HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-OR-27Shirley Nolot 7P CLRRK COUNTY RECORDER Clark County Recorder I 200123512 . Page I of 7 C1 Date 10/24/2001 T~e 12:14:49 ORDINANCE NO. 2001-OR'_ AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY BY VOLUNTARY PETITION WHEREAS, the Indiana Port Commtssto , the owner of 66.333 acres parcel of land (hereinafter "the Parcel") located outside of but contiguous to the City of Jeffersonville (hereinafter "the City") has filed a petition requesting annexation of the Parcel (the '?etition"), which Petition is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the Petition was set for public hearing on August 20,2001 at the regularly scheduled meeting of the jeffersonville Common Council (the "Council"); and WHEREAS, on July 21,200 I, Indiana Port Commission was provided written notice of the public hearing of this Voluntary annexation; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing on the Petition was published in the Evening N.~ew__~s on July 21, 2001; and WHEREAS, after holding a public hearing at its regularly scheduled meeting of August 20, 2001, the Council finds: 1. The Parcel is contiguous to the City as required by IC 36-4-3-1.5 except that at least %, instead of 1/8 of the aggregate external boundaries of the Parcel coincide with the City's boundaries; 2. The Parcel is needed and can be used by the City for its development in the reasonably near future. 3. The City has developed and adopted a written fiscal plan as memorialized in Exhibit A attached hereto and~¢adopted as part of the annexation; and WHEREAS, the Council believes it is in the best interests of the City that the Petition be granted and the Parcel be annexed into the City; that, pursuant to the provisions NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED of Indiana Code 36-4-3-5, the Parcel is hereby annexed into the City as a portion of the Fifth Municipal Legislative District; and IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED that pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36-4-3-22, the Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Jeffersonville is hereby ordered to immediately: 1. Publish this ordinance in the Evening News as required by IC 36-4-3-7, and 2. File this annexation ordinance with the Clark County Auditor, the Clark Circuit Court Clerk, and the office of the Secretary of State, and 3. Record a copy ofth~s annexat~o ordinance in the office of the Clark County Recorder. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed this _ ~ ~om~a~ R. Ga 'g Presiding Officer ATTEST: Clerk _Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this 2001. \% day of~ Peggy '~ttoer Clerk -Treasurer 2001. T~is Ordi~,=ce a~proved =d s~ned by me this__Lg ,_day o~ PETITION OF VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION. OF CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY~ The Indiana Port Commission, does hereby petition the City of Jeffersonville for voluntary annexation into the City of the following tract, as described in Exhibit A ,~' ,-: .... ~;ouous with the existing city boundary. incorporated herein, ~ntcn OWNER_ Indiana Port Commission By: W. Ken Massengill, Chairman DESCRIPTION OF A 66.333 ACRE TRACT OF SCHLOSSER of the Illinois Grant in Clark County, Indiana, being c part of the same tract A port of Survey No. 6 ...... ~rument No 927 end Schlosser a~c Deed Drawer 23, instrument conveyed to De nger et. will urower ~, ~n ........... No. 9052 and bounded as fo ows: Commencing at o stone in the dividing line of Surveys No. 13 and No. 14- which marks the east corner of Survey No. 13, thence the foliowing courses: South 5¢ deg. 10 min. 4,4, sec. West, 76.55 feet along the dividing line of Surveys No. § and No. 13 to or iron pin and cop set., t.he True Piece of Beginning. Thenc~ t.he followlng courses of the boundary: uth 35 dee 58 min 4,5 .sea. East, 2933.59 feet leovlng so d divid[ng llne (passing o stone.at 0.88 feet) So .~' ~-,,~ .~ark:nn t.he north corner of Howor. d (Deed Drawer 23, nstrument. 8685). to .-, P!'P -~'- -~-~erl,' lines the following courses. North ~-~ deg. 14, min. 39 sec. West, 14,03.64, feet to o stone; South 74, deg. 50 min, 12 sec, West, 606.63 feet to an iron p~pe; South 17 deg. 15 min. 23 sec. East, 170.95 feet to on iron p!pe; South 55 deg. 59 min. 43 sec. East, 14,2.06 feet t.o an iron p~pe; South 54, de.g. 28 min. 26 sec. West, 75.00 feet t.o on iron pin and cop set in the dividing llne of Survey No. 5 and No, 6; North 36 deg. O1 m~n. 11 sea. West, 836.89 feet along sold dividing line t.o o stone morklng the south corner of Pfou (Deed Drawer 26, Instrument. 16238); North.54, deg. 29 min. 28 sea. East, 511,88 feet leovlng said dividing line and along t.he southeast.em llne of said Pfou to o stone marking the east. corner of Pfou; North 35 deg. 4,2 min. 13 sec. West, 1075.56 feet to o stone in t.he dividing line of Surveys No. 6 and h of Beglnning 13; North 54- deg. 10 min. 44 sec. East, 1230.33 feet along sold dividing llne to the True Place and conto~ning 66.553 acres of land. Subject to the folIowlng rlght.-of-woy easements t.o Watson Rural Water Company Deed Record 273, page 204, Deed Record 275, page 205 Deed Record 273, page 208 Deed Record 279, page 4,4,2 Deed Drawer 19, Instrument No. 14,266, Iocot.ion indeterminate Also, subject to o Channel improvement Easement at Deed Drawer 26, Instrument No. And elsa, an easement to Gilmore Construction, Inc. at Deed Drawer 28, Inst.rument. No. 11908. FISCAL PLAN FOR VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF 66,333 ACRE TRACT OF THE INDIANA PORT COMMISSION Within one year of the effective date of the proposed annexation of the property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Indiana Port Commission Property"), the City of jeffersonvilJe (the "City") will provide the following non-capital services to the Indiana Port Commission PropertY in a manner equivalent in standard and scope to the same services the City currently provides to other areas within its corporate boundaries: 1. Police Protection - The City will not incur any additional cost to provide police protection to the Indiana Port Commission Property. 2. Fire Protection - The City will not incur any additional cost to provide fire protection to the Indiana Port Commission Property. 3. Sanitation Services - The City will not incur any additional-cost to provide sanitation services to the Indiana Port Commission Property. 4. Street and Road Maintenance Services -The City will incur only a minimal marginal increase in cost to provide street and road maintenance ',, services. Within three years of the effective date of the proposed annexation of the Indiana Port Commission property, the City will provide the following capital services to the indiana Port Commission Property in a manner equivalent in standard end scope to the same services the City currently provides to other areas within its corporate boundaries: 1. Sewer Facilities - The City will not incur any additional cost to provide sewer service to the indiana Port Commission PropertY, as the owner/developer of the indiana Port Commission Property will construct the necessary connecting sewer lines to an existing interceptor. 2. Water Facilities - The City will not incur any additional cost to provide water service to the indiana Port Commission Property, as the owner/developer wili construct the necessary connecting water lines to an existing indiana-American water line. 3. Street Construction - The City will not incur any additiona~ cost to construct streets on the indiana Port Commission PropertY. The owner/developer construct the necessary street(s) on the indiana Port Commission Property. Street Lighting - The City will not incur any additional cost to provide street lighting for. 4. Indiana Port Commission Property, as the owner/developer will install the necessar the street lighting. Form Prescribed by state Board of Accounts Clm'k County, Indiana General Form No. 99t> (Revised 1999) From: 221 Spring St. P.O. B~x §~ -- Jeffersonville, IN 47131 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither or which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines ............................................................. ] Head -- number of lines .................................................... Body -- number of lines ...... ~ ............................................ Tail -- number of lines ..................................................... Total number of lines in notice ......................................... COMPUTATION OF CHARGES ]{~ lines, ] columns wide c~iuals ill) at' ,~.q¢ cents per line ............................... ~.~ ........ $ Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of above amount ............................................ Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) ......................................................... TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ..................................... $.__ equivalent lin~ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column 9.0 ems Number of insertions ~ Size of type 6.5 point FEDERAL ID # 311498625 Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and con'ect, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of,4he same has b/~. ~~.~/.~,~. - ~ v ,'pai' NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Jeffersonville City Council will hold a public hearing on a Petition for Vol- untary Annexation at its regu- larly scheduled meeting of Au- O} gust 20, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. A copy of the Petition for Volun- tary Annexation can be in- spected in the OffiCe of the City Attorney, 4th Floor, City- County Building, 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonviile, Indiana. State of Indiana Clark County Title: Legal Bookkeeper PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ) SS: ) Personall~ appeared before me, a notary public in and fen said county and state, the Undersigned /I~2~]2AD ~. ~[2[/~ wh~9, bmng duly,sworn, ~gys that she ~s legal bookkeeper of the ~ ~/~[~ ~ newspaper of general circul~ti;n ~inter ~nd published in the English language in the (city) of Jeffersonvillc in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for ] time , the dales of publicatjo~oein~ as follows: '&~ Notary Publi~ ~*~ ~-~cc/, My commission expires: ~¢~Ao ~. ~*d~ 0 0 LEGAL ADVERTISING TABLE SHOWING PRICE PER LINE AND PE .............. ~-.-, , u,I '~ ~.- nl ~lI.J I I.-FI II~lOr-lq I IUI\ . ~ , ~., ~ . , ,, ¢, 9EmColumn ~y~ 'v, ..~,~ ,,.l&,,.;,i,),: ~, ¢ No. of Insertions Size 1 ;2,~,,,i '.. 3 !'.4 5.5 0.350 0.522 0.697 0.869 6 0.320 0.479 0.639 0.797 6.5 0.296' 0.442 0.590 0.736 "Z,t '0:2,75 t\' 0.410 0.547 0.683 7.5 .256 9 - , .,~tO 51 lt,' 0.698 8 0.240 0.359' : 0.479 0.598 9 0.214 0.319 _~ - ~-- 0,426 ....... -0.~-~i-~-' 1-0 ........ --'0-192 i 0.287 0.383 0.478-- 12 0.160 ,:~ 0.~3,9 . // 0.319 0.399 Rate/Square 4.45 ~6'.65/, " 8.87 11.07 Form,Prescribed by stat&Board of Accom ts (Governmental Unil:) Clark County, Indiana General Form No. 99p (Revised 1999) From: ~:"e, ~ ~/Jtr~ /~tfl~0~ 221 Spring St. P.O. Box 867,`/ Jeffersonville, IN 47131 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither or which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement if. set) -- number of equivalent lines ............................................................. Head -- number of lines .................................................... Body -- number of lines ...... .~ ............................................ Tail -- number of lines ..................................................... ! Total number of lines in notice ......................................... COMPUTATION OF CHARGES ~.hnes, / columns w~de cquals !__~_ equiva~[.nt ~n~s at ~*'C'/~P cents per line .................................. : ....... $ Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of above amount ............................................ Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) .......................................................... TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ..................................... * DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column 9.0 ems Number of insertions Size of type 6.5 point FEDERAL ID # 311498625 Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part o/0tlle s,an¢ lids bqerhpa]~t;~ Date: qkkl[.,~ ~,5 ~.P.)0[ Title:LegalBookkeeper ATTACH COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT HERE PUBLISHER' S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ss: Clark County ) Personally appeared before me, a not~r~v public in a~¢ f~ ~%id, county and state, the undersigned wJ~f ~bei~sg'.gfl~/,sworn~ ~gys.tllat she is legal bookkeeper of the newspaper of gengral circulation-"Jprinter and published in the English language in the (city) of Jeffei/sonviile in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is ~ true copy, which was duly published in said paper for · time , the dates of publicattion, bein£ ~.s follo~.sz © Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ ~~~/, d'/ Notary Public ~/r,o,o ¢~-~! My commis sion ex pires: .~/5~-~2.¢//~, > .~, LEGAL ADVERTISING TABLE SHOWING PRICE PER LINE AND PER INSERTION 9 Em Column Type No. of Insertions Size 1 2 3 4 5.5 0.350 0.522 0.697 0.869 6 0.320 0.479 0.639 0.797 6.5 0.296 0.442 0.590 0.736 7 0.275 0.410 0.547 0.683 Z.-5_ 0.256 0.383~_ _ 0.511~ 0.698 8 0.240 0.359 0.479 ' 0.598 0.214 0.319 0.426 0.531 10 0.192 0.287 0.383 0.478 12 0.160 0.239 0.319 0.399 Rate/Square 4.45 6.65 11.07 8.87