869 7,908 7,908 1,854 300 17,970 116,839 1,140 1,140 1,140 2,660 9,500 12,160 1,425 1,425 900 900 4,750 4,750 Budget .1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Mayor 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 327 Postage 355 Subscriptions & Dues 365 General Promotion 366 Youth Commission Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment .4_7_s__. __._9.~r_'?~ ~9~ ?_?~t ........................................ Items Total Estimate Apprc 475 475 19,000 12,350 32,300 51,535 0 0 Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) (VVe) hereby certify that the foregoing is a t~ue and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Mayor 169,514 Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department HE 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0'101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Engineer 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages f f 2 City Engineer Secretary 113 Laborer 131 Overtime Employee Benefits 198 Social Security 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity ?_6.______B!?~?~¥ ............................................... Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 210 Other Office Supplies 212 Drafting Supplies Items Other Supplies 256 Protective Clothing 272 Uniform Rental Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Professional Services 385 Professional Services Communications and Transportation 328 Travel / Mileage 329 Repeater Service 330 MobileTelephones Insurance Total Estimate 8,814 30,033 4,478 43,325 3,108 3,108 3,502 200 9,918 53,243 2,375 57O 2,945 3,990 1,580 5,570 8,515 23,750 23,750 950 1,425 1,900 4,275 Budget F( ~1o. 1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Engineer 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 359 Life Insurance Repairs and Maintenance 340 Vehicle Insurance 345 Office Repairs 348 Tool Repair Rentals 355 Tool Rental Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 337 Blue Prints / Photos 386 Janitor Service Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Buildings 410 Building Maintenance Items Total Estimate Appr( Machinery and Equipment 425 Equipment Tools / Rental 450 Trucks Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS 300 750 1,425 1,188 300 3,363 2,375 2,375 570 713 4,940 6,223 40,286 0 0 0 0 0 0 '! No. 1 Budget Fo~ ;d 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 T~ing Unit DEPARTMENT: Engineer Items Total Estimate TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (I) (We) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Engineer 102,044 Budget Fo~ Appr¢ Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: Signature and Title of Officer(s) or Department He ~d 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Building Department 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 111 Building Commissioner 112 Administrative Aid 113 Chief Clerk 114 Secretary 115 Electrical inspector 116 Building Inspector 117 HVAC / Plumbing Inspector 119 Code Enforcement Officer Employee Benefits 198 Social Secudty 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity 196 Birthday Pay Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 201 Stationery / Printing 210 Other Office Supplies Other Supplies 212 Film / Processing / Tape Total SUPPLIES 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Communications and Transportation 330 Travel / Mileage 340 Radio Service 346 Radio / Repeater Service Items Total Estimate 42,133 24,827 27,311 23,873 33,294 31,183 31,183 12,793 18,127 18,127 10,918 7OO 226,597 47,872 274,469 1,995 2,185 190 4,180 190 4,370 760 1,140 1,900 Budg~ Fo No, 1 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Building Department 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Printing and Advertising 366 Advertising Insurance 359 Life insurance Repairs and Maintenance 345 Equipment Maintenance 365 Vehicle Repair Other Services and Charges 327 Postage 355 Subscriptions / Dues 357 Education / Training 370 Code Enforcement Cont. Total OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Machinery and Equipment ,~31 Computer / Equipment 432 Computer/Programming Other Capital Outlays 410 Demolition N/R 412 Permitting Program Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Items Total Estimate o 1,920 1,520 1,900 2,090 570 1,900 4,750 1,920 3,420 9,310 16,550 0 Budget Fc 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Building Department Items TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATE (i) (We) hereby certiflj that the foregoing is a tree and fair estimate or the necessary expenses of the General Building Department Total Estimate 295,389 Budgetl Fund Name: for the calender year 2002 for the purposes therein specified. Date this day of Department Name: 2002 BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FUND: General 0101 Jeffersonville City 1030205 Taxing Unit DEPARTMENT: Vehicle Maintenance Budget 1 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages 112 Maintenance Director 113 Mechanic #1 114 Mechanic ¢2 115 Mechanic #3 116 Diesel Mechanic 117 Secretary 118 Mechanic Helper / Cleaning 131 Overtime Employee Benefits 198 Social Secudty 199 PERF - Regular 197 Longevity .?~__..___B!~_h._d??~¥ ............................................. Total PERSONAL SERVICES 2 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 2Ol Printing ~!~_._..?~.r_,?~..s._u?.??_ ......................................... Operating Supplies 235 Gas / Diesel Fuel Repair and Maintenance Supplies 232 Tires / Tubes 234 Oils / Lubrications 237 Shop Supplies 238 Garage / Motor Other Supplies 239 Red Lights / Sirens Items Total Estimate 36,799 26,629 26,629 26,629 26,629 3,744 20,700 7,462 175,221 12,773 12,773 5,562 700 31,808 207,029 808 1,425 2,233 114,000 114,000 16,625 16,150 11,400 76,000 120,175 7,600 o o ~ o~o ~ m ~o~ ~ o~ ~ ~ 88°88o z "~ z c c ?. Z Z ~o~ C C Z Z ~o888 ~ ~°°88 ~ 88888 8 o 88o Z 0 '~ Z C C C oo §oo o ~ ~ 00000 C Z 'TI Z C C Z 0 0 ~oooo ~ ~88g8 ~8888 - Ooooo 8 888 ~ ®8888 ~ ~8888 - Ooooo - Ooooo o R ~ o~ ~ ~8~ 88888 Z Z C z -n Z z o ~> o o bbbbb bbbbb .-, C~ Z -n Z (~ CZ Z C Z C Z '0 D~888 o~- m ~ < 00000 00000 C Z C Z Z -n 7 ~ C Z 103(Y'z05 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonvil~e Ci[y Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- Fire Pension FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 858 1,552 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Tax 15,984 28,940 2714 PERF & OASI Reimbursements 387,647 387,647 1415 Assessments 8,885 17,771 6505 CVET 0 0 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 0 0 9999 Total Columns A and B 413,374 435,909 Tax 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jefferecnville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- General FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 9999 Total Columns A and B 1,301,7t9 1503 Cigarette Tax Dist. - General Fund 9,173 30,645 2711 Reimbursements 33,333 33,333 5202 Transfer from C. C. I. Fund 200,000 0 2715 P.LL.O.T. (Sewage) 200,000 200,000 3102 Insight Communications Franchise Fee 152,004 152,004 3202 Zoning Maps and Books 0 500 9902 County Sham Animal Shelter 70,023 103,098 6200 Rental of property 0 0 3200 Permits 200 400 2707 Police Security 2708 Case Reports & Photo Copy 2,000 4,000 6501 Miscellaneous Reciepts 0 21,000 6505 CVET 67,274 141,275 6500 Noo-ldentified Revenue 4,050 4,050 22,715 1502 Liquor Gallonage Tax Dist. 47,727 ,878,862 0201 FIT Tax 18,559 37,696 : 0202 Auto and Aircraf~ Excise Tax 346,126 703,133 6100 Intersst on Investmenta 55,000 121,000 3101 Dog Tax License 0 0 3201 Building Perrnits 112,000 220,000 2101 Plan Commission Charges 0 0 2501 Dog Pound Fees 5,000 15,000 4101 Court Docket Fees 1,065 2,000 4102 Cou~t Reooipts 3,197 7,000 5101 Sale of Fixed Asssts 0 35,000 4100 Finesand Fees 0 0 2103 Copies of Public Records 0 0 i 03020~ 200'2 ID YEAR 10 CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- Local Road & Street FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July t, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 0 0 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Tax 0 0 1417 Local Road and Street Dist. 56,758 i 10,900 1407 State Grants - Highway and Transportation 0 0 9999 Total Columns A and B 56,758 110,900 1030205 'Z~02 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- Motor Vehicle Highway FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED 0201 FIT Tax -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 1426 MVH NUMBER2 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -X- -B- State Board of Jan. 1, 2002 Tax to Commissioners Dec, 31, 2002 31,8tl 0202 Auto and Aimraft Excise Tax 0 0 1416 Motor Veh. Highway/County Highway Dist. 251,608 590,230 1425 MVH NUMBER 1 49,569 49,569 31,811 9999 Total Columns A and B 671,610 10~0205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- Parks and Recreation FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 2,542 3,908 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Tax 47,399 72,886 6200 Rental of Property 1,000 2,000 2602 Swimming Pool 0 150,000 6505 CVET 9,213 0 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 0 21,000 9999 Total Columns A and B 60,154 249,793 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- Cumulative Capital Development FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 9999 Total Columns A and B 14,224 0201 FIT Tax 6t 1 1,264 0202 Auto and Aircmf~ Excise Tax 11,398 23,581 i 6100 Intersst on Investments 0 0 6505 CVET 2,215 0 6500 Non-identified Revenue 0 0 ~ 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Police Pension FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 1415 Assessments -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners 5,644 -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 0201 FIT Tax 710 1,666 0202 Auto and Aircraft Exciss Tax 13,228 31,084 2714 PERF & OASI Reimbursements 298,932 298,932 11,288 65O5 CVET 0 0 6500 Non-identified Revenue 0 0 9999 Total ColumnsAaed B 318,514 342,970 -X-i O3O2O5 2O02 ID YEAR 10 CO Jeffersonvi[le City Clark TAXING UNiT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - Sanitation FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED F~r -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 0201 FIT Tax 1,951 0202 Auto and AimraE Excise Tax 36,376 6500 Non-ldent~edRevenue 0 6505 CVET 7,070 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 9999 Total Columns A and S ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -X- -B- StYe Board of Jan. 1, 2002 Tax to Commissionem Dec. 31, 2002 3,160 58,952 0 14,000 0 76,112 1030205 2002 10 ID YEAR CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- Probation User Fund FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED 0201 FIT Tax -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Tax 4100 Fines and Fses 44,000 9999 Total ColumnsAand B 44,000 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 State Board Tax 0 0 125,000 125,000 103O2O5 20O2 ID YEAR 10 CO Jeffersonville City Clark TAXING UNIT COUNTY ESTIMATE OF MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE- City-County Building Rental FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR USE IN PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE OF FUNDS TO'BE RAISED For 0201 FIT Tax 0202 Auto and Aircraft Excise Tax -A- July 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001 656 12,236 6500 Non-Identified Revenue 0 6505 CVET 2,008 i 9999 Total Columns A and B 14,899 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RECEIVED -X- State Board of Tax Commissioners -B- Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 _X.¸ State Board ( Tax 1,011 18,865 0 0 19,876